Sealed With A Kiss Read online
Sealed With A Kiss
Written by
AK Waters
S.E. Roman
Sealed With A Kiss
AK Waters Productions LLC
All Rights Reserved
Copyright © 2014
Kindle Edition ISBN: 978-0-9894835-9-9
(AK Waters Productions LLC)
Written by: AK Waters and S.E. Roman
Cover Design: Armand Rosamilia
Created by AK. Waters.
This product is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the authors’ imaginations or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is coincidental. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), without written, express permission of AK Waters Productions LLC.
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Published in the United States of America
Chapter One
Their Meeting
Devin's new life started in the lamest of places: a gas station in Encinitas. On their way back to Point Loma with Lila, her best friend, they'd needed to fill up after a trip to Santa Barbara.
It had been the best spring break ever. Not filled with one night stands and too much to drink, flirting with frat guys and auditioning for Girls Gone Wild like most of their friends were doing. It was truly about them: working with local artists at UCSB.
Devin had fallen in love with gas blowing. Lila had found an amazing mentor with her true love: sculpting. They'd both been drunk but it had nothing to do with wine or beer. They'd been high because they'd found their true passions.
Even pumping gas at a gas station made them giggle and find everything so fun and exhilarating. Classes and Monday morning were forgotten as they joked about the silliest things.
"What's an Encinitas?" Lila asked, tapping a tune with her slender fingers on the bumper of Devin's beat-up Ford pickup. "It sounds like a bug."
"It sounds yummy. Maybe it's a Spanish dish, like enchiladas or burritos," Devin said and smiled. "Now I'm hungry."
Lila finished her drumming. "Me, too. I'm going inside to get us some gas station Mexican food."
"Yuck. Don't you dare."
"What about one of those hot dogs that have been spinning for hours? I could eat one of those right now," Lila said. "I could actually eat three."
"Have I told you lately how much I hate you and your small hips?"
Lila was petite, with short curly blonde hair and light blue eyes. A pretty girl with a dramatic flair who could have landed a sitcom in New York if she had the inclination. But she was too into her sculpting to care.
Devin was her opposite: several inches taller at five foot eight and most of that taken up with her long, gorgeous legs. She was slender like Lila but had some great curves. All the boys at college checked her out, but her demeanor usually scared them away. She was sure of herself and men knew it. Usually it was enough to keep them at bay. Besides, she was having too much fun with her painting and living to date.
She carefully watched the meter as the price rose. They'd scrounged every last penny from tips the last two months to afford this trip, and now that it was coming to an end they were dangerously low on funds.
"It means Little Live Oaks in Spanish."
Devin had just finished pumping the gas and turned suddenly at the deep male voice. "Excuse me?" She turned and looked at the man at the next pump just as he turned up his radio on his Harley and began to sing along, a tune in Spanish. His voice was exquisite. Devin couldn't understand a word he was saying but it didn't matter. He was sitting on the bike, one leg shaking to the beat, and staring straight ahead as he belted out the song, completely in tune with the music from the radio. He was getting into it, gyrating in the seat, leaning forward as he sang to an imaginary audience in front of the motorcycle.
Devin couldn't help laughing at his over the top performance, obviously showing off for her. When he slid off the bike in one fluid motion and hefted an imaginary microphone as he sang, she began to laugh.
"So… someone is a critic over there, eh?"
As soon as he said it and looked at her, Devin turned away and stared at the gas pump, hoping Lila would hurry up. She was embarrassed.
"Are you a professional or amateur critic?"
Devin felt her face getting red. This was not going well. She could feel the man walking slowly up to her car and stop on the other side, tapping his fingers on the roof.
"Do you get paid to laugh at people or is it just a hobby? Do you have any pointers for me? Was my dance routine over the top? Too showy?"
Devin turned to look at him and willed herself not to look away. The man was smiling. He was trying to be funny and not rude, she realized. She hoped. "You've got potential but you might want to spend more time on the song instead of your hokey dancing. Some people sound better in the shower, you know."
"Ouch." He was still smiling, and he was very handsome. He was a couple of years older than Devin, eyes black against his honey colored skin, and close-cropped hair. He looked military. He stood a head taller than Devin so she had no choice but to notice his ripped body under his t-shirt.
His dimples were what set her off, though. His smile in itself got her attention, but the dimples kept her focused on his face. He was literally one of the best looking men she'd ever laid eyes on.
"What's your name?" he asked, still leaning on her car.
Devin glanced behind her to the gas station, praying Lila wouldn't be coming back anytime soon. Guys loved to hit on Lila. She was petite and cute and flirty. Devin was too awkward and shy, and most guys were turned off by it. Or they hit on her until Lila came around…
"I have a rule against telling strangers in gas station parking lots my name," Devin finally said. He was clearly dripping with confidence, and her words only made him smile more.
