Uncovered Passion Read online

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  “That’s why you’re supposed to be tripping him up by asking the kind of personal questions which will get him to think about it.” Nessa had moved to where she stood right outside the stall door, effectively blocking Sasha’s escape.

  This wasn’t good. Nessa knew that Sasha was stalling because they both figured that if she asked him questions about his livelihood and why he had chosen Russia to vacation in then she would know everything she needed to know. Yet, here she was flirting and enticing the man because…well…she didn’t know why. “I’ll do that as soon as I have him sufficiently lured into a false sense of security. What are you doing here anyway? I think I can find my way back to the agency.”

  Nessa stood out there quietly waiting but inside her mind was in turmoil. “Stop worrying about me. Yes he’s good looking and I find him charming but I’ll do my duty.” Why did that thought cause her such discomfort?

  Nessa sighed. “Sasha you are playing a game that could bite you in the butt. If I were you I would keep in mind that you wouldn’t find him quite as charming if he knew what your job was.”

  Exiting the stall, Nessa’s eyes followed Sasha as she washed up in the sink “But he doesn’t know and you’re worrying too much.”

  “And you’re surprised about that. It was supposed to be a simple in and out and here you are procrastinating.” Nessa handed Sasha a paper towel to wipe her hands with. “I’ll cover for you but you better have the answers we need or prepare for some hard questions from the directors.”

  Flinging the paper towel into the trash harder than she intended, Sasha turned to Nessa with a defiant sigh and rolled her eyes. “I will okay. I have to get out there before he starts to get concerned.” Sasha left before Nessa made her any angrier. Sasha wasn’t stupid nor was she a traitor. She would get the job done but for right now she was going to have a little fun. After all that she had been through and gone without, they could cut her a little slack.

  Garrick could tell she was angry from the lines around her mouth, which left him a little confused because she hadn’t been angry when she had left their table so he didn’t think it was anything he done. “Is everything alright?”

  “Yeah, just fine. Let’s go.”

  Chapter 3

  Walking in silence to the old Russian Orthodox Church, Garrick wanted to make her tell him what was wrong but was afraid that he would offend her if he tried. So they quietly walked around the old church and its outlying buildings. Eventually she seemed to calm down. Strangely as he watched her walk around the center court yard, he couldn’t help but notice that she looked around as if she’d never seen it but maybe he was imagining it. It wasn’t like he knew the girl well enough to say he could read her that accurately.

  Leaving the church, they began to walk in and out of the various shops as dusk receded and night blanketed the city. Garrick missed all the sexual tension and flirting that had existed between them earlier when they had been in the restaurant. He wasn’t sure what happened but he was pretty sure that the change had occurred while she had been in the bathroom. Since she wouldn’t talk about it, the only thing he could do was find a way for her to forget about it.

  Seeing a nightclub opening its doors, inspiration hit. “Hey how about we get a drink and do a little dancing?”

  Sasha hesitated. She probably should just get her mission over with but she had never been dancing or in a club, nor had a drink. “That sounds like a good idea. I’d like that.”

  Walking into the club, she was only slightly disappointed. There weren’t that many people inside but then again it had only just opened. Sasha counted all of fifteen people, give or take a few. There were about four sitting on round leather topped stools at a large mahogany bar, complete with your average middle aged balding bartender. Garrick’s hand slipped around her waist as he walked her to the bar. Tendrils of feeling that had been dormant since leaving the restaurant blossomed again as a whole nest of butterflies swirled around her bloodstream causing warm tingles to flourish within her breasts and womb.

  At the bar, her breathing faltered as his hand left her hip to cup her ass. She felt that same curious wetness dampening her panties again as her pussy began to throb in a weirdly pleasurable and uncomfortable manner. She really should remove his hand but found that she couldn’t bring herself to do it. Sasha had to bite back the moan as Garrick gave her backside a slight squeeze.

  “We’ll have two of the house specialties” Garrick ordered at the bar.

