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Lions and Tigers and Boys

The last thing a girl as awkward as Dani Gale should be doing is trying to learn the high wire. Yet that's exactly where Dani ends up—at OZ, the Oswald Zinzendorf School of Circus Arts. Trying to overcome her shyness is near impossible when her new partner—the hottest guy she's ever laid eyes on, and whose touch seems to give her poise she thought impossible—also seems to be sabotaging her progress. The last thing Cai Coppersmith needs is a distraction, especially in the form of the new, cute shy girl. He needs to focus on trying not to shape-shift into a tiger on school grounds, and completing his mission to keep Dani from winning the school's high-wire competition. In fact, the entire safety of OZ is relying on Dani not succeeding. But there's something about the girl that draws him in. She has magic, he can feel it. So he'll do what he can to protect her, even if it means pushing her away.
Views: 130

The Wallflower's Mistletoe Wedding

A country Christmas at Barton Park Plain, sensible Rose Parker is a self-proclaimed wallflower, but she's always dreamed of dancing with Captain Harry St George... Once, Harry wouldn't even have noticed Rose. But now, after a hard war, Harry knows he's a different man. Shy, sweet Rose intrigues him more than any gregarious young lady—but he must marry a rich bride to save his mortgaged estates...and Rose is no heiress. Now, more than ever, Harry needs the magic of a mistletoe kiss...
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