The Wonder Weeks Read online

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  When your baby learns something new, it often means that she has to break an old habit. Once she can crawl, she is perfectly capable of fetching her own playthings, and once she can walk quite confidently on her own, she can’t expect to be carried as often as before. Each leap forward in her development will make her more capable and more independent.

  This is the time when mother and baby may have problems adjusting to one another. There is often a big difference in what baby wants and what mother wants or thinks is good for the baby, and this can lead to anger and resentment on both sides. When you realize what new skills your baby is trying to exercise, you will be better equipped to set the right

  After the Leap

  The troublesome phase stops just as suddenly as it started. Most mothers see this as a time to relax and enjoy their babies. The pressure to provide constant attention is off. The baby has become more independent, and she is often busy putting her new skills into practice. She is more cheerful at this stage, too. Unfortunately, this period of relative peace and quiet doesn’t last long—it’s just a lull before the next storm. Nature does not allow babies to rest for long.

  Chapter 2


  Welcome to the World

  Watch any new mother when she holds her baby for the first time. Chances are she’ll follow this particular pattern: First she’ll run her fingers through his hair. Then she’ll run a finger around his head and over his face. After this, she’ll feel his fingers and toes. Then she’ll slowly move toward his middle, along his arms, legs, and neck. Finally, she’ll touch his tummy and chest.

  The way in which mothers generally touch their newborn babies is often very similar, too. First a new mother will touch her infant with her fingertips only, stroking and handling him very gently. Slowly but surely, as she becomes more comfortable, she’ll use all of her fingers and may sometimes squeeze him. Finally, she’ll touch him with the palm of her hand. When she eventually dares to hold him by the chest or tummy, the new mother will be so delighted that she may exclaim what a miracle it is that she has produced something as precious as this.

  Ideally, this discovery process should happen as close to birth as possible. After a mother’s first encounter with her baby, she will no longer be afraid to pick him up, turn him around, or put him down. She will know how her little one feels to the touch.

  Every baby looks and feels different. Try picking up another baby if his mother will allow it, and you’ll find that it’s a strange experience. It will take a minute or two to get used to the other infant. This is because you have become so accustomed to your baby.

  Take Charge Early

  The sooner a mother becomes confident handling her baby, the quicker she can begin responding sensitively to his needs. A baby shouldn’t be dumped in his mother’s arms; she should be allowed all the time she needs to take her baby into her arms herself. This sort of tuning-in to the new baby is easily interrupted if others don’t give the mother space at the birth. If the new mother feels that things are not under her control, she may feel powerless and even afraid to handle her baby.

  Those Important First Hours

  A mother is usually extremely perceptive to her newborn baby in the first hours after birth. Try to have your baby with you at this critical time to get to know each other. Your newborn baby is often wide awake during this period. She is aware of her surroundings, she turns toward quiet sounds, and she fixes her gaze on the face that happens to hover above her. Most mothers love it if the father is there, too, so they can share this experience as a brand-new family.

  Take control of the situation as soon as you are able, and get to know your baby as soon as you can. Even if the baby has to be placed in an incubator, spend as much time with him as you can and look after as many aspects of his care as you are able. Talk to him to let him know you are there when you are not able to touch him.

  Be sure to speak up. If you want to have your baby near you, or if you want to be alone with him for a while, say so. You decide how often you want to pick him up and cuddle him.

  The majority of mothers whose early contact with their newborns was thwarted by hospital procedures or others around them say that they regret not having spent more time alone with their babies during this period. Many mothers feel resentful about this for quite some time. The maternity period wasn’t like they imagined. Instead of enjoying a well-earned rest, they felt harassed. They had wanted to have their babies near them all the time, especially when the little ones were crying. If they were not allowed to hold their babies, the new mothers felt disappointed and annoyed. They felt as if they were being treated like immature, helpless children who were incapable of deciding for themselves what was best for them and their babies. These feelings have also been expressed by fathers, too, who felt overwhelmed by hospital rules and frustrated by meddling from others.

  “I had to do as I was told. I wasn’t just told how to sit during nursing, but also when I could nurse, and for how long. I also had to allow my baby to cry whenever it wasn’t “his time” yet. I was annoyed most of the time, but I didn’t want to be rude, so I nursed him in secret. I just couldn’t stand hearing him cry, and I wanted to comfort him. My breasts kept swelling and shrinking all day long. I’d really had more than I could take. I was the one who had given birth, and I wanted my baby. I was so angry that I just started crying. But of course they had a name for that, too— ‘maternity tears.’ That was the last straw. All I wanted was my baby and a bit of peace and quiet.”

  Paul’s mom

  “I had a long delivery. Our baby was taken away from us immediately. For hours, we assumed we’d had a baby boy. When I got my baby back later on, it turned out to be a girl. We were shocked. It wasn’t that we didn’t want a girl, but we had started getting used to the idea that we had a son.”