"Smart girl," he said. He didn't have much of an accent, even though his singing voice was beautiful and had a nice Spanish lilt to it.
"What did you say first about oak trees?"
"You and your friend were talking about the name of this town and I commented what the actual name meant," he said.
He'd mentioned Lila. Devin frowned. He was probably killing time until she came out of the gas station so he could flirt with her instead. Guys thought this was such a slick move but it was really a crappy thing to do. They thought being nice to the friend (usually Devin) meant she'd put in a good word for him to Lila and he'd get into her pants sooner than later.
Lila materialized from behind the car, a slight grin on her face as she passed and winked at Devin. She walked right up to the handsome man and grinned.
"Hey there, you must the wingman" he said, and immediately looked at Devin up and down.
"She’s a newbie at this human interaction thing, so go easy on her, and you are blocking the door”. She said this as she grazed past him edging closer than was necessary. Devin was sure Lila's nipples had brushed against him.
“My bad!” he said and put up his arms as he took three steps back, keeping eye contact with Devin who managed a smile again; sure her face was on fire.
He gave a quick wave and the
n got onto his Harley, putting on his helmet and starting it but not moving.
The girls waved back and hopped into the truck. Devin carefully pulled onto the highway, adjusting her rearview mirror.
"Good God, what a fine looking specimen. Please tell me you gave him your number or got his?" Lila looked back over her shoulder. "Here he comes."
"I see him. Turn back around and don't embarrass me anymore than you already have."
"I don't know what you're talking about," Lila said and laughed. "Please tell me you got somewhere with him."
Devin watched him from the rearview mirror as she drove. "He's a complete stranger. It was just a few words and nothing more. Don't look into this, got it?"
"Whatever. Something is going on," Lila said and dropped peanuts into a bottle of Mountain Dew. "I've said it before and I'll say it again: God wasted beauty on you. You make almost no use of it."
"Not true," Devin said defensively and stole another glance in the side mirror at the man on the motorcycle.
"You're practically a virgin," Lila said.
"There's nothing wrong with being selective," Devin said quietly and grinned at Lila. "You should try it sometime."
"There's a difference between selective and celibate. A big difference," Lila said.
The motorcycle was right behind them now.
"What are you talking about? I dated David Green for almost a year," Devin said.
"Almost a year? Try about seven months."
Devin shrugged. "Closer to a year than not."
"And it doesn't matter how long you dated him, because it was an epic waste of time for you. That guy was so boring. Ugh. He had nothing to say. Ever. And no sense of humor."
"He was very nice to me," Devin said. "He took me to dinner a lot, and admired my paintings."
"He was a mess."
Devin laughed. "He was a philosophy major. He was confused and sad. Now you're just being mean."
"No, I'm not. I've been mean about him from the day I met him. Right?"
Devin had to agree. Lila was not a fan of David's from the moment they'd met. At first Devin thought it was because David hadn't stared at her or hit on her, but she had to admit the guy was boring.
"He whined too much."
"He was sad," Devin said with a smile. "He was nice to me."
“And there is no way he was good in bed," Lila said.
Devin feigned a horrific look on her face. "How dare you?"
Lila waved her hand and took a sip of soda. "Just saying… whining and orgasms aren't a natural fit."
"How do you even know I slept with him?"
Lila shook the Mountain Dew bottle. "Ooh ooh, ooh ooh. Dev… Dev… ahhh."
Devin was really embarrassed now.
"I think he finished so quickly so he could get back to whining to you about life," Lila said.
"Have I ever told you how mean you are?"
"All the time. But I'm also direct and realistic. You need some excitement in your life."
The motorcycle pulled up beside them in the fast lane. The handsome stranger gave the girls a military salute before racing away.
Devin tried to remain casual and nodded at him, but Lila was practically flying out of the pickup in excitement. "Oh, my, my. That guy's not crying into his pillow about realism versus neo-classic bullshit. That guy is getting it done between the sheets. You blew it, Dev. I should have pumped the gas. It would've led to more pumping."
"You're crass."
"And you love me for it. I'm your conscience. I tell you what you need to hear and not what you want to hear. And that guy will forever be the one that got away."
Devin wanted to argue with Lila, but as she watched the motorcycle disappear in the distance she couldn't help but feel Lila was right, once again.
Chapter Two
I Hear You Knocking
Devin was posting an order for one of her tables when Lila ran into the busy kitchen, ignoring the grunts from staff and cooks around her. She was positively bouncing in place as she stared at Devin and grinned.
"Oh, my God. You won't believe who just walked in to eat," Lila said loudly.
"The President?" Devin asked.
"One of the Backstreet Boys?" Debi, another waitress, said as she walked past.
"Mick Jagger," one of the cooks shouted.
Lila shook her head and gripped Devin by the shoulders. "He's here."
