All I Want For Christmas Is My Mating Stone Read online

Page 7

  “I’m starv­ing, mate, and I need to taste you,” he men­tally replied, and Mack watched his tongue dart be­tween his fangs then swipe through her fleshy folds.

  Mack arched off the rock as Kyran feasted on her sex with aban­don. He licked and sucked her clit un­til she was beg­ging for re­lease. One fin­ger slid in­side her womb then two. She felt him press against her G-spot, mak­ing her wild with need. When his fangs scraped against her sen­si­tive flesh, she lost it.

  “Now, Kyran! Bite me!” she de­manded. And bite her he did.

  Her cli­max ex­ploded the mo­ment his fangs pierced her clit. Stars winked in her vi­sion and her body trem­bled with re­lease. Mack hooked her legs around Kyran’s neck and held him in place while her body quiv­ered un­con­trol­lably. There was no greater or­gasm than when Kyran bit her. She craved it above all else.

  Ev­ery draw of blood he took sent her into an­other cli­max. It was tor­ture and ec­stasy com­bined, and she gave her­self com­pletely to her vam­pire. She was hon­ored to of­fer her blood to him. He needed it to sur­vive, and hers was the only blood he could drink. That was how it was be­tween Fated Mates. She was vi­tal to his sur­vival.

  “My God, you’re in­cred­i­ble at oral sex, blood­sucker,” she panted when her cli­max sub­sided. Mack re­laxed her hold and un­hooked her legs. They felt like rub­ber bands af­ter the mul­ti­ple or­gasms. In fact, she didn’t think she’d be able to walk back to the cas­tle.

  “And, you give an epic blowjob, mate,” he con­fessed as he picked her up and cra­dled her in his arms. Mack smiled at his words of praise and leaned in to kiss him.

  It was a ten­der kiss, and she poured all her love into it. They weren’t the cou­ple that said I love you. Too many threw the phrase around non­cha­lantly. But not them. No, they be­lieved ac­tions spoke loud­est, and Kyran showed her ev­ery day how much he loved her.

  “We should prob­a­bly get back to the cas­tle be­fore An­gus sends the cav­alry look­ing for us,” Mack stated with a laugh.

  Kyran car­ried her to the shore and set her down near her clothes. She checked to make sure the satchel of stones was still there then grabbed her panties. “Guess I’ll be go­ing com­mando,” she di­vulged as she twirled the ripped gar­ment.

  “You doona need them. As soon as I get you to the bed­room, we’re go­ing to put your di­aphragm to work,” he husked and tugged her against his chest. “And, I will be ty­ing you to the bed,” he mur­mured then leaned down to nip her lower lip.

  Mack shiv­ered as arousal rip­pled through her body. “Lucky for you I’m feel­ing very naughty tonight,” she purred and sucked his lip. His eyes glowed bright, and she felt his shaft harden against her lower stom­ach.

  Kyran popped Mack’s ass then picked up her re­main­ing clothes. They dressed quickly and she grabbed the satchel of stones. She wrapped her arms around Kyran’s neck, and he flashed them back to the cas­tle. As much as she didn’t want to leave their ro­man­tic get­away, Mack couldn’t wait un­til the fol­low­ing day when they could re­turn to Zeum with the mat­ing stones and get back to a nor­mal life. Well, that was her plan any­way. Un­til they walked into the cas­tle and saw a dis­traught Keira.


  Kyran was on a high from watch­ing Mack on her knees suck­ing his cock then her scream­ing his name in plea­sure. He couldn’t wait to get her to a bed­room, and fully sate his crav­ing.

  But the mo­ment they stepped in­side the cas­tle, that plan de­flated. Keira was stand­ing with An­gus, tears stream­ing down her face. She cra­dled some­thing in her arms wrapped in a small blan­ket. Was that a baby?

  Mack re­leased his hand and rushed to Keira’s side. “What’s wrong? And, what is that?” she asked as she lifted the blan­ket and peered in­side. “Who’s baby?”

  Kyran walked over and stood by An­gus. He wasn’t a wreck like Keira, but the king was wor­ried, none­the­less. Kyran clapped him on the shoul­der, and An­gus gave him a ‘don’t ask’ look. Kyran nod­ded his un­der­stand­ing and waited for the fe­males to dis­cuss what went down while he and Mack were at the wa­ter­fall. Ap­par­ently, a shit storm.

  “It’s such a long story, Mack. I don’t even know where to be­gin,” Keira man­aged be­tween sobs. The queen looked down at the tiny crea­ture in her arms, and the cry­ing con­tin­ued.

  “I’m sure it’s not as bad as you think. Start by telling me who this baby be­longs to,” Mack sug­gested as she rubbed Keira’s back, of­fer­ing com­fort.

