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The Meaning of Maggie

As befits a future President of the United States of America, Maggie Mayfield has decided to write a memoir of the past year of her life. And what a banner year it's been! During this period she's Student of the Month on a regular basis, an official shareholder of Coca-Cola stock, and defending Science Fair champion. Most importantly, though, this is the year Maggie has to pull up her bootstraps (the family motto) and finally learn why her cool-dude dad is in a wheelchair, no matter how scary that is. Author Megan Jean Sovern, herself the daughter of a dad with multiple sclerosis, writes with the funny grace and assured prose of a new literary star. A portion of the proceeds of the sale of this book will be donated to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.
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Crossing the line from cyber-geek to cyber-terrorist is easier than you think"It was hard to remember when Dan starting hacking for real, but free cinema tickets were the first illicit results of a hack. By the time Dan is befriended online by the mysterious Angel he is keen for a new challenge, something so complex that it will test his skills to the limit. Things start to unravel when there is news of a missing UAV drone over Germany. Instantly realising he has gone too far, Dan desperately tries to halt the drone's path towards London - but Angel has other plans.And besides, once the US government gets involved, Dan's hands are full just trying to prove his innocence . . .ABOUT THE AUTHORTracy Alexander was born in Montreal, Canada, grew up in Buckingham, studied in Leeds and settled in Bristol. She has written several books for children, namely the TRIBE series with TRIBE: THE DAY THE EAR FELL OFF winning the Hull Children's Book Award 2010...
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Nature's Destiny

My  life  was  changing,  morphing  into  something  greater  than  I  could  have  anticipated.  I  was  becoming  something  I  didn't  recognise  as  myself  anymore.  A  Werewolf.I  was  different.Bitten.'Hybrid'  was  what  they  called  me,  and  the  weight  that  rested  against  that  one  word  was  crippling.  They  depended  on  me  to  bring  them  safety.  What  made  me  so  special?Oh,  that's  right.  My  destiny.I  was  sucked  into  a  world  I'd  had  no  idea  existed.  Twenty-one   years  as  a human,  and  this  was  what  I  found  out.My  travelling  plans,  my  writing  degree,  all  of  it  was  gone  within  one  night.  One  evil  night  that  robbed  my  humanity.I  wasn't  completely  sour.  Life  had  been  unfair  a  while  ago,  only  now  I'd  had  something  worth  fighting  for  besides  myself.  Something  to  live  for.I  was  afraid  for  the  others.  I  couldn't  let  them  down.  I  wouldn't  let  them  down.I'd  gone  to  bed  a  human  and  woken  up  a  Werewolf.A  special  Werewolf.A  Hybrid.
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Love...Under Different Skies

RetailSometimes, the hardest part of staying together is keeping a straight face Ever wish you could leave all your problems behind and make a fresh start somewhere else? Trade the stresses and strains of everyday life for your own slice of sun-kissed paradise on the other side of the world? Jamie and Laura Newman certainly have. When Jamie's spectacular meltdown at work results in him being handed his P45, and Laura finds her working days end up with her rugby tackling defenseless pensioners in the high street, a move ten thousand miles away sounds ideal. After all, it might mend some of the cracks that have appeared in their marriage over the past few months So when Laura is offered a new job in Australia, the Newman family think their dreams have come true. But as the old saying goes be careful what you wish for, you might just get it. As the hapless couple soon find out, problems have a way of following you, no matter how far you go to avoid them. Can love survive under different skies?"
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Witty and refreshingly candid, lovely Serena has been capturing hearts young and old alike. Her guardian uncle worries, though, that at twenty-three she will soon become a spinster. He wants a better life for her than that, but she doesn’t want to make a match without her heart being in it. And none of the men courting her have touched her heart—not Warren, the old friend who woos her even as he eyes other women; certainly not Eustace, the minister concerned more with appearances than compassion; not even Freddy, perhaps the most ardent of her suitors but at nineteen still a puppy. Then Freddy’s uncle, the handsome Lord Pendleton, arrives to extract his nephew from the woman he expects Serena to be—one interested only in wealth and a title. When he refuses to believe that, far from trying to ensnare Freddy, she has been urging him to return to Oxford, her ire gets the better of her. She decides to let his lordship stew in his own juices. And when it becomes clear Lord Arrogant’s plan is to get her to change her course from Freddy to himself, feisty Serena sets her own course.
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Chasing the Dream: Dream Series, Book 3

Chasing the Dream: Book 3 of the Dream Series
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Stand-up comedian Denny Granger has gone missing the day before an important show at a Los Angeles comedy club, and ex-defense attorney-turned private eye Marshall Santone accepts the job to find him. Enlisting the help of Granger's beautiful manager, Nora, the case quickly turns deadly when Santone's employer is found dead in his own club - but not by his own hand. With a few scotches, some gunshots, and many trips down many rabbit holes, Santone finds himself at the center of a devious plot involving more than just murder, but the subversion of the American dream.
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