All I Want For Christmas Is My Mating Stone Read online

Page 6

  “Okay, okay. I prom­ise I was go­ing to re­turn them. Just don’t hurt me, Prince Kyran. I beg of you,” the lit­tle guy pleaded.

  “Kyran, let him go,” Mack heaved as she ran up to them. Kyran was prac­ti­cally chok­ing him to death, and that wouldn’t do them any good.

  “Take us to the stones!” Kyran barked as he snatched Dip­ple off the ground and shoved him for­ward.

  Dip­ple stum­bled sev­eral steps then turned and met Mack’s gaze. “I’m so very sorry. I didn’t mean to cause any harm. Queen Elsie will hate me for what I’ve done. I’m so ashamed,” he con­fessed, and tears filled his big blue eyes.

  Mack sighed as she stared at the piti­ful guy. “Dip­ple, no­body hates you. I know you’d never hurt any­one. But we need those stones. When you took them, it threw off the bal­ance that binds us to them,” she ex­plained to the gnome.

  “I un­der­stand that now. Fol­low me,” he in­structed and ex­ited the cas­tle. Mack’s brow fur­rowed when the gnome walked into the nearby for­est.

  “Please tell me you didn’t leave them in the woods,” Mack ut­tered and clenched her hands. If Dip­ple didn’t pro­duce those stones, it wouldn’t be Kyran’s wrath he faced. It would be hers.

  Mack looked over her shoul­der, and spot­ted Kyran, Izzy, and Pep­per be­hind her. The king and queen, along with, their chil­dren were nowhere to be seen. Prob­a­bly for the best, Mack thought. Less wit­nesses to her crime if the gnome didn’t bring her the stones.

  “They’re safe, Mack­endra. Trust me,” Dip­ple as­sured as he made his way to an enor­mous tree. He quickly hopped onto a low branch then dis­ap­peared amongst the thick fo­liage.

  “If Dip­ple left them up there, I wouldn’t be sur­prised if the Red­caps didn’t take them,” Izzy shared, and Mack glanced over at her. Red­caps were evil crea­tures that lived in the for­est. They were the watch­tow­ers along the bor­der be­tween the dragon’s land and that of the ne­far­i­ous Bug­gane.

  “Don’t say that. I can’t re­turn with­out them,” Mack de­clared. The large star-shaped leaves rus­tled as the gnome moved from limb to limb.

  Mack’s heart ham­mered against her chest, and she gnawed on her fin­ger­nails. Time froze as she waited for the defin­ing mo­ment. Would she ever see her stone again? What if the Red­caps did take them? Then what?

  She shook off the neg­a­tive thoughts and prayed the god­dess would have mercy on the women of Zeum. Too much was rid­ing on the re­turn of the mat­ing stones. Dip­ple had to come through. There was no other op­tion.

  Mo­ments later, she heard the crack and snap of twigs then a satchel fell to­ward the ground. Kyran stepped in front of Mack and caught the leather bag. He handed it to Mack, and she tugged the draw­string clo­sure as quickly as her fin­gers al­lowed. Kyran pulled his cell phone from his pocket and flashed a light so Mack could see in the dark­ness. The open­ing of the satchel loos­ened, and Mack’s gaze landed on a rain­bow of pre­cious gem­stones. The mat­ing stones.

  She pushed aside the large stones un­til she found hers, and re­lief washed through her sys­tem when she spot­ted the di­a­mond with the gray flame in­side. “It’s here, Kyran!” she mut­tered and held up the beau­ti­ful mat­ing stone.

  Kyran’s smile matched her own as they mar­veled at her most trea­sured gift from the god­dess. She sent a silent thank you and promised to stay true to her vow. She would store it in a locked vault, and only her and Kyran would know its lo­ca­tion.

  Mack placed her stone back into the bag and counted the re­main­ing stones. They were all ac­counted for. Each one unique in its own way. She couldn’t wait to see the ex­pres­sion of the other women’s faces, es­pe­cially Elsie. Now, her baby would be pro­tected, as promised by the god­dess.

  Mack’s re­lief mor­phed to shock as she thought about find­ing the stones. It was eas­ier than she ex­pected. She was pre­pared for a long search fol­lowed by a dif­fi­cult bat­tle. Things were never that sim­ple when it came to the Dark War­riors, and their en­e­mies. At least the thief was an ally, and no harm was done. She thanked the god­dess once again for re­unit­ing her with the mat­ing stones.

  Dip­ple ap­peared and climbed down the branches. Izzy held up her hands and helped him off the low­est limb. “It’s okay, Dip­ple. You re­turned the stones, and ev­ery­thing is fine now. You don’t need to be afraid. Isn’t that right, Un­cle Kyran?” she point­edly asked Kyran then Mack.

