Uncovered Passion Read online

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  He could feel her begin to pull away from him to gasp for air. Garrick released her gently and took a steadying step back. She had just freaked out minutes before and now he was attacking her. God only knew how many more ways he could screw this up. A sheepish grin spread across Garrick’s face.

  “I…uh, well… good morning?”

  “Yeah… great morning. I’m sorry Garrick – for flipping out earlier and for seeming like such a tease. I really do want you; I’m just not sure…well, I’m just not sure of anything right now.” At that exact moment, Sasha’s stomach cried out in a loud hunger pang. “Well, I am sure of breakfast. Wanna grab some before I have to head home?”

  “I do believe I can handle that. Where do you want to go? Somewhere quick or a sit down kind of deal? We can easily find both nearby.” Garrick handed Sasha her boots from next to the couch and sat down to put on his own shoes.

  Sasha grinned. “I think anything is good right now.”

  “In that case, I suggest we get going then.” Garrick stopped by the front door to pick up his room key and his wallet. Turning back to Sasha, he held out his hand and led her out of the hotel room. A few short minutes later, Garrick and Sasha were safely installed in a nearby café consuming large amounts of coffee, eggs and toast. Sometime during breakfast Sasha could feel her head begin to throb signaling the need for her medication. Once finished, Sasha bestowed Garrick a quick peck on the lips and headed off to her cab with the promise of yet another date for this evening.

  Chapter 9

  Sasha sat in the hard backed chair around the rectangular conference table. It was a rich mahogany with large matching chairs. At one end was a large podium made from the same wood. A black phone sat in the middle of the table next to an intercom. Large photographs of Russian landmarks covered the walls. At the center of the room was the massive conference table. Around the table were twelve chairs. Of those twelve chairs, nine were currently filled. Flanking Sasha were Nessa, and Petre, followed by Dr. Chikachev and Dr. Anchova. Across from her, on the other side of the table were various doctors and high level bureaucrats, all whom she had seen before. She really just didn’t care to remember their names.

  Petre cleared his throat and raised a hand to signal the beginning of the meeting. Standing up, he walked to the podium. Sasha hadn’t realized this was a formal gathering. Usually, Petre just took her in his office to yell at her. A sense of foreboding crept over her. This level of debriefing only happened in serious cases or after major mishaps. Great! Now she was a major mishap. That’s something to write in the journal. Sasha tried to focus on Petre and what he was saying to the group.

  “…this meeting has been called to discuss Sasha’s first mission. So far, the young woman hasn’t given us anything useful. What she has done has been to tour around Moscow with the target. Basically, Sasha has been dating the young man rather than getting the intel we need. I would say that so far her test mission has been a complete failure. Therefore we have two options—one that Sasha be pulled immediately and a surveillance team placed on the target. Or two, we allow her back in and wire her. That way she knows that this is serious business.”

  Sasha wanted to punch Petre really hard, over and over again. Sure, It wasn’t like she wanted this to end…well whatever this was she had going with Garrick. Pride was rearing its ugly head at Director Kerchanko words. If she wanted to she could complete this mission effortlessly - so how dare he call her a failure! She was half tempted to root around his head just to show him what kind of failure she was, however the last thing she wanted was to find her freedom curtailed because of insubordination.

  “Petre, can I ask how likely it is for this man to be a CIA operative. From what you’ve told me he has been touring around with Ms. Verochka.” Sasha turned to face General Kimko as he spoke. She could remember meeting the older man one other time when the current president had been first elected and he had been giving a tour.

  “In all likelihood – no. That doesn’t mean that he isn’t nor do we have the time to wait for her to grow up and accomplish her mission.” The tic was back in Petre’s cheek signaling that he didn’t think his intel had been faulty concerning the target.

  “So far I would say that as long as he’s with her it’s safe to say if he is a spy, he isn’t in any hurry to complete his mission. What harm is there giving her one last day to complete the mission?” Kimko looked relaxed with his hands resting on his belly while leaning back in the chair.

