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Max's Folly

Max has been a freelance reporter dodging bullets in Latin America, a small-time newspaper editor who delights in infuriating his publisher and, finally, a flack for a communications company — the elephant's graveyard for journalists. But none of this compares with the terrors of assisted living, so instead Max risks everything on something he's kept secret until recently: his increasingly unreliable ability to travel in time. He set out to search the past for his late wife and settle down with her again. In turn satirical and poignant, replete with dark humour, sarcasm, wise-cracking characters and laugh-out-loud funny bits, this is a debut novel that is going to ring some bells and stir some pots.
Views: 139

Motor Matt's Quest; or Three Chums in Strange Waters

CHARACTERS THAT APPEAR IN THIS STORY. Motor Matt, a lad who is at home with every variety of motor, and whose never-failing nerve serves to carry him through difficulties that would daunt any ordinary young fellow. Because of his daring as a racer with bicycle, motor-cycle and automobile he is known as "Mile-a-minute Matt." Motor-boats, air ships and submarines come naturally in his line, and consequently he lives in an atmosphere of adventure in following up his "hobby." Dick Ferral, a young sea dog from Canada, with all a sailor\'s superstitions, but in spite of all that a royal chum, ready to stand by the friend of his choice through thick and thin. Carl Pretzel, a cheerful and rollicking German boy, stout of frame as well as of heart, who is led by a fortunate accident to link his fortunes with those of Motor Matt. Hays Jordan, United States consul at Belize. A man of pluck and determination, who furnishes valuable information about his friend, Jeremiah Coleman, and even more valuable personal services during the rescue of Coleman. Jeremiah Coleman, another United States consul who has been spirited away by Central American revolutionists in the hope of driving a sharp bargain with the United States Government for the release of a captured filibuster named James Sixty. Tirzal, a half-breed mahogany-cutter who serves Jordan in the capacity of spy, and who has been a pilot along the coast. Speake, Gaines and Clackett, part of the crew of the Grampus. Cassidy, mate of the Grampus who, because of a fancied grievance, takes the wrong trail at the forks of the road. An old friend whom Matt found to be an enemy and then made a friend again. Abner Fingal, skipper of the notorious schooner, North Star, and brother of James Sixty, to whose evil nature Motor Matt owes most of his present troubles. Captain Nemo, Jr., skipper of the submarine, Grampus, and who falls victim to a sudden illness. Because of the captain\'s sickness, Matt is placed in command of the Grampus. Ysabel Sixty, an old acquaintance who plays an important part in the story.
Views: 139

The Fall Of Sky

It’s time to crash and burn…Traveling across the United States in their beat up station wagon, sisters Audrey and Liv Westing flee their dark pasts. Playing gigs as a singing duo in questionable bars and dives, they live life in the fast lane. No regrets. No Looking back. When their beauty and music attract the eye of a deadly, but powerful Cartel family, everything spirals out of control. The fall is worth the pain… Along with a sexy, blind percussionist named Saul, the sisters shoot their way to the top of the music charts, but the price to pay for stardom is steep when knee deep in carnal contracts that demand more than the sisters can give. Love is a killer… Where hearts are the currency and music is the only escape, Liv and Audrey must make their way through a world of sketchy music deals, sexy assassins, and unfathomable demands from those who want nothing more than to own every piece of them. But Audrey and Liv don't mind breaking every single rule to survive. Wait for the encore before the sky falls…
Views: 139

Three Evil Wishes

Hannah won't open the bottle she found in Fear Lake. Not after she read the label, warning danger.But her younger brother, Jesse, isn't afraid. He pulls off the cork--and lets loose some big trouble: a genie who's been trapped inside for one hundred years. And he's not happy about it!Now that the genie's free, he's got plans. Evil plans--for Jesse and Hannah.
Views: 138

Hollywood Wives

They lunch at Ma Maison and the Bistro on salads and hot gossip. They cruise Rodeo Drive in their Mercedes and Rolls, turning shopping at Giorgio and Gucci into an art form. They pursue the body beautiful at the Workout and Body Asylum. Dressed by St. Laurent and Galanos, they dine at the latest restaurants on the rise and fall of one another's fortunes. They are the Hollywood Wives, a privileged breed of women whose ticket to ride is a famous husband. Hollywood. At its most flamboyant.
Views: 138

A Date with the Devil

In one moment, my entire life was ripped away from me. I ignored the warning signs until it was too late. Until I became the victim. I'll never be the same person again--that girl died when the match was dropped. Too much has already been stolen from me. It's time to take back what's mine.
Views: 138

Protecting Shaylee

Shaylee As a child, I believed in the fairytales my father told me. Until he was gone and with him, that belief. As a girl, I believed in the friendship and protection of Aden. He made me begin to believe again. As a woman, I believed in the possibility of love and passion between myself and Aden. Until he was gone and with him, my belief in magic and happy endings. Aden When she was a child, I was tasked with her protection. As a girl, I became her friend. As a woman, I could no longer see the child I knew and was forced to fight a growing attraction. Unable to lie and unable to tell the truth, I left. Now I've returned to give the knowledge I couldn't before, that she is half Fae. The darkness is stalking her and I am desperate to teach her what she needs to know to protect herself. And determined to make her mine.​
Views: 138

Hold Me Close

Apart, they are broken, but together, they are whole Effie and Heath are famous. Not for anything they did, but for what happened to them as teenagers. Abducted and abused by the same man, they turned to each other for comfort until they were finally able to make their escape. Now adults, their relationship is fraught with guilt and despair. Whether fighting or making love, their passion is strong enough to destroy them both - and Effie’s not about to let that happen. She knows it’s time for her to have a [unknown-8220]normal[unknown-8221] relationship, and Heath is nothing but a constant reminder of the dark past they share. Heath, on the other hand, knows Effie is the only woman he can ever love. She may want to forget what happened, but he’s convinced that they must face their past together in order to move forward. So while Effie continues to bring new men into her life, Heath becomes obsessed with proving he’s the one she needs. Then a new crisis arises and Effie begins to lose every scrap of self-control she ever had. As she struggles against her desire to return to the one man who understands her, she discovers that sometimes the only safety you find is with the person who is the most dangerous for you.
Views: 138