Sealed With A Kiss Read online
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"And who could blame you for it?"
Devin laughed. "Actually, Lila put the dolphin one on the truck to hide a rust spot." At mention of her friend Devin sighed again. Why had she brought up her cute friend?
"What time do you get off work? I couldn't find your schedule on the bumper sticker," Cruz said.
Chapter Three
In Deep Sand
Their first date was mind-blowing for Devin. Cruz picked her up with his Harley, on the corner outside her dorm with all the girls from the floor jostling for position in a window to watch the hot Navy guy on a motorcycle take her out.
Cruz drove them down to the docks, where they climbed onto a fast, sleek speedboat. A three-person crew greeted them. They seemed to be friends of his, but they smiled and kept their distance. Devin tried to ignore the pretty redhead who kept staring when she thought Devin wasn't looking.
It was all happening so fast and so out of Devin's comfort zone, but she went with it. It seemed right. Despite not talking a lot on the ride over, she felt an immediate connection with Cruz. She didn’t know what to expect when he disappeared below deck and returned with two bundles of equipment.
"I hope you aren't afraid of heights," he said to Devin with a grin. He shimmied into a harness and offered her another one.
Devin went with the flow, letting him help her. She liked the way his hands slid across her shoulders. He seemed to casually stand closer to her than he really needed to. Devin could smell his cologne.
In twenty minutes they stood on the stern of the boat as the motor escalated. Cruz wrapped an arm around her and she gladly clung to him.
"Hold on and don't be scared," he said.
"Who says I'm scared?" She hoped her shaking wasn't too obvious. She'd never done anything like this in her life.
She felt the tug of the wind and then her feet were off the boat, dangling in the air as they rose higher, clinging to one another. Devin unconsciously wrapped a leg around Cruz but then quickly pulled it back again. He smiled, looked into her eyes, and pulled it back leaving his hand on her thigh.
Sea water and the hot wind whipped at their faces but Devin was too busy staring into his gorgeous eyes to notice. Cruz smiled and then looked below, waving with one hand.
Devin followed his gaze and saw the crew opening beers and waving back. Realizing how high up they were, fear gripped her. "Holy shit, this is incredible," she yelled, even though he was inches from her. She was trying to cover her panic. The worst thing she could do would be to cry or vomit right now.
"Are they good friends of yours?" Devin asked, trying to divert his attention from her obvious fear. It was one thing to be a gentleman and not point out the obvious, but if she shook anymore they'd both fall to a watery death. She laughed and gripped Cruz and the ropes for dear life.
"The guys are my friends. The girl is my ex-girlfriend. She insisted on packing your sail, so be careful."
"You're not nearly as funny as you think you are," Devin giggled. But she couldn't stop laughing at all of his cheesy jokes. She began to relax and listen to him talking, enjoying the wind and the waves below. They grinned at one another and held close.
This was the best first date ever.
* * * * *
From that day forward they saw each other almost every day. Cruz was all she could think or talk about, and Lila and her other college friends would tease her about him. Although they lived completely separate and busy lives, they tried to make as much time as they could together, even if it was a stolen hour here and there. They couldn't get enough of each other.
Devin was under a pile of stress with exams and her upcoming graduation. Cruz was laser-focused on working toward his Trident and furthering his Navy career. It was a challenge to merge their two divergent lifestyles. She had a structured day with classes and her job. He never knew what his day would bring. His days were filled intense cross training, mental acuity tests or training in hand to hand combat. Despite this challenge of living in two different worlds they grew close quickly and made it work.
Cruz was tired most of the time. His work was physically and mentally challenging, but he loved sharing it with her. He'd tell her stories about pressing himself until he was exhausted but always being one of the top men in the unit or class he was in training for.
They'd cruise on his motorcycle, go hiking to the beach, and picnics in the park. They talked about their plans and dreams and what they hoped to accomplish once Devin graduated and Cruz earned his Trident.
A natural rhythm set their relationship in motion and kept them moving forward. The sweet combination of laughing at the same jokes and being able to talk about anything without judgment or regret made their bond even stronger. It didn't matter how fast it happened, it was genuine.
The physical attraction was also intoxicating and kept them hungry for one another. Devin wanted Cruz in every way. Not just physically. She was taking her time with him, but he seemed to be playing the same coy game.
"You still haven't slept with him? Seriously? You're lying," Lila had said one night when Devin had confided in her.
"We've done everything but... and we're turning each other on, but… we haven't taken that last step yet."
Devin wanted to get the timing just right but it was proving harder than she'd thought. For weeks Cruz would slip his hand under her shirt or just inside her jeans but she'd reluctantly push him away and he'd nod and not press the issue, which was also driving her crazy. She wanted him so badly and she knew he wanted her, but he was still being a gentleman. One of her professor's had once used the saying it's not the kill, it's the thrill of the chase about something, and she thought it worked for the situation she was in. But she wanted this to be meaningful for both of them. Cruz was so much different than any other man she had ever known.
She welcomed the comments from Lila and the anticipation of a magical night in his arms. She knew it was inevitable, like the waves breaking on the beach. It was only a matter of time before they consummated their relationship and made love. That night on the beach it was time.
