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Too Near the Fire

LIFE SAVERLeah Stevenson was a trained fire fighter, and all she knew when she battled her way through the smoke and flames was that there were lives to be saved.Now two innocent children were trapped inside a burning house, and Gil had trusted her to rescue them. Gil, the one man who believed in her, the man who had broken through her defenses and touched the woman inside. No matter what it cost her, she couldn't let him down. She had to get through the choking, terrifying darkness; somehow Gil's love would bring her out again.Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.Christmas season—Silver City—small town outside Washington, DCNancy Walker Elrod's footsteps, breath, and peace of mind halted outside the doorway of her mother's kitchen.Lyrics echoed in her mind:Fifteen years ago and I still feel the same….Surely her mother wasn't humming that song. Not that Nancy had anything against country music. Her mother introduced her to all kinds in their younger days. But this one she'd rather ignore. However, at this nostalgic time of year, conversations turned to the good ol' days and thoughts of past Christmas seasons.The last two Christmases had been hard for her, without Ben. This year was easier, and Nancy had felt ready to come home again. At some point she needed to discuss the possibility of coming home…permanently. She could relate to her widowed mother in new and old ways.The familiar aroma wafting into the hallway punctuated that point. Her mom's famous cookies were baking. Wheat flour replaced the former white. But the ingredients of apple sauce, walnuts, and chocolate chips were. still the same.Nancy walked into the kitchen and laid her scarf and shoulder bag on a chair.Her mother turned from the stove. "As soon as you find out anything more about Marge, let me know.""I will." Nancy knew her mom was worried about her best friend. Staying busy and humming songs, usually hymns, were ways of coping.Her mom sighed. "I should be there.""Others are with her. And you know Mrs. Lawing was more concerned about that furry little mongrel than she was about herself." Nancy looked around. "Where is that dog anyway?"Her mom gestured toward the back door but lifted her eyebrows. "Better not let Marge hear you call Sophie a mongrel…or a dog. She's sensitive about her little companion," she warned. "Sophie is more valuable to her than those cell phones are to the younger generation.""Your cell phone was a convenience for you today.""Well, yes. They're good for emergencies."Today had been an emergency. Jean Walker and Marge Lawing had gone to a missionary program and luncheon at church. After eating, Mrs. Lawing complained of chest pains and shortness of breath. She blamed reflux, since she'd had that before. When her mom called Nancy, she insisted that Mrs. Lawing be taken to the doctor."I don't suppose they'd let her have any of these." Jean Walker set the freshly baked cookies on a cooling rack and lowered the pot holder to the countertop."No, Mom. Dr. Stevens' nurse said they're going to do additional testing at the hospital. That will take a while. But the EKG she had at the doctor's office showed no indication of heart trouble, and that's a good sign."Her mom nodded and looked across at Nancy. "Well, I hope. Carl Stevens said he wants her tested for pneumonia, and he will call Woodrow." She paused. "He might be at the hospital, you know.""He?""Woody."Nancy turned from her mother's gaze and focused on her arm making its way into the jacket sleeve. Woody.Why did someone have to mention your name?Another line of that song. Old memories threatened. Her mother hadn't hummed that line, but it made its way through the years and into Nancy's mind.She glanced over when her mom said, "Hear that?" She reached over to the TV on a small shelf above the countertop and turned up the volume. "Getting down to freezing tonight. Better dress warm."By that time Nancy had shrugged into her jacket. This was like the old days, too. Nancy didn't mind. She felt good being back in Silver City and feeling much like Mom's little girl again. She patted her pockets. "Gloves in here, and I have my scarf."The weatherman finished his report. A commercial came on. Nancy glanced at the wall clock. "I'd better go.""Cookies and hot coffee will be waiting. You know you can bring friends home."Nancy knew she meant Woody. But he wasn't a friend. She'd ruined that years ago. But this house had always been a place where friends could congregate.Fifteen, twenty, twenty-five years ago.Through the years, however, her friends grew up and had families of their own.Most…anyway."Thanks," she said. "I'll look in on Marge.""Call and let me know how she is right away. And tell her I'm praying for her."Nancy nodded. "I shouldn't be gone long." She wrapped the scarf around her neck and drew her keys from the shoulder bag then glanced at her mom picking up a cookie. "Save some for me, now.""Only testing." Her mom grinned. "Have to make sure they're just right."Nancy laughed. "They're always just right." She opened the back door, and Sophie, the saucy little shih tzu mix, scooted in and marched like she owned the place through the kitchen and into the hallway.Jean Walker laughed. "Sophie likes the spot next to the fireplace. I'll go turn on the TV for her."After saying "Bye," Nancy closed the kitchen door and stepped into the carport where her car was parked beside her mom's. She shivered but breathed deeply of the welcomed crisp fresh air.On the fifteen-minute drive to the small hospital at the edge of Silver City, noticing that lights already decorated most businesses and many homes, she hummed the songs the choral group would sing. She didn't consider herself a great singer, but it was something her family had enjoyed.She'd been pleased when asked to join the carolers who visited the hospital several evenings a week during the Christmas season.She hadn't known that her mom's best friend would become ill.She did know Woody would come if possible.An audible gasp escaped her throat. She was no longer humming the carols but the one her mother had hummed.Still feel the same? the lyric asked her.Well, yes and no. A memory could pop into one's mind and spark feelings that produced laughter or tears. Like when she and her daughter, Rebekah, mentioned Ben. And of course, she couldn't dismiss Woody from her mind. After all, he'd been a vital part of her life—her family's lives—when she was young.And in those days she'd never had what some spoke of as Plan A and Plan B.She almost laughed aloud at that.Her Plan A had been to act on impulse. Plan B was never much better.
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Secret Kiss

