Eternally Yours Read online

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  We follow him outside to the awaiting rotojet.

  “Until you learn how to fly, this will be your means of transportation, unless, something is close enough to walk to, of course.”

  We nod our heads in understanding, get on and sit in the same seats next to the window, awaiting the beautiful view.


  “I put in a good word for both of you with the Overlord.” Aeron says when the rotojet lands. “He says he'll match you with the highest ranking male Angels.”

  The Overlord is the founder of the domain. He brought the few creatures that survived the war together to start anew. Bit by bit they molded our crumbling planet into a small bit of hope; a fresh start. He thinks this entitles him and his authorities to control us in every aspect of our lives.

  “Thanks, Aeron. That was really magnanimous of you.” Kaia flirts, trying to use big words. She's always thought that the way to get a guy's attention was to be smart. She said her mother used to tell her that to get her to study, so that when she goes off to the City, she would attract a smart boy as well.

  I nod in agreement of her thanks as we all head toward the huge auditorium. All I can think about as the time draws near is that I want to decide who I marry. I hate the authorities and these stupid rules. I hate it all, especially what we have become. I kick a pebble with my white suede boot and it scuffs it, reminding me of my white sneakers.

  Kaia gives me the evil eye. “Look Alexia, I don’t know what your deal is today, but if you don't knock it off I’m ditching you.”

  I realize I've been throwing a temper tantrum since we left this morning. I haven't been myself and I've been taking it out on my best friend. “I'm sorry, Kaia. I'm just...” I blow air out of my mouth in frustration, “...nervous I guess. Sorry to be such a wet blanket. I'll snap out of it, I swear.” I make a pity me face.

  “You know I can't stay mad at you when you do the sad face! This is so not fair!” She laughs.

  “Ahem,” Aeron interposes, “Sorry to interrupt you ladies, but this is where I must bid you adieu.”

  “Thanks Aeron, for everything. It's been a pleasure!” Kaia stands tall on her tippy toes and kisses his cheek right in the middle of the crowded plaza.

  He straightens suddenly and his eyes widen slightly in shock. He clears his throat, “It's been my pleasure, I'm sure.” He adds with a bow. “Alexia.” He nods in finality before he turns and walks away.

  Right then, an announcement comes over the speakers, telling us to come in and take a seat. Kaia and I grab each other's elbows and walk inside.

  “Is this when we find out who we are arranged to marry?” Kaia asks anxiously.

  “No, I think this is when we find out what job we have. Hopefully it's something together.” I can't imagine not having Kaia by my side, after eighteen years of having her there.

  *~*Chapter 4-The Boys*~*

  Inside the job corps, I am given a number by the guard at the door to an assigned seat. I get number 234. Kaia gets number 235. We're standing in line to go through the doors, and it's moving so slowly. When I reach the door, the usher takes my number and points to the general area of my seat. My seat happens to be close to where we stand now, here in the back.

  It's a huge auditorium, with big screens so you can see whoever is going to be on stage clearly from wherever you sit. The walls are made of alternating strips of concrete and steel, and the ceiling is at least fifty feet high.

  I find my seat, right on the end, next to the aisle. No one is in the seat next to me, or the one beside it. As I wait, I take in everything around me. I guess they seat us in sections by kinds, because I only see Angels all around me. I scan the auditorium for a glimpse of a Demon, or some boys at the least. A poke on my shoulder distracts me from my search, but when I look to see who it is no one is there.

  “Gotcha!” A familiar voice surprises me.

  I turn to my left to see Kaia with satisfied grin on her face.

  “So how about you let me squeeze by so I can get to my seat?” She points to the seat two seats away from me.

  “Kaia, are you ever serious?” I twist my legs to the side so she can get past me to her seat.

  She smiles and shakes her head at me as she sits down. “I'll be glad once this job nonsense is over with so I can meet my future hubby!” She grins mischievously and looks around.

  “Oh. My. Gods!” She hisses before her jaw goes slack.