  Kyran grunted but didn’t say a word, so Mack took the lead. “Dip­ple, thank you for keep­ing the stones safe. Now, I can take them back to Zeum and give them to their right­ful own­ers. I hope you learned a valu­able les­son to­day. Hav­ing said that, Kyran and I aren’t mad at you. I’m sure the oth­ers won’t be, ei­ther,” she as­sured, but made a men­tal note to tell Izzy that Pep­per and Dip­ple should stay in Khoth un­til ten­sions died down. Zan­der would have their heads on a plat­ter for tak­ing the stones.

  Izzy set Dip­ple down, and Pep­per walked over to Dip­ple and smacked him on the shoul­der. “How many times have I told you not to take things that don’t be­long to you?”

  “I know, but they’re so pretty. And, they have a mag­i­cal qual­ity. It’s hyp­notic,” Dip­ple mur­mured with wide eyes.

  “Stop it! That’s what got you in this mess,” Pep­per scolded and smacked him again.

  “Okay, fine. I won’t take any­thing that doesn’t be­long to me,” he vowed and crossed an X over his heart. “And, hope to die,” he vowed.

  “Och, now that we’ve set­tled the mys­tery, let’s en­joy the rest of our visit,” Kyran in­formed Mack with a wicked grin. What was go­ing through her sexy war­rior’s mind?

  “I hope you aren’t rush­ing back. I’d like you to meet my friend Troy,” Izzy ad­mit­ted, and Mack saw her face light up when she men­tioned the boy’s name.

  “Is there some­thing you need to tell me, Miss Thang?” Mack asked as she tight­ened the draw­string clo­sure. She wouldn’t rest un­til the stones were re­turned, and she’d guard them with her life in the mean­time.

  “No,” Izzy blurted but her cheeks red­dened with em­bar­rass­ment.

  “Yeah, I think we need to hang around un­til to­mor­row. I need to meet this char­ac­ter, and give my ap­proval,” Mack teased play­fully.

  “Yay!” Izzy clapped her hands to­gether. “Keira al­ready pre­pared a room, just in case. Let’s go tell them they’re stay­ing,” she in­structed the gnomes, and the three of them dashed to­wards the cas­tle.

  “We’ll be there in a bit. Some­thing we need to do first,” Kyran yelled to Izzy’s back, and she waved her un­der­stand­ing.

  “Where are we go­ing?” Mack asked cu­ri­ously as she met Kyran’s gaze. His gray orbs glowed bright, and her body im­me­di­ately re­sponded. “What are you up to, blood­sucker?”

  “You’ll see,” he husked and wrapped his arm around her waist then flashed them through the woods.

  He moved so quickly she couldn’t tell where they were go­ing un­til he stopped. As soon as he set her down, and her vi­sion fo­cused, Mack rec­og­nized the lo­ca­tion. It was the wa­ter­fall where they had their first sex­ual en­counter.

  “Take off your clothes,” he de­manded roughly, and Mack didn’t have to ask what he had in mind. And, damn if she didn’t want the same.


  “You know, the last time we were her––”.

  “Doona talk,” Kyran barked, and Mack closed her mouth. This wasn’t the time for chit-chat. His need was too high, and words were a dis­trac­tion. “Off,” he or­dered again,” ag­i­ta­tion clear in his tone.

  He glanced to the wa­ter­fall, watch­ing it flow down the side of the moun­tain and crash against the rocks be­low. The pur­ple moon over­head il­lu­mi­nated the lake that sur­rounded them. He re­called what they did on those rocks, and in the wa­ter, the first time they were in Khoth. Even then, Mack left him spel

  Move­ment drew his fo­cus back to his mate as she set down the satchel of stones, then kicked off her black boots. Her gaze locked with his as she shim­mied out of her tight jeans. Kyran stared at the apex of her thighs, and his mouth wa­tered at the damp spot on her white lace panties. Ob­vi­ously, his mate needed this as much as he did.

  His gaze re­turned to hers, and his brow lifted. If he re­peated him­self one more time, he might have to pun­ish her. Not that he minded. In fact, the mere thought sent a rush of arousal bar­rel­ing through his sys­tem.

  Mack must’ve read his thoughts be­cause her head tilted in de­fi­ance. Was she want­ing to play this game tonight? If so, he was more than ready.

  Her lips twisted, and her thoughts scat­tered. She was try­ing to de­ci­pher how far to push him. She smirked, and Kyran thought she might defy him, but then Mack lifted her t-shirt over her head and tossed it to the ground be­side her jeans. The lacy bra matched her panties, and he eyed dark, cherry-red nip­ples be­neath the sheer ma­te­rial.

