Taking A Chance: Charity Anthology Read online

Page 4

  What wasn’t in the contracts was how they beat and starved them for various arbitrary reasons and extended their contracts. Most of the contracts were under the guise of repayment if they came from another planet by one of Drexel’s associates’ discount transport ships, which were little more than barely legal livestock bays with engines. But the people who used them were usually desperate, and that’s what Drexel and his associates preyed on. I didn’t know Ivey’s full story, but I didn’t need to.

  My thoughts carried me all the way back to my quarters, where I walked in on a lively discussion. Summer was gesturing wildly with his arms. I looked over at the wall in front of the couch and laughed. They were watching the latest Kilraxon mating games. Only the brightest and strongest got to mate and produce offspring. They had a tournament every year to determine who got the chance.

  The history behind it was a little brutal but necessary at the time. Many argued that they should be abolished, but the Kilraxons kept voting for them to continue. It was also argued whether they continued because of the massive amount of money they made during broadcasting them, or they were blinded by tradition. Or the people didn’t realize that their population problems had been resolved centuries ago via space exploration.

  The Kilraxons, while quite brutal at times, were highly intelligent. They were on one of the strategic challenges not of war but of city management. I didn’t envy them trying to figure out how to manage multiple cities at once and make sure people didn’t starve or riot. While many admonished the species for its practices, I had to admit I found it appealing and wished some other species did the same when it came to their breeding practices. I would fail most spectacularly, not like I wanted children in the first place. But I at least acknowledged my limitations, which is more than some people.

  Both Thadd and Summer turned to face me as the door hissed shut.

  “Computer. Main screen off,” Thadd ordered as I took off my jacket and sat in the one armchair I had. Summer looked at me eagerly.

  “Well, I have okay news and bad news.” I tried not to sound as frustrated as I was. “The bad news does not involve your uncle, Summer. You can relax about that. However, Thadd,” I turned my attention to my best friend, “Ivey is on borrowed time.”

  Thadd’s jaw visibly clenched. He stood with a growl and started angrily pacing behind the couch. “Did he get beat again?”

  “No, worse. He looks quite healthy, and he’s on the late-night shift.”

  Thadd stopped with a curse. “Fuck! We have to get him out of there.”

  “I have a meeting with Narek in an hour. I should have more information on both situations after it. But we must be calm about this. I know how much you care for him.”

  Thadd sat again and put his head in his hands with his elbows on his knees. Summer was obviously confused. I started to explain. “Your uncle was seen with a new singer at Drexel’s, Kitty Divine, but neither of them has been seen in the last few days. That’s who is in the picture with him. My friend, a guard for Drexel, will hopefully have more information for me. I had to be careful about my inquiry while I was there. I didn’t want to alert Drexel to my search. Unfortunately, we have a friend who is in his clutches that we need to save and soon.”

  Summer leaned forward and put a hand on my knee. His long thin fingers curved around it and squeezed gently. “I understand. There is still hope. This Drexel does not sound like a good person.”

  Tingles went up my leg where Summer touched me, and I willed my libido to not act up now. It was the wrong time. “I’ll know more about both situations when I meet with Narek. If you like, you can come with me to meet him. I know being cooped up here probably isn’t helping you.” I gave Summer a small smile.

  Summer’s lips curled. “Yes, I will go.” He stood and went to the bedroom. I assumed to get dressed since he was still only wearing the pants he had on earlier.

  “We’ll save Ivey,” I tried to reassure Thadd. He raised his head finally, and the wetness on his cheeks was revealed. He wiped his face with a nod. “There is one place I haven’t checked that I should have last night. Do you mind hitting it up for me while I meet with Narek?”

  Thadd sighed heavily. “I know you’re trying to distract me, and I will let you.” He smiled wearily.

  “I haven’t checked the port authority yet. They’ll have the transport lists and know if Scalding Sand or Kitty Divine has left the station. My contact there will be on duty till the eighteenth hour, but I think the sooner we check, the better.”

  Thadd stood. “I know who he is. I’ll meet you back at the office when I’m done.”

  I stood and wrapped my arms around Thadd’s waist. Thadd was big and could be intimidating as hell, but he had a squishy center. He hugged me back hard. He let me go and walked out. I gathered my jacket and went to the bedroom to change. I did not need to be wearing this much clothing to go play chess with Narek.

  Summer came out as I approached the door. He looked lovely, simple yet elegant. He wore an ivory long-sleeved tunic with golden embroidery along the hem, cuffs, and collar. I wasn’t close enough to discern what the images were, but it looked intricate. The pants were the same kind that he wore before but in ivory and more embroidery at the bottom. The fabric seemed light and silky, and while it looked airy, it was tailored and fit him nicely without looking like a sack.

  It seemed a shame to cover his feet with the matching boots he wore. I felt they should be on display with rings and anklets. He didn’t wear any jewelry but the comm band on his wrist. If I could entice him to stay after finding his uncle, maybe he’ll let me adorn him with a few pretties.