  “Her name was Har­low. She’s been stay­ing with us for the past month. She went into la­bor about an hour ago, but––,” Keira trailed off as she tried to com­pose her­self.

  “Her de­liv­ery was dif­fi­cult from the verra be­gin­ning,” An­gus fin­ished with a sigh. “Har­low was bleed­ing in­ter­nally, and Dyson warned us she might no’ sur­vive. All she wanted was for her baby to live. Per­son­ally, I think Har­low wanted to die,” the king re­vealed with a shake of his head.

  “Why would you say that?” Mack asked as she stared at the baby. “She had this beau­ti­ful child. Isn’t that rea­son enough to live? Where’s her mate? He should be here with his…daugh­ter?”

  “Yes, a per­fect baby girl,” Keira mut­tered as she lifted the bun­dle, and kissed her fore­head.

  “The fa­ther died re­cently in a tragic min­ing ac­ci­dent. In fact, sev­eral males died when the mine col­lapsed. We in­sisted Har­low come stay with us af­ter her doc­tor in­formed me that she was sui­ci­dal,” An­gus re­layed to them.

  “That’s ter­ri­ble. Surely, there’s a fam­ily mem­ber who will step in and care for the bairn,” Kyran as­serted as he thought about his par­ents’ mur­ders. He didn’t know what would’ve hap­pened to him if Zan­der hadn’t as­sumed the role of mother and fa­ther, and raised him, Bhric and Bres­lin.

  “Un­for­tu­nately, there’s no one. We’re all the fam­ily Har­low had, and now we’re all this lit­tle one has,” Keira de­clared, and An­gus shared a look with Kyran. It was clear the king wasn’t too happy about her dec­la­ra­tion.

  “Miss Keira,” shouted a fran­tic fe­male as she rushed into the gath­er­ing room. She was a pe­tite fe­male with am­ber eyes that re­minded Kyran of his sib­lings, Bhric and Bres­lin.

  Keira star­tled, and tugged the baby closer to her chest. “What is it, Elysia?”

  “It’s Miss Josie. She’s very up­set about Har­low. I can’t calm her down,” the fe­male in­formed the queen.

  Elysia looked like she was on the verge of tears, as well, and Kyran con­sid­ered flash­ing the hell out of the cas­tle. He didn’t mix well with emo­tional fe­males. He was bet­ter at con­sol­ing males. Some­how ‘rub some dirt on it and shake it off’ didn’t seem ap­pro­pri­ate for this sit­u­a­tion.

  “Oh, dear. I’m com­ing,” Keira replied and handed the baby to Mack. “Can you watch her for a while? Josie adored Har­low, and I need to go to her,” she said and rushed off be­fore Mack could an­swer.

  Mack looked to Kyran like a deer caught in head­lights, and Kyran couldn’t stop his smirk. “Um, you go­ing to just stand there, or are you go­ing to help?” she blurted.

  Kyran shrugged. “Doona look at me. You got this, Fire­cracker,” he quipped and gave her a thumb’s up.

  “You know what you can do with that thumb?” she coun­tered then walked in the op­po­site di­rec­tion. He heard her coo­ing to the baby and de­cided to let her be. Qual­ity baby-time might do her some good.

  Kyran turned back to An­gus. “So, I take it you doona want this re­spon­si­bil­ity.”

  “‘Tis not’ that I doona want to help, but our hands are full. Josie keeps us on our toes, and Blaze is at that Gods-aw­ful stage where he de­fies us at ev­ery turn. Plus, we’re Izzy’s guardians. I just doona think we should take this on, as well. But I know my Keira. Her love knows no bounds. She will in­sist we keep this child, and raise her as
our own,” An­gus ac­knowl­edged as he walked to the large fire­place and tossed an­other log onto the burn­ing stack of wood.

  “I wish I had your prob­lem. I would give any­thing for Mack to have a bairn. She’s so com­mit­ted to the Dark War­riors, I doona know if she’ll ever get preg­nant. ‘Tis ironic, when you think aboot our dilem­mas.” Kyran of­fered with a laugh.

  “Aye, I sup­pose you’re right,” An­gus replied as he walked to the small bar be­side the fire­place. “Drink?”

  “Aye. Last time I was here, Lorne con­vinced me to try Khoth’s fa­mous whiskey. What’s it called again?”

  “Dragon piss,” An­gus an­swered and grabbed two low­balls and filled them with ice and al­co­hol.

  “Aye, that’s it. I thought I would hurl from the name, but that shite is good,” Kyran ad­mit­ted as An­gus handed him a glass.

  “To fam­ily,” An­gus toasted.

  “To fam­ily,” Kyran re­peated and turned to see Mack stand­ing in the door­way.

