This Time Is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly Read online

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  definition of, xxxix

  leverage ratios, 214

  liability dollarization, 109b, 191

  liberalization, financial: banking crises associated with, 155–56, 206, 270–71

  as precursor to crises, 217, 270–71

  Liberia, banking crises in, 372t

  liquidation, in bank runs, 144

  liquidity crises, 59–61, 90

  Lithuania, banking crises in, 372t

  London, in Latin American capital markets, 93b–94b

  long-term debt: in bank runs, 144–45

  domestic public debt as, 105–6, 106f

  low-income countries, definition of, 394n3. See also emerging market(s)

  Lucas critique, 287

  Maastricht Treaty, 21, 121

  Macedonia, banking crises in, 372t

  macroeconomic stability, debt intolerance and, 30–32

  macroeconomic time series, 295–326

  macroeconomic volatility, decline in, 256

  Madagascar, banking crises in, 372t

  Malaysia: banking crises in, 373t

  capital flow bonanzas in, 402n18

  duration of crises in, 235

  graduation in, 287

  housing prices in, 159

  inflation crises in, 182

  Mali, banking crises in, 373t

  Manias, Panics and Crashes (Kindleberger), xxvii

  Mary Poppins (movie), xl

  maturity structure: banks’ role in, 144

  of domestic public debt, 105–6, 106f, 127, 400n11

  Mauritania, banking crises in, 373t

  Mauritius: banking crises in, 373t

  as default virgin, 44, 258

  financial turbulence index for, 258

  media coverage, of U.S. subprime crisis, 199

  Merrill Lynch, 210

  metallic currency: data on, 37

  debasement of, 6, 7t, 174–79

  seignorage revenues from, 174. See also silver currency

  Mexico: banking crises in, 206, 373–75t

  Brady bonds in, 84b

  contagion of crises in, 246

  debt crisis of 1990s and early 2000s in, 19

  de-dollarization in, 193–96, 194f

  domestic debt in, foreign currency–linked, 64, 106–8, 108b–109b

  domestic default by, 13–14, 64, 108b–109b, 193–95, 256

  duration of crises in, 235, 237

  exchange rate crises in, 190

  external debt to GDP ratios in, 22

  external default by, 12, 22, 23t, 98, 109b

  financial turbulence index for, 256

  graduation in, 284

  sovereign risk rating of, 287

  Middle Ages, odious debt in, 63

  middle-income countries: definition of, 394n3

  external defaults in, 22, 23t

  military force, in repayment of debts, 54–55

  mining, in Latin America, 93b

  models: of banking crises, 146

  of domestic public debt, 110

  Ricardian, of debt, 65

  monetary base (base money): definition of, 119

  domestic public debt and, 119, 125–27

  monetary policy: currency debasement in, 177

  and financial contagion, 199

  after graduation, 283

  and housing prices, 213

  after inflation crises and currency crashes, 191

  recommendations on, 287–90

  in Second Great Contraction, 238

  shocks in, 146. See also exchange rate(s) interest rates

  moral hazard, of international lending, 62

  Morocco: banking crises in, 375t

  Brady bonds in, 84b

  debt reversals in, 84b

  external default by, 92

  mortgage loans: de-dollarization of, 195

  defaults on, in financial turbulence index, 251

  international investment in, 242–45

  securitization of, 208, 210, 213, 404n13

  toxic, 251

  Mozambique, banking crises in, 375t

  multiple equilibria, xlii–xliii, 60–61, 67, 144

  Myanmar, banking crises in, 375t

  NAFTA, 19

  Napoleonic Wars: currency debasement during, 177, 178f

  exchange rates during, 189, 190f

  external defaults during, 68, 73, 92

  external defaults after, 92

  narrative approach, xxvii

  national accounts, data on, 39–40

  national treasures, 52, 397n1

  Nepal, banking crises in, 375t

  Netherlands, banking crises in, 171, 375t

  Newfoundland: external default by, 81, 81b–83b

  loss of sovereignty, 54, 81. See also Canada