  My gaze finally went back to Summer’s face, smiling knowingly at me. “You look…” gorgeous, alluring, sexy, enchanting like I want to turn you right back around and lay you out to lick every millimeter of your beautiful skin… “nice,” I croaked out and cleared my throat hastily, trying not to seem as awkward as I felt. I didn’t know why I was drawn to him. It was a foolish endeavor since he was light years beyond my league, plus the thought of him seeing me naked almost made me revisit my breakfast.

  Summer continued to smile at me and waited patiently for my brain to start functioning again.

  “I’m just going to change real quick, and then we should go.” I swallowed hard and stepped around him to seek the safety of my room. The door hissed behind me, and I almost collapsed on my bed in relief.

  I was aroused, so very aroused. I wanted to know what he sounded like as I brought him pleasure and wrung orgasm after orgasm out of him. I wasn’t too keen on being touched and seen naked. When I was younger and at least could look at myself and think I was attractive, I had many lovers in between relationships. But even then, I got far more pleasure out of pleasing someone else than in them pleasing me. I had toys that took care of my needs very well but being the conductor to another’s pleasure was satisfying on a whole other level. Listening to them beg for more and then beg me to stop because they didn’t think they could go on and then seeing the bliss that stole over them as I pushed them over the brink again.

  I sighed and groaned into the bed. This was not the time to think of the ways he’d sing under my touch as I played his body like the most exquisite instrument. It was but a fantasy, though. I did like torturing myself with them.

  I pushed up and flipped around, bringing up my foot to untie the laces on my wingtips. I took off my shoes and socks, stood, and went back to the closet. I looked inside with a bit of confusion.

  On one side where I used to have t-shirts were various long-sleeved shirts and pants on hangers. There were also two more sets of drawers, one on the side with my clothes and one on the new clothes' side.

  I poked my head out and didn’t see Summer’s luggage anywhere. I opened the top drawer on my side, and my t-shirts were neatly folded. Maybe he didn’t believe in living out of a suitcase? However, Thadd had to have helped him get the new drawers. While most people probably would have been pissed about the assumption and intrusion into their personal space, I found it refreshing. I was a private person, and I liked my space. But this bold declaration, even if it’s for a fleeting period, I found endearing. The feelings around this were something I’d have to untangle later. Right now, I needed to focus on the more immediate situation.

  Summer followed close behind me as I wove my way through the crowded corridors. The corridor opened to a large area with a few shops and cafés. There were open lifts to three other levels, and then the roof was transparent, revealing the stars and the ships passing over to dock. There were four other such areas around the commercial ring, and they were nice to sit in for a while. I liked to come to people-watch, or like today, meet with a friend. Although most of the time, it’s just to catch up and maybe play a game or two, not figure out what underground shit is happening on the station.

  I turned right and headed toward the café in the corner. The Bean Addict was my usual haunt. It was also the only place on the station that sold real coffee. It’s not cheap, but it’s one hundred percent worth every credit. Where it's grown on the station is a highly guarded secret. The coffee from the replicators has half the caffeine that regular coffee does, much to every true coffee lovers’ chagrin.

  The café was simple, with only an outward-facing counter and a decent amount of outdoor seating. All they served was coffee, nothing fancy, just plain pressed coffee. There was a low metal fence that encircled the shop’s area. A walkway bisected the seating area straight to the counter. I was lucky that only a few people were in line, but I waved to Narek who was already seated at our usual table before I joined the line.

  I navigated through the tables to the corner where Narek sat with his back to the wall so he had plenty of room for his wings. I imagined they were cumbersome at
times, especially in a station where space was a premium. He already had our board out and set. We took over one of the tables for four, which gave us plenty of room for the board and our coffees. This was fortunate for us today since we’d need the extra chair.

  Narek stood as we approached, noticing that I wasn’t alone.

  “Hey, I’m glad we could meet today. I know how busy you are, but it’s been a while since we’ve gotten to play.” I smiled, genuinely happy to see him. “Narek, this is my friend Summer. He’s just come onto the station for a little visit. Summer, this is my good friend and formidable adversary Narek.” I gestured between the two of them.

  Narek crossed his closed fists over his chest and inclined his head in greeting. “I am very pleased to meet a friend of Tekken’s.”

  Summer smiled widely and seemed almost giddy with the joy of meeting Narek. I wasn’t sure if he was just happy to have some potential news, or he was delighted to meet a Kilraxon whom he’d just been watching with such enthusiasm.

  Summer returned the Kilraxon greeting. “It is truly my pleasure to meet you.”

  “Please, sit.” Narek waved at one of the chairs.

  “I’ll just grab us a couple of coffees and be right back.” As much as I wanted to sit and get down to business, we had to make this look like any other meeting. Summer pulled out a chair while I turned and returned to the line.

  The café roasted the beans that it grew daily. This gave me the choice of how dark I wanted my coffee. I ordered two medium roasts, and the barista filled two coffee press carafes with grounds and hot water. She put them with two cups on a tray on the counter in front of me.

  I took a moment to inhale the smell and infuse my senses with what I considered the nectar of the gods before I picked the tray up and returned to the table. Narek and Summer were chatting away happily. I unloaded my treasure and took the tray back to the counter with a grateful smile.

