Taking A Chance: Charity Anthology Read online

Page 5

  Thadd huffed. “You know how those agencies are. They don’t care about the little people. They only want the big ones. They’re probably gathering intel on the larger network and have agents set up at various places within it. They’ll take their sweet-ass time while more innocents are destroyed.”

  The computer finished scanning the data and determined it was safe. There was one file on it. I tapped on the icon, and it appeared on the screen. It was a plain text file with information on where and when the auction was.

  “Well, that doesn’t give us much time. What I want to know is how did Narek have all this set up if even we didn’t know we were going to know about Ivey’s problem without us looking for Summer’s uncle.”

  Summer put his hand on my shoulder. “Remember he said My king arranged for your king to meet his new knight. Meaning that he arranged for me to meet you. That could only have happened if he were the one who trashed my uncle’s quarters, knowing that someone from station security would point me in your direction. For some reason, he was taken away with that singer. I don’t know if it was all one big plan to rescue your friend, but I think something happened that they had to be kept safe, and your friend is using that to help your other, and I’m guessing, in the end, make them all safe.”

  I nodded as I thought it through. “He must have known about or planted that picture knowing I’d come to investigate it.” I read more of the information on the file. “It looks like he’s put a name on the guestlist for us, a Mourning Lite, with a plus one.” I snorted. “As opposed to Mourning Heavy? Or Mourning Regular? Is that like wearing black for only a month and one dirge at the funeral?” I couldn’t help but laugh harder. It was that ridiculous. “Are all Lomi names misspelled?”

  Summer laughed with me. “I think. It might be a rule of pride to create the best mismatch while meaning the same.”

  I looked over at Thadd who had been strangely silent. His jaw was clenched, and he looked ready to blow, which was abnormal for my usually unshakable friend. I cleared my throat to regain my composure. “Thadd, will you look up this Mourning Lite and see what information they put into the system for him. Narek knew neither you nor I could go to the auction, but who will go with Summer? And, Summer, are you okay with doing this? You don’t have to at all.”

  Thadd growled and moved to his desk, angrily tapping on its surface. I looked back over at Summer who just smiled calmly. “I can handle it. You would be surprised how dangerous a day in the emperor’s court can be at times. I believe Narek will be there, and he can watch me.”

  I shook my head. “He might not be able to help. He’ll have to maintain his cover. No, I have an idea.”

  “Well, Narek isn’t joking around with this cover. They switched out Summer’s recent transport records with the new identity. Summer’s picture is there, and it looks like this guy is a wealthy exporter, which is just the kind of person that gets invited to the auctions.” Thadd turned his attention back to us. “Check your comm band, Summer.”

  Summer lifted his wrist and tapped it. His eyes widened as he swiped through some screens. “Yes, all the information is here. I had not looked at my band today. There are more than enough credits here to win Ivey. There is enough to buy a few Iveys.”

  “There will be others up for sale, but we can’t buy them all. It will look suspicious if we do, but maybe one more. Narek probably won’t be happy, but I don’t care.” I stood and headed to the door. “I’ll be right back. I’m going to get your back up.”

  I exited my office and made the left to Kryton’s, happy to see that it was open. He raised his head from the datapad in his hand as I entered.

  He smiled wide, showing off his sharp teeth. “Tekken, my friend. I’m happy to see you.” He put down the pad and stood as I got closer. He rounded the counter he was behind and spread his arms for a hug. Most people were taller than me, but Dhalnolians were a small species. They were small but fierce and amazingly fast agile creatures.

  I stepped into his strong, wiry arms and wrapped mine around his shoulders. The top of his head came to my nose, but he had a crest on the top that gave him almost half a meter more height when unfurled. It was a defensive mechanism that hadn’t been lost in evolution. Kryton had several rings pierced down the crest that tapered to the base of his neck.