  New World. See colonies

  New Zealand: banking crises in, 376t

  current account balance in, 244

  housing prices in, 244

  inflation crises in, 185

  trade during global crises, 264

  Nicaragua: banking crises in, 376t

  external default by, 98

  U.S. intervention in, 83b

  Niger, banking crises in, 376t

  Nigeria: banking crises in, 376t

  Brady bonds in, 84b

  external default by, 92

  noise-to-signal ratios, 408n3

  nonperforming loans, as indicators of banking crises, 9–10

  Nordic countries: banking crises in, 206

  countercyclical fiscal policy in, 224–25

  North America: banking crises in, 147, 150t, 153t, 154t

  data coverage of, 43, 46t

  domestic public debt in, 104f

  external default in, 100t

  inflation crises after 1800 in, 185, 187t. See also Canada; United States

  North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 19

  Northern Rock bank, xl–xli

  Norway: bailout costs in, 164

  banking crises in, 159, 164, 226, 376–77t

  domestic debt in, 126

  duration of crises in, 235

  housing prices in, 402n25

  inflation crises in, 185

  Oceania: banking crises in, 147, 150t, 153t, 154t

  data coverage of, 43, 46t

  domestic public debt in, 104f

  external default in, 100t

  inflation crises after 1800 in, 185, 187t. See also Australia; New Zealand

  odious debt, 63–64

  oil: nationalization of, 58

  price shocks in, 206, 248, 255

  surpluses of, 17

  OPEC. See Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

  Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), 17, 58

  output: in aftermath of crises, 224

  data on, 307–10t

  in Great Depression versus postwar crises, 234–37, 234f

  Pakistan, de-dollarization in, 194f, 195–96

  Panama: banking crises in, 377t

  debt reversals in, 84b

  inflation crises in, 185

  panic of 1907: banking crises in, 205

  contagion of, 242

  in financial turbulence index, 255

  paper currency: debasement of, 175

  inflation after advent of, 35, 75–76, 181

  inflation before advent of, 5

  transition to, 175, 179

  Papua New Guinea, banking crises in, 377t

  Paraguay, banking crises in, 377–78t

  partial default, 61–63

  amount repaid in, 61–62

  through inflation, 44, 75

  reschedulings as form of, 62, 90–92

  serial, 15

  third parties in, 62, 397n16

  and trade, 62, 397n16

  peak-to-trough calculations, 405n2

  Peru: banking crises in, 204, 378t

  Brady bonds in, 84b, 85b

  de-dollarization in, 196, 403n10

  domestic debt in, 104–5

  external default by, 94, 98
/>   Peruzzi Bank, 69b

  Philippines: banking crises in, 226, 378t

  Brady bonds in, 84b, 85b

  debt reversals in, 84b

  duration of crises in, 235

  external default by, 98

  housing prices in, 159, 226

  Pick’s Currency Yearbooks, 36–37

  Poland: banking crises in, 379t

  Brady bonds in, 84b, 85b

  de-dollarization in, 194f, 195–96

  duration of crises in, 235

  graduation in, 287

  inflation crises in, 182, 185

  policy makers: early warning system and, 281

  recommendations to, 287–90

  on U.S. current account balance, 208–15

  on U.S. housing bubble, 212–13

  political disunity, in public defaults, 53

  Ponzi schemes, 55, 58

  Portugal: banking crises in, 171, 379t

  external default by, 87, 87t

  graduation in, 287

  international capital markets of 1800s in, 398n8

  PPP. See purchasing power parity

  presidential elections: 2002 Brazilian, 53

  2008 U.S., 53

  press coverage, of U.S. subprime crisis, 199

  prices: after currency debasements, 174

  data on, 35–36, 296–301t

  private debt: in debt intolerance, 26

  in financial turbulence index, 251

  lack of data on, 220

  recent rise of, 399n4

  and U.S. subprime crisis, 209, 212, 220

  protectionism, during Great Depression, 264

  Prussia. See Germany

  public (government) debt: in aftermath of crises, 224–25, 231–32, 231t, 232f, 237–38