  I sat finally and watched as they had started a game. I didn’t mind. There were many variations of chess that were available to play. But I liked the simplicity of the classic game with only one board and two colors. I was silent as they talked about the tournament that Summer had just been watching. I wondered if people not on their home world ever got a chance to participate or were there separate ones performed.

  Narek and Summer were making their moves quickly, and I admit I was only half paying attention. Narek and I usually didn’t play that fast, but I realized now that Narek was probably going slow on my account. I wasn’t a genius at chess or anything. I just liked the game. I was quickly surmising that Narek probably let me win a fair amount.

  I oddly didn’t mind, nor was I offended. I already knew he was probably much smarter than I was by genetics alone. Our time together playing isn’t just about the game, and I’m glad that it seems Narek felt the same because I think if it were just about the game, he wouldn’t bother playing with me at all.

  I glanced at the carafes and deemed them ready. I pressed the plunger on one and then the other and poured the glorious, rich dark liquid into the cups. I passed one to Summer and then stood and took the now empty carafes to the counter. I didn’t like leaving them laying around for no reason. Accidents happened that way. I nodded my thanks to the barista as she helped another customer and went back to the table.

  I sat as Summer hummed around his cup. I really had no clue what it was about his voice. The happy tone his hum embodied sent tingles along my skin. It was distracting, to say the least. I picked up my cup and took a sip in an attempt to take my mind off the naughty things I wanted to do.

  “Your bishop and the pawn not on the board are safe. They were taken away to ensure that they remained that way.” Narek slipped into the conversation.

  Summer paused in the middle of moving one of his knights. “Is it possible for my king to join them?” Summer finished his move.

  I listened carefully to discern the hidden meanings. I wondered how Narek knew Summer would catch on. Maybe it was how they talked before. I admit I wasn’t paying attention to the talk about the tournament.

  Narek made his counter move. “It can be arranged. It was my king that arranged for your king to find his new knight.”

  Summer glanced at me with a tilt of his lips. “My king thanks yours as he is pleased with the knight.”

  I looked back and forth between them. I sipped my coffee and returned my attention to the board. Summer would win in three more moves.

  “Your other pawn is about to be taken from the board. Your king can save it, and then my king can arrange for all the pieces to be together again. We just have to ensure that my queen remains unaware.”

  Summer nodded and made his final move. “Check. My new knight is very clever.”

  Narek rumbled a laugh and picked up his king. He held it out to Summer. “You are a worthy king.”

  Narek finished his cup and stood. “I must take my leave, Tekken. Thank you for introducing your friend. It is your turn to care for the board. Until next time, my friend.” Narek bowed slightly and then headed out of the seating area.

  Summer took another drink of his coffee. “I like your friend very much. He has honor.” Summer tilted his head toward me with a smile.

  I wanted to sit for a little longer and enjoy my coffee, but we had to meet up with Thadd and discuss what just transpired. I moved the chess pieces off the raised board and turned it over. I placed them all on one hollow side and folded the board. Little latches caught, and the board stayed in half, securing the pieces within.

  Summer still had the other king clutched in his hand, and from the whiteness of his knuckles, I suspected it’d take force to remove it. His otherwise outward posture seemed relaxed. I imagined that spending time around any ruling body, no matter the species, lent itself to learning more than one normally did about subterfuge and espionage.

  I finished my coffee and stood. I handed the board to Summer and bussed our table. I hoped whatever data that Narek must have hidden somewhere on the board wasn’t too hard to find. We didn’t usually trade the board between us; thus, he wanted me to have something in it.

  I turned back to Summer and held out my hand. I’m not sure why I offered it to him except that it just felt like the thing I should do. He must have secreted away the king as his hand was now empty and his other held the board. He took my offered hand with a soft smile and a determined look in his eyes.

  Thadd was already at the office. He looked up from his seat at his desk with a shake of his head.

  “There wasn’t any sign of either of them at the docking ring.” Thadd stood as we approached.

  “I think I now know why a Kilraxon is on Drexel’s payroll.” I moved around my desk and opened a drawer. I pulled out a small disc-like object and pushed the one button on it. It beeped, and the office was now blocked from any listening devices. I didn’t think there were any in the office. I swept it regularly, but it never hurt to be too cautious.

  I sat at my desk and held out my hand. “May I, please, have the piece that Narek gave you?”

  Summer slipped his hand into a fold in his pants and pulled out the chess piece. I didn’t even realize his pants had pockets. I examined the piece carefully and tried to twist the crown at the top. That didn’t budge, so I tried to pull it off, and it gratefully came off with a little effort, revealing a data port.

  I tapped a section of my desk, and a screen rose from the flat surface. Summer moved to stand on one side, and Thadd stood on the other. I plugged in the port to the computer interface on the top of my desk.

  “From what I discerned out of the cryptic conversation we had with Narek, Scalding Sand and Kitty Divine are no longer on the station and are being held in some sort of protective custody. We just don’t know why. And Ivey is about to be auctioned off. I think Narek must be an A.S.S. agent, agent of A.S.S.?” I shrugged. “And undercover. Although, I wish I knew what the Alliance Secret Services were waiting for. Narek has no doubt observed plenty for Drexel to be arrested in the last three years that he’s been here.”