Uncovered Passion Read online

  Uncovered Passion

  Christopher Golliday & Melissa Golliday

  Published: 2009

  Tag(s): romance, paranormal, shape shifter, spies, new york city, russia

  Chapter 1


  September 2, 2003

  Sasha Verochka sat in the seat next to Dr. Nessa Petrov, her handler and the closest thing to a mother she had. That was sad since the same woman had been one of the scientists who had hovered over her as they tested her ability. A telepath, Sasha’s gift was of keen interest to her country. Sadly, she would give anything to be born without it. All it had ever brought her was isolation and pain.

  Sasha’s curse, or gift, as most would call it, wasn’t selective so she constantly picked up the thoughts of those around her leading to migraine headaches and the occasional seizure. Luckily for her, Nessa had eventually developed a drug which allowed her to function somewhat in the world around her. Glancing out the sedan window, Sasha watched the flood of tourists who walked towards her nation’s largest attraction—the Kremlin. Once again, she realized just how sheltered she was as she allowed her mind to pick up on the stray thoughts of those who passed by the vehicle.

  For eighteen out of nineteen years of her young life, she had been in a lead encased room at the agency which protected her from the side effects of her cursed ability. The FSB had always told her it was to keep her safe from outside threats, but Sasha wondered if it was more to keep her in than anything else. Any excuse was better than none she guessed.

  Blushing at some of the more lewd thoughts she intercepted from passersby, Sasha was thankful once again that her medication allowed her to shield herself from the constant mental bombardment. The gentle touch on her hand brought her gaze back to the car and to Nessa, whose concerned look reminded her that this was the only person who saw her as a being with feelings, needs, and desires, and not just a national weapon.

  Nessa’s grimace and furrowed brows had showed her distaste at handing Sasha a mission that few were sure she was ready for. But the upper echelon bureaucrats were just itching to see how a tool long believed to be defective, could benefit mother Russia. Nessa’s motherly thoughts warmed the girl who had never had a family. Gently squeezing the older woman’s hand, Sasha said, “its okay Nessa. I want to do this, I think I need to.”

  Nessa’s smile was half hearted at best. “You should review the file again before going out there to meet your target.”

  Touched by the concern, Sasha pulled out the file they had given her last evening and felt the same curious warmth curling in her stomach as she opened it and stared at the pictures within the manila envelope. Her mission was to discover the real purpose for American Garrick Caldwell’s visit to her country. A former Marine, her superiors were pretty sure that he was now a CIA operative and they needed her to not only confirm it but to discover what his objective was. It should be a piece of cake, an in and out job. Or so they had told her.

  However, the more she stared at the surveillance pictures the more a foreboding feeling crept over her, making her rethink their assessment. Her heartbeat accelerated as her fingers traced the ruggedly cut jaw of Garrick’s picture. She had never seen a more handsome man in her life and those beautiful blue eyes were the kind that a girl could drown in.

  Nessa’s thoughts intruded causing her to quickly shuffle the pictures underneath the report that had accompanied it. Feeling her cheeks tingle with blush, Sasha suppressed her smile. “So, I find him a little attractive?” Actually, she found him more than a little, considering the dream she had about him last night.

  “Just remember that he was a member of Force Recon. This man won’t hesitate to kill you if he discovers who and what you are—an agent and threat to his freedom, especially if he is caught. His government will leave him high and dry so get those kinds of thoughts out of your head.” Nessa grabbed her chin and leaned towards her so that they were practically eye to eye. “I mean it. This isn’t a game.”

  Pulling her chin free, Sasha set the file back down on her lap. “I know. It’s not like I’ve been harboring sexual fantasies about the man, I just think he’s good looking. Cut me some slack.”

  The older woman sighed. “Well…you better get out there because there is no telling how long he’ll stay here…and Sasha, don’t take your time with this. Do it quick and extradite yourself. Got it?”