  Dhalnolian skin wasn’t scaled like Kilraxons but was smooth and almost rubbery due to the thickness. It was tough to cut and pierce, but Kryton had several piercings in his brow ridge and lips despite that. They didn’t have protruding ears like other humanoid species. I always wondered where else Kryton was hiding piercings. His skin was a deep olive-green at its base with dark green to tan to almost black various sized and shaped splotches across it. It made perfect sense for the jungle-like planet Dhalno. He would have blended perfectly into the wilderness.

  He stepped back and moved his hands to my arms, staying near me. “Would you like some tea?”

  “No, thank you.” I smiled warmly. “Do you have any appointments soon? Can you come over for a few? I want you to meet someone and ask you for a favor.”

  Kryton put an arm down and hooked my right arm with his other as he turned me around. “Yes, of course, Tekken.”

  Outside his door, he touched a panel, and the doors hissed shut, and the shop sign lights turned off. He escorted me back to my office, which would have seemed weird to some, but I learned that it was best if I just followed Kryton’s lead. He had a dominant presence that made me want to submit to him. But he never seemed interested, and he didn’t arouse me sexually. But it didn’t stop me from feeling his almost fatherly presence in the way that he took charge of even the smallest of tasks like walking two meters to my office.

  The door to my office opened. Summer stood in front of Thadd, who was still sitting at his desk, hugging him to his stomach. I had a feeling that even if everything went off perfectly tomorrow that my partner and best friend would be hurting by the end because Ivey wouldn’t be able to stay on the station.

  Summer’s head turned toward us as we entered, and he gave me a small smile. It was obvious that Thadd was upset and Kryton let go of my arm to move quickly to them.

  “Kryton, this is Summer. Summer, this is my friend Kryton who owns the shop next door.”

  Summer detached himself from Thadd and inclined his head to Kryton who returned the gesture. “It is a pleasure.”

  As I watched Kryton get closer to Summer, I second-guessed my thoughts on Kryton helping because they looked somewhat comical. Summer was almost two of Kryton in height. Kryton slipped past Summer and pulled Thadd into a tight hug, judging by the oomph Thadd made, but he didn’t complain.

  Summer put his arm around my shoulders and tucked me into his side. I tensed slightly, having not expected the gesture, but I fit into him so nicely that I relaxed.

  “Has he agreed to help?”

  “I haven’t asked yet. I thought it best to talk about it altogether.”

  Kryton pulled away from Thadd but kept a hand on his shoulder. “Tell me what’s going on and how I can help.”

  I spent the next several minutes telling Kryton everything that had happened until now and what had to happen tomorrow night. Including the instructions in the information given by Narek about meeting a contact of his at a specific airlock on one of the pilons. From there, both Summer and Ivey would be put on a transport out of the station and to the same location his uncle and Kitty were.

  I ignored that part for now. While part of me was glad that it would all be ending soon and everyone would be safe, another part wanted more time with Summer. And I wanted my best friend to not look like his heart was breaking. I’d had no clue that Thadd was holding on to that much emotion for Ivey, but I guess I should have suspected after his failed attempt to buy his contract. In my defense, Thadd was very adamant that we not talk further about it.

  Kryton readily agreed to help and left with a round of hugs after we went over the plan for the next night. Thadd said his goodbyes and said he’d meet us tomorrow evening. I hoped he’d just go home and stay there. I’d message him later to check on him. That left me alone with Summer. Butterflies filled my stomach, fluttering this way and that. There was no reason for me to be nervous, but here I was.

  I slapped my hands down on my thighs as I stood from my desk, where I checked a few last-minute items. “Well, do you want to get some dinner and go back to my place, or do you want to see more of the station or do something else?”

  Summer stood with a shake of his head. “No, I would like to eat and talk to you. My time is unexpectedly less.”

  There weren’t many Lomi on the station, so there wasn’t a dedicated restaurant for Lomi cuisine, but Summer was okay with that. We decided on a Crelan place that I liked. That reminded me of my appointment with Kestyn and that I needed to move it. While we waited for my food, I messaged him to move it a day. I had a feeling I was going to need the comfort.