  Jenny’s mom

  “When I nursed my baby, I liked to snuggle up to her and get nice and close. But the maternity nurse wouldn’t let me. She made me lean back into the cushions on the sofa. It felt so unnatural—detached and unemotional.”

  Nina’s mom

  When mothers have problems with their babies shortly after the birth, they often say this is because they don’t feel completely confident. They are afraid of dropping them or holding them too tightly. They haven’t learned to assess their babies’ needs and responses to certain situations. They feel they are failing as mothers.

  Some mothers think this has to do with the fact that they saw so little of their babies just after the birth. They would have loved to have spent more time with their babies back then, but now they feel relieved when the babies are back in their cribs. They’ve become afraid of motherhood.

  “Because I had a difficult birth, we had to stay in the hospital for 10 days. I was only allowed to see my baby during the day, at nursing times. Nothing was the way I had imagined it would be. I’d planned to breastfeed, but sometimes the staff gave my baby a bottle on the sly, to make things easier for themselves. At night, they always gave her bottles. I wanted to have her near me more often, but they wouldn’t allow it. I felt helpless and angry. When I was allowed to go home, I felt that they might as well keep her. By that time, she felt like a stranger, like she wasn’t mine.”

  Juliette’s mom

  Do Remember

  Cuddle, rock, caress, and massage your baby when she is in a good mood, since this is the best time to find out what suits her and what relaxes her most. When you know her preferences, you will be able to use these methods to comfort her later on when she is upset. If you cuddle, rock, caress, and massage her only when she is in a bad mood, the “comfort” will cause her to cry even longer and louder.

  “The maternity nurse was a nuisance. She stayed when I had company, did most of the talking, and went on and on telling everyone about every case she’d been on that had ever gone just the slightest bit wrong. For some reason, she was overly concerned that my healthy baby would turn yellow. She would check on her every hour, sometimes
every 15 minutes, and tell me she thought she’d seen the first signs of jaundice. It made me so nervous. When I tried to breastfeed, the nurse kept interrupting by whisking my hungry baby off to be weighed. This upset me every time, and my baby didn’t seem too pleased about it, either. She wriggled around on the scales, so it would take even longer for the nurse to see whether she had taken 1.4 or 1.5 ounces of milk. Meanwhile, my baby’s desperate screams made me even more nervous, so I finally decided to stop breastfeeding. When I look back on it, I feel terrible. I would have liked so much to nurse my little girl.”

  Emily’s mom

  “With my second child, we were determined to do everything exactly the way we wanted. When the baby started crying, I would simply feed her a little. For nearly 2 weeks, we had been told to let our eldest cry and go hungry—for no reason, as it later turned out. With the first baby, you tend to take advice from everyone. The second time, I listened only to myself.”

  Eve’s mom

  Getting to Know and Understand Your Baby

  In some ways, you already know your baby. After all, she was with you day and night for 9 months. Before she was born, you wondered what kind of baby you would have and whether you would recognize any traits you thought she had while in your womb. But once she’s born it’s different —totally different, in fact. You see your baby for the first time, and your baby also finds herself in completely new surroundings.

  Most mothers look for familiar traits in their tiny newborns. Is she the peaceful little person she expected her to be? Does she kick at certain times of the day like she did before she was born? Does she have a special bond with her Dad? Does she recognize his voice?

  Often mothers want to “test” their babies’ reactions. They want to find out what makes their children happy and contented. They will appreciate advice, but not rules and regulations. They want to get to know their babies and see how their babies respond to them. They want to find out for themselves what is best for their children. If they’re right about their likes and dislikes, they feel pleased with themselves, as it shows how well they know their babies. This increases their self-confidence and will make them feel they are perfectly able to cope after they take their infants home.

  Seeing, hearing, smelling, and feeling your baby during those first few days has a tremendous impact on your relationship with your baby. Most mothers instinctively know how important these intimate “parties” are. They want to experience everything their babies do. Just looking at them gives them enormous pleasure. They want to watch them sleep and listen to them breathe. They want to be there when they wake up. They want to caress them, cuddle them, and smell them whenever they feel like it.

  “My son’s breathing changes whenever he hears a sudden noise or sees a light. When I first noticed this irregular breathing, I was really concerned, but then I realized he was just reacting to sound and light. Now I think it’s wonderful when his breathing changes, and I don’t worry about it anymore.”

  Bob’s mom

  Your Baby Gets to Know and Understand You

  When a new parent gazes down into her baby’s face, it often seems as if the baby, gazing steadily back with wide, astonished eyes, is thinking, “What a strange and wonderful world this is!”

  Indeed, a newborn baby’s world is an astonishing place of new and strange sensations. Light, sound, motion, smells, the sensations on his soft skin—it is all so new that he can’t even separate them one from another yet. Sometimes, snuggled tightly up against his mother’s breast, it all feels so wonderfully good. He feels full, warm, sleepy, and soothed by the softness around him.