  Sasha was unable to concentrate on what the bartender fixed them because Garrick had started caressing her ass again. Why couldn’t she bring herself to stop him from taking such liberties? They were in a public place and yet she didn’t want him to stop. Moistening her lips, she found herself drowning in his Caribbean blue eyes.

  Garrick nearly came in his pants as he watched her pink tongue dart out to wet her lips. He was only dimly aware of the fact that the bartender had put their drinks on the bar. For several seconds he stood there watching a very aroused Sasha and she was definitely aroused, her breathing was shallow and quick while her eyes were slightly dilated. Finally reaching into his pocket, he pulled out some of his money. “Keep the change” he told the man who had passed them their drinks.

  Tossing the drink back, Garrick let the burn fade and watched as Sasha gasped and coughed when she tossed back hers as well. Pulling her into the circle of his arms, Garrick let his chest press against her breasts as he rubbed Sasha’s back. He had never felt this hard from just a few simple touches. “How about a few dances?”

  Stepping back to allow her space after she nodded her assent, Garrick took her hand and gently led her to the dance floor. Moving to the beat, he noticed the unsure look on her face as she looked around. Had she never been dancing before? “Don’t worry about anyone else. Just move to the beat of the music. All that matters is that you have fun.”

  After about the second dance, the ear to ear smiles and laughter began to spill out as she let loose and had fun. She was entrancing although it was the way her breasts moved and shook that really had him going. He had to have her. Consequences be damned, he was going to take this as far as she let him take it.

  Sasha moved and danced with Garrick and like him didn’t care about the consequences. She had never felt like this before. She didn’t think she was ready to go all the way especially since he could be a rival agent but oh how tempted he made her to want to find out what it was like. She felt so alive being with him. But, a part of her wanted to keep that for someone special who she would spend the rest of her life with. Of course, how likely was that to happen with the way the agency kept her on a short leash?

  She began to lose track of time as they alternated between dancing and sitting at the tables where he kept her entertained with what was becoming an inexhaustible supply of amusing personal stories. She almost wished she had some to share with him especially since he seemed like such a nice man. The drinks that he brought back to her since that first one had all been non-alcoholic because he didn’t want to take advantage of her. That much Sasha had been able to pick up.

  The sudden sharp pain in her head made her realize that so much time had passed that she had missed her medication dose. Grapping her purse, she quickly stood up. “Excuse me; I need to use the restroom.”

  “Is everything alright?” Concern was in his eyes as he stood up and reached out to place a comforting hand on her arm. The last time she had entered the restroom she had come out distant and withdrawn.

  “Yeah, I just need to go. I’ll be right back.” Her hand rubbed at her temple as she practically darted away in search of the facilities.

  Garrick was having a blast but he probably shouldn’t keep her out so late. She could have a job, or worse, a boyfriend and what kind of jerk kept her out when she was in pain. A few minutes later when she came out, he noticed that her eyes were still pinched in pain and her hand was still rubbing at her temples. “Why don’t I take your home?”

  “No, we d
on’t have to do that.”

  She tried valiantly to keep from showing her discomfort. “It’s okay. You’re not disappointing me. We can always do something together tomorrow if you’re off from work that is?”

  “I’d love that and yes I’m off. But, I would rather you show me where you’re staying at and I’ll stop by and pick you up tomorrow.”

  Garrick couldn’t blame her for not wanting him to know where she lived having only just met him. “That sounds fine to me. By the way, I just had a thought and wanted to ensure myself I was wrong. You, by chance, don’t have a boyfriend at home do you?”

  Sasha let loose a giggle. “No, there’s definitely no boyfriend. Trust me; I’m not that kind of person. Plus, I don’t have time to deal with more than one man at a time.”

  Reaching out to take her hand, he walked with her out of the club and into the thinly populated streets with its closing shops. At this time of night, only clubs and bars would be open. Shivering at the chill which was settling in the air, Garrick wrapped an arm around Sasha to bring her closer to him so that they could share their warmth.