  I turn to see what she's looking at and behold the most beautiful Angel I've ever seen. He looks like a fairy tale prince. He's tall, maybe six feet two inches. He has awesomely messy, honey-blonde hair and piercingly blue eyes. To top it off he has to have the best nose I have ever seen and thin lips that look good on him. With that sun-kissed skin and those broad shoulders all the girls are eating him up. His muscles are sinewy and well-honed, and I really can’t see an ounce of fat anywhere. He seems very confident and has a devil-may-care attitude as he smiles a set of straight, white teeth walking down the aisle with his chin held high.

  “That's Gabriel.” Kaia whispers excitedly into my ear. “I heard he is the Overlord's son, and he is so sexy!”

  “He’s coming this way!” she squeals happily.

  I am determined not to look back to see how close he is to us, but Kaia is making quite an obstacle about it and my cheeks are heating with embarrassment. A male clears his throat next to me a few seconds later. That's my cue, so I turn to acknowledge whoever it is, and I'm hoping it's not Gabriel, but of course, this is not my lucky day.

  “I'm Gabriel, and you are--”

  “I'm Kaia; it’s nice to meet you!” She interjects.

  He was looking at me, but he politely leans in front of me to reach her and sticks his hand out to shake hers. He looks back to me expectantly.

  “I'm Alexia.” I feel embarrassed for Kaia, the way she is so obviously smitten by him. However, she is not at all embarrassed.

  “Well Alexia, Kaia, it's nice to see that there are beautiful Angels around this place after all.” He looks at me and winks.

  Blood rushes to my face. This boy is way too beautiful to be real, and that voice he has is a lethal weapon. It’s so smooth and sexy. Definitely upper class.

  Kaia smiles and then laughs, as if what he said was funny, and I fight my self-control in a battle not to roll my eyes.

  I smile weakly and he sits down next to me, between us. Great, I bet every Angel in here is going to hate me just because my seat is next to his. I look around and everywhere my gaze lands someone is staring at me with malice in their eyes or jealousy clearly written on their crude expression. There goes any chance at popularity that I may have had. What's so special about him that he has everyone in the auditorium swooning over him?

  I sneak a peek at him and catch him looking at me, and he just smiles unabashed when our eyes meet. I feel myself blush and want to curse because I know he will see the effects of his handsome smile and his ego will get even bigger, if that's possible. Right now, I hate having stupid pale skin that shows even the tiniest bit of a blush.

  “I think it's cute.” He murmurs.

  “You think what's cute?” I ask cautiously.

  He lifts his hand and trails his finger down my cheek. “When you blush.” he says softly.

  On second thought, he is kind of dreamy. I can see why the girls fall at his feet now. Surely, there's something I don't like about him, no one is perfect. I decide to try to find something I don't like about his appearance. He has on fancy white shoes and dark jeans that cover muscled thighs. He's wearing an embroidered white button down but he's rolled the sleeves back to his tanned forearms, showing off a diamond watch and attractive hands.

  The announcer comes on then, welcoming us to the Grand Mecca, congratulating us on reaching our transformations, and my attention is forced to the screens to see the speaker.

  He seems average height, kind of skinny and he is also pale. I’m not sure what kind he is but we all look the same right now, mostly. He has salt and
peppered hair that’s parted on the side and wears round glasses. Even on the screen I don’t know what color his eyes are because they are kind of small and non-descript. He has a brown mustache that doesn’t match his hair and an upturned nose. He has on a charcoal gray suit and black tie.

  He announces that now he’s going to assign us to our jobs, and when he calls our name to stand up and follow the rest of the kinds that have been called for that particular job. His voice is kind of annoying.

  I'm getting anxious. I hope I'll be with Kaia. It would be okay to be with Gabriel too, but really distracting.

  “The following kinds are being assigned to the Guard. If your name is called, stand up and follow the rest of the group to that workstation. Then we'll give you an introduction to your new job.”

  He starts calling out names, and I really want to bite my nails, but I decide not to because I don't want Gabriel to know my bad habits. I tap my foot anxiously and look to see how Gabriel is faring. He winks at me when I look. Ugh!