  after banking crises, xxxii, 142, 163, 169–71, 170f, 224–25, 231–32, 231t, 232f

  versus central bank debt, 9b

  composition of, 40–42

  crises of confidence in, xli–xlv

  data available on, 40–42, 327–43

  data gaps in, xxxi, xxxiii–xxxiv, xliv, 34, 137–38, 281–82

  in Great Depression, 237–38, 237f

  inflating out of, 111–18, 125, 127, 137, 175

  international institutions on, xxxiv, 138, 281–82

  as precursor to crises, 219–20, 221f

  systemic risks of, xxxiii. See also domestic public debt; external public debt; total public debt

  public finances, data on, 39

  purchasing power parity (PPP), 37

  quantitative approach, xxv, xxvii

  “rare” events, misperception of, xxvii–xxviii

  ratings, sovereign risk: after crises, 232–33, 233f

  historical changes in, 284–87, 285–86t, 288f

  ratings agencies, on rescheduling as partial default, 62

  rationality, of creditors, 62–63

  real estate prices, commercial, 408n2. See also housing prices

  recessions: of 2001, global, 187

  in aftermath of crises, 230, 232

  associated with banking crises, 145–47, 172–73

  associated with global financial crises, 270

  associated with U.S. subprime crisis, 219

  duration of, 230, 235

  of Great Depression, 235

  recovery: from debt intolerance, 29–30, 33

  from global financial crises, 249, 269–70. See also graduation

  recurring default. See serial default

  regional crises, financial turbulence index for, 249, 252, 257–59

  regions, of debt intolerance, 27–29, 29f

  regulation, international: in financial sector, 145

  international institutions’ role in, 278, 281–82

  need for, 278, 282

  releveraging, 83, 84b–85b

  repayment of domestic debts: incentives for, 65–67, 110–11

  reputation approach to, 65

  repayment of external debts: in colonial era, 54

  confidence in, 58–59, 60–61

  in debt crisis of 1980s, 51–52

  enforcement of, 53–58, 65

  incentives for, 54–58

  military force in, 54–55

  partial (See partial default)

