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Withering Heights

“One of the year’s funniest and most engaging mysteries.” -Eligabeth Peters The formerly plump girl turned Thin Woman may now be happily married and a mother, but she hasnt lost her wit, her weakness for romance, or her knack for landing herself in trouble. With her irreverent sidekick and charwoman, Mrs. Roxie Molloy, at her side, Ellie has not only solved a crime or two, but has read every Gothic romance she can find and has begun introducing a young cousin, Ariel, to the finer points of the genre.
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MovieStar @VaughnAsher @FilthyBlueBird #DirtyHeaven is mine tonight. Grace @FilthyBlueBird @VaughnAsher I own #DirtyHeaven, bitch. #VaughnAsherIsMyBitch MovieStar @VaughnAsher @FilthyBlueBird #FlashbackTime Get ready. Grace @FilthyBlueBird Come here and take off my lip gloss @VaughnAsher #OnMyKneesWaiting MovieStar @VaughnAsher @FilthyBlueBird #Flashback to last night. Oh, you weren’t wearing lip gloss. But you are now. #GetOnYourKneesAndWait Grace @FilthyBlueBird @VaughnAsher - Dabbing lips with a napkin. #ThatAllYouGot? Finally... Grace sees me in a different light. The banter is flirty, the sex is fun, and the future looks fabulous.I just hope she feels the same way when she finds out what I did.
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ARC: Essence

Neutrality is the key to longevity. This motto has governed 16-year-old Autumn’s life in the mid-21st-century Centrist cult, which believes that expressing emotions leads to Essence drain and premature death. But Autumn’s younger brother's death casts her faith into question. While sprinting through a park in violation of Centrist teachings, she encounters Ryder Stone, an Outsider who claims Essence drain is nothing more than a Centrist scare tactic. She agrees to join his Community, a utopia of adrenaline junkies living in the abandoned remains of Yosemite National Park. Autumn learns about sex, drugs, and living life to the fullest. But as she discovers dark secrets beneath the Community’s perfect exterior, she realises that this illusion of paradise could be shattered…
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Sixth Seal

Anastasie Eloise Bertrand has spent the better part of fifteen years in a state mental hospital convinced that she is the reincarnated protector of an ancient and powerful book. After an unsuccessful escape attempt, she befriends her new psychologist who begins to believe Ana is not as crazy as everyone thinks. Ana is soon torn between the good doctor, and escaping the hospital to seek out the book and discover the truth about her destiny. Time is quickly running out for Ana as a dark secret society known as the Horsemen assembles to take control of the ancient book. She must find her fellow protectors and prevent the terrible power of the book from being unleashed upon mankind. Ana, as the strongest of the seven seals, must not allow herself to be broken.
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Ark Royal

FB2Library.Elements.CiteItem Seventy years ago, the interstellar supercarrier Ark Royal was the pride of the Royal Navy. But now, her weapons are outdated and her solid-state armour nothing more than a burden on her colossal hull. She floats in permanent orbit near Earth, a dumping ground for the officers and crew the Royal Navy wishes to keep out of the public eye. But when a deadly alien threat appears, the modern starships built by humanity are no match for the powerful alien weapons. Ark Royal and her mismatched crew must go on the offensive, buying time with their lives. And yet, with a drunkard for a Captain, an over-ambitious first officer and a crew composed of reservists and the dregs of the service, do they have even the faintest hope of surviving… …And returning to an Earth which may no longer be there? [Like my other self-published Kindle books, Ark Royal is DRM-free. You may reformat it as you choose. There is a large sample of the text — and my other books — on my site: chrishanger.net. Try before you buy.]
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Beautiful Escape

Two broken people with almost nothing in common…She’s a nineteen-year-old girl running away from a life lived in secrecy and shadows, having experienced a hell on Earth that no normal person could ever imagine. He’s fought overseas in the harshest conditions known to man, and he’s seen things that nobody should ever witness. But the last thing he ever expected was to meet someone like her. She’s as damaged as him, and he’s no good for anyone. In the end, both of them must risk everything and surrender to each other, for the chance at making one beautiful escape.
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