Akira Tong for Christmas

Genre: BDSM Multicultural, Holidays, Contemporary m/fAt twenty-four, Sarah Shelby twiddles her thumbs on a Mississippi farm while her identical twin, Anna, parades the world as a prestigious Tour Guide. But when her sister falls ill and her job is on the line, Sarah sees an opportunity for an adventure she's often fantasized about. Ecstatic, she sets off for New York City where she'll impersonate her sister as a tour guide, and spend two weeks at an extravagant hotel at Christmas time!Things quickly take a disastrous turn when Sarah learns she'll have to stay in the same suite with her assignment, Akira Tong. One of Japan's richest bachelors and heart throbs, the obnoxious scrooge has no respect for her or her carefully laid out itinerary. And without the cheat sheet, she's sure to blow her facade.But that turns out to be the least of her problems. Akira strutting around half naked in his god-like body lights Sarah's hormonal fuse. Soon she's a sexual time bomb, saying and doing scandalous things. Before long, having the sexy Akira Tong as her first is all she can think about. Only there's a lot more to Akira than Sarah perceives. And by the time she discovers the secret, it's a lot more than a job that's on the line.
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Montego Bay (Moresome International, Book One) (Multiple Partner Romance) by Demi Alex

Lorabella Simmons has been in love with her boss Mark, her boss Jake, and her boss Luca for years. She can’t stand the idea of losing any one of them, so she doesn’t tell them how she feels. Rather, she takes off to a hedonistic vacation destination in Montego Bay to let loose and gain the experience to satisfy a man. Mark, Jake, and Luca don’t need exclusive invitations to claim her as their own once she’s at the resort and away from the office. Finding Prince Charming is every woman’s fantasy, but having to choose between three perfect men is Lora’s greatest challenge and biggest fear.
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Daddy's Little Angela

Even though her own daddy is always more than ready to spank her bare bottom when she is naughty, Angela sometimes can’t help feeling superior to the other women in Little Haven, particularly the ones who act the youngest. But her daddy will not tolerate her being mean to others, and after she makes fun of another girl and hurts her feelings badly, he decides that some very thorough, embarrassing discipline is needed. Angela will be spanked, bathed, made to wear baby clothes, and treated like a very little girl until her daddy is sure that she has learned her lesson.
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She’d made a mistake she couldn’t take back… Five years ago, Natalya broke up with Aedan without an explanation. When her son is kidnapped, her only option is Aedan and his underworld contacts. The only question is will he help her or turn her away?He’d been burned once… Aedan wants to keep Natalya at arm’s length. But his anger is outweighed by his blinding need to have her in his bed.The attraction between them is hotter than ever, but can their need for each other override the pain of the past?
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Bye-Bye Baby

​Love has no expiration. The morning Beth packed her bags and walked out of Cole’s life was the day he swore the only girl for him would be the six year old who called him daddy. He didn’t have time for love, not between raising his baby girl and trying to figure out what the hell he was going to do with his life. But fate has a funny way of coming around and kicking you when you least expect it. Cole’s new life was no exception. As a product of a severely broken home, Beth Doan knew better than to ever get married. She’d seen what that commitment did to people and she loved Cole McClain too much to let marriage destroy them. But the minute she boards that bus she knew she was making the biggest mistake of her life. Only maybe she wasn’t, not when she goes running back home to the only man she ever loved and finds him in the arms of another woman. When an unexpected accident throws them together four years later, the last thing either anticipated was to become responsible for a little person who needs them a whole lot more than they need their bitterness and hurt feelings. Can Cole and Beth forgive and forget long enough to save the life of a child neither one of them predicted falling in love with? Or are some wounds just too deep to heal?
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Frozen Kisses

It’s Christmas Eve and the snow won’t stop coming down on Becca’s way to visit her brother for the holidays. What could be worse than two feet of lake effect snow? Just an hour from her destination, the windshield wipers tear and her car skids into a ditch. Relatively unharmed, but stranded in a snow storm, she searches for help.Alec Stiles lives alone. Christmas for him is just another day of the year. With his parents deceased and no siblings, he has little to look forward for Christmas, until he opens his home to the alluring Becca Carter. She’s beautiful and strangely familiar, but he can’t pinpoint where he knows her. Breaking the ice is never easy and with a game of ‘I’ve never’ and several spankings for being naughty, Becca soon learns that Alec may just hold the key to her heart.
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