  I roll my eyes, self-control be damned. Could he be any more confident? I hate that he looks good and he knows it. He is the total package and I would be lucky to end up with someone like him for my mate. I just don’t know how I could relax around someone so perfect and intimidating with all his beauty.

  He puts his hand on my leg to stop my nervous leg-shaking, and says, “Relax, Pretty Girl.”

  Ironically, they call his name right then and rescue me from his grip, both physically and mentally. Whew!

  “Well, that's me. Good luck, beautiful. I hope I'll see you soon.” He stands up and I give him a week, shy smile before he turns to join the rest of the creatures called for the Guard.

  After him calling me such a lovely pet name I almost sag with relief in my chair when he’s gone. The temperature in the room instantly cools enough where I can breathe again. My heart is finally beating at a normal rhythm when Kaia reaches over and grabs my wrist excitedly. Apparently, she's super psyched that he talked to us.

  “Well, I think like he likes us! Hell yeah!” She whispers loudly, drawing a stern look from those around us.

  We turn our attention back to the speaker and he calls names for cooks, maids, midwives, nurses, and builders.

  “The second to last job recruitment is for combat. This is an infantry reserve position in case we're ever under attack. The following names please follow suit: Kyrian, Blake, Devon, ...” he continues as I tune back out.

  “I don't understand what could attack us? They said there's nothing outside the boundaries...unless they lied to us,” I lean over whispering to Kaia.

  She gives me a disbelieving look, “Why would they lie to us?” She asks, “That makes no sense. I think it's just a precaution.”

  She's just like everyone else, like I should be. They accept everything the authorities tell them, as if anyone would ever dare to lie. I don't know why, but I always question everything. I've never really had reason to, but for some reason I have this distrustful bone in my body. Being an Angel, that is a very bad thing.

  I tune back into the announcer. “...Boomer, and Shadow. That is the last of the infantry. Now, the rest of the girls will be paired with one of these creatures to specifically make tech and weapons for them, based on their personal statistics. You will be trained to design weapons only for your partner. You may follow them to The Battalion and await your assignments. Thank you, and welcome to The Grand Mecca!” With that said the announcer picks up his papers off the podium and exits the stage.

  The last of the boys are walking up our aisle toward where we sit. Finally, I get to see other boys, of all kinds. A handsome, olive-skinned boy with green eyes and brown hair in the front of the line nods his head at me, and I smile at him. I think he's a shifter because the shapes of his pupils are diamonds. There's a big, muscled Angel behind him with shaggy, red hair, and behind him is a Spirit boy with yellow eyes and white hair. A few more average looking boys are passing us now. The last of the line approaches and I sit on the edge of my chair, ready to stand and follow them. I'm waiting until the last boy gets close enough so I can smile at him, maybe even say “hi” as I step out and get in line behind him. But when the last boy in line is so unimaginably gorgeous that all time stands still and you cannot think, cannot breathe, all my thoughts disappear.

  Gabriel was beautiful, but this really is no comparison. This guy is on a whole different level, his looks more haunting and dark-prince of the fairy tale variety. Dark, is not supposed to appeal to me, but he is absolutely stunning, and all I can do is stand there and hope I don't look too idiotic marveling at him.

  He is probably the same height as Gabriel, maybe even taller. His shoulders are a little broader as well as more muscled. He has dark brown skin, like he has been in the sun too long every day, all day and it has an exotic glow to it. His short, spiky hair is as black as night, and is by far my favorite style and color on any boy that I have yet seen. He seems shy with his head down and he doesn't have that egotistical way about him that Gabriel does. His broad shoulders bounce in step to his long strides, although he is very graceful. His biceps bulge out of the sleeves of his black muscle shirt. He has on black leather pants and black boots.

  I really wish that he would look at me so I could see his face. What color are his eyes? Are his lips full and pouty, or kind of small and sexy? Does he have a nice nose? I want to know so badly, to complete the picture of him that I have on the pedestal in my mind.