"You know damn well who. Your second chance just walked through the door." Lila watched Debi as she took a tray out of the kitchen. "But if Debi Double D gets anywhere near him I'm taking her knees out. And the best part?"
Devin wasn't really listening anymore. Her mind raced through several scenarios. What if Lila was busting her chops and this was a cruel joke? What if he was out there but his girlfriend or (worse) wife walked in and sat down just as Devin went out to say hi? What if he was actually a jerk? Or he didn't remember her at all? "I swear, Lila, if this is some sick joke I will so stomp on you. I'm not kidding."
"I've been known to play some good ones on you, but I would not mess with you when a man is involved," Lila said. Lila grabbed Devin by the wrist and led her to the swinging doors from the kitchen. "Look to your right, past the bar."
At first she didn't see him, but then it was like the sunlight from outside was refocused directly on the table where he sat. And he wasn't alone, but at least it was a guy he sat with.
"His friend is hot," Lila said.
Devin couldn't say anything as she stared.
Lila nudged her in the ribs. "Like I said… his friend is hot. And might be available."
"Alright, I get it," Devin said and sighed. This wasn't about Lila right now. Devin looked down at the ridiculous outfit she was wearing. She absolutely hated her work uniform, which consisted of cut-off jean shorts, cowboy boots and a big goofy cowboy hat. She didn't want to go out there and embarrass herself. "I look ridiculous."
"You look cute."
"I smell like French fries."
"This is a huge turn-on to most men. Now get out there because Debi Double D has spotted them. I made sure they were in your section, but she'll steal it from you or at least try to get their drink order if you don't hurry."
Lila pushed her. "So hurry."
Devin put a smile on her face even though she was shaking and approached the table. His friend noticed her first, giving a big smile. She returned it but stared at the man she was interested in seeing, and thought she'd never see again.
When he turned she could tell it took him a second to recognize her, especially in her goofy uniform. "Well, well, well… if it isn't the powerful talent scout from the gas station."
She shrugged and tried not to get all giddy he remembered her.
"I take it this is where you also go to find great singers?"
"I blend in with the crowd and listen to my customers. Do they want to try the cheese sticks or are they going to sing a Journey song?"
Both men laughed and his friend slid out of the booth. "I'll go order us some drinks from the bar."
Devin was about to say she was taking their drink order but stopped herself before she said something completely stupid.
"I'm Cruz, by the way."
"Is that your first or last name?"
"Yes," he said with a laugh. "What's your name?"
"Is that your middle name?"
"Funny," she said. "I'm also a talent scout for comedians. You might be a double threat in show business."
"My mama always said to trust a woman in a cowboy hat."
She blushed, which she realized she did far too often around him already. Already? Will this lead to anything? Devin was touching the brim, wanting to take it off and stomp on it.
"I think it's awful. Smelly. Too big for my head. Humiliating," she said.
Cruz laughed. "I'm from Texas. Women in cowboy hats are a turn-on where I come from."
When his friend came back
with two drinks and a grin, Cruz winked at Devin. "This is my buddy, Riggs."
"Pleased to meet you," Riggs said. He took her hand and kissed it lightly, which made Cruz give him an odd look.
"This is Devin. Devin…" Cruz stared at her.
At first she didn't understand what he was doing. "Oh, duh. Devin Marks."
"I thought you were going to keep it a secret. I drove all this way from the base for it," Cruz said. He turned back to Riggs. "No beer chaser for these drinks?"
"Are you paying?" Riggs asked.
Cruz mumbled under his breath and took out a twenty dollar bill, crumpling it and throwing it at Riggs. "I want the change."
"Not gonna happen," Riggs said as he slid back out.
"How did you find me?" Devin asked. Had he followed her home? Put a tracking device on her pickup? He mentioned a base. Was he a secret military agent with cool high-tech things at his disposal? Had he used government resources to find her?
"I’d actually like to discuss how easy it was to find you, Devin. Do you realize there's a roadmap on the back of your truck for anyone smart enough to read it?"
"Any pervert traveling up and down I-5 could figure it out. The school you go to, where you work, the fact you heart dolphins."
"Almost every college student puts those stickers on their car. It's so I can park in the student lot," Devin said a little defensively.
"I got Bucked at Bronkin Billy's on a bumper sticker? Really?" Cruz asked but he was grinning. "Seriously, it's all too much information for a young lady to give out."
"Not really."
Cruz put his hands in the air. "I'm the proof. It took me all of a day to find you. At work. Getting bucked with your cowboy hat still on."
Devin sighed in defeat. He was right. She was glad he'd used the obvious clues to find her but she'd been lucky it was Cruz and not some axe-wielding maniac with a cowgirl fetish. "Fine. You're right. I see what you're saying. I'll take the Bronkin Billy's sticker off tonight. The college one has to stay on, though. And I can't help it," Devin said with a smile. "I do heart dolphins and I'm quite proud of it."