Eternally Yours Read online

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Ironically, I'm happy yet sad. I have known this day would come for a long time, when every eighteen year old must go to the Grand Mecca and get a job, and a mate. We are arranged in a marriage that's the best match for us. We must think of our kind, they tell us, and do our part to help it thrive, by having many children with our most compatible mate.

  “I don't know, Kaia. I feel torn. It's hard to explain, but I am excited to meet my mate.”

  I don't really want to go to the capital, with its overcrowded streets and conflicts between kinds. I wish we could stay here with our families and choose our own husband. I'm just nervous that they won't mate me to someone I like. I've always had a rebellious mind, thinking for myself, questioning everything the authorities tell us. These are things I would never tell anyone though, not even my own parents. Angels are supposedly the most loyal and honest kind, and even the other kinds don't question the rules. At least, not out loud.

  I do look forward to meeting different kinds and boys though. I have never met either. They keep boys and girls under adulthood separated, along with different kinds; just another way the Overlord and his authorities control us like pawns.

  Kaia seems to accept my answer. “Alright, well if you're sad to leave, just remember it's only three years; and it'll probably be the best three years of our lives!”

  I nod and finish packing the last of my things. “Alright, I think that's everything,” I tell her and walk to my closet. I kept my favorite outfit in the closet, so that I wouldn't accidentally pack it. I grab the faded blue sweater off the hanger and bend down to pick up my overly-worn jeans. With my back to her I change into both and look around for my favorite shoes.

  “They're over here, Lexi,” she dangles my scuffed white sneakers by her pinched fingers and a straight arm, keeping them as far away from her as possible.

  If it weren't Kaia, I'd be embarrassed, but I find no shame in my scuffed white sneakers with her. She knows we aren't as well off as her family. My sneakers don't compare to her new suede, pink heels, but she doesn't care. I tuck my brown hair behind my ear and mumble, “thanks,” as I walk over to save them from her grasp.

  I sit on my bed next to her and bend down to put them on. I've had these shoes since I turned sixteen. I remember the day I got them, how stark white they were, reminding me of the whitest, fluffiest clouds. They looked so good with my favorite blue sweater that Kaia gave to me brand new the year before, because it was too small for her. So, it became my favorite outfit and we don't shop much where the Angels live in the desert.

  “I hear they stock our dressers with new clothes in the City!” Kaia exclaims happily.

  “Good, I think we both know I need a new outfit or two,” I smile bashfully.

  It's finally time to leave and I can’t stall anymore as I take one last look back at my room. The tears I've held back threaten to finally spill over but I blink hastily and stave them off.

  I don’t want this to be goodbye. However, life hasn't turned out to be fair. Imagine that.

  I will miss my white canopy bed with the fluffy comforter, my blue walls with clouds painted on them, and my precious window with the breeze and the view of the Angels soaring through the desert sky. Only one tear escapes my eyes and runs down my cheek.

  I take a deep, shaky breath and wipe my tear off. I turn back around, and go downstairs to say my goodbyes.

  I can only hope that whatever lies ahead of us is better than what we're leaving behind.

  *~*Chapter 3-Leaving*~*

  “Oh Alexia, I’m going to miss you so much!” My mom reaches out to hug me. Tears threaten to fall out of my eyes, but I look up and try not to blink. Don't cry, don't cry, this is a happy thing, I tell myself. I will be strong.

  “I’m going to miss you too mom, dad.” My lip quivers, and I bite it when I look over at dad. He is always the calm, controlled strength in our family. I am blessed to have such great parents.

  “Three years will fly by before you know it, honey. And you will probably end up wanting to stay after that. It's funny that way,” he smiles over at Mom, “I have no doubt you will feel the same way when you meet your betrothed.”

  “Dad, do you always have to be so optimistic? I'm trying to feel sorry for myself, but you won't let me.” I joke, lightening the mood.

  The doorbell echoes throughout the house and I know our time for saying goodbye is up because our transporter is here. Mom sulks off to open the door with her shoulders slumped. I feel like I should say some last parting words of wisdom, but my mind is blank. I don’t know what to say. I have never said goodbye before.