  We finally made it back to my place and got settled with our dinner and the Kilraxon games on in the background. I didn’t mind them, and Summer seemed happy to watch. They were still in the city management simulation stage. It looked like a snoozefest to me, but I could see how Summer would find it entertaining. I was entertained by watching him and his reactions to the contestants.

  I got up to put our empty containers into the replicator and closed the door for them to be demolecularized. I sat back down.

  Summer, out of nowhere, asked. “Do you want to have non-procreational intercourse?”

  I stared at him, my mouth slightly open in shock. “Ummmm, right now?” I looked at him curiously with wide eyes.

  “Yes.” He smiled at me and got closer. He hummed a little, setting off the damn tingling sensation across my skin.

  I leaned back,
putting some space between us. “Summer, are you sure you want to do that with me? I could take you to a few places to find someone if you really want.” I furrowed my brow and shook my head a little confused and turned on at the same time.

  “No, I don’t want anyone else, just you.” He leaned over and nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck, and I clearly heard him inhale as he moved behind my ear. I put my hands out and pressed against his chest softly.

  “I don’t know why you want me, but there are a lot of reasons why we shouldn’t do that, especially now.”

  Summer moved back with a tilt of his head in clear confusion, but I didn’t see any hurt in his expression. I was happy about that because the last thing I wanted was to hurt him.

  I smiled, trying to ease his worry. “If I were thirty years younger, shoot even twenty, I’d be all over you like whipped cream on a cherry, but we barely know each other, not to mention you’re my client. I just…” I tried to find the right words. “don’t have sex anymore.”

  Summer nodded with a smile. “Ah, you took a vow of celibacy like a priest?”

  “No.” I laughed nervously. “I just don’t feel comfortable with anyone touching me or seeing me.”

  Summer pursed his lips as he thought. “I understand, yet I do not.” I started to answer, but he put up his hand to stop me. “I understand it is too soon. We have spent too little time with one another, and while I find you attractive both physically and mentally, you do not know me well enough to believe me or maybe like me the same. When I return, I will remedy that.”

  He smiled, and I nodded as that was an accurate assumption. I didn’t have the heart to tell him we’d probably never see each other again after tomorrow. “Yes, I would like that.”

  “Good. I will go to bed now and see to my own pleasure while I think about what your softy furry body will feel like against mine.”

  Summer stood and went to the bedroom before I could even remotely muster up a response to that. A few minutes later, I heard hums, clicks, and little bell noises. I had no idea what was going on in there, and while I was curious and wanted to know, I kept my ass firmly planted on the couch. I found his bluntness about sex or anything really to be a pleasant change from the games so many liked to play. And while my gut told me that he was speaking the full truth, he also agreed that it was too soon.

  I put on a favorite action movie of mine and turned up the volume. The last thing I needed was to go changing my mind. I’d come a long way in respecting myself, and while Summer was nothing like the males I used to have sex with, I would not feel good about myself afterward, no matter how good the sex was. I did believe he was sincere about his attraction to me, which made it even a better reason not to have a one-night stand with him. I laid down on the couch and let the laser pistols drown out the oddly erotic noises coming from my bedroom.

  Today had gone by surprisingly fast. Kryton would be here any minute. We decided not to meet at my office just in case anyone was watching, so we were in my quarters. Thadd had gone to the office earlier to get little cameras to put on Kryton and Summer. They would enable us to watch what happened and not just hope that everything would go okay. We also had every intention of calling station security if things even remotely looked like they were going sideways.

  The auction was taking place in one of the lower cargo bays. I assumed it saw little use if something like that could be held there, or maybe Drexel paid someone off to keep the area cleared of traffic. I tried not to think too hard about it. Thadd and I planned to be secreted away between the cargo bay and the pilon they were leaving from. We didn’t want to be too far away in case the shit hit the intake fan.

  The door chimed. “Enter.”