Adam Dorsey was used to living a life of deceit and falsehood both professionally and personally. The former CIA operative - with an extremely high IQ - was ready for a quieter, more authentic life. Enter Jane, a gorgeous and adorable hazel eyed beauty that complicated his plan. No matter what she made him feel, he knew that he had to stay away from her for fear of damaging more than just her innocence... Jane Marshall always believed in the power of positive thinking and all that could create. She felt accomplished in her career, and was blessed with great friends and family. And yet, she questioned whether or not there existed a man that would be able to unleash and explore her inexperienced heart... until she laid eyes on Adam. Will Adam be able to let go of his past and accept Jane for the genuine soul she truly is? Will Jane be able to navigate through never before had feelings? Are there some things that are even beyond the control of two highly intelligent people? Discover the truth in ... Secret Kiss Author's Note: Each Hope Falls full-length novel can be read as a stand-alone
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Breaking the Gloaming

"I could still see traces of the Gloaming in him..."**Another fallen prince starves and unravels in the Gloaming. An agreement binds his sister to a nobleman and a spy who will try to break him free. No one knows the true stakes of their plotting. No one knows the history of the Gloaming and the power it holds. The restored prince strives to uncover the truth, but an imminent threat consumes his attention. A foreign nation, believing in the divinity of their boy-king, sails to conquer Valemidas. As the foreign forces bear down, other forces will rise to meet them. The strength of love, the faith of an old priest, and the Gloaming of princes will each fracture and forge anew until a victor is declared between darkness and light. **
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The House That Jack Built

The first book in the crime series featuring Lars Winkler: loner, dad, former squatter, and drug addict — and the most dedicated detective in Copenhagen.A young prostitute is found murdered at the common in Copenhagen. The woman's body has been preserved and her eyes removed with surgical precision. Not long after, another body is discovered treated in the exact same manner. The press quickly names the spectacular case the Sandman Killings.Detective Inspector Lars Winkler is put on the case. With an addiction to classical rock music and the odd line of speed, Lars is struggling to get his life back together, mostly with his sixteen-year-old daughter, Maria, who lives with him in his rundown apartment. His wife has left him for his old friend and former boss. Meanwhile, the atmosphere in the Homicide and Serious Crime Department is tense. Despite support from his new young partner, Sanne Bissen, Lars feels edged out. While tracking Copenhagen's most sadistic serial killer to date, his past — which has long been kept secret — is slowly catching up to him.
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A Mask for the Toff

The Honourable Richard Rollison (aka 'The Toff') is called upon to solve the mystery of a young and terrified French girl who is found wandering in London's East End. Is she pretending, or really frightened? Part of the answer is supplied by a woman who is afraid for her life, and a man who knew the answer is murdered. With a trip to Paris 'The Toff' solves the puzzle, but not as easily as might be imagined.
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