  “If that is what you think is best, then I don’t have a problem with it.”

  Yeah, he did. Sasha focused on his thoughts trying to find out why he wasn’t being completely honest. If he were to share the fact that she had spent the entire night with Garrick then Kimko might have agreed with him. So… why wasn’t he sharing that little tidbit? His eyes drifted to Nessa. His thoughts were full of concern about her getting into trouble over Sasha’s little rebellion. Great, now she really did feel guilty over her little fling – well, sort of.

  Nessa had always been there for her and here she was endangering her livelihood by acting like a teenager - which she was - not that that mattered. Nessa deserved a whole lot more from someone who still liked to pretend that she was her mother. Okay, Sasha would have to stop playing around. “Look, I’ll get you the answers you seek. After tonight you will know whether or not he is a spy. If he is, then you’ll know his target as well.”

  While everyone else nodded, Petre rolled his eyes. The sight filled Sasha with the overwhelming urge to chuck something heavy and blunt at his fat head. He had choices that she didn’t. He could at the very least be a little understanding at her need to explore facets of her life she had never been allowed to. Were she not born with this cursed ability, then Sasha could have been free to be anything, rather than trapped in a career she wasn’t sure she wanted.

  “Very well then. Let’s adjourn this meeting until tomorrow afternoon where we will be expecting a full report from the young woman.” Kimko stood up, as did his aides. They were the first to leave the room.

  Thankfully, Petre waited until everyone had left before unleashing his hostility on Sasha. “You better not be jerking their chain young lady because I’m fed up with the shit you’ve been pulling. I’m way past giving you a pity party. That little stunt you played last night could have gotten Nessa in a lot of trouble. She’s covered for you long enough to endanger her job. Tonight is your last night, you’d better not screw this up.” Stomping off, Petre slammed the door leaving her alone with Nessa.

  What could she say? Tears welled in her eyes. Sasha hadn’t meant to cause Nessa any grief. “Nessa, listen I’m sorry. I didn’t really mean to stay the night, honest. I just fell asleep after the movie and didn’t wake up until late this morning. I promise.”

  Nessa wrapped her arms around her. “I understand. I really do, but Petre is right. You have to end this tonight or you can forget all the progress you’ve made. They’ll have you back to those monotonous training exercises you so love.”

  Sasha shuddered at that thought. She really didn’t want to go back to those silly little exercises. They had no real purpose other than to sharpen her skills at probing a person’s thoughts unnoticed. Sasha would go nuts if she had to go back to those endless drills. They always left her with splitting headaches by the end of the day. “Okay, I said I would do it and I will.”

  Nessa looked at her long and hard before nodding. “Good, now why don’t you tell me when and where you are supposed to meet him and we’ll see about getting you ready for your mission.”

  Sasha looked away from Nessa. She didn’t want to betray Garrick, especially after having spent so much time with him. She could almost feel those curious emotions that his kisses and embraces caused within her. Then too, she couldn’t help but remember the way he had been with her last night. He hadn’t pushed her for sex - rather he had held her and respected her decision. Granted, she didn’t have any real experience with men, but from what she had heard from others
’ thoughts she knew that what Garrick had done was out of the normal. Could a man who was that much of a gentleman be a spy?

  Sasha didn’t think so. The minute she said he wasn’t she had a feeling they wouldn’t let her see him anymore. She needed to stop this nonsense. She wasn’t the only one who could get into trouble over this. “I’m supposed to meet him at his hotel tonight. There is a rooftop café that we we’re going to eat at. I am to meet him at 6:30 p.m.”

  Nessa began to rub her back in sympathy. “I can see how hard this is on you Sasha. I wish things were different - but they’re not. Come on then, let’s go shopping for something nice to wear. We may not be able to change anything but we can make the most of it. A girl has to look good you know.”

  Chapter 10

  Garrick couldn’t remember the last time he’d been so excited about a date. While Sasha hadn’t slept with him, he’d felt her excitement grow with each kiss. Last night had been a new experience. He was still hard as a rock - but with Sasha that wasn’t anything new. They had honestly fallen asleep.