  The door hissed open, and Kryton stepped in, and I had to whistle in admiration. He wore a forest green suit with a shade lighter satiny lapels, a matching tie, and pocket square. He swapped out all his usually silverish rings and rods for brass-colored ones, and a few even had gems embedded in the metal.

  “Wow. You look snazzy.” I laughed lightly, but damn he was smokin’.

  “Thank you. It’s not often that I get to dress up fancy these days.” He smiled and hugged Thadd before moving toward me. “It’s too bad it’s for people who don’t deserve all this awesome.”

  I laughed some more. “They definitely don’t deserve to see this.”

  “Where is Summer?”

  “He’s getting ready. He’s been in there since early this afternoon.” I gestured toward my bedroom. “He said he had to exercise and purge to get ready for tonight. I have no idea what that entailed.”

  Thadd sat in my armchair and waved Kryton over. “You’re too small for me to do this standing up.” He quirked a small smile. He had been quiet since he got here, but he seemed in better spirits than he had the night before.

  Kryton moved between Thadd’s legs, and Thadd secured the tie tack to him. There was a camera hidden behind what looked like a pearl. Thankfully, it matched Kryton’s suit. The door to the bedroom opened, and I turned as Summer walked out.

  I stared silently at a complete loss for words. He had somehow gotten thinner. He wore a gold robe that revealed his bare torso. The robe shimmered in the lights and hung heavily off his body. It seemed like it should be willowy as light as it looked, but the way it laid gave it more weight. He wore ivory pants that hugged his hips, the bottoms fanning out, almost hiding his exposed toes. I couldn’t quite see the sandals that he wore. Half of his pretty cobalt hair was braided in a wide plait against his skull.

  The robe must have been what the missionary from the temple had dropped off that morning. I know he didn’t have that before. If it weren’t for his ribs being so prominent, it would look amazing. I didn’t understand why he looked so emaciated. I wanted to make him eat something just looking at him like that.

  My expression must have not been good because Summer furrowed his brow. “You do not like me this way?”

  I shook my head. “No. Why are you so thin? You look like you could keel over from the weight of the robe. Which is very pretty on you, don’t get me wrong.”

  Summer raised his arms, which pulled the robe farther apart, showing more of his waist. It didn’t concave exactly because he still had a good amount of muscle, but it was a near thing. “In our society, the wealthier you are, the less you hold onto excess fat and water. It shows that I have no worry about those things because I will never be without. I had to work hard this afternoon to burn what little reserves I had. Like this, I would not survive a few hours in the deserts of my planet.”

  “Interesting. Does that mean someone of my…” I paused, considering my words carefully. “amble physique would be seen as poor?” If Summer was used to being around the emperor’s court people who all had to be wealthy, maybe that’s why he was attracted to me? I was different? I didn’t know how to interpret that, and I’d probably be wrong.

  Summer smiled in a comforting way. “More like someone prepared for a long journey across the sands.” He stepped closer, getting right up against me.

  He cupped my face gently with one hand and leaned to whisper in my ear. “Or that you are prepared for anything.” His hand trailed down from my cheek to my chest, and his fingers brushed against my nipple, catching slightly on my ring before continuing. It sent a little zing through my body. “I like preparedness.”

  Summer’s fingers trailed away, and he stepped back with a pleased look, no doubt fully aware of my arousal. It was completely unfair because he clearly wasn’t aroused. His pants couldn’t have hidden it if he were.

  “We have a minor problem,” Thadd’s voice broke through my stunned haze.

  I tore my eyes away from Summer’s, which sparkled with mischief.

  Thadd smirked. “Where are we going to put the other camera?”

  I looked back at Summer. “Good question.”

  “What if we put it on the collar here?” Thadd stood and got closer and pointed to the fold the fabric made from the collar down. He pulled the camera out of his pocket and pulled off the back. It was another tie tack. We were usually wearing suits when we needed them, so we had quite a few. “Is this real gold? It feels like metal.”