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The Diamond Bogo

A safari takes a wild and ribald detour in this novel that is part adventure, part morality fable, and part Swiftian satire. As a white hunter in a once game-rich corner of Africa, William Henry Olliphant Wynton, better known as Winjah among the tribesmen of Kansdu, sees that his days are numbered in a changing country. So, he's going on one last hunt. And to make it worthwhile, his prey is the legendary Diamond Bogo, a Cape buffalo reported to be running around with a ten-million-dollar gem stuck beneath its horns. To finance the safari, Winjah latches onto three unlikely clients: a wealthy hippie, his beautiful starry-eyed wife, and a professional magazine writer whose instincts have gone to seed. The trek has one hitch. The studded bogo was last seen in the land of the Toks—a suspiciously advanced tribe of alleged superhumans who have a surprise connection to Winjah's big game, and they're not to be toyed with. Hailed by...
Views: 160

Woo Woo

Carter Rossi moves to Cape Charles, Virginia, for the same reasons as many of the town's residents-to find solitude and reboot his life. Carter meets the mysterious and beautiful Rose Portman, a parapsychologist who is attempting to find out why Cape Charles is a hotbed for paranormal activity. Could it be the asteroid strike?
Views: 159

The Child Predators

After serving fourteen years of a twenty-five year sentence for child abuse and murder, Mark is released from prison on license. Under the terms of his release, Mark must report to the police every week, and is under police surveillance. For six months Mark gives no cause for concern – that is until he disappears. The police issue an immediate warrant for his arrest, but when other events become more pressing for the force and Mark still can't be found, the case fades into the background. Officers begin to worry that Mark has gone back to his old ways of child abuse and murder, and a senior police officer in Leeds suspects he is operating on his patch with other members of a paedophile ring. The case needs a detective of remarkable skill to catch Mark, and the senior police officer thinks he has found him. The hunt is on, but will they catch Mark before he abducts and kills a child?
Views: 159

Lady Maybe

In the new novel by the three-time Christy Award-winning author of The Maid of Fairbourne Hall, a woman’s startling secrets lead her into unexpected danger and romance in Regency England…  One final cry…“God almighty, help us!” and suddenly her world shifted violently, until a blinding collision scattered her mind and shook her bones. Then, the pain. The freezing water. And as all sensation drifted away, a hand reached for hers, before all faded into darkness… Now she has awakened as though from some strange, suffocating dream in a warm and welcoming room she has never seen before, and tended to by kind, unfamiliar faces. But not all has been swept away. She recalls fragments of the accident. She remembers a baby. And a ring on her finger reminds her of a lie. But most of all, there is a secret. And in this house of strangers she can trust no one but herself to keep it.
Views: 159

Midnight Hunter (The Execution Underground Book 3)

Hunters of the supernatural, THE EXECUTION UNDERGROUND are an elite group tasked with protecting humanity…but can dark temptation destroy good intentions? Occult specialist and witch hunter Dr. Shane Grey is called upon to investigate a string of crimes that bear all the hallmarks of black magic. But he can’t take on this daunting assignment for the Execution Underground alone. He’ll need the help of Vera Sanders, a witch with a dark past—and a woman who disturbs him as much as she intrigues him. Vera is determined to ignore the dangerous chemistry between herself and Shane so she can prove her loyalty to his cause; otherwise she risks the wrath of the Execution Underground once again. If she can’t make Shane trust her, they won’t stand a chance in hell of defeating the evil that’s terrorizing their city. No easy task, considering old habits die hard…and Vera may be the very person responsible for luring Shane into a killer’s trap.
Views: 159

The View From Castle Always

Men and women come to Castle Always to receive a destiny. Few of those questers survive to return home. Mysterious, difficult to find, and possibly sentient, the Castle keeps its secrets hidden away where no one thinks to look for them.Unlike other questers, Ailanthe just wants to return to her forest home. She travels to the Castle searching for something to send her back, not for a destiny. But the Castle refuses to let her leave—and worse, it wants her dead.With the help of another man trapped by the Castle, Coren, and the mysterious cat Miriethiel, Ailanthe sets out to unravel the truth about the Castle not only to gain her freedom, but to save her life.
Views: 159


An inspiring, playful, and sensual invitation to the experience of everyday magic—in the form of a wildly original graphic novelWitchbody is an invitation to awaken a sense of wonder to what lies beneath the surface of our experiences—the magic of all things. A plant, a tree, a coffee cup, garbage bins, you, me—they're all full of magic. Witchcraft is simply the power we all have to awaken to this magic."Reading Sabrina Scott's beautiful graphic novel Witchbody has been a transformative experience for me. I hope that the messages of Sabrina's work, their perspectives on ecology, materiality, nature and magic, will feel relevant to everyone who reads this." —Beth Maiden, Little Red Tarot"Witchbody is smart, beautiful, and highly recommended." -Spiral Nature
Views: 159