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The Quivering Quavers

Coco is the well-respected, if somewhat easily startled, Chief of Police in Buenos Aires. Alberta is his more sensible cousin. Together they crack the cases that confound this puzzling city. Coco Carlomagno is trying to avert a national disaster. La Bella Cucharita, the highly strung world-famous opera singer, is due to make her return to the stage after an unfortunate nerve-wracking incident - but a strange message has her rattled. Who on earth would send La Bella Cucharita mysterious notes on the eve of such an eagerly awaited performance?Luckily Coco is on the case, and with a little help from his logic-loving cousin Alberta, he can discover just who is behind the quivering quavers.
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Damned If You Don't

Andrew Jackson “Jack” Kent’s on the hunt for white collar criminals, and as a private investigator he always gets his man. Except in this case it’s a woman, the brilliant cellular kineticist Dr. Morgan Mackenzie, whose next thrilling discovery is—him. On the run from her employers with the formula for a priceless but deadly diet drug, Morgan agrees to a night of pleasure with the outrageously sexy stranger. But when she leaves the next morning, Jack won’t let her get far, and that’s when she realizes horrible truth. Her cowboy on a white horse isn’t a hero after all. He’s part of the posse. Yet when Jack goes to turn Morgan in, he learns who the real criminals are, and suddenly, it’s a race against time to find a murderer before they’re killed themselves. To do that Jack needs to convince Morgan he’s on her side. Even though she doesn’t trust him, Jack is a drug she can’t resist, leading her to find out that more often than not you're Damned If You Don't fall in love.
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Kiljorn Commander

 In book eight of Katieran Prime: Commander TylOR of the Kiljorn nation has a mission to guard the wormhole from enemies of old and new enemies within. He shares this mission with the half-brother who he only recently met. The two brothers don’t get along. To make matters worse, the one female who has plagued him since he first met her is going to be traveling with him. His brother tortures him with constantly flirting with the female. TylOR fights his inner battle to claim the female. If he doesn’t soon encounter an enemy he can kill, he might have to take out his brother while waiting. Dr. Elizabeth "Lizzie" Connell has a PhD in linguistics, a doctorate in social cultures, and a doctorate in foreign languages. She has traveled all over Earth learning new cultures and experiencing the thrill of living on the edge. When she travels to Katiera she thinks it will be the pentacle of her academic career. Lizzie gets a lot more education than she had anticipated. First, she is almost captured by the Katieran's long time enemy, the Morins, only to be sort of rescued by the most egotistical, yet attractive man she has ever met. One she finds she has a hard time ignoring. Lizzie survives one battle from the Morins, only to find herself fighting an internal battle of wills that she fears has an inevitable outcome.TylOR and Lizzie have fought their attraction for one another from the very beginning. They have tried to ignore each other but circumstances change forcing them to be in close proximity of one another. They must face their feelings for one another while handling the dangers they are thrown in. Will they survive long enough to see their relationship through? Will the enemy end them before they can start? Come follow the journey as both TylOR and Lizzie discover there are some things you just can’t fight and some worth fighting for. Warning: For Mature Adult Audiences. Contains language and actions some may deem offensive. MF.
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Hebrew Myths

This is a comprehensive look at the stories that make up the Old Testament and the Jewish religion, including the folk tales, apocryphal texts, midrashes, and other little-known documents that the Old Testament and the Torah do not include. In this exhaustive study, Robert graves provides a fascinating account of pre-Biblical texts that have been censored, suppressed, and hidden for centuries, and which now emerge to give us a clearer view of Hebrew myth and religion than ever.Venerable classicist and historian Robert Graves recounts the ancient Hebrew stories, both obscure and familiar, with a rich sense of storytelling, culture, and spirituality. This book is sure to be riveting to students of Jewish or Judeo-Christian history, culture, and religion.
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What Remains_Mutation

A new strain. A brand new war… Cogan MacKenzie, Sullivan Gates and Jake Gibson aren’t your typical recon team. Firefighters in their previous lives, they lack the tactical presence the other teams have—a fact no one’s willing to let them forget. But when they get the chance to go searching for another missing team, they don’t let a lack of well wishes stop them. They just never counted on running into a woman fighting off a horde of undead. Or that she’d give them the answer to the one question that’s been on everyone’s mind. How the whole damn thing got started. But the knowledge reveals a deadly new development in their fight against those infected by the parasitic plague—a secret that could destroy what little remains. They’ve got one chance. One last shot at stopping the infection from spreading before there’s nothing left worth saving.
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Cheap Shot

High Rollers president and founder, Jaxon Davis, is a workaholic. He eats, sleeps, and breaths the business, which leaves no time for romance. His friends and partners routinely try to set him up with one beautiful woman after another, but he’d rather spend his evenings working than wasting time with women who are hell-bent on hooking a rich husband. It isn’t until his business partner hires his ex-girlfriend, Sela, to act as a hostess in their V.I.P. lounge that he realizes making time for a little fun might not be such a bad idea. Sela Richards is used to working hard to put herself through school, but when her ex-boyfriend offers her an opportunity to make more money as a hostess in the V.I.P. lounge at one of his bars, she accepts. She knows that working with her ex might be awkward, but not as uncomfortable as the heated arguments that ensue when the sexy company president, Jaxon Davis, sets his sights on her.
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Desperate to escape a life of poverty on his desolate home planet, Ryck Lysander enlists in the United Federation Marine Corps, hoping to make a better future for himself. However, Ryck soon discovers that the Corps is more than a means of escaping his former life as he is pushed beyond the very limits of his strength and willpower. From bootcamp brawls to skirmishes with galactic pirates, Ryck's new life presents him with unimaginable adventures and forces him to prove his mettle as he forges his new identity and fights to earn his place as one of the Brotherhood of Marines.**
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