  “Alright.” Stepping out of the passenger side door, Sasha took a calming breath. Focused on moving towards her target, she took slow strides and continued measured breathing to slow her heart rate. She walked along the concrete sidewalk slowly taking in her surroundings. Tourists and Russians alike mulled around the square talking and shopping.

  Garrick Caldwell was currently staring with awe at the ancient structure that drew so many from all corners of the world. Trying not to stare, Sasha tried unsuccessfully to forget just how kissable his full lips looked or how dangerously sexy his military short haircut made him seem. Groaning, Sasha wondered why her first assignment had to be a man so gorgeous that it forced her to think naughty things she shouldn’t.

  Garrick stared around him in avid fascination glad once again that he wouldn’t have to worry about business for the rest of this week. His superiors didn’t want to spoil his cover as a tourist. Good thing. It meant he could relax after this. Garrick turned back to the building before him. It was definitely something to see, so old and significant to history. Here, Tsars and communist premieres had ruled with iron fists while events which would shape Europe and the world played out all around Moscow and Russia. Twice dictators with world changing armies had come here and been defeated by a Russian army allied with its country’s frigid winter temperatures.

  His nose sniffed the air at the strangely alluring scent of strawberries and cream causing his cock to strain against his jeans. Almost against his will, he turned towards the arousing scent. And there he saw her. The beautiful brunette with high, full breasts which danced in a bouncing, swaying motion entranced him. Helplessly lost to the sight before him, Garrick never felt anything as strong as the throbbing sensation coursing through his balls to the tip of his now engorged penis.

  Her long chocolate brown hair caressed her back and the thin cotton material of her light blue shirt. Amber colored eyes highlighted the creamy white complexion while her hourglass figure was the stuff wet dreams were made of. His feet were moving towards her even as he found himself deluded with the fantasy that she too was moving towards him in a helplessly magnetic way. He would give his left nut for an opportunity to sink his cock into what he just knew had to be the tightest, wettest pussy he had ever felt.

  The rosy color appearing upon her cheeks had him smiling a predatory smile at the near virginal reaction he was getting from her and yeah, she was coming towards him as well. It wouldn’t be the first time he had been approached by a beautiful woman. When he had been in the Marines quite a few giggly women had come on to him asking him to pose in a picture with them while he had been in uniform. Had even had one girl ask him to write his number in her panties.

  Almost on top of one another, Garrick felt himself at a loss for words. “Hello…” what the heck was that about? He wasn’t some nerdy teenager without a clue how to flirt, but he found himself at a loss as to how to proceed. He didn’t know if she was Russian or another tourist like himself so he wasn’t sure if one of his usual pickup lines would work, especially since he didn’t know enough Russian to do them justice. Not to mention, the shy glances and rosy hued cheeks had him thinking that she wasn’t that experienced when it came to players. Not that he considered himself a player, per se.

  “I’m Garrick Caldwell. I was wondering whether or not yo
u would like to have some lunch with me—my treat.” It wasn’t smooth or slick but he had a feeling that she wasn’t used to those things. He wasn’t the kind of guy who toyed with girls who couldn’t handle the game.

  Sasha’s nipples were still feeling that tight pinched feeling she had experienced for the first time a few minutes ago when she had first noticed him looking at her. Her panties also felt damp from the curious moisture that had pooled low when she had first begun to catch the mental images of him thrusting his penis into her. Damn it! The warm tingling feeling was back in her cheeks. Was she going to be blushing the entire mission?

  “That would be nice, thank you.” Pointing to the left, “there is a nice restaurant over there.” Sasha’s cheeks pulled her lips into an ear to ear smile. He thought her accent was sexy. Giving in to the urge to touch him, she marveled at how thick his biceps were as her arm wrapped around his. She fought hard to resist the urge to lay her head on his shoulder so that she could catch a closer whiff of the masculine smell of him.