  At other times, his whole world seems utterly shattered, and he can’t figure out what’s making him feel so miserable. Something is wet, cold, hungry, noisy, blindingly bright, or just desperately unhappy, and all he can do is wail.

  During the first 5 weeks of your baby’s life, he will slowly become familiar with the world around him. You and he will get to know each other more intimately than anyone else in your shared world at this time. Soon he will make the first major leap in his development.

  But before you are able to understand what your baby will experience when he is 5 weeks old and takes his first leap forward, you need to know what your newborn baby’s world is like now and how he is equipped to deal with it. Also, to help him meet his new challenges, you need to know how important physical contact is and how to use it.

  Your New Baby’s World

  Babies are interested in the world around them from the moment they are born. They look and listen, taking in their surroundings. They try very hard to focus their eyes as sharply as possible, which is why babies frequently look cross-eyed as they strain to get a better look. Sometimes they tremble and gasp from sheer exhaustion in the effort. A newborn often looks at you as if he is staring, transfixed with interest.

  Your new baby has an excellent memory, and he is quick to recognize voices, people, and even some toys, such as an especially colorful stuffed animal. He also clearly anticipates regular parts of his daily routine, such as bath-time, cuddle-time, and nursing-time.

  Even at this age, a baby mimics facial expressions. Try sticking your tongue out at him while you sit and talk to him, or open your mouth wide as if you are going to call out. Make sure that he’s really looking at you when you try this, and give him plenty of time to respond. Most of your baby’s movements are very slow by adult standards, and it will take him several seconds to react.

  A young baby is able to tell his mother just how he feels—whether he is happy, angry, or surprised. He does this by slightly changing the tone of his murmuring, gurgling, and crying and by using body language. You will rapidly get to know what he means. Besides, the baby will make it perfectly clear that he expects to be understood. If he isn’t, he will cry angrily or sob as if heartbroken.

  Your newborn baby has preferences even at this tender age. Most babies prefer to look at people, rather than toys. You will also find that if presented with two playthings, he is able to express a preference by fixing his gaze on one of them.

  Your new baby is quick to react to encouragement. He will adore being praised for his soft baby fragrance, his looks, and his achievements. You will hold his interest longer if you shower him with compliments!

  Even though your baby’s senses are in complete working order, he is unable to process the signals his senses send to his brain in the same way adults do. This means that he isn’t able to distinguish among his senses. Babies experience their world in their own way, and it’s quite different from ours. We smell a scent, see the flower spreading it, touch its soft, velvety petals, hear a bee buzzing toward it, and know we are tasting honey when we put it into our mouths. We understand the difference among each of our senses, and so we are able to distinguish the differences.

  Your New Baby’s Senses

  Young babies can already see, hear, smell, taste, and feel a variety of things, and they are able to remember these sensations However, a newborn baby’s perception of these sensations is very different from the way she will experience them as she gets older.


  Until recently, scientists and doctors believed that new babies were unable to see. This is not true. Mothers knew all along that newborns love to look at faces, although it is true that vision is the last sense to reach full capacity. Your newborn can see most clearly up to a distance of about a foot. Beyond this, her vision is probably blurred. Sometimes she will also have difficulty focusing both eyes on whatever she is looking at, but once she has, she can stare at the object intently. She will even stop moving briefly. All her attention will be focused on the object. If she is very alert, she will sometimes be able to follow a moving toy by moving her eyes, turning her head, or sometimes by doing both together. She can manage to do this whether the object is moved horizontally or vertically. The important thing is that the object must be moved very slowly and deliberately. If she loses track after a few moments, pick up her gaze again and try
it even more slowly.

  The object that your baby will follow best is a simple pattern with the basic characteristics of a human face—two large dots at the top for the eyes and one below for the mouth. Babies are able to do this within an hour of birth. Many of them have their eyes wide open and are very alert. Fathers and mothers are often completely fascinated by their newborn baby’s big, beautiful eyes. It is possible that babies are attracted to anything that even vaguely resembles a human face when they are this young.

  Your baby will be particularly interested in sharp contrasts— red and white stripes will probably hold her attention longer than green and blue ones. The brighter the color contrasts, the more interested she will be. Black and white stripes actually hold a baby’s attention longest because the contrast is strongest.


  At birth, your new baby can already clearly distinguish between different sounds. She will recognize your voice shortly after birth. She may like music, the hum of an engine, and soft drumming. This makes sense, because these sounds are already familiar to her. In the womb, she was surrounded by the constant thump, rustle, grumble, wheeze, and squeak of heart, veins, stomach, lungs, and intestines. She also has a built-in interest in people’s voices and finds them soothing. By and large babies will feel comfortable in environments similar to those that they were used to in the womb. For example, a baby whose mother spent a lot of time in noisy surroundings while she was pregnant may be quite upset by a room that is too quiet