  “Girls,” Mom calls from the door, “your transporter is here to get you.”

  I roll my eyes and look at Kaia. “Okay mom, we're coming, just one second.” I bend down to pick up my carry on and look at dad one last time. “Alright, here I go...” I mumble mostly to myself, but loud enough so dad can hear. “Bye dad, I’ll see you in three years...I love you.”

  He stands to hug me tightly. “It’s not goodbye Alexia, it’s just see you later.”

  Then why does it feel like it is?

  Kaia and I walk to the front door, and take turns hugging my mother.

  “I Love you mom.” I try to make this hug last infinitely long, but mom pats my back, hinting the hug is over.

  She pulls back and kisses me on the forehead, “You both have turned out to be such beautiful Angels and we are so proud of you. I can’t wait to see you and your new husbands when you return!” She hugs me one last time.

  I turn to the transporter and try to hide the shock on my face when I see that it's a Nymph, a boy Nymph. He seems a little older than us, maybe twenty five. I take in his sleek, sophisticated style, ogling him from the polished loafers to the tie around his neck. I know I'm being obvious, and a bit forward, but I can't help myself. He looks just like a human. I saw one in a history book once, the picture was faded and crinkled but they looked just like Angels without wings. Like me and Kaia. When I look up to meet his eyes, I feel paralyzed. I feel like a stranger in my own body, on the outside looking in. Everything feels fuzzy and dream-like, and in the back of my mind I know why. He has me enthralled.

  It’s physically impossible to look away when a Nymph makes eye contact with you. It's called enthrallment. I remember reading this when I read about all the different kinds that live in the domain. It also said that Nymphs are selfish creatures, and have the ability to enthrall certain kinds with eye-lock, but not all kinds are susceptible to it. Apparently, Angels are not so lucky. Well that's just great.

  Suddenly, he looks down and holds his hand out, “It's a pleasure to meet you both, I'm Aeron.”

  I feel the invisible tie between us break away and I'm free to move my eyes again. Free to think on my own. I wonder if he will do this to Kaia and I steal a panicked look at her. She is just smiling a huge come-and-get-me smile. I grab her hand and briskly walk past him into the hall, ignoring his held out hand. He clears his throat and mutters something that better be an apology.

  On the way out he finally breaks the silence, “I would apologize about earlier. I didn't mean for it to happen, but you’re easy on the eyes.” His silky voice makes it hard to pay attention to what he's actually saying.

  Some of the ice already forming in my heart melts with the compliment and I sigh in forfeit. I guess I can forgive him; he seems sincere.

  “Oh...well, I accept that, thank you for the apology. I may have overreacted a bit anyways. I'm just nervous.”

  “What happened?” Kaia asks.

  “Well, you were too busy smiling at him to notice, but he used his power of enthrallment on me,” I said smugly.

  “Oh,” she says, baffled and glances over at him.

  He raises an eyebrow, taunting her to say anything at all. At least someone can shut her up.

  We reach the courtyard in the front of the Angel's living complex and stop at an unusual looking aircraft. He motions to it, “It's called a rotojet, newest technology in flying machines. Just w
alk up to that platform and take a seat anywhere you like.” He speaks loudly over the hum of the rotojet.

  We step up onto the platform and it rises to the door of the interesting little flying machine. Unsure, I walk through the door behind Kaia and find myself inside a space that seems a lot larger than the aircraft seemed from outside.

  We sit down in two seats next to the window. Kaia gives me the one beside it, remembering my love of window views. This view will be immaculate from the air.

  I glance around to see where Aeron's at. He's sitting diagonally from us. I notice for the first time that he has really pretty eyes. They're a vivid gunmetal gray color against his pale skin. He is well built, and has a lot of confidence. If I were a guy that looked like him, I guess I would be cocky too. He arches his brow without looking up.

  “I can feel you staring at me, Alexia. Unless you want a little repeat of earlier, I suggest you not tempt me to look up.”