  As they walked, Garrick marvel at what he had always thought to be a myth—a comfortable silence. In his experience, silences were periods of time when you realized that you had very little in common with that person so you had best end it. With Sasha, he didn’t have that sense at all. He enjoyed being with her and he wasn’t quite sure why. Sure, she was beautiful but he doubted very seriously that was it. Mulling it over as he walked, he came up with no answers and before he knew it, they had arrived at his hotel.

  The hotel boasted tall columns supported the alcove for cars to pull up and deposit both passengers and luggage. Up the burgundy carpeted steps, four massive gilded doors gave way to a well lit lobby. Stopping at the base of the stairs, Garrick turned and faced Sasha, not wanting to lose this opportunity. He was happy to see that no pain seemed to be in Sasha’s expression as she regarded him curiously. There was nothing stopping him from finding out what her lips tasted like, save himself. Pulling her into his arms, he slowly lowered his lips to hers giving her plenty of time to avoid him. Garrick couldn’t help but smile at the way her shallow quick breaths hinted to her desire and excitement. Scenting her growing arousal, Garrick smiled seductively as he descended.

  Covering her incredibly soft lips, Garrick allowed his tongue to slowly lick along the seam in an enticing invitation to open her mouth. When she did, he plunged his tongue into her mouth in a desperate attempt to deepen the kiss. God! He had never tasted anything so sweet, like summer rain and honeydew. Gentling his assault, Garrick slowly twirled his tongue around the inside of her mouth savoring her luscious taste. Electrical currents of arousal flowed a direct route to his groin exciting him further. His hands itched to feel her naked body against his. He fought furiously to keep from grinding his body against her delectable form.

  Pulling back from her now kiss swollen lips, Garrick delicately caressed the side of her face. Tracing the line of her lips with his fingers, he forced his body to slow his erratic breathing. He had never wanted anyone so badly. “What time should I expect you tomorrow?”

  Sasha felt the world dissipate around her. All that existed was Garrick and his amazing mouth. Sasha had read about kissing in romance novels but had never had the good fortune to experience it until now. That is, if you could consider this a kiss. It felt more like a claiming. All thought evaporated as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Tentatively touching her tongue to his, she felt empowered at his growl of satisfaction and the hard ridge she could feel against her belly. So much so, that she swiveled her tongue with his. She could hear his thoughts clearly projected in her mind. The images she saw there caused her pussy to clench and quiver with need.

  All too soon it was over. Garrick was staring deep into her eyes. Sasha fought the haze that surrounded her thoughts. Pulses of pleasure shot to her womb as he caressed her lips. Suddenly, she heard Garrick speak. Quickly processing the question, Sasha thought for a moment. She knew that Nessa and her superiors would be upset to realize that she hadn’t completed her mission this evening. However, she didn’t care she got to spend some more time with this incredible man who invoked such wonderful feelings in her. “Um… I can meet you any time you wish. It is your vacation after all. Would eight be too early?”

  “Eight would be fine. Are you sure you’ll be alright going back home?”

  Sasha smiled and nodded weakly. Pulling her towards him again, Garrick briefly brushed his lips against hers. “In that case, sweet dreams, exquisite Sasha.”

  Chapter 4

  Entering the agency, Sasha smiled at the night watchman, Danil. He nodded to acknowledge her entrance, and then turned back to his newspaper. Sasha felt weary from the emotional overload of the day. She couldn’t summon the desire to use her gift on Garrick even though she knew it was only a matter of time before she had to. Her superiors would not allow her to fail this mission no matter her feelings.

  Sasha knew the minute Nessa and Petre saw her on the elevator camera. The comm. link opened to Nessa’s agitated voice. “Where have you been Sasha?” Sasha sighed as she realized her night was far from over. Closing her eyes, Sasha answered. “You know where I’ve been, you did see me twice today already.”