  “There’s my Fire­cracker. How are you two get­ting along?” he teased as he watched her gen­tly rock­ing the baby in her arms. She was a fuck­ing nat­u­ral, in his opin­ion, and he prayed her bi­o­log­i­cal clock started tick­ing soon.

  “An­gus, this baby’s eyes re­mind me of my mat­ing stone. Kyran, you’ve got to see this,” she in­sisted as she walked to­ward the two males.

  An­gus peered at the in­fant and smiled. “Her fa­ther’s eyes held the gray flame, as well. Jonah was a de­scen­dant of the Pro­tec­tors of Mt. Ba­tia.”

  “Jonah? That name sounds fa­mil­iar,” Kyran in­ter­jected as he stared into tiny eyes that re­fused to let go. Sure enough, a gray flame flick­ered in the cen­ter of each pupil.

  “I be­lieve he’s the black­smith that cre­ated our stone,” Mack in­formed him as she stared in awe. “Isn’t she the most per­fect baby you’ve ever laid eyes on?” she whis­pered.

  “Aye, she is,” Kyran agreed as he stared at his mate. He picked up on her thoughts through their mat­ing bond. They were all over the place, and she was try­ing to make sense of what she was feel­ing.

  “Kyran, can I speak to you pri­vately?” she asked, and An­gus quickly cleared his throat.

  “I should prob­a­bly check on Keira and Josie. Would you like me to take the baby?” he asked and held out his arms.

  “No, I’ve got her. You take care of your fam­ily, and we’ll see you in a bit,” Mack replied and tight­ened her hold on the child.

  An­gus left the room, and Kyran turned to his mate. “You canna be se­ri­ous?”

  “What?” she de­fended as guilt washed over her face.

  “I al­ready know what you’re think­ing, my lovely, smart, loyal, bat-shit-crazy Fated Mate,” he in­formed her as he balked at the no­tion run­ning through her mind. “You’re the one who said you weren’t ready yet. Should I re­peat your ex­act words, Miss I’m-a-Dark-War­rior-and-my-place-is-on-the-bat­tle­field,” he mocked sar­cas­ti­cally.

  “I re­mem­ber, blood­sucker. You doona need to re­mind me,” she coun­tered in a lame at­tempt at Scot­tish brogue.

  “So, what are you say­ing? Now, you’re sud­denly Sara Home­maker?” he scoffed.

  “It’s Suzy Home­maker, you dork,” she taunted. “Don’t you feel like this is Fate in­ter­ven­ing? I mean, se­ri­ously, what are the odds? The miss­ing mat­ing stones send us here, of all places. Both of her par­ents are taken from her, with no known rel­a­tives to step in. And, most im­por­tantly, she car­ries the same flame as our mat­ing stone! I feel like if we don’t take her, the God­dess will strike us dead be­fore we make it home. Are you pick­ing up what I’m putting down?” she pro­fessed ve­he­mently.

  Kyran ex­haled. It was im­pos­si­ble to de­feat a de­ter­mined fe­male. But he truly be­lieved she was caught up in the mo­ment, and not think­ing ra­tio­nally. “Mack, are you for­get­ting some­thing? We are no’ fuck­ing drag­ons. Doona you think she would be bet­ter off with par­ents that un­der­stand what that means so they can teach her what she needs to know. How are we sup­posed to give her that?” he ar­gued. Her face slowly dropped, and Kyran was proud of his thought-pro­vok­ing dis­pute. It wasn’t of­ten he won a bat­tle of wits against his clever mate.

  A thud had them both turn­ing to­ward the sound. A hag­gard Nate stood in the door­way. His hair and clothes were un­kempt, and the male looked like he hadn’t slept in weeks, even though they’d been in Khoth for less than twenty-four hours.

  “What the hell hap­pened to you?” Kyran blurted.

  “Her name is Rochelle, and I’m pretty sure she fucked my brains out,” he slurred with a wry smile. His body leaned side­ways, and Nate al­most top­pled to the floor.

  “Drink much?” Mack asked as Nate reached for the door jamb and stead­ied him­self.

  “Yep, and she was worth ev­ery shot I licked off her in­cred­i­ble body,” he re­torted then his eyes spot­ted the baby in Mack’s arms. “Damn, how long have I been gone?”

  “She isna ours, you blootered ga­loot,” Kyran ad­mon­ished as he downed his drink and walked to the bar for a re­fill. Maybe he should join his wasted friend be­cause he was clearly sur­rounded by id­iots.

  “No, but she could be,” Mack snapped, and glared at Kyran. He couldn’t be­lieve what he was hear­ing. Ap­par­ently, his mate wanted to skip the whole preg­nancy, and go straight to par­ent­hood. He wasn’t ready for this.