  Kaia elbows me and I quickly whip my head around to pretend like I'm looking out the window. Embarrassing! I shouldn't press my luck. So far he has avoided looking me in the eyes again. Nymphs! Who knows what else he is capable of? That question turns the gears in my mind, and I realize that I don't know much about him. I feel so curious to know more.

  “So...Aeron, what kinds of creatures can you look at without paralyzing them, and taking away their free will?” I joke sarcastically. Kaia turns and gives me an exasperated expression.

  “Would you stop it already?” She reprimands me in a whisper.

  He thins his lips and tilts his head, thinking.

  “I can enthrall any kind other than Demons, and Shifters.” He adds, smiling even bigger, showing his straight white teeth.

  Ugh, that's disappointing. Is there anything good going for the Angels?

  “How old are you?” I ask.

  “How old do you think I am?”

  “Twenty five?”

  He laughs and it’s a deep, rumbling sound, “You are a naïve little thing aren't you?”

  He insults me and then compliments me so much it's giving me whiplash. I don’t say anything else. I don’t want to know anything about him if he's going to act like this. My arms are crossed and my lips are pursed.

  “I've offended you again. I forget how sensitive Angels are. Forgive me, I meant no harm.”

  “No you didn't, I'm fine.” My tone of voice suggests it's definitely not fine.

  “To answer your question, I’m two hundred years old. I'm usually with other Nymphs and Demons, so I'm not used to an Angel's sensitive nature.”

  So basically, he hangs out with evil company. I can't remember what I know about Demons other than that, and it's probably not much because my parents, and my kind for that matter, really don’t like them.

  “What are Demons abilities? I can't remember.”

  He leans his head back against the head rest and closes his eyes.

  “Well for starters, they are bad company for Angels.”

  I huff and roll my eyes. I suddenly have a mental picture of him hanging by his tie. I look to Kaia for help and she just shrugs her shoulders.

  “I want to know about all the different kinds. Don't you think we need to know about our future neighbors and friends? Yes, so we might as well start with the Demons.”

  He sighs loudly, trying to show his frustration.

  “Demon’s don’t like rules, and they keep to themselves. They are good at fighting, and they drink blood to survive. Their eyes turn red when they are hungry or with intense emotion, and they bond to their mate for life. They are born with a birthmark symbol, usually on the back of their necks, that once bonded their mate will also have somewhere on her body. Tattoos and piercings are a way of life. Let’s see…..oh, they can talk telepathically to their mates. I think there are more things of course but I can’t remember everything.”

  “Okay, good to know, thanks.” I reply. Chew that up and swallow it why don’t you, Alexia?

  “What about you Angels? Is there anything interesting?”

  “Well, we obviously fly, after we finally release our wings at adulthood.” Kaia chimes in.

  “Other than that, we're fiercely loyal and once we consummate our marriage we can never be with another. It is a sacred bond that can never be broken, but by death. And only a few Angels have been able to read each other's minds after the bond as well.” I finish.

  He looks shocked. He cocks his head and keeps his eyes looking over my shoulder, not directly looking at me. Thank you for small miracles.

  “It's interesting to know that an Angel and a Demon, two totally opposite creatures, have something in common…” he adds silkily.

  “Pfft.” I snort. “I doubt that seriously.”

  Kaia holds up her hand. “Yeah, that’s just crazy talk.”

  He nods his head and smirks. “You both bond for life and form mind-links.”

  And all I can say is, “hmm…”

  *~*The Grand Mecca*~*

  The Grand mecca is a beautiful sight to take in. It's a different kind of beautiful though. It's not naturally so, because there are no trees, no rivers, nothing of that sort. It's all tall buildings with creative sculptures and shiny creations that reflect everything, including the sun. As we fly through it, the clouds, the skies, and our rotojet are all reflected in a thousand windows. It's like seeing everything twice. The sky is more beautiful, the clouds are multiplied, more fluffy and many more of them. There’re two suns, or four, or a thousand, depending on how many windows you look at. It's breathtaking. I've never seen anything but the vast expanse of the desert, the dry dirt and scattered shrubs and cacti. I shut my eyes and imagine myself flying in between the maze of buildings, seeing my white wings reflecting in all the windows. It would be heaven.

