WindSwept Narrows: #9 Guinevere Paddington Read online

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  “What did you do to her?” Ethan said in amazement, his palm up and at her back as he walked with her perched in the crook of his arm, with one of her hands on his neck. How did his hands seem to know where to go, how to hold her?

  “Set her free,” Gwen answered with an easy shrug. “If you’ll come this way,” she turned and went up the wide staircase, three corridors at the top making him frown.

  “This place is like one giant maze.”

  “Zoe…explain,” Gwen stood to the side, listening.

  “Close our eyes, Uncle Ethan,” Zoe put two little hands on his cheeks, turning his face a little. “Now open them but only see the dark blue lines.”

  “My best pupil,” Gwen said with a wink.

  “I’ll be damned…optical illusions in the art work.”

  “Uncle Mason loves painting art with deeper meanings. The secret is to discover the color that you’re in need of to know where you want to go,” Gwen told him, gesturing to the far left corridor. “Zoe, you can walk now, please.”

  Zoe nodded. “Down, please, Uncle Ethan. I’ll show you where the dinner is,” she told him, stopping and holding her hand up to him. “You have to hold my hand, Uncle Ethan.”

  “I do, huh?” But his palm easily surrounded the small fingers that clung to his hand.

  “I won’t let you get lost,” Zoe informed him with a nod. “I’m hungry.”

  The wide double doors stood open at the end of the hall, various voices streaming through the laughter and more. Fragrant scents of cooked food reached them as they approached.

  “My coat…” Ethan felt himself sliding into the rabbit hole, the voices drawing to nothing as he came closer and closer to the doors, standing in the center like a target.

  “No problem,” Gwen stepped behind him. “Let me have it,” she nodded toward a young woman at the side. Leaning to the shorter woman and handing her the heavy black coat.

  “If you had told me,” Ethan began in a low voice pushed between his teeth. “I would have dressed…”

  Gwen chuckled. “Look with your mind instead of your eyes, Mr. Collier. You’ll see that no matter how you dress, here, you’ll always be properly attired.”

  “Are you always so disgustingly serene?” He thought he’d growled it low enough but when the laughter went up around the table, he knew better.

  “You do not know Geneviève well at all if you believe that, Mr. Collier,” Aunt Zora said with a chuckle from the other side of the large table.

  “I’ll introduce you, you’ll learn names in time,” Gwen told him with a sigh. “Please, sit here…family, this is Ethan Collier,” she lifted Zoe to her high chair, positioning it closer to the table. “You may begin serving,” she told the older woman, grinning broadly as she watched the people around her.

  “Are you hungry, Uncle Ethan?” Zoe looked at the man at her right side, offering him one of her small crackers. “I’m having clam soup,” she said with a broad grin.

  “It smells very good,” Ethan commented vaguely, his gaze taking in the most diverse group of people he’d seen around a dinner table in his life.

  “Oh, my mother, Marion and father, Albert,” Gwen gestured to his right. “And Aunt Elizabeth and Uncle Kris.”

  “It can be a bit overwhelming at first, Ethan,” Marion patted his hand lightly.

  “You must be special,” came a quiet comment from across the table, a young woman in her late teens reaching for the platter that had been placed near her, filled with sliced turkey.

  “Gwen’s never brought anyone to dinner before,” said an identical woman at her side, accepting the platter when she was finished.

  “The twins, Clarissa on the left and Jessica on the right,” Gwen said quietly from the other side of Zoe. She added some fruit compote to her plate, offering the bowl to him with a smile.

  “Zoe is the littlest one we’ve had here in a very long time,” Uncle Kris said with a nod, taking the bowl of steaming potatoes. “Everyone here is close to being over twenty.”

  “And well under sixty,” Gwen said with a chuckle.

  “That has earned you some serious extra Christmas gifts, me dear,” Uncle Kris said with a rich chuckle.

  “Indeed,” Aunt Zora agreed softly. “You have been to war,” she said, staring at Ethan, her head shaking slowly. “I am so very sorry. We hope with each new baby that there will be change in the world…that there will be tolerance and acceptance.”