  Kyran walked a cir­cle around his mate, tak­ing in ev­ery spec­tac­u­lar inch of her toned body. Mus­cu­lar arms and legs, flat stom­ach, curvy hips and ass, not to men­tion, tits for days. He stood be­hind her, ap­pre­ci­at­ing the view. His fangs shot painfully into his mouth, and his cock sprang to life. He had half a mind to bend her over and pound the fuck out of her sweet ass.

  His palm struck out, smack­ing the firm flesh of her rounded bot­tom, and she gasped. It wasn’t a hard slap. More of an at­ten­tion get­ter. Ap­par­ently, it worked be­cause her chest rose and fell with heavy pants. Oh, he was just get­ting started. He wanted her squirm­ing with need. Beg­ging for his touch.

  He stepped be­hind her and placed his palms on ei­ther side of her waist. She shiv­ered against his touch and whis­pered, “More.”

  “Shh, no talk­ing,” he mur­mured against her ear. Her body re­laxed against his chest, and Kyran be­gan his thor­ough ex­plo­ration.

  God­dess, her skin was silky smooth. His fin­gers glided over the hour­glass curve of her waist then trav­eled in­ward to ca­ress her tummy. Mack moaned when he dipped lower, and teased the fleshy mons cov­ered by the silky fab­ric of her panty.

  “I doona sup­pose you’ve got your di­aphragm in,” he mut­tered and trailed a fin­ger in­side the gar­ment. Wet­ness coated his digit as he delved be­tween her folds.

  “No,” she groaned then quickly added, “Get cre­ative,” as her hips swirled, seek­ing pen­e­tra­tion.

  Kyran chuck­led at her raspy voice. She was aching for him, and he was go­ing to pro­long her suf­fer­ing as long as pos­si­ble. His cock jerked painfully in re­sponse, de­mand­ing he take her now.

  Kyran grabbed the lacy fab­ric and tugged. The ma­te­rial gave way, and he tossed it aside then un­fas­tened her bra. He looked down at the full globes then cupped them from be­hind. Mack arched against his chest and pushed her ass into his groin. He groaned then leaned down, nip­ping the flesh at the base of her neck as he pulled and tweaked her nip­ples. His fangs scraped her ten­der flesh as her cit­rus-vanilla fra­grance at­tacked his senses.

  “Kyran, I need more,” she pleaded and reached be­hind, try­ing to un­but­ton his jeans.

  “Mmm, so do I, Fire­cracker,” he whis­pered against her ear, and groaned when she man­aged to get the zip­per down then gripped his cock.

  Mack turned to face him and stroked his shaft. “Then al­low me, Mas­ter,” she purred then dropped to her knees.

  Fuck yeah, he thought as he looked down at her. It wasn’t of­ten she in­dulged him this way, and he rel­ished her at his feet. It was enough to make him lose his seed, but he fought the urge. He was en­joy­ing this way too much.

  Mack tugged his jeans to his an­kles, her gaze never leav­ing his. Her hand glided along his rock-hard shaft with de­ter­mi­na­tion while her free hand gen­tly cupped his balls as she stroked him from base to tip. The plea­sure was in­de­scrib­able. His mate’s whiskey orbs par­a­lyzed him, and he drowned in her se­duc­tion. It was erotic as hell, watch­ing his mate plea­sure him.

  Then she kissed his shaft. Soft full lips against his sen­si­tive flesh, and he ached to slide in­side her hot cav­ern. But she took her time, lick­ing and kiss­ing his length as she stared up at him. When she fi­nally opened her mouth, he hissed as plea­sure ig­nited ev­ery cell. The sight of his cock in­side her mouth was enough to send him over the edge.

  She sucked him to the back of her throat then slid her lips back to the tip. In and out, the same mo­tion, again and again. It was fuck­ing glo­ri­ous, and he wished blowjobs could last for­ever. There was noth­ing bet­ter than the feel of his mate suck­ing his cock.

  Mack con­tin­ued to tor­ture him with her tongue, lips, and hands. When Kyran’s hips thrust for­ward she took all of him, and he groaned as his cli­max built. He fisted her hair but didn’t force her deeper. She was do­ing ev­ery­thing per­fect all on her own.

  When she moaned, the vi­bra­tion sent a tin­gle down his spine, and he knew his or­gasm was close. Mack mas­saged the area be­tween his cock and anus then slipped the tip of her fin­ger in­side. Kyran threw his head back, and shouted Mack’s name as his seed shot into her mouth. She swal­lowed all of him, which was im­pres­sive as hell, given vam­pires ex­pe­ri­enced pro­longed ejac­u­la­tions with their Fated Mates.

