Uncovered Passion Read online

Page 7

  “Hello? Sasha?”

  “Hi Nessa. I just want to tell you I might not be coming home tonight. I might be on to something here and I don’t want to miss it. I’ll fill you in on it in the morning. Can you make sure Petre doesn’t send the hounds after me?” Sasha stopped to take a quick breath before continuing. “You know I’ll be fine here. I’m sure Petre already has someone tailing me anyway.”

  “Sasha, I know you have feelings for the young man but are you sure you can handle being alone with him all night? I’m not sure you’re ready for…”

  “I said I’d be alright Nessa. Trust me. I’ll be fine. Just make sure Petre stays away.”

  “Alright Sasha, I understand. I knew this would happen at some point I had just hoped it would be with a guy who’d be around after the fact. But – I’ll keep Petre away – if that’s really what you want.”

  Sasha sighed. “It is. Thank you Nessa. I’ll see you in the morning. Bye.” Closing the phone, Sasha took a deep breath and looked in the vanity mirror. She ran her hands through her hair just in case. Digging through her purse she found her lip gloss and reapplied it. Assured she looked her best, she steadied herself and unlocked the bathroom door. Exiting the room, she found Garrick already lounging on the couch, his shoes haphazardly kicked off. He was the epitome of a Greek God.

  If there had ever been a man made more perfect, Sasha hadn’t seen him. His green pullover was just tight enough to outline his sculpted physic. She couldn’t help but moan at the sight of him resting. The look he gave her as she crossed into the room was one of pure animalistic lust.

  Watching Sasha enter and move towards the couch, Garrick wanted nothing more than to rush towards her. Restraining himself was difficult as he allowed her to come closer. It had been a shock when she had immediately agreed to come back to his room. From the night before and her reaction earlier this morning, Garrick really hadn’t thought she would go through with tonight’s date – let alone come back to the room again. Hope bloomed in his chest as she slowly moved towards him. Her eyes glittered with an unknown passion waiting to be released. A fierce heat rushed through his body as he watched her approach.

  Slowly, Garrick rose from the couch. Instantly he was there - touching her – caressing her. Languidly, Garrick kissed Sasha’s lips, cheeks and chin. With one long stroke of his tongue upon her neck, Sasha shivered. Simultaneously, he began to unbutton her skirt. A short denim skirt, he maneuvered the zipper with ease. Continuing to lavish her body with kisses, Garrick moved on to her pull over sweater. Sliding the fabric sensuously along her midsection, he grazed her lace encased breasts with his hands. Her nipples were petite pebbles beneath the creamy lace. Reluctant to discontinue kissing Sasha, Garrick pulled her sweater over her breasts to her neck. With her bra exposed, he deftly unhooked the front closure. Her breasts sprung free from their bindings to greet the chilly air. Throwing her bra to the floor, Garrick wrapped one hand around Sasha’s breast massaging gently.

  Breaking their kiss, Garrick quickly pulled her sweater over her head leaving her top half bare to his gaze. Leisurely, he took her in. Her perky breasts were high and full. Her skin was a soft cream that contrasted beautifully with her chocolate colored hair. A soft pink color appeared on Sasha’s cheeks, signaling her awareness of Garrick’s attention upon her body.

  Immediately Sasha was apprehensive about the situation. From where she was standing, they both had on entirely too many clothes. As Garrick leaned in to lick her breast, Sasha moaned aloud. Her knees felt weak and her stomach was all aflutter. She didn’t know what to do with all this emotion. Never before had she felt this much longing – this much desire. Sasha cupped Garrick’s head to her breast as she closed her eyes and let the sensation surround her. Without consciously trying, Sasha not only read – but felt Garrick’s thoughts. They ran in all different directions yet all centered on her and her body. Being cognizant of Garrick’s thoughts propelled Sasha’s arousal. She knew exactly what seeing her half naked was doing to him. She had seen the tell tale bulge as he relaxed on the couch earlier. Now, as he moved from one breast to the other, Sasha melted in his arms.

  Suddenly, Garrick’s wondrous tongue was gone. Bereft, Sasha opened her eyes to find him unzipping her boots. She lifted her foot as he slid the boot from it and moved on to the other. Without them on, Garrick was able to pull down her leggings. Sasha wasn’t sure how she should feel standing in just her red lace thong. Quickly, before she could change her mind, she reached forward and pulled Garrick’s sweater over his head. What she revealed amazed her. The sculpted muscles shifted and bunched under her appreciative gaze. Without thinking, Sasha touched his chest. Small crisp hairs covered his torso and ended in a path that disappeared beneath his khakis. At that moment, Garrick obligingly unbuttoned his pants allowing them to fall to the floor. Stepping out of them, he picked up Sasha and carried her to the awaiting bed.

  Laying her gently upon the covers, Garrick kissed his way down her stomach. Gradually he reached her thighs. Once there, he slid his fingers under the straps of her thong and ripped. A loud gasp escaped Sasha. Garrick briskly removed the shredded panties and spread her thighs. What was before him was a buffet of womanhood. Dipping his head, he let his tongue rasp gently against her clitoris. Instantly her body bucked in response.

  “Garrick… I” Sasha didn’t have the coherent thoughts to form words. Her mind screamed his name as he continued to lick and suck upon her. Gingerly, Garrick placed one finger at her entrance. Moisture seeped from her core to coat his finger. Encouraged by her eager reaction, he pressed it inside of her. The inside walls flexed and grabbed at the pleasurable invasion. Pushing in a second finger, she writhed in excitement. Garrick continued to lick as he slowly worked the two fingers in and out of her tight channel. Soon Sasha’s groans became louder. The world seemed to slip away until there was only this wonderful sensation streaking through her like lightening.

  Watching Sasha’s orgasm rush through her, Garrick quickly slipped out of his boxer briefs. Her body shuddered and spasmed as she came back to him. Poised above her, he slowly nudged the head of his cock into her tight entrance. Easing it in, he paused at the barrier of her innocence. Watching her expression, Garrick leaned down to take her lips in a passionate kiss as he pushed past her hymen.

  Sasha quickly pulled her lips away from Garrick’s as she inhaled a sharp breath. Tears formed in her eyes at the jagged pain. All her romance novels had spoken of was a quick pinch. This felt nothing like that.

  Pressing kisses along her forehead and face Garrick whispered, “Its okay, Sasha. I’ll wait until you’re ready. Tell me when it doesn’t hurt any longer.”

  Sasha fought to control the urge to push him away – while simultaneously drawing him closer. As several moments passed, the pain lessened to a dull ache. Sasha could feel his fullness inside of her. Unsure of how to proceed, she whispered, “I’m alright Garrick. It’s okay. Go ahead.”

  Slowly, Garrick pulled back to where only an inch remained. Rubbing her clitoris with one hand, he eased his cock back inside of her until he was again fully seated. Repeating this several times, he saw Sasha’s face begin to relax and her breathing quicken. Being moments from his own release, he felt his control teeter on the edge. As his thrusts became hurried, Sasha once again moaned. His mind began to frantically plead for her orgasm before he could release his. Being so close – and her so tight – he wasn’t sure he could last much longer. A rush of euphoria flowed through his body as he felt Sasha’s channel tighten and quiver around his cock milking him of his seed.

  As Garrick collapsed upon the bed, he knew he would never be able to forget her, this week or Moscow.

  A tear slipped from Sasha’s eyes as she heard his final thoughts. Her own heart echoed his thoughts.

  To be continued…

  Sasha and Garrick’s story is continued in the novel “Uncovered Thoughts” published by Hearts on Fire Books.

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  Food for the mind