  “We can only change those close to us, Aunt Zora,” Gwen said gently.

  “We must hope there are enough good humans left when we finally stop the hatred. May I ask where you were deployed?” Zora asked carefully.

  Ethan followed the lead of the people he was watching, answering her question and seeing her nod. “Most of the people I met wanted nothing to do with the conflict,” he said quietly. “They wanted nothing but to live in peace. Unfortunately, when you have people bent on conquering…it’s always the innocent that suffer.”

  “I am sorry to bring bad memories to you, Ethan,” Zora apologized, the look in his eyes telling her of his pain.

  Ethan weathered the varied questions and curiosity about him throughout the meal, glancing now and then at the silent Gwen.

  “When do I get to ask the questions?” Ethan asked as the dishes were being cleaned up.

  “No one has stopped you from speaking, Ethan,” Marion Paddington said with a bright smile. “Please…”

  “I’m sure you’ve done investigating,” Gwen said with an easy smile.

  “We’ve been investigated?” Was one of the excited declarations. “How thrilling!” Jessica stared at the dark haired man.

  “Did you find us?” Clarissa asked with a wink at her sister.

  “It must be most exciting to be a private investigator,” Thomas had been watching him carefully.

  “Investigating is mostly reading. A lot,” Ethan said simply.

  “I like reading,” Zoe said with an adoring smile at her uncle. “May I help with the tea?”

  “Yes, ma’am, you may,” Gwen unlocked the seat and slid it back from the table, lifting Zoe to the floor and watching her run off to the kitchen.

  “She’s so different,” Ethan said in disbelief.

  “I’ve dealt with the nanny,” Gwen told him flatly. “She won’t be able to do that to another child. There are warrants out for her in Florida and I informed them where she was and alerted the local police before she could vanish on them.”

  “It’s so horrid to imagine,” Marion shook her head. “Drugging a child so you have no work, just collect your money.”

  “I didn’t know…”

  “I know, Ethan,” Gwen said simply. “You wouldn’t be here now if you had. Children have as many varied personalities as adults. To be able to tell when one is off, when you’ve never been exposed to small children, would be difficult. Especially when you have a supposed professional telling you it’s normal behavior.”

  “I hope every bit of karma comes to her in payment for her behavior,” Zora said angrily.

  Chapter Six

  “Does everyone know about this?” Ethan looked around the table at the dozen varied ethnic adults. His question obviously something some of them were having a difficult time digesting.

  “Why keep secrets?” Jessica asked curiously.

  “If you have nothing to hide, hide nothing,” Clarissa added with a nod.

  “Then you realize how Zoe came to be here,” he asked, frowning at the attempt Gwen was making to keep from smiling.

  “Are you expecting condemnation, Ethan?” Marion asked politely.

  “She is here because somewhere in the universe, destiny decided it was time to bring her into the family,” Elizabeth spoke up from the corner of the table, her hand wrapped around the edge of a cane at her side. A smile brightening her face as the tea cart entered with Zoe in escort. “How delicious, Zoe…do we have cakes tonight?”

  “We have pretty little cakes tonight,” she answered polit
ely, lifting a small plate carefully from the second level and carrying it on very slow steps to her.

  “Coffee or tea, Mr. Collier,” Gwen asked politely.

  “Or if you prefer,” Albert said in thought. “We should go to my study and share a scotch. Gwen found me a very good one, nigh on perfect if you ask me. A Saint Magdalene that’s over twenty years old now.”

  “That is the best damn offer I’ve had in a month, Mr. Paddington,” Ethan stood up slowly. “It was a wonderful dinner, thank you.”

  “You’re welcome to join us anytime, Mr. Collier,” Marion told him honestly.

  “You can show him the way to our quarters when you finish with him, dad,” Gwen said with a smile.

  “Do you want some cake?” Zoe looked over at them, wide eyes glancing from one to the other.

  ”Another time,” Albert told her with a wink. “I’ll bring Ethan to your quarters when we’re finished in the study, Zoe.”

  “Okay,” and she continued to peacefully hand out little plates of cakes.