  When his or­gasm waned Kyran looked down at his black-haired temptress and smiled. “Now it’s your turn,” he promised her as he shucked off his clothes and tossed Mack over his shoul­ders be­fore traips­ing to­ward the wa­ter.

  Mack squealed as Kyran hoisted her over his broad shoul­ders and car­ried her into the lake. When he reached waist-deep he low­ered her into the wa­ter, and his mouth crashed against hers. He kissed her hard, forc­ing his way in­side her mouth. His hands were ev­ery­where, and she rel­ished her mate los­ing con­trol. It was a win for her all the way around.

  For starters, he was driv­ing her mad with his tor­tur­ous an­tics, and he knew it. Luck­ily, she knew how to get Kyran to give her what she wanted. The man be­came putty in her hand ev­ery time she sucked his cock. Her lips and mouth were her great­est weapon against him, and Mack used it to her ad­van­tage. Once she pleased him, he would re­cip­ro­cate ten­fold. It never failed.

  Kyran walked to­ward the wa­ter­fall, his mouth never leav­ing hers. Teeth and tongues tan­gled as their de­sire sparked out of con­trol. His hands latched onto her ass and tugged her against his strain­ing erec­tion. His un­ruly shaft would have to wait to be sated. Like Kyran said, it was her turn now, and she was about to ex­plode with need.

  He laid her on the rocks be­neath the wa­ter­fall, where the wa­ter splashed onto her legs and thighs. The cool liq­uid felt good against her heated sex. It was enough to make Mack spread her legs in in­vi­ta­tion for her sexy mate.

  Kyran eyed her hun­grily, and her vam­pire’s eyes glowed brighter than two sil­ver stars. He was turned on, too, which aroused her fur­ther. She licked her lips as she groped her breasts. He loved to watch her plea­sure her­self, and his eyes widened when she slipped her hand be­tween her legs.

  Arousal ex­ploded through her veins as she gazed into gray eyes filled with lust. Wet­ness coated her fin­gers as she writhed against her min­is­tra­tions. Kyran reached over and grabbed her hand then put it to his mouth.

  He slowly licked her fin­gers, tast­ing her juices. His tongue glided be­tween her fin­gers, and she imag­ined him lick­ing where she ached most. The thought had her close to cli­max, and Mack clenched against the aching need.

  Kyran’s free hand reached to ca­ress her face, and his thumb glided across Mack’s lip. He groaned when she sucked it in her mouth, and in re­turn, he sucked her fin­gers. It was arous­ing as hell, the two of them push­ing the other to the edge of des­per­a­tion. Kyran’s hand trailed lower to her breast. He squeezed the flesh and rubbed his thumb
across her nip­ple.

  Mack mewled her plea­sure and arched her back, en­cour­ag­ing him to take more. He pinched the hard tip, rolling it be­tween his thumb and fin­ger. The plea­sure from his hand on her breast and the wa­ter pelt­ing her sex was mad­den­ing, yet she never wanted it to end.

  Mack’s hand glided over Kyran’s mus­cu­lar chest, and she paid homage to his nip­ple, as well. The flat flesh peb­bled un­der her thumb, and she twisted it to the point he grunted. She knew all too well his en­joy­ment of pain, giv­ing and re­ceiv­ing. He twisted her nip­ple in re­turn, and she cried out in pain. It hurt, but Mack en­joyed it. She loved how Kyran’s eyes widened in ap­pre­ci­a­tion. He was fix­ated on her as she played the game, bounc­ing back and forth be­tween ag­gres­sion and sub­mis­sion. Mack loved the di­chotomy of be­ing the vic­tim and the per­pe­tra­tor with this dom­i­nant man.

  His hand con­tin­ued south, and her stom­ach trem­bled as he gen­tly glided along her flesh. The cor­ner of his mouth lifted in tri­umph, as if he knew he had her right where he wanted. If only he knew it was right where she wanted to be. At his mercy.

  “Keep go­ing, mate. You’re not done yet,” she sent him men­tally, and his smirk broke into a smile. God, he was sexy when he smiled.

  “Pa­tience, Fire­cracker. All in good time,” he sent back as his fin­gers tap-danced in the small thatch of hair be­tween her legs. She was tempted to grab his hand and force it in­side her. She needed it that bad.

  His shaft re­mained rock-hard, and Mack al­most said fuck it to us­ing birth con­trol. She wanted to feel Kyran’s hard, long, thick cock in­side her. Maybe their chances of get­ting preg­nant were slim, she told her­self as she eyed his mag­nif­i­cent length.

  Be­fore she could pon­der the idea fur­ther, Kyran’s hands pressed her thighs wide and he po­si­tioned him­self at her core. Yes, that’s what she needed. “Make Mama feel good.” His soft beard tick­led her en­trance, and she grabbed his face and pulled him closer.