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Trainee Superhero (Book Three)

I was five when the saucers first attacked Earth, and seventeen when I became a superhero and started fighting back. I’m getting better at it, and I know that one day my team will take me seriously. I may only be a trainee superhero, but I’m going to end this year in a coffin or a cape.
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City, Not Long After

In an abandoned San Francisco, the city's rebirth is powered by artA young man strides across the Golden Gate Bridge, roller in hand, painting the famous structure a thousand shades of blue. A woman stands on the edge of the sea, sending messages to far-off lands in corked wine bottles. And a sleeping man dreams of building an angel from the spare parts that are the last remnants of a vanished civilization. A plague has passed through San Francisco, leaving only the artists, eccentrics, and dreamers to build the city anew. But when war threatens to overtake this quiet metropolis, the artists must learn to fight back.The bloodthirsty General Miles wants the city for himself and will destroy all those who stand in his way. To protect their whimsical paradise, the citizens band together in a curious form of guerilla warfare, fighting hate with the favorite weapon of bohemia: an open heart.
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Hot at Last

For two decades, Ken and Avery have worked together at the Big D. Dishing out zingers and sparking each other over and over. Their past relationship blew up and replaced with a cautious friendship because neither could or would leave. When Ken takes a fall off the stage and needs some help, Avery takes him in. There’s no avoiding the chemistry, attraction, and unfinished business now. Sorting through their dirty laundry and ancient history, neither wants to face heartbreak again but friends-with-benefits simply won’t work. With these two, it’s true love or leave the Big D forever.
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The Jack Frost Box Set

RetailBook #1 - The Vegas Factor: Adventurer Jack Frost is blessed with a warrior’s mentality and toughness, and cursed with a conscience and fierce loyalty to friends. On the other hand, J.T. Ripper, Frost’s alcoholic Doberman sidekick, does not share his owner’s sense of right and wrong. Ripper was born in a vile mood, and hates pretty much everyone and everything—but he is a warrior, too. Frost and Ripper find themselves fighting for survival in the neon canyons of Las Vegas when Frost’s best friend, a “semi-retired” Syndicate boss, asks for help. Book #2 - A Proper Time to Die: Jack Frost is not one to turn the other cheek. He and his anti-social Doberman, J.T. Ripper, head for Las Vegas to settle a very personal account with Harry Varchetta, CEO of one of the Las Vegas Strip’s oldest and most famous resorts. But waiting for them is James Red Sleeves, a full-blooded Apache Syndicate enforcer, perhaps the most dangerous man Frost has ever faced. Book #3 - Nightmare in Neon: Carlos Giovanni, who sits atop the Syndicate food chain, has marked Jack Frost for termination. However, this will not be a typical “Full Call” assassination campaign, where the first Syndicate hitman who finds and kills Frost can claim the money—and the bragging rights. Instead, Giovanni unleashes just one legendary—nearly mythical—assassin to kill Frost, and the cat and mouse game begins.
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Corpus Chrome, Inc.

Decades in the future Corpus Chrome, Inc. develops a robotic body, dubbed a "mannequin," that can revive, sustain and interface with a cryonically-preserved human brain. Like all new technology, it is copyrighted. Hidden behind lawyers and a chrome facade, the inscrutable organization resurrects a variety of notable minds, pulling the deceased back from oblivion into a world of animated sculpture, foam rubber cars, dissolving waste and strange terrorism. Nobody knows how Corpus Chrome, Inc. determines which individuals should be given a second life, yet myriad people are affected. Among them are Lisanne Breutschen, the composer who invented sequentialism with her twin sister, and Champ Sappline, a garbage man who is entangled in a war between the third, fourth and fifth floors of a New York City apartment building. In the Spring of 2058, Corpus Chrome, Inc. announces that they will revive Derek W.R. Dulande-a serial rapist and murderer who was executed thirty years ago for his crimes. The public is horrified by the decision, and before long, the company's right to control the lone revolving door between life and death will be violently challenged..
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Hidden Intentions 2

Upon the sudden and tragic death of his father, Tory's marital bliss comes to a halt. His wife, Nya, and his family members try to help him cope with the pain of losing his father, but instead of choosing to have his arms around Nya, Tory chooses to have his lips constantly around a bottle of alcohol. Tory vanishes, and Nya looks for him with the help of local law enforcement and a hired private investigator. Unfortunately, no one turns up anything. After a while, Nya gives up hope of ever finding Tory. The thought of not knowing what happened to him will always be in the back of her mind, but it's time for her to move on. She meets a man named Vince Rappaport, who offers her comfort. Their talks turn into friendship, and the friendship soon turns into love. For the first time in a long time, Nya is happy to wake up in the morning. After years missing in action, Tory shows up on her doorstep. He desperately wants to restore their crumbled marriage. He seems like a changed man,...
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