One forgotten street, 12 unforgettable women. ''Ang on boy, Joan's got sumfink to show yer.' She rummaged in a drawer for a moment, pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to me. 'Constance Street,' she said. 'As I remember it.' Through the story of one street -- Constance Street -- we hear the true life tales of a tight knit group of working class women in the East End of London set against a backdrop of war, hardship and struggle. It's a story of matriarchy and deep family ties, of a generation that was scattered away from the street during the blitz bombings, but which maintained the ties of that street for decades afterwards. Set in an area of East London called Silvertown, a once thriving docking community that at the turn of the 20th century was the industrial heartland of the south of England; the story focuses on the lives of 12 incredible women and their struggle to survive amidst... Views: 9
Does being mates really mean a guaranteed happy-ever-after?
Isaiah already has enough problems in his life without adding a new one—his mate. The man Fate chose for Isaiah isn’t just any man, no. It’s the man who kidnapped Jamie for the Glass Research Company, the man Dominic kept locked up for a year. And now he’s out and living with the pride, eating with them and sleeping in the room next to Isaiah’s.
John knows he’s lucky. Dominic could have killed him for what he did, but the lion shifter gives him a second chance instead, and John isn’t about to waste it. He’s not all that comfortable around shifters yet, but it’s not like he has to like them. Even if he finds out he’s a shifter’s mate.
As if things weren’t already difficult enough, Isaiah has to go home and leave John behind. Will John come and help when Isaiah’s house is attacked? Will Isaiah finally realize he can’t live his life for his mother? And even if he does, will John take him back? Views: 9
Trapped by Rick and running out of time, Samantha struggles for safety. She can only hope that Lou, the woman she loves, is alive and looking for her. Views: 9
A sword and sorcery high fantasy adventure series with lots of magic by International Bestseller, Travis Simmons. The darklings come at night carrying their plague of shadows to the nine worlds. They corrupt all they touch and there’s no cure except burning in the sacred fires. And Abagail Bauer has been infected with their baneful magic. After facing off with the darkling god, Gorjugan, Abagail wakes up in Muspelheim among the fire giants and demons of the nine worlds. While another dark god threatens the safety of the fiery world, Abagail is plunged in the middle of a conflict between gods as they struggle for the legendary God Slayer. In Haven while Leona recovers from her encounter with a darkling, harbingers of darkness seek to corrupt Haven. To make matters worse the dark elves are on the move to open their mystical scepters which could cause the destruction of all the nine worlds. "Travis Simmons is known for such bestselling fantasy books as The Bonds of Blood, The Mirror of the Moon, and A Plague of Shadows. The Harbingers of Light is a A sword and sorcery high fantasy adventure series with plenty of magic." Views: 9
Lia Riley’s Wanderlust series takes New Adult readers on an emotional journey of passionate love that proves sometimes the only way to move forward is to let yourself fall… Views: 9
In the spellbinding and suspenseful Let Me Die in His Footsteps, Edgar Award–winner Lori Roy wrests from a Southern town the secrets of two families touched by an evil that has passed between generations. On a dark Kentucky night in 1952 exactly halfway between her fifteenth and sixteenth birthdays, Annie Holleran crosses into forbidden territory. Everyone knows Hollerans don't go near Baines, not since Joseph Carl was buried two decades before, but, armed with a silver-handled flashlight, Annie runs through her family's lavender fields toward the well on the Baines' place. At the stroke of midnight, she gazes into the water in search of her future. Not finding what she had hoped for, she turns from the well and when the body she sees there in the moonlight is discovered come morning, Annie will have much to explain and a past to account for.It was 1936, and there were seven Baine boys. That year, Annie's aunt, Juna Crowley, with her black eyes and her... Views: 9