  Who knew it could feel so good?

  Standing in the lobby, Garrick tried to look casual leaning against the architectural column. What he felt was far from casual. With each successive date, he felt something. What? He hadn’t a clue. He just knew that a strange sensation settled in his chest when he first caught a glimpse of her. No matter how she looked, the feeling remained. It was to a point now that just thinking about her brought it on.

  Garrick looked down at his shirt, a green long sleeved pullover. It was the best one he had brought with him. He had seriously considered buying a new one today but thought better of it. Sasha wouldn’t really care. It was only his own vanity and pride he was thinking about. But something about Sasha made him want to look his best. Already his khakis felt two sizes too small. Just thinking of her had his body at attention.

  As if his thoughts could conjure her, she appeared. Stepping inside the revolving door, she moved with a fluid grace. Her mini skirt and leggings accentuated that fine ass. She also wore those knee high leather boots from last night. He was already having fantasies involving those. A smile broke out as she caught a glimpse of him. That feeling Garrick had been having in chest intensified. His head felt lighter and his cock harder.

  Watching her sashay towards him, Garrick took in her red sweater. It caressed her curves much like a lover would. Like he would, giving half an opportunity. Getting through his dinner without grabbing her and throwing her to the floor was going to be incredibly difficult. Could she sense the reaction from him? As she came to a stop directly in front of him, Garrick could smell her desire. It rose off of her in waves. Just her scent had him aching to touch her, to please her, to give her everything her heart desired.

  “Hey… Did everything go alright with your mom?” Garrick could hear his voice rasp in a near growl.

  Sasha’s mind froze at his question, highlighting the fact that she should have been prepared for him asking this question. Having close to no experience at this kind of thing she hadn’t even thought this conversation might pop up. “Sort of, you could say she gave me the riot act and told me not to do anything like that without checking in with her.”

  “Well… good. I felt a tiny bit guilty all day thinking that I had gotten you into trouble by not waking you and sending you home.”

  Sasha felt a tad bit of guilt herself especially now that he was here in front of her being sweet and everything. Stop it! She needed to focus on the fact that she couldn’t be the nice girl anymore. She had to be the bitch. Get in his head. Get what she needed and get out. Only… looking into those baby blue eyes and reading the way he felt about her in his thoughts really made it hard to be that person. “I’m a big girl and she’ll just have to get used to it. What can I say?”

  “Are you ready to eat? The café is just up the main elevator. It’s an industrial café with a small dance floor. They specialize in techno music, according to the brochure anyway.”

  “Sure. That sounds really cool. I wonder what ‘industrial’ means in terms of a café? You think that means everything is stainless steel?” Sasha allowed Garrick to steer her into the elevator. On the way up, she continued her musings out loud. “Maybe they mean like cinder blocks and pipes. ‘Industrial’ always makes me think of factories. Wouldn’t it be funny if instead of waiters they had an assembly line that the food came out on?” Sasha knew she was rambling and couldn’t help it. Every step she took the more guilt she felt. Soon she’d have to betray his trust and honestly – she wasn’t ready for that. The feelings she had for Garrick were unexplainable, to say the least. All she really wanted was more time to explore that and see where it went.

  As the elevator came to a halt, the doors opened. Garrick escorted Sasha out and followed behind her. The elevator had taken them directly to the foyer of the restaurant. A waiter quickly greeted them and led them to a small round table bolted to the concrete floor. The table was a white composite with stainless steel chairs. The chairs were surprisingly comfortable. Once seated, the waiter handed them the menus and walked away, allowing them time to peruse.

  Soon, the waiter came back and the orders were taken. With a drink in hand, Sasha thought about breaking into his head. Dread consumed her at the thought. Once she did this, everything would be over. Maybe, she’d just do it after dinner – and a little dancing.