Chapter Four
Their Courtship, Their Love
Cruz couldn't believe it had only been six weeks since they'd met at the gas station. Parts of this relationship felt longer: how much they already knew each other, finishing sentences and knowing so much with just a look. Other parts felt like they'd only met. The newness of this romance was still so fresh and vibrant.
Cruz pulled the cork from a bottle of red wine. Drinking alcohol on the beach was risky for a Navy SEAL in training. They watched you day and night for any sign of weakness or stupidity. But things had to move fast with Devin to see if this really was what he thought it was going to be. Cruz needed some liquid courage to make his move, since he'd stumbled through a couple in the last week or so and he could tell Devin was ready to take this relationship to the next level.
The clerk at the wine store had helped him choose a good cabernet. As he poured wine into two plastic cups he smiled sheepishly and apologized for the classy glasses. Devin laughed with him, staring into his eyes. He knew she loved his eyes, telling him on a previous date it was his best feature. They were a light brown with flecks of hazel, and Cruz had used them to his advantage with the ladies ever since middle school. He was used to seducing women with just those eyes. But this girl... he wanted to use everything he had at his disposal because he wanted her to love him one hundred percent.
He thought her smile seemed different tonight. She wasn't the easiest girl to get to know. She kept her emotions in check with him, and he knew Devin had been hurt in the past by the scant comments she'd made.
Devin had told him a couple of weeks ago about her dad leaving when she was six. He had had an affair with one of her mom's best friends and started a new family. It was the only time she'd spoken of her family.
His own family was a big, loud and loving second-generation Mexican-American clan. Nobody had ever left. The food and music was too good, Cruz joked.
They were a close-knit group that talked on the phone all the time, and growing up had been one big festival. Every weekend was a block party.
Cruz stared at her under the moonlight and he thought she looked so vulnerable. He wanted to protect and hold her in his arms forever. And get those tight shorts off of her, if he was being honest. She was a beauty. He had never waited this long to make love to a woman.
As she took a sip of wine he noticed Devin lick her lower lip. The tight red halter she was wearing clung to her breasts. She usually didn't dress so provocatively. He thought he saw the same top on Lila a week ago. Devin always looked pretty but never suggestive. Was she trying to tell him something?
Cruz opened the picnic basket. He hoped Devin knew how much planning had gone into this night and if she knew how long it had taken him just to pack the basket she'd laugh at him. He began unpacking it.
"You are surprisingly romantic for a…"
"Go ahead," Cruz said. "I've heard them all: jock, jarhead, meathead… but what you don't know, Miss Devin, is that inside this spectacular body beats the heart of a gentle poet who loves candlelight, long walks on the beach and mandolin music."
Devin ripped off a chunk of French bread and threw it at Cruz. He caught it and laughed.
"Feel free to throw some cheese my way, too."
Devin crawled across the blanket and kissed him. As Cruz began to trace the tiny mole on her naked shoulder, Devin pulled his body against hers and led him down to the blanket. He caressed her body gently with his rough hands, moving from her waist to her hips with a light touch. He felt her shudder underneath him.
As he slid closer to her, his hard body brushed against Devin. Cruz knew that tonight she wasn't going to put up a stop sign. She let out a sigh as he bumped closer, not pulling back. When she reached her hands underneath his shirt and rubbed his smooth chest, he smiled.
As they kissed passionately, Devin put her plastic cup on the blanket, where it tipped over. Red wine flowed to the sand. Cruz grimaced inside, thinking it would kill the mood but then Devin brushed the wet sand away with her hand.
He checked one last time to make sure no one was around. They were safely tucked behind a large sand dune. Devin unbuttoned her shorts and stared at Cruz. She was ready and so was he. He helped her wiggle her way out of her clothes. They did not break eye contact. They kissed as warm wind caressed their bodies. Cruz’s mouth covered her behind the ears, on her mouth, and her neck. He pulled her close, drawing her hips tightly to his. They fit perfectly together and spilled to the blanket.
Devin moaned softly as their tongues explored one another. He lifted up onto his arms as he was above her and stared into her eyes for any doubt or regret. There was none.
She reached around his neck and pulled him down onto her fully as he entered her and she began to moan in tandem with Cruz. She shivered and let out a deep sigh. He climaxed and collapsed beside her on the blanket, panting.
"Wow," was all he could say, knowing how stupid it sounded.
"Wow indeed," Devin said. She leaned over and wrapped an arm across his chest. He pulled her close and gently kissed her forehead.
Wrapped in each other's arms, they stared up at the sky without a sound for what seemed like hours. Cruz finally spoke, pointing out Orion, but he knew Devin wasn't taking her eyes off of him. When he turned suddenly to look at her he was worried. He sat up on one arm. "Is everything alright?"
Devin nodded but looked away. "Yes…"
Cruz wanted to kick himself. Did she think this was too soon? He stammered a little, “I set this up...I thought the timing was right... did I push... I care about you so much. I wanted this to bring us close, I mean really close... Did I mess things up?"