  Awkwardly walking with him towards the restaurant, Sasha hoped she wasn’t doing anything wrong by walking arm in arm with him. Unfortunately she didn’t have a whole lot of experience at this. The few dates she had been on since the miracle drug had been even more uncomfortable than this. However strangely enough the erotic images she was getting from him were tempered by the knowledge that he was aware of her apprehension to a certain extent. Relaxing slightly, she knew that he wouldn’t force her to do anything she didn’t consent to. While relieved, she felt a certain strength at the knowledge.

  His inner beast could smell the arousal dripping from her and had the lascivious desire to drag her somewhere so that he could strip the layers of clothing off of her was strong. He never before had this kind of urge to see a woman naked and ready for hot sweaty sex. He had to remind himself for the second time that she definitely seemed too naive for that kind of thing. His mama would be disappointed in him if he broke some poor girl’s heart.

  “Do you have the day off or are you on your lunch break?” He hoped the latter wasn’t it because he really wanted to spend the day with her, which was very stupid. He already knew that he couldn’t be seducing her but he had helpless urge to spend more time with her.

  “I have the day off. Why do you ask?”

  Garrick watched the young woman brush some of the long strands of her hair behind her ear so that she could catch an unobstructed view of him. She turned her head slightly up to meet his eyes. He really shouldn’t be feeling this glad about her having the day off but he was. And he didn’t even know her name. What was he a high school freshman again? “I’m Garrick Caldwell by the way…” He stopped himself from stating the obvious that he was an American. He really had regressed to a state of geekdom. Why was she giggling?

  Sasha couldn’t help it. He was so cute. He’d introduced himself to her twice now. She turned her head back to see that the sedan Nessa had been driving was long gone. Unable to suppress her smile, Sasha held onto Garrick’s arm as they continued their walk to the restaurant doors. “Nice to meet you Garrick, I’m Sasha Verochka.”

  Unlike her previous two dates, this man made her feel comfortable about her awkwardness and shyness. And, while he had the same lustful feelings those other two men had, she didn’t feel grossed out in the least. On the contrary, she felt moisture pool and dampen her panties. Nessa had never really explained the birds and the bees to her. Sasha guessed that she was supposed to have figured that out on her own. Of course, with the seedy men her boss had set up her with, she hadn’t learned anything of use. In fact she had been turned off on sex in general until she had seen Mr. Caldwell’s picture in his file. She had taken the file to her room to “study” at Nessa’s suggestion. What Nessa hadn’t known was that Sasha had laid on her bed and did nothing more than stare at Garrick’s picture. It was hard to focus on the task at hand with him right here in the flesh.

  Sasha… Garrick let her name play over in his mind. It was a beautiful name. It suited her and made sense. A beautiful name for a beautiful woman. Wasn’t that a line he had used before? For some reason, none of the usual pick up lines Garrick had ever used felt right to say to this woman. As he opened the restaurant door to escort her in, he inhaled again her scent. It had been painful to dull the erection he had sported since meeting her.

  “Ladies first.” Garrick said politely as he let his hand linger at the small of her back. She felt delicate and small against his tall frame. He wanted to take her back to his hotel room and ravish every inch of that luscious body. For right now though, he’d wine and dine her and see what came next. After all, he was leaving soon anyway.

  Chapter 2

  Sasha looked hard at the menu in front of her. She’d only eaten at one restaurant her entire life and that was just last week when Nessa took her out to practice for her mission. The agency didn’t want her to look suspicious. And boy had she ever. She had given her surroundings more than just the once over. She had examined everything. Well, as well as one could from the confinements of their booth. This time around, Sasha kept her focus on the menu and Garrick. Ordering a chicken dish, Sasha tried to make polite conversation after he ordered the same.

  “Have you ever been to Russia before?” She asked innocently.

  “Honestly, no I can’t say that I have. From what I have seen so far everything here is beautiful.” Sending a sly glance towards her, he wondered if she had picked up on his connotation.