  Exiting the elevator, Sasha walked straight to Petre’s office knowing that both him and Nessa had watched her assent and were waiting for her report. Scenes from her date played through her mind as she walked along the gray linoleum floor and Sasha tried in vain to come up with reasons why her mission had not been completed. Coming to Petre Kerchanko’s office door, Sasha stopped to knock only to freeze as her hand hovered inches from the door. What could she say? Not even she completely understood why she had spent the entire day laughing, flirting, talking, eating, and dancing. It had been unlike anything she had ever experienced and Sasha didn’t want it to end, but that was foolishness speaking again.

  Rapping several times on the door, she decided to brazen it all out as best as she could. After all, what other choice did she have? The sight of Nessa opening the door caused a slight panic. She wasn’t ready to justify why she had nothing to give them and time had run out. She couldn’t stand out here forever thinking of flimsy excuses, which they wouldn’t believe anyway. Director Kerchanko sat at his dark, imposing desk with two subordinates flanking him in uncomfortable wooden chairs. Just what she needed, more witnesses to the humiliation of having an incomplete mission; her first one at that.

  It was disconcerting walking into a room of expectant people knowing that they all were waiting to hear a report she didn’t have to give. Words deserted her as she stood there staring straight ahead, her eyes fixed on the painting behind Petre’s head waiting for him to speak. She knew that excuses were pointless and beneath her.

  “Director Kerchanko, before you get mad at her, you need to keep in mind that she is still a young woman who has been greatly sheltered. It would be wrong to harshly judge her especially in light of how attractive her target is. Give her more time, and she will do what is right. I can personally vouch for her.” Nessa broke in as she took the chair to Sasha’s right.

  Sasha really was grateful for Nessa’s support, but at the same time humiliated that she would belittle her. Nessa could never truly understand or comprehend that it wasn’t her age making it difficult to complete her mission. Nor was it the attractiveness of Garrick Caldwell, potential CIA agent. Rather, it was something fundamentally different. Sasha was only just beginning to understand it, which was strange, considering how much she had been in her own mind. You’d think she would know herself well enough that she wouldn’t be this confused. But, that was the problem. Sasha didn’t know herself, not truly.

  Nessa was partially right. Sasha had been so sheltered that she never had the opportunity and the chance to discover who she really was, and that was the heart of her problem with her mission. It was so easy to pretend to be a normal person with Garrick as he walked and talked with her. And,
that kiss, her first kiss had been beyond anything she had ever felt before. Even know, the urge to touch her lips was strong because it she felt branded. It didn’t matter how inappropriate it was to be daydreaming about Garrick’s kisses. She did it anyway.

  The scraping of a chair on the linoleum floor rudely interrupted her lascivious thoughts causing her eyes to refocus on Petre who was retrieving his hat from the coat rack. “You’re playing a very dangerous game young lady. One, I’m not sure you completely understand the consequences and ramifications of what you are doing. I will give you a little leeway to accomplish this mission. But only a little. I will be needing those answers. My superiors as well will want to know why this man is in Moscow and why he has chosen now to be here. Concentrate Sasha. You can find another man that is attractive. We’ll even find you one if that is what you want. But you must stay focused on the mission.”

  Sasha watched Petre gather his belongings and head for the door. What could she really say to him? Although, a rebellious part of her wanted to scream at his condescension, she was perfectly aware of what was at stake. Just as she was equally aware that Garrick probably wasn’t the safest choice for her to discover new experiences with. But, she couldn’t help it. When she was with him, something came to life within her that she didn’t know had previously existed.

  “Nessa, why don’t you take Sasha to her room and have a talk with her? Maybe what she needs is the wisdom of a more mature woman.” From behind her, Sasha heard the office door opening.

  Sasha wasn’t eager for that conversation so she was understandably dragging her feet at exiting Petre’s office. The walk back to her room was thankfully silent allowing Sasha to think some more about Garrick and tomorrow’s date. She guessed she would have to actually get around to completing her mission but surely she could enjoy one more day with him. She wanted to learn more about passion, especially the kind written in the romance novels that Nessa had slipped to her. Everything always worked out in the end for them.