  “I’m sure that will be an interesting conversation,” Uncle Kris remarked with a chuckle.

  “He’s very polite,” Jessica said thoughtfully.

  “Quite controlled,” Clarissa added.

  “Given what he did for the military, he would have to be,” Thomas said with a nod. “I’m sure he protected a good many people because of his skills.”

  “If only there was a way to take those memories once that portion of your career is over,” Gwen said with a sigh. “Thank you, Miss Zoe. You make an excellent server.”

  “I’m going to have a little cake and milk,” she said, climbing easily into her chair and waiting patiently while she was pushed closer to the table.

  “I wonder why dad took him to the study,” Gwen looked at the wide doors with a slight frown.

  “Gwen…you have never brought someone to dinner before,” Marion told her with a shake of her head.

  “Mr. Collier has nothing to do with me,” she said quickly, looking around at the stifled chuckles and giggles. “No, he does not.”

  “I have shown you the cards, Geneviève,” Zora said with a shake of her head. “You will not be rid of Mr. Collier. I am sure Albert is asking his intentions at this very moment.”

  “Asking…no…oh, no…please, tell me you are not serious?” Gwen was up and out of the room, running wildly down the hall to her father’s study. She didn’t bother to knock, bursting into the room to find both men about to touch glasses at the large desk. “Father…you and I need to have a little…tiny…discussion…”

  “Later, Gwen,” Albert told her with a chuckle, the tinkle of his glass against the one Ethan held, a light sound in the large book lined room. “And you see before you the far less than serene Geneviève, Ethan. This is the one most often charging about in the world.”

  “Has she always thrown herself head first into people’s lives?” Ethan leaned back in the comfortable chair, watching the myriad of expressions flooding Gwen’s features.

  “Alas…she proved to be quite brilliant at business at a very young age,” Albert confided as if she weren’t standing there. “Along with that trait, came the belief that there were simply people in the world who needed saving from themselves.”

  “I’ve noticed,” he said dryly. “It’s a very old world climate you cultivate in the house, Albert,” he kept his eyes locked on Gwen, thick lashes narrowing when she returned his glare.

  “Ahh…the time when a man used to rule his castle,” Albert said with a nod. “When in reality, it was always the females in charge of things. We simply never liked to admit it.”

  “But you do have some leverage,” Ethan pressed, curious at the sudden panic in Geneviève Paddington’s eyes.

  “Enough…and in places where it’s important, I believe, what did you have in mind, Ethan?”

  “I think Mr. Collier will be ending his visit early, dad,” she interrupted hastily. “I’m sure he has a great deal of work to be accomplished on Thursday morning,” Gwen suggested firmly.

  “Nonsense,” Albert set his glass down and rose to his feet, walking to her side and giving her a little shove through the door. “Good night, Gwen.”

  “Dad…damn it! No! No, no, no!”

  Gwen stomped her foot. Ethan Collier was too fast, too adept at learning the fundamentals of her family. She’d been dismissed by her father and knew she wasn’t permitted to brook the study again tonight during their private time. “Damn it!” She swore softly, turning in a flurry of copper skirts and heading for the dining room.

  All heads were up when the copper tornado rounded the corner, growling to herself.

  “She was unsuccessful,” Clarissa said.

  “Destiny,” Jessica said simply.

  “Mother, you must…”

  “Gwen, you know that I can’t go to your father’s study if he has taken a young man there…one that you invited to our home,” Marion looked regretfully at her daughter.

  “No…oh, no, mom…” Gwen shook her head frantically, brown eyes wide in denial.

  “I tried to warn you,” Marion said slowly.

  “You put out to the universe, Geneviève, that you wanted a manager,” Zora said as she finished her tea.

  “So you can focus on other things,” Elizabeth intoned softly.

  “The universe fills your need…” Thomas nodded solemnly.

  “No…not him…he’s…”


  “Disciplined,” Jessica agreed. “You can see that in his eyes.”

  “He stares at you, Geneviève,” Zora added, dark eyes soft on the disbelief in her niece’s face. “And not totally in anger any longer.”