  “So what do you think?” Aeron asks.

  “Yeah, it is, I can’t wait to be flying through here,” I muse wistfully.

  “Me either, it's so dreamy,” Kaia whispers, eyes wide as saucers.

  “Well it won't be much longer, Angels. Once you two get settled they'll put you and your chosen mate together on the waiting list. As soon as it's your turn, you will make your first flight together and release each other's wings.”

  In our world, Angels don't grow wings. They're formed inside us, and that's where they stay when they're not released. When we reach adulthood and our wings are fully formed, we must make our first flight with another Angel, whom then puts their hand on our back to release them. It's kind of like magic. Only another Angel has the power to release them for the first time.

  “Well, if that's the case, bring on the arrangement ceremony. The faster I'm betrothed, the faster I get my wings!” Kaia says triumphantly.

  I just lean my head back against the seat and stare out the window at the beautiful blue high-rise we're headed to.


  Up on the twenty first floor of a beautiful high rise called the Aerie, he instructs one of us to look into the eye scanner. I do, and then hear a snick and a thunk. The door opens to a luxurious condo, with gold gilt on the walls and dome ceilings. There's a striking painting on the dome that reminds me of a picture of the Sistine Chapel that I saw in a book once. Except this one is of Angels soaring through the air. It's of a family flying together, and they seem so happy and perfect. It's what I've dreamed of since I was born, and it's painted on my very own ceiling.

  “This is your new home; it's where all the Angels live during their three year stay. Each condo houses four Angels, or two couples,” he smiles. “However you want to look at it. I hope it’s to your liking.”

  “It’s so beautiful...It's absolutely...perfect.” I turn in slow circles taking it all in. A huge balcony with tall, wooden double doors draws my attention. It's open to reveal a spectacular view of the city...from the twenty first floor. There is no rail around it either, just a short ledge, about two feet high. When we learn how to fly, this will be how we enter and exit, I instinctively know it.

  “It's everythin
g I always thought it would be! It’s amazing!” Kaia runs to me and shakes me, she is so excited.

  “Well, I will leave you two to get settled but meet me in the Lobby in one hour so I can take you to your job introduction.” He turns to leave with a formal bow and then we are left to get changed and settled into our new room.

  Kaia runs over to one of the rooms and I go to the other one. They each have heavy white double doors with large gold handles.

  “I’ll take this room!” she yells from across the condo.

  “Alright, that’s fine,” I consent. My room is huge and right in the center of the room is a huge, wooden poster bed with white curtains on each post. I walk over to the closet and to my amazement it’s bigger than my room back home. There are two sides, one for me and one for my future husband. I know this because they already have several different clothes hanging up for us. I can’t believe the selection of shoes that I now have. They definitely want us to dress up because there’s not one pair of jeans or sandals. All wedges, heels and dresses of all types. I can do this, I tell myself as look through the clothes and find what I’m going to wear to the job introduction.


  In the Lobby, one hour later, I am dressed to impress, or so I think. I have on a light blue mini skirt with white suede knee high boots, and a soft white silk shirt that makes my dark hair stand out. They must have known exactly what sizes we wore, because the clothes they provided fit both of us perfectly.

  I don’t usually wear makeup, but Kaia made me put on some eyeliner and mascara for this little fiasco. She thinks we need to look our best because our husbands will be there somewhere.

  We wait for Aeron off to the side and I bite my fingernails because I'm anxious. “You two clean up nicely,” a familiar voice wrests me from my bad habit.

  “Thanks,” I say as blood rushes to my face. I've never had an outfit this nice, so I don't really wear it proudly enough. Kaia winks at him and curtsies, as comfortable as ever in expensive clothes.

  “Well, if you're ready, follow me.” He turns and starts walking in the direction of the exit.