  “Okay, you’re go­ing to need to ex­plain. I’m re­ally con­fused,” Nate stam­mered as his wob­bly legs car­ried him to the sofa. He col­lapsed onto the cush­ion, and his head fell against the back of the sofa.

  “Her mother died dur­ing child­birth, and her fa­ther passed away be­fore that. She has no one, and I be­lieve the God­dess has blessed us with this pre­cious baby,” Mack cooed to the in­fant, as if she was telling her the story.

  Kyran rolled his eyes and looked to Nate for sup­port. “And, I think a drag­onette should be raised by drag­ons. Am I wrong?”

  “Nate, tell the blood­sucker you’re more than happy to teach us what we need to know,” Mack or­dered, and Kyran threw his hands up in de­feat. She was pulling out all the stops on this one.

  “Doona per­suade the half-lit, sex­u­ally-sated dragon to your side. He’s in no shape to voice an opin­ion right now,” Kyran barked and took a deep swig of dragon piss.

  “Ac­tu­ally,” Nate in­ter­jected, hold­ing up a fin­ger, “I’m on the blood­sucker’s side with this one. Last thing I need is to play nanny to a fire-breath­ing drag­onette. All they do is poop and de­stroy. Nope, not gonna hap­pen,” he mur­mured through half-closed eyes.

  “I take it back. Nate knows ex­actly what he’s talk­ing aboot,” Kyran said with a vic­to­ri­ous grin.

  Anger im­me­di­ately flashed in his mate’s eyes, and he knew Mack wasn’t play­ing around. She was dead se­ri­ous. She truly wanted this baby.

  He let out a breath and set his glass on the cof­fee ta­ble then walked over to his mate. He ca­ressed her cheek, and Mack’s harsh gaze soft­ened. “Is this what you re­ally want? Think aboot your an­swer verra care­fully. This is no’ a game, and we canna change our minds later. A bairn is a huge re­spon­si­bil­ity. Are you ready for it?”

  She held his gaze for a long time then smiled softly. “Yes. I want her more than I’ve wanted any­thing in a long time. When I first looked into her eyes, I felt it. I know this is meant to be. But you have to want it, too. We’re a team, Kyran. It’s all or noth­ing,” she re­minded him then peered down at the sleep­ing baby.

  Kyran gazed at the tiny crea­ture. She looked so happy and con­tent. And, his mate had never looked more beau­ti­ful. She didn’t give birth to this baby, but he’d never seen such de­vo­tion in her whiskey eyes.

  “I ask only one thing of you,” he coun­tered. Mack looked up and their gazes locked. “Prom­ise me you’ll give me a so
n one day.”

  She smiled wide and kissed him gen­tly on the lips. “Done,” she whis­pered against his mouth.

  “Then I guess we bet­ter talk to An­gus and Keira aboot an adop­tion. We need to get back to Zeum asap,” he ac­knowl­edged and won­dered what the oth­ers would say about their new ad­di­tion. “What will we name her?” he asked cu­ri­ously.

  Mack paused and tilted her head, star­ing down at the in­fant. “I think the best way to honor her mother would be to name her Har­low. She has her fa­ther’s eyes, and de­serves a piece of her mother, too.”

  “I think Har­low is per­fect. And, so are you,” Kyran de­clared and claimed Mack’s lips. The kiss turned pas­sion­ate as de­sire ex­ploded be­tween them.

  “Thank you so much for this. Best Christ­mas present ever, Santa,” Mack mur­mured against his mouth.

  “You can thank me later, over and over,” he mut­tered as an im­age of Mack dressed in a leather corset flashed through his mind. Oh, he was go­ing to thor­oughly en­joy her show of ap­pre­ci­a­tion.

  Mack hugged Izzy tight. She hated leav­ing her niece, but it was im­per­a­tive they get home. She was cer­tain the women at Zeum were anx­iously await­ing their re­turn. “Be good, and re­mem­ber how much I love you,” she whis­pered in Izzy’s ear.

  “I love you, too. Tell Mom and Dad I miss them, and they bet­ter come as soon as the baby is born,” she replied then mur­mured, “What did you think of Troy?”

  Mack glimpsed to the auburn-haired young man that hadn’t taken his eyes off Iso­bel since he ar­rived. He seemed ma­ture for his age, and Mack was con­cerned about his in­ten­tions to­ward her niece.

  “He seems okay. Just re­mem­ber some­thing. You al­ways have the power. Don’t ever let some guy per­suade you into do­ing some­thing you’re not ready for. You fol­low­ing me?” Mack asked as she stared at her niece. Iso­bel was a stun­ning young woman, and Mack had the feel­ing Troy was more ex­pe­ri­enced than Iso­bel. His man­ner­isms told Mack he was way past hold­ing hands and steal­ing kisses.