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Haven's Choice

After receiving the “Gift” of the dark kiss by her slime-bag ex-boyfriend, Haven wakes up in his cellar to discover fangs shooting from her gums and a ravenous hunger burning in her belly. Her world had been changed forever, but being the trooper that she is, she deals, and adjusts. She learns to control her thirst (the hard way!) feeding only when she can’t take the hunger pains any longer. She was pretty darn proud of herself, and her undead life was rolling right along until…While hunting one night she lures in what she was sure to be her tastiest snack yet. (he certainly looked mouth watering!) But Deacon Northcross was no ordinary male; born over seven hundred years ago tonight he was the hunter not the prey, and he would claim what was his! Being informed by her snack that she was actually his soul mate, and that she really didn’t have any choice in the matter does not exactly go over well with Haven; (not that she could deny the sizzle in her blood at his touch!) but then finding out that he may not have the only claim to Haven does not exactly go over well with Deacon! Could it be that Haven may have a choice after all?
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Riding Steele: Crossroads

Being kidnapped by bikers is a harrowing experience, but for some reason, Laurie doesn’t feel as terrified as she should.  The leader’s steely eyes soften when he looks at her, and the others in his gang clearly know she’s hands off.  But does that include Steele's hands?  Her brain resists him, but her body insists she wants those big hands all over her. Steele doesn’t know how he wound up in this mess–with a kidnapped woman on his hands and the police hot on their trail.  Now he and Laurie are in hiding at an isolated cabin, and Steele has to figure out how to extricate himself...and steer clear of his accidental captive whose tight, slinky clubbing attire is making him think all kinds of dangerous thoughts…
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Stephen Douglass's knowledge of the Oil and Gas Industry is woven into a plot similiar to John Grisham's tales of lawyers, judges, and the law. Both are terrific at storytelling at a brisk pace coming with a knowledgeable background. You will be educated as to the Oil and Gas Industry, especially the dark side of money making, and entertained by a romantic engaging action story. This book belongs in a class with "Unbroken", "Lost in Shangri-La", "In the Garden of the Beasts", other five star books that I have enjoyed this summer. (5 star review)

The story you are about to read reveals how Jim Servito destroyed the hopes and aspirations of star-crossed lovers, Mike King and Karen Taylor, while simultaneously engineering one of the largest and most audacious thefts in Canadian and U.S. history. He stole $325,000,000 from the U.S. and Canadian governments, then murdered everyone who could implicate him. He possesses a brilliant criminal mind. Cynical and remorselessly ruthless, he has an enormous contempt for the law, police, governments, and the system in which they function. He assumes rules are for fools, and takes sadistic pleasure in breaking them. 

Everything was perfect. The beautiful daughter of wealthy parents meets the handsome son of middle class parents. They fall in love and assume they will marry and live happily ever after. Their assumption could not have been further from reality. Cruel twists of fate and the wrath of Jim Servito combine to prescribe a nightmare for the two lovers, one that grows in intensity and ultimately leads them to a life and death confrontation with Servito in Caracas.
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