  All thoughts of FSB fled her mind as Sasha felt the rhythm of the music. Grabbing Garrick’s hand, she dragged him to the stainless steel dance floor. After a few dances, Garrick pulled her aside away from the other patrons. Lowering his head, he claimed Sasha’s lips with a powerful hunger. Quickly, Sasha joined in and wrapped her arms around his neck. Taking a deep, calming breath, Garrick pulled back. Removing her arms from his neck, he held onto her hands. As if he could let her go.

  “Sasha, I just want to tell you that this entire experience has been incredible. I’m really going to miss you when I go home tomorrow night.”

  The words floated through to Sasha’ befuddled mind.

  Tomorrow night.

  He was really leaving tomorrow. With everything running through her mind she hadn’t even thought of the possibility of him leaving already. Somewhere in the deep recesses of her mind she knew. He’d be gone. The rest of her was reluctant to believe it could be true. More now than ever her decision to complete the mission was paramount. A part of her ached to experience all the bliss of womanhood. She longed to feel that passion that Garrick often thought about. In truth, she wanted Garrick.

  At that moment, Sasha decided she would take this experience for herself and not look back. Damn the consequences! She loved Nessa like a mother, but she would not allow herself to miss out on what could possibly be a once in a lifetime opportunity because of her. Sasha’s eyes welled up with unshed tears as she smiled sadly up at Garrick. “I didn’t realize you’d be leaving so soon - I guess I never thought about you having to go home. I’ve had a great time with you – I’m not sure what else to say. I don’t know how to feel.”

  After a few suspended moments, Garrick leaned in and gently placed a kiss upon Sasha’s lips. He could see she was on the verge of tears. “I’m sorry. I should have told you sooner. A part of me was hoping – I don’t know, just…do you want to come back to my room? We could watch another movie and order chocolate?”

  “That sounds great. Can we try a different kind of chocolate?”

  “Not a problem. We can order a whole bunch if you want. You ready to go?” The sooner Garrick could get her out of the café, the better. Just the thought of her in his hotel room again, had him instantly aroused.

  “We can go now if you want. I was finished eating before we got up to dance. Just let me grab my purse and we can head down,” uttered Sasha. She had actually been thinking about calling Nessa to tell her she’d be late or not back until tomorrow. The last thing she needed was this experience marred by FSB barging in. What a thought!

uickly picking up her purse, Sasha walked with Garrick back towards the elevator. Once there, Garrick selected his floor number and the doors closed. It was a silent trip down to the fourth floor. Sasha thought about all the scenarios that could play out. She could start talking about work or his reasons for being in Russia and read his thoughts, call a cab and be back at FSB by midnight. Or, she could go back to his room, have a nice time, let come what may and perhaps read his thoughts later. If she chose the latter then she’d most surely have to call Nessa. She wouldn’t want her to worry and with everything that happened in the conference room, she didn’t want to cause her any more trouble. Just then, her thoughts ran away from her.

  Whoa Sasha. Just forget it. He’s not a spy; I’d have figured it out by now. I really just want to do things to him. God, I’m such an idiot. Why do I have to think about this? Why can’t I just let him do all those wonderful, naughty things he’s been thinking all night? Why am I still discussing this? Do I need to overanalyze this? No! I’m just going for it.

  As the elevator stopped at the fourth floor and the doors swung open, Garrick and Sasha exited towards his room. Once there, Garrick used the key card to enter the room. As soon as they both were inside, Sasha turned around and shut the door before she could change her mind.

  “Garrick, if you don’t mind, I really need to use the restroom. I also need to make a quick call to my mother to let her know I might be late - if that’s all right. I’ll be right back.” With that said Sasha quickly ducked into the bathroom and shut the door. Now that she was in here she suddenly realized she had been locked in this bathroom two times in the last twenty-four hours. What a strange habit. Great, now I’m talking to myself – in my own head nonetheless. Quickly Sasha dialed the phone. What could she say to Nessa that wouldn’t have her worried? Who knew? She’d figure something out sooner or later. Hopefully sooner Sasha thought as Nessa picked up the phone.