Devin shook her head. "No, it's nothing like that. I swear. This was wonderful." She smiled warmly at Cruz. "It's just… I had this boyfriend, David Green, and it was alright, you know? He was nice to me. He was a good person, but Lila said he was boring and I thought... that’s shallow and I am better than wanting to have hot sex and be crazy about someone physically. But now I realize I am not better than that. You... this is the best thing that has ever happened to me and it isn’t just physical. It wouldn’t be this good if it was. I know I'm babbling but I'm really nervous and I don't normally just blurt out everything on my mind.” She covered her mouth with a sigh.
Cruz hugged her close. “I want to say this the right way. I’ve had a lot more experience than you.I think I have had a similar feeling though. Is that what’s supposed to make me happy? I met you and I know it’s not. I want one special thing. I think that’s what you are."
After an awkward silence Devin giggles, "I am not sure what to say next..... I'm just a little hungry,"
"Then maybe you shouldn't have thrown all the food at me," Cruz said and gently pushed her back onto the blanket to make love to her again. When their eyes met he smiled. "I am so in love with you, Devin Marks."
When she smiled back he knew she felt the same way. Before they kissed she whispered "I love you, too, Cruz."
* * * * *
Things moved pretty fast from there. Devin was close to graduating and hadn't really made any plans other than to keep working and continue to paint.
Cruz had nothing but dates on his calendar. As soon as he earned his Trident he would be assigned to a SEAL team and begin a year of intensive training on an amphibious base.
Devin realized how important this was for Cruz. Before he was born, his own dad had gone through SEAL training. His parents often reminisced about how hard it had been on their marriage. Cruz would tell her stories about his parents, and they swore they wouldn't have traded that time for anything. It had made their marriage even stronger.
His mom routinely toasted his dad at the dinner table and said he was forged in fire. As a kid Cruz didn’t understand exactly what it meant, but Devin supposed he was starting to get it.
"It is very important that you understand what it will take not only from me but from you as my future wife," Cruz had told her. "I need a partner who is strong and supportive. An understanding spouse. I need to make it all the way in training and my career, and I can't do it alone or with someone who doesn't get the sacrifices that need to be made."
Devin thought she understood exactly what Cruz needed.
Chapter Five
The Big Step
Ever since Hell Week had ended, Cruz felt invincible. It was the defining moment of his BUD(s) training. Five days he'd never want to live through again. The physical endurance, mental toughness, pain and cold tolerance, teamwork, attitude, sleep deprivation and his ability to under high physical and mental stress was tested.
Hell Week proved whether or not you really wanted your Trident. Only a quarter of them passed.
Cruz thought of his friend Tom, one of the toughest and biggest guys he knew, ringing the bell in defeat when he couldn't take it anymore. The rest of the men stood, soaking wet, in the cold surf up to their waist in pounding wave after wave, as the ocean wind found every exposed area of skin to slice. The saltwater burned their fresh wounds and weakened them.
The doughnut and hot coffee they gave Tom as his reward for giving up got every man staring, another form of endless torture. The men in charge grinned and watched Tom eat before asking if anyone else wanted something warm to drink. If they wanted a dry towel and a chance to get out of the cold, all shouted through bullhorns as the ocean tried to drag them away.
Cruz shivered at the memory of mental stress sowing seeds of doubt as he had to think and make split-second decisions while hypothermia and hallucinations due to lack of sleep toyed with him. If not for their camaraderie and encouragement, Cruz was sure over half of them would have failed. Including him. The training taught him the importance of teamwork.
And now he was ready for a new team member: his life partner. He felt deeply that Devin would make the perfect wife. She was caring, patient and most of all independent. Cruz loved she had her own interests, even though he didn't complete
ly understand her artwork or really related to her college friends. But he loved that she had her own life going on and wouldn't sit home and wait for him to give her things to do like so many Navy wives. He'd heard way too many stories of women cheating, drinking or creating problems because they were jealous of their husband's commitment to the military. They both knew he'd be gone for long stretches, but her hobbies and friends would keep her busy.
Cruz had it all worked out. They took a motorcycle ride and ended up at a beautiful park by the sea, one Cruz had been to a few times the week before to make sure it was the perfect setting. He got down on one knee and asked Devin to marry him. He never did anything impulsively. The plan was not to marry for several years so he could concentrate on his career. Cruz only made a decision after weighing the pros and cons of each part carefully. It was not only in his nature to do it. He'd been trained this way, first by his parents and now by his military training.
As a young boy he rationalized the consequences of shooting BB guns or riding his bike past a forbidden path. Everything was thought through.
But not on this beautiful evening. His mind had taken a backseat to his heart for the first time in his life. After weighing the options he could only find one viable solution: he couldn't risk losing Devin. She was too important for his career and his life. He was afraid, with his coming training and missions being so intense and time-consuming, he'd never see her and they'd drift apart. Devin would meet someone else and Cruz would always regret ignoring his heart.
Once they were married they could live together in family housing on the base. He knew it wouldn't be easy for Devin to adjust at first, but she was strong and she'd manage because she was so strong.
Even though they'd only known each other for six months, Cruz smiled when she didn't hesitate and said yes. They spent the rest of the evening making plans excitedly, talking about their future, and making love.