  reputation approach to, 55–58

  willingness versus ability of debtors in, 51–52, 54. See also reschedulings

  repression, financial: and banking crises, 143, 205

  in capital markets, 66–67

  and domestic public debt, 66–67, 106, 117

  as form of taxation, 143

  reputation: overall international, 58

  in repayment of domestic debts, 65

  in repayment of external debts, 55–58

  reschedulings: in 1800s, 90, 91t

  in 1900s and 2000s, 52, 95t, 96t

  as form of partial default, 62, 90–92

  reserve losses, in exchange rate crises, 6

  restructuring: in aftermath of banking crises, 230

  in external defaults, 12, 83b–85b

  revenue, government: after banking crises, 166–69, 167f, 168f, 169f

  data on, 314–19t

  ratios of external debt to, 120–23, 120t, 121f, 122f

  seignorage, 119, 125, 174, 175, 400n7. See also tax revenues

  Ricardian equivalence, 110

  Ricardian model of debt, 65

  risk premiums, 62–63

  risk-sharing benefits: to capital market integration, 30–31

  definition of, 30

  Romania: banking crises in, 379–80t

  duration of crises in, 235

  external default by, 51–52

  Royal Exchange, 93b

  run-up to crises: domestic public debt in, 123–24, 123f

  financial sector growth in, 210

  GDP in, 129, 130f

  Great Depression, 15–17, 16b

  housing prices in, 159

  inflation in, 129–33, 131f, 132t

  U.S. subprime crisis, xxix, xliii, 200, 208–15

  Russia: art treasures of, 52, 397n1

  banking crises in, 206, 380t

  currency debasement in, 177, 178f

  debt reversals in, 84b

  exchange rate crises in, 190

  external default by, 12, 61

  financial crisis of 1998 in, 52, 256

  financial turbulence index for, 256

  inflation crises in, 185

  international capital markets of 1800s in, 398n8

  total default in, 61

  Rwanda, banking crises in, 380t

  S&P ratings, 62, 250

  Santo Domingo, banking crises in, 380t

  Sao Tome and Principe, banking crises in, 381t

  savings and loan crisis of 1984, U.S., 215

  savings glut, global, 79, 209, 211

  Scotland, banking crises in, 381t

  Second Great Contraction. See Great Contraction, Second

  Second Great Depression, 248

  Securities and Exchange Commission, U.S., 214

  securitization: definition of, 404n13

  in U.S. subprime crisis, 208, 210, 213

  seignorage revenues, 119, 125, 174, 175, 400n7

  Senegal, banking crises in, 381t

  seniority, of domestic versus external default, 128–38, 272

  sequencing of crises, xxxiii, 270–73, 271f

  serial banking crises, 141, 150

  serial default: debt intolerance in, 21, 29–33

  definition of, 14–15

  early history of, 70b–71b, 86–89, 87t

  graduation from, 147, 151–53, 171, 283

  need for research on, 32

  partial, 15

  prevalence in emerging markets, xxvii

  time between episodes of, 67, 83

  wholesale, 14–15

  Seven Years’ War (1756–1763), 88b

  severity index. See financial turbulence index

  shadow banking system, xli

  shocks, financial: in banking crises, 145, 146r />
  in contagion, 241, 242, 246

  short-term debt: in bank runs, 144–45

  illiquidity in, 59–61

  reasons for use of, 59

  recent development of bias toward, 105–6

  rolling over of, 59–61

  wars financed with, 70b

  Sierra Leone, banking crises in, 381t

  signals approach, 279–81, 280t, 408n3

  silver currency: data on, 37, 305–6t

  debasement of, 6, 175–77, 178f

  in Spain, 71b

  Singapore: banking crises in, 381t

  inflation crises in, 182–85

  Slovakia, banking crises in, 382t

  Slovenia, banking crises in, 382t

  solvency crises, 59–61

  South Africa: banking crises in, 382t

  financial turbulence index for, 257

  inflation crises in, 182

  South America. See Latin America

  South Sea bubble, 88b, 93b

  sovereign bankruptcy, 52

  sovereign debt. See public debt

  sovereign default. See domestic public debt crises; external public debt crises

  sovereign lending. See international lending

  sovereign risk ratings: after crises, 232–33, 233f

  historical changes in, 284–87, 285–86t, 288f

  Soviet Union, collapse of, 206. See also Russia

  Spain: bailout costs in, 164

  banking crises in, 158, 159, 164, 382–83t

  colonies of, 71b, 93b

  currency debasement in, 178f

  current account balance in, 244

  external default in (See Spanish external default)

  housing prices in, 159

  international debt markets in, 54, 70b–71b

  Spanish external default: before 1800, xxx, 70b–71b, 86, 87t, 88b, 89, 89f

  in 1800s, 92

  capital inflows in, 89, 89f

  graduation from serial, 147, 283

  Spanish Succession, War of the (1701–1714), 88b

  Special Data Dissemination Standard, IMF, 42, 282

  spillovers. See contagion

  Sri Lanka, banking crises in, 383t

  Standard and Poor’s (S&P) ratings, 62, 250

  Statistical Abstract, League of Nations, 114t

  Statistical Yearbook, League of Nations, 41, 82b, 330t, 331t, 332t, 333t, 334t, 335t, 336t, 337t, 338t, 339t, 340t, 341t, 342t, 343t

  stimulus measures: in banking crises, 169, 289–90

  in emerging markets, 33

  stock market crashes: of 1929,

  this-time-is-different syndrome before, 17

  Barro-Ursúa definition of, 250, 252, 253f, 254f, 407n7

  in financial turbulence index, 250, 255

  stock prices: data on, 326t

  in global financial crises, 262, 263f

  subprime crisis of 2007. See Great Contraction, Second

  United States sub-prime crisis of 2007

  subprime mortgages: international investment in, 242–45

  rise of, 213

  sudden stop: definition of, 74–75, 407n6

  in emerging markets, 74–75, 229–30