  “He can not be manager here,” Gwen said with firm resolve, believing she’d found the answer. “He’s not family. What’s father going to do? Adopt him?” She asked, aware of the elevation in her voice.

  Gwen watched the bent, whispering heads, her eyes widening incredulously.

  “We have not had a wedding in a very long time. And never a family wedding…” Zora mentioned with a nod.

  “Oh, no…” Gwen looked from one to the other with wildly darting eyes, her head shaking rapidly.

  “The universe meets your needs, my dear. You may, perhaps, not like their choices, but…” Marion watched Gwen move to Zoe.

  “Com’on, Zoe…we gotta go,” Gwen lifted her into her arms and hastily left the chattering behind her.

  “Where we gonna go?”

  “I don’t know…but we gotta go,” Gwen said firmly.

  “You can not out run destiny, Geneviève.”

  “I can make a darn good effort at it,” Gwen ground out, long legs taking them along the various corridors to her large apartment. She set Zoe down inside, listening to her chatter as she went into the bedroom.

  Zoe climbed onto the bed a short time later and watched Gwen pacing.

  “I think it’s time to change,” Gwen said slowly, quickly changing to her pajamas and getting Zoe ready for bed. “Then we read a story…” She quietly closed the bedroom door.

  “I can sleep here tonight? What about my baby?”

  “Anybody home?” Called out a deep, more than amused voice.

  “It’s Uncle Ethan!” Zoe hopped down from the bed and ran to the door while Gwen’s mouth was still opening and closing. Gwen took off after her to hurry her along when the front door opened.

  “Your father assured me that doors are rarely locked within the house,” Ethan Collier looked around the very large, open space. Two bedrooms to the left along with a full sized bathroom. The master bedroom and bath off to the right, behind the kitchen. A very spacious, very well thought out living arrangement.

  “Uncle Ethan!” Zoe dropped the baby and ran to him, arms raised excitedly. “Up, up, up!” She rewarded him with a pair of strong little arms around his neck for a long hug. “We were getting ready for bed.”

  “So I noticed,” Ethan took in the deep plum colored tank top and low ri
ding pants Gwen now wore.

  “I thought you’d left,” she said suspiciously.

  “Turns out your father and I had a great deal to discuss.”

  “You’ve been with my father…over three hours?” Her arms came up to cross over her chest, bare toes crossing as she fidgeted.

  “I had no idea we could have so much in common, Miss Paddington,” Ethan commented. “Then there were the small nuances about this family I was unaware of…”

  “Nuances,” Gwen repeat very slowly.

  “Are you ready for bed, Zoe?” Ethan asked, looking into the head now lying on his shoulder. She nodded. “Which way?” He followed the little pointing hand. “Then I believe I need to learn how this is done.” He bent carefully to the floor, retrieving the small doll Zoe had been carrying.

  “I can show you,” Zoe said through her yawn.

  Ethan lowered her to the bed, aware of Gwen behind them, watching. Zoe gathered several small dolls around her on the pillow before turning to face him.

  “Now you have to kiss me, up here,” she pointed to her forehead with another yawn, smiling when he bent down and followed her instructions. Large hands worked to tuck the blankets around her. “That’s how a daddy does it…”

  “I like your new hair,” he said with a smile, tugging one of the soft curls gently.

  “It doesn’t hurt when Gwen brushes it now…”

  “Zoe…I am so sorry…I promise, you’ll never have to worry about anyone hurting you again.”

  “I know, Uncle Ethan. It’s okay. It’s over now…” She yawned again, thick lashes closing slowly. “G’night…”

  “Good night, Zoe,” Ethan repositioned the high backed chair, guessing it’s purpose.

  He stood for a long silent minute, taking in the large child’s room. Cheerful and bright. Very different that the room she had been using at the condo. Shelves lined one wall but were mostly bare. Books and toys dotting the lower shelves; a small table with little chairs and a tea set occupied one corner. A large, old rocking chair sat next to the books near the window. Another wall had a walk-in closet, over a dozen dresses hung neatly, tiny shoes arranged on a small shelf beneath the clothes.