  “I saw that you were standing near the Kremlin. Have you seen many other sights yet? Perhaps I could play tour guide for you while you are here.” Sasha hoped that didn’t sound too presumptuous. She might as well use this mission to see a few things herself. It wasn’t like she had a whole lot of time to explore her country, what with training and business meetings.

  “I’d love to.”Garrick put his menu down and stared at her with a smile full of sensual promise. Who wouldn’t want to cruise around with an incredibly hot girl as the tour guide?

  His overly erotic thoughts flashed through Sasha’s mind causing her to shiver in response. She wasn’t used to this kind of thing and unlike her previous two dates, if you could call it that since they hadn’t even gone to a nice place to eat, Sasha found herself excited and yet cornered in a thrilling but threatening way. She wasn’t making any sense. Sasha just knew that she was loving every minute of this, whatever it was and she didn’t want it to end.

  The waiter finally returned to bring them their meal and refill their glasses causing the curious sensation which floated between them to dull to a simmer. Taking a bite, Sasha hummed in appreciation at the savory flavor which coated her tongue. Looking at Garrick, she found herself smiling at the hesitant bite he took at the unfamiliar dish. The appreciative sound she made at her meal must have reassured him that it was good because he took the bite and smiled. “There are a number of old churches that we can see or if you would rather I know where there are a number of tourist shops that we can visit.”

  “Both sound good… why don’t we visit one church, a few shops and then we can have dinner; if you like.”

  In her mind, she could clearly see Garrick fantasizing about suckling and caressing her breasts which caused her nipples to harden in a delightful but uncomfortable way. Suppressing a delicious shiver, Sasha sighed. She really wasn’t making any sense. She knew that she should be focusing on finishing her mission but something was keeping her from doing that. All she wanted to do was to savor this moment. “Sure, we can do that.”

  The meal flew by as Garrick regaled her with a series of amusing stories and jokes that had her laughing one minute while his thoughts caused her to squirm in her seat trying to relieve the pressure building between her legs. Before Sasha and Garrick realized it, the lunch crowd had departed. Looking at the clock, Sasha figured they would likely be having a late dinner by the time they finished sight-seeing. “We better get going if you want to see everything.”

  “We’ll see what we see. As far
as I’m concerned the best part of my vacation is right here with you.” He knew that sounded like some kind of line but he meant it. Her eyes and face were so expressive that even though he had done the majority of the talking, he had enjoyed this date more than any other he had ever been on. “Why don’t you use the restroom while I’ll take care of the bill?”

  “Okay, I’ll be right back.” Watching her get up, Garrick’s eyes drifted over her delightful curves as she shyly hid her face and body by turning around to walk away. He was fine with that because it gave him a good look at her heart shaped bottom that was hands down the nicest ass he had ever seen. Triple X fantasies were born instantly as he allowed himself to mentally undress the Russian beauty.

  She paused for what seemed like an eternity before sashaying in that age old way that women had when they wanted to put on a show for a man. He felt like kicking himself because he knew that if continued to spend more time with her then he would definitely end up crossing that line into outright seduction, which… would it be a bad thing really? As long as he gave her a choice and an out then she could make her own decisions. Signaling the waiter over, he handed the man his credit card.

  Sasha couldn’t believe that she was enticing the American. The minute his thoughts had focused on her backside she had deliberately put a sway into her walk, which was a dangerous game she probably shouldn’t be playing, especially when she was deliberately trying to entice the man she was supposed to be spying upon. Pushing open the bathroom door, she froze at the sight of Nessa standing in front of the sink.

  “What’s taking you so long?” Nessa’s arms were crossed and an eyebrow raised.

  “Can you not scare me like that? Dear God. If I didn’t know better, I’d think you didn’t trust me. It’s not my fault he hasn’t thought about his mission yet.” Sasha walked into the stall and shut the door as she spoke. She didn’t want someone who knew her so well reading the look on her face.