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Underneath It All (Sexual Misconduct Volume II)

This is Part Two. Insomnia (Sexual Misconduct Volume I) must be read first.Avery was unexpected but exactly what I needed. She gave me hope again, made me feel things I thought died over a decade ago. I was reverting back to the man I used to be. The man who destroyed lives to keep the one person who meant everything to him. My secrets were piling up. I didn't know how long I'd be able to maintain it all. But I knew I'd do anything to keep her. There was only one way to hold on to her. I had to let her see who I was underneath it all. Warning: This is an Erotic Serial and contains explicit sexual content and language.** Insomnia (Sexual Misconduct Volume I) Now Available Underneath It All (Sexual Misconduct Volume II)  Now Available Lie To Me (Sexual Misconduct Volume III) July 24th
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Members of a notorious gang of teenage boys on an estate in east Manchester are being murdered in a particularly gruesome manner. Is it some kind of vendetta? The list of potential suspects would be long if it was but Detective Superintendent Jeff Barton and his team have to contend with a hostile neighbourhood that won't co-operate with them and the death of an elderly woman on the estate who was prevented from getting to hospital on time. A white girl associated with the gang has gone to ground but why? The body count rises and Jeff is suspicious of certain individuals not directly involved with the estate but who may hold vital information, including his sister who comes back into his life following an incident between her employer and Jeff's nephew.  Difficult and uncomfortable questions about race relations and the nature of sexual abuse can't be ignored as Jeff and his team try to find their way through a case that isn't quite as simple as just murder.
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Nine Months to Redeem Him

"This is all I can give you," he said. "Do you agree?" "Yes," I whispered, my lips brushing against his. I hardly knew what I was saying. I could think of nothing other than the darkly powerful Edward St. Cyr. I was too lost in the moment, lost in pleasure that made the world a million colors of twisting light. I gave him my body, which he wanted, and my heart, which he didn't. Had I just made the biggest mistake of my life? Maybe when he knows about our baby it will heal his wounded heart, so he can love us both...
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Without Mercy: The Stunning True Story of Race, Crime, and Corruption in the Deep South

“Without Mercy reads like a John Grisham thriller.”---David R. Dow, author of The Autobiography of an ExecutionOn December 9, 1938, the state of Georgia executed six black men in eighty-one  minutes in  Tattnall Prison’s electric chair.The executions were a record for the state that still stands today. The new prison, built with funds from FDR’s New Deal, as well as the fact that the men were tried and executed rather than lynched were thought to be a sign of progress. They were anything but. While those men were arrested, convicted, sentenced, and executed in as little as six weeks---E. D. Rivers, the governor of the state, oversaw a pardon racket for white killers and criminals, allowed the Ku Klux Klan to infiltrate his administration, and bankrupted the state. Race and wealth were all that determined whether or not a man lived or died. There was no progress. There was no justice. David Beasley’s Without Mercy is the harrowing true story of the Great Depression, the New Deal, and the violent death throes of the Klan, but most of all it is the story of the stunning injustice of these executions and how they have seared distrust of the legal system into the consciousness of the Deep South, and it is a story that will forever be a testament to the death penalty’s appalling inequality that continues to plague our nation**
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The Goodbye Witch

As Enchanted Village's resident Wishcrafter, Darcy Merriweatherhas the power to make other people's wishes come true, but what she really wishes is that she had the power to uncloak the invisible man who's stalking her best friend....Darcy's closest friend and fellow witch, Starla Sullivan, hoped she'd never see her ex-husband, Kyle, again. Two years ago he tried to kill her, and he has been a fugitive ever since. Now Starla claims to have seen him back in Enchanted Village, but it seems she's the only one who can see him. To everyone else, her ex is invisible.Darcy only wishes his motives were as transparent as the rest of him. Since the police can't arrest someone they can't see, it's up to Darcy to find the secret behind Kyle's latest disappearing act—before he does something they can't see coming….
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Distant Gunfire

Distant Gunfire"Borders Away!"Serving as an officer on a British frigate at the time of the French Emperor Napoleon is not the safest occupation, but could be a most profitable one. Robert Graham, rising from the ranks to become the Captain of a British battleship by virtue of his dauntless leadership displayed under enemy fire, finds himself a wealthy man as the capture of enemy ships resulted in rich rewards. Action and adventure is the word of the day, as battle after battle rages across the turbulent waters and seas as the valiant British Royal Navy fights to stem the onslaught of the mighty French Army and Navy. Mystery and suspense abound as inserting spy agent after spy agent into enemy territory and then ex-filtrating the spies amidst enemy fire and treacherous informers. Losers are executed. The threat of imminent death makes romance and romantic interludes all the sweeter, and the suspense of waiting for a love one to return even more traumatic. Captain Graham, with his...
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