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Overlooked (Gives Light Series Book 6)

MM YA - American Native"Don’t tell me you didn’t miss me!"Rafael’s devilish sister Mary has returned to the Nettlebush Indian Reservation after a year of absence and a failed stint in a rock band. But the reason behind Mary’s triumphant homecoming is anything less than sororal: Mary has her sights set on Paul Looks Over, the man responsible for her father’s death. Nothing—and nobody—will stop Mary from staking a Blood Law of her own, a decision that will force Rafael to choose between his love for Skylar and his very family.
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The ISIS Solution

The President recently announced that we don't have a strategy for dealing with ISIS. "It's too soon to say what steps the United States will take against ISIS. I don't want to put the cart before the horse," Obama told reporters during a White House news briefing. "We don't have a strategy yet.""-President Obama If we have been at war with terror for over a decade and still don't have solid strategies for dealing with radical terrorism, then what have we really been doing the last thirteen years? It's a good question to ask yourself, and at least the President was telling the truth when he said we don't have a strategy for ISIS. As ISIS grows in strength with each successful battle, they will also set up the infrastructure of something resembling a functional state. They will become a self-funded organization making millions of dollars from oil revenue. Left unchecked, it is hard to say how powerful they could become. The dream of a pan-Islamic...
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Seven Wonders Book 3

Percy Jackson meets Indiana Jones in the New York Times bestselling adventure Seven Wonders! The Tomb of Shadows is the third in a seven-book series by master storyteller Peter Lerangis. This sequel to the bestselling Lost in Babylon and The Colossus Rises chronicles the adventures of Jack McKinley and his friends in a life-or-death race to the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus. In the rubble of this Wonder of the Ancient World, they have to face down their own demons and engage in an epic battle with foes long gone. But when promises are broken, blood is spilled--and the Select are left with no choice but to destroy the one thing that might have saved them all.Rick Riordan, author of the Percy Jackson series, praised Seven Wonders Book 1: The Colossus Rises as "a high-octane mix of modern adventure and ancient secrets. Young readers will love this story. I can't wait to see what's next in the Seven Wonders series!"
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Darkness Torn Asunder

Continuing the sexy, paranormal Paladins series where Darkness on Fire left off, this original e-novella features larger-than-life warriors in a secret army that battles evil in the modern world. Fifteen years after Emmett Stone was unjustly imprisoned for a brutal attack, the true aggressor came forward to tell the truth about that fatal night. Shortly before Emmett's release from prison, he's visited by two men who understand his strange ability to rapidly heal from anything, and why he's driven to protect those around him. And they have a very unusual job offer for him... When Emmett cuts his hand at work, his boss insists he go to get stitched up. To keep up the charade of normalcy, Emmett goes to the free clinic, where he meets Jana. Instantly drawn to her quiet beauty and caring nature, he vows to protect her at all costs. But will his fierce protectiveness and hidden secrets cause Jana to run?
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The Growing Season

Secrets of Neverwood Book TwoThe four years since Danny Redmond left Neverwood have been heartbreaking, and past mistakes continue to haunt him, even after he returns home. Together with two foster brothers he barely knows, he plans to turn the decrepit mansion into a welcoming place for runaways once again--the dying wish of their foster mother, Audrey.Danny has nothing to contribute to the restoration, save for a gift for growing things. But his efforts to bring Audrey's beloved gardens back to their former glory are complicated by handsome landscaper Sam Ignatius...and the feelings developing between them, despite their fiery differences of opinion. One voice gives him hope, the only one he's always trusted--Audrey's.Danny comes to care deeply for Sam, but things look bleak when Sam's city councilman father threatens to have Neverwood torn down. Why should Danny have expected the future to be different from his past? All his relationships end in disaster...Three foster brothers are called home to Neverwood, the stately Pacific Northwest mansion of their youth. They have nothing in common but a promise to Audrey, the woman they all called mother...Secrets of Neverwood is a multi-author trilogy; One Door Closes, The Growing Season and The Lost Year can be enjoyed either as a continuity or as standalones.
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One vow. One curse. One thousand moons. While Princess Aowyn's six brothers are favored by their father, Aowyn is the jewel in her mother's crown. When the Queen dies, Aowyn takes a vow to protect her brothers and father from the hungry eyes of the queen's handmaiden, Ciatlllait - who is more than she seems. In order to save her family, Aowyn risks a dangerous deal with the dark creature Sylas Mortas. But magic comes with a price: and Aowyn soon realizes the one she has paid is too steep. Only true love can reverse the spell...but it will take one thousand moons. Set in a Celtic world, "Moonlight" is the story of faith and true love woven through a breathtaking retelling of the classic folktale "The Swan Princess".
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The Copy

Ambitious geneticist Geoffrey Bartell is fighting for his life. His company is under legal and political attack while his marriage crumbles around him. Desperate to recapture his once idyllic life he comes upon the perfect solution by creating a clone of himself, and together they set about picking up the pieces. But the perfection is short-lived as the two’s priorities begin to diverge. As the jealousies and resentments build Bartell comes to realize that while living alone was difficult, living as two may be impossible. Things take a dark turn and before long Bartell finds himself at the center of a criminal murder trial in which he now must fight to salvage what life he can. "Dark and edgy. The mystery and intrigue kept me on the edge of my seat. I couldn't put it down." -ML
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A Forger's Progress

Talented, well trained and confident in his own abilities and worth, Australia's first government architect was also hot-headed and tactless. Sentenced to death for forgery, then granted a last-minute reprieve, Francis Greenway was transported to New South Wales in 1814. Within a single eventful decade, Greenway's and Governor Lachlan Macquarie's transformation of Sydney from a ramshackle convict garrison into an elegant city was well under way with buildings like the Hyde Park Barracks, St James' Church, Supreme Court and Windsor courthouse. Award-winning author Alasdair McGregor – in the first biography of Greenway since 1953 – scrutinises the life and work of a man beset by contradictions and demons. He profiles Greenway's landmark buildings, his meteoric rise and his complex and fraught relationship with Governor Macquarie, along with his thwarted ambitions and self-destruction. All played out in a fledgling colony in the throes of change from far-flung gaol to...
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Under Texas Blue Skies

J.D. Sterling, the sexy star of country music, had come back home to McKenna Springs, Texas. Years before, he had left to chase his dream and had succeeded. His life was almost perfect. Almost. He was still missing the part of his heart he had left behind...Mandy Lawson.Amanda Lawson had changed from the young, innocent Mandy...the teenager madly in love with the bad boy from the wrong side of the tracks. Heartbreak and tragedy would do that to a person. She was determined to keep her well-ordered, work-driven life on the successful path she had fought to achieve on her own. No singing cowboy with a devil's smile in his green eyes and a sexy body in tight jeans was going to be allowed close enough to break her heart again.
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