  Please. Look at me. I plead in my mind.

  At that second, his eyes glance straight up to mine, as if he heard

  my command. The knowledge of the telepathy that Demons and Angels can sometimes share with their bonded mates surfaces to my mind, and that’s when I realize that he’s a Demon. I groan inwardly and fight the urge to slap my forehead. Why oh why does he have to be the bane of my existence? Either that or why oh why do I like him so much? And did he hear me pleading for him to look at me?

  He gives me a shy, half-smile with the sexiest, sultriest lips I’ve ever seen and glances away again. I should look away too, because those sinfully dark, chocolate eyes might enthrall me, even if he’s not a Nymph.

  Finally, he is right next to my seat, so I stand up. I catch his eyes moving from his shoes to mine, and up slowly. He's discreetly checking me out, and I'm not embarrassed for once, this time I feel relieved, excited. I realize I want this, and feel ashamed of myself. I notice he has a few piercings. He has a little bar through his right eyebrow and two little balls on opposite sides under his bottom lip. He also has black studs in his ears and I wonder if he has anymore anywhere else. I wait for his eyes to meet mine so I can smile at him. When he finally glances at me he knows I've caught him checking me out because he stiffens and swiftly looks down in the opposite direction of me. It might be a trick of the light but I thought I saw a red reflection in his eyes. I step out behind him get a whiff of cedar and spice and it smells amazing. I never knew how much I liked the smell of cedar. I turn around to see if Kaia is behind me, maybe she smells it too? I wiggle my eyebrows at her and she frowns and gives me a disgruntled look. I turn back around and study him from this point of view.

  He has a tattoo on the back of his neck of what looks like a flame, with a circle around it. It has extensions but they disappear under his shirt collar. I also notice a tattoo twining around the bicep on his right arm and I wonder if there’s more? I shouldn't be so curious about him, I should be repulsed. I should be aghast. I should be....anything but captivated.

  *~*Chapter 5-Shadow*~*

  The air smells freshly cleaned inside the lobby of The Battalion. The floors are white tile and there is very little furniture. There're a few counters and tables with different kind of gadgets on them. Along the walls there are molding trays hanging up, for what looks like different kinds of swords and knives. Altogether it's a very open lobby with windows everywhere I look.

  The sounds of numerous feet echo off the walls as we follow the usher down the brightly li
t hall. Looking up ahead, I see an orange flickering glow cast onto the bare wall, and the heat is definitely rising the closer we come to it. As we take the corner, I see that it's the effect of a large stone pit of flaming liquid iron. I guess it’s used to forge swords and other steel weapons. I notice that boy in front of me; the announcer called him Shadow, has a sheen of sweat on the back of his neck and his black hair is glistening. Is he that nervous? I wonder if it's from the high temperature of the smelting room, but we only passed through there briefly and now the air is comfortable again. I can't help but wish I knew more about him, why he seems so nervous after passing through there. Could he be afraid of fire? I wonder.

  We finally reach a room with a dry erase board on the wall and some tables and chairs. Written on the board are names in pairs. I scan it for mine and almost immediately find it because it is in the middle, right next to Shadow's name.

  “As you can see,” the instructor speaks sternly, “your assigned partners are written on the board in front of you. In a few minutes I will leave you to find your partner, take a seat and get to know them. When I return, I will demonstrate how to forge various weapons of all shapes and sizes. Your first few attempts will be checked by me, to make sure you're getting the hang of it. If you are, you may leave. I expect those of you making weapons to memorize your partner from head to toe, find out their weight, their preferred fighting style, anything that will affect the weapon you will be making them. You will be spending a lot of time with your assignee from here on out. Now, find your partners and take a seat, I will be back momentarily to start.” He walks out of the room with his holier-than-thou attitude. I really resent that kind of attitude, especially on a fat, bald man who thinks he is at the top of the hierarchy.

  “Well great.” Kaia mutters. “It looks like we can't be partners. I have to go find someone whose name is Wraith. I mean seriously, what kind of name is that?” She throws her hands up and walks off.