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When Gods Awaken

The beginning is a good place to go wrong, some say, but there’s a certain deity who omnipotently disagrees. Forget all you thought you knew about the first moments of existence, and prepare to have your beliefs played with, tickled, spanked, stretched across spacetime and shattered into so many irrelevant motes of stardust. Travel back to before creation itself, and witness what happens… When Gods Awaken. This definitive edition of When Gods Awaken is chock-full with bonus material, but remember: Be not desirous of his dainties, for they are deceitful meat… When Gods Awaken: A Biblical Collection of Cosmic Proportions includes the following: When Gods Awaken, (His First Avowed Intent) To Wear His Codpiece, Never Judge An Eglon By His Blubber, Preserved Remains of ‘First Man’ Discovered, Like A Deity Scorned, To Onan Is Human, Deuteronomy 22 Commandments Explained/Rewritten, Lock Up Your Daughters, Gods of Extinction **About the Author Scott Kaelen writes in the genres of epic fantasy, science fiction, horror, humour, spec-fic, contemporary fiction, poetry and non-fiction. His short stories include the dystopian urban sci-fi Moses Garrett and the apocalyptic horror The Lingering Remains. His current projects include a novel entitled The Blighted City – the first major release in the epic fantasy Verragos Tapestry series – and his second collection of poetry. As well as the pen, he is also modestly adept with the pencil; his work includes character concepts and sketches of famous personalities. His interests are all things sci-fi, fantasy and horror, as well as etymology, psychology, deep Earth history, palaeontology, geology, cosmology and computer RPGs. He’s also an ex-flosculator. 
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Ell Donsaii 12: Impact!

“Impact" is the twelfth book in a series of near future SciFi/Thrillers whose heroine Ell Donsaii has a nerve mutation that makes her a genius and provides her some astonishing athletic abilities. In “Impact,” Ell’s been taken off the “Most Wanted” list and is resuming somewhat of a normal life. Her old friend Phil Zabrisk is on his way to Mars. One of her exploration rockets is about to land on an earthlike world.Then an enormous comet crashes into Tau Ceti three, threatening the lives of the teecees there. Aliens that Ell and others have come to think of as friends. Phil falls on Mars, breaking his hip in a fashion that needs surgery soon if he’s not to be crippled.Can she save her friends at Tau Ceti and is the risk of porting Phil back to Earth acceptable?Oh, and her son Zage is confounding people right and left…
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Something Special, Something Rare

Something Special, Something Rare presents outstanding short fiction by Australia's finest female writers. These are tales of love, secrets, doubt and torment, the everyday and the extraordinary. A sleepy town is gripped by delusory grief after the movie being filmed there wraps and leaves. A lingering heartbreak is replayed on Facebook. An ordinary family walks a shaky line between hopelessness and redemption. Brilliant, shocking and profound, these tales will leave you reeling in ways that only a great short story can. Kate Grenville * Mandy Sayer * Penni Russon * Favel Parrett * Tegan Bennett Daylight * Sonya Hartnett * Isabelle Li * Gillian Essex * Brenda Walker * Gillian Mears * Fiona MacFarlane * Joan London * Karen Hitchcock * Charlotte Wood * Tara June Winch * Cate Kennedy * Alice Pung * Anna Krien * Delia Falconer * Rebekah Clarkson
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Beyond I Do

In Beyond I Do, readers journey with Ainsley Meadows to discover how choosing a mate has eternal consequences. Ainsley does not want to become like her mother, cycling through jobs and relationships. She opts for a safe, predictable relationship with a socialite psychiatrist. But as her wedding nears, an encounter with a battered woman and her child sparks a long-forgotten dream and unlocks a hidden passion. A passion that threatens to change everything, if she can open her heart to the love that God intended.
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Killer Waves

Late one April evening, retired Department of Defense research analyst Lewis Cole notices a disturbance in the state park across an inlet from his beachfront home in Tyler Beach, New Hampshire. Curious, Cole walks over and finds a solitary man who has been shot to death in the empty wildlife preserve's parking lot. Having a dead body turn up nearly on his doorstep doesn't happen every night, but since Cole writes magazine articles, not newspaper stories, he decides to let the matter drop. Other people have other ideas. A day after the man's death, Cole is visited by a team of Federal Agents, claiming to be from the Drug Enforcement Agency. They tell him that the murdered man was a drug courier sent to meet someone from Cole's neighborhood and the Feds want his help. Cole, who has bitter memories of dealing with the government, initially refuses, but is forced to comply when they take away his job, his savings, and even his home. He quickly learns, however, that the agents have another agenda, one that doesn't involve drug dealers at all... 
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Seductress Seduced (The Embassy Book 4)

When your entire life revolves around sex, it’s easy to forget how much fun it can be—at least that is how succubus Viveca has been feeling for quite some time. But then she is approached to take care of Garrett, hotshot new insatiable lover for the female clients of the Embassy. He’s been trying to get on Viveca’s radar for quite some time, and he is very open for all kinds of exploration. After all, it takes a real man to even attempt to satisfy a sex goddess.
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Some things lie beneath the surface. Invisible. With the power to change everything. Joy Malone wants it all--power, freedom and the boyfriend who loves her. Yet when an unstoppable assassin is hired to kill her, Joy learns that being the girl with the Sight comes with a price that might be too high to pay. Love will be tested, lives will be threatened, and everyone Joy knows and cares about will be affected by her decision to stand by Ink or to leave the Twixt forever. Her choice is balanced on a scalpel's edge and the consequences will be more life-altering than anyone can guess.
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Forever Spencer (B&S Series #3.5)

Brandon Montgomery didn’t believe in soul mates until he met Spencer. For years, he watched his best friends, Jason and Becca, have the life that he’d always wanted. He wanted to find that special one. His soul mate. His forever. Now that Brandon and Spencer’s enemies are on trial for the kidnapping and attempted murder of Spencer, Brandon is focused on making her happy. Brandon wants Spencer to be his forever, but when an unexpected houseguest arrives and becomes a bad influence, will Spencer finally have enough of Brandon and leave him, or is their love strong enough to overcome every obstacle they’ll face?
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