Jason Allen heads west from the Clinch Mountains of Tennessee , and these are his adventures during the time the west is being settled. When he leaves the Mountains of Tennessee, he has his rifle and his mule. Trouble soon begins to loom in his path as he makes his way to the Wyoming territories.***Please give the book a written review***Thanks so much.The authorJason Allen heads west from the Clinch Mountains of Tennessee , and these are his adventures during the time the west is being settled. When he leaves the Mountains of Tennessee, he has his rifle and his mule. Trouble soon begins to loom in his path as he makes his way to the Wyoming territories.***Please give the book a written review***Thanks so much.The author Views: 633
In this fascinating autobiography from one of the foremost geniuses of
twentieth-century physics, Max Planck tells the story of his life, his
aims, and his thinking. Published posthumously, the papers in this
volume were written for the general reader and make accessible Planck’s
scientific theories as well as his philosophical ideals, including his
thoughts on ethics and morals. Views: 632
Deadguy takes on a master thief/assassin as Jill and Valkadaidan's relationship deepens.Sam Jackson had over a thousand acres of tobacco that brought in so much money it made him the richest farmer in a town called Painville. Sam never had to worry about money for many years, but Sam's money making machine was about to run dry. Sam's ego and money got the best of him one day. Sam was drinking with some of the local farmer's down at the local tavern. Sam pulled out his wallet and started counting thousand dollar bills on the table in front of them. The farmer's weren't impressed. If anything they were jealous and had just about all the bragging they cared to hear. The farmer's told Sam they had to get back home because it was getting late. Sam said “Go right ahead, I'll just keep counting my money."The farmer's piled into their trucks. Instead of going home like they told Sam they were, they had something else on their minds. One of the farmer's said, "I don't know about you guys, but I think it's time we teach this egotistical money hungry farmer a lesson." Everyone agreed so they headed down to the gas station and filled up their gas cans and waited until after midnight before heading back to Sam's farm to set his tobacco field on fire.Sam didn't think setting his tobacco farm on fire was very amusing. Sam snapped and he was out for blood. Views: 632
Ricky Barnes is a young mechanic who happens to have a crush on a 300 foot teenage girl with an atomic bomb for a heart. Her name is Jenny, and she's Earth guardian angel against the giant beasts called Titans. But for Ricky, she's the girl he loves more than anything else in the world. But how could he ever get up the courage to tell her?For almost sixty years, Earth has faced an unprecedented menace from the giant monsters known as Titans. Whether spawned from atomic radiation, extraterrestrial spores or awakened due to environmental upheaval, these behemoths are dedicated to eradicating the human race from the face of the Earth. Their one and only hope for survival rests with the Atomic Woman, Earth's guardian angel, and the courageous men and women of the elite task force known as A.T.O.M. Together, they have battled the Titans for three generations, but the burden weighs heavy on them all. For Ricky Barnes, a young mechanic, the weight is two-fold, as he struggles to do his job, and deal with the complications of being in love with the latest Atomic Woman, Jenny. When the girl you love is 300 feet tall and has an atomic bomb for a heart, do you dare risk breaking it? Views: 632
Angus wakes up one day with a problem: his memory is gone. He doesn't know who he is or what he does. Voltari tells him he is his apprentice, but Angus knows nothing about magic. Still, Voltari is a Master Wizard, so he would know, wouldn't he? Voltari knows other things about him, too, but he isn't talking. Then, just as Angus begins to come to terms with his situation, everything changes....Angus wakes up one day with a problem, a very BIG problem: his memory is gone. He doesn't know who he is or what he does. Voltari tells him he is his apprentice, but Angus knows nothing about magic. Still, Voltari is a Master Wizard, so he would know, wouldn't he? Voltari knows other things about him, too, but he isn't talking. Then, just as Angus begins to come to terms with his situation, everything changes.... Views: 632
Meet Ashwin, a full-blooded Cherokee doctor and Shaman who becomes involved with Kasey, the office manager of the posh, ocean-front resort and condominium complex where they both live. They develop a fast, close bond, and Kasey is devastated when she learns that he must go out of town for two weeks. She tries to remain stoic for the sake of their budding relationship, but a tragic turn of events forces Ashwin to return early from his trip in order to be by her side. Once his jealous ex-fiance enters the picture, things only become more challenging as Ashwin fights to save his beloved Kasey, as well as to prevent his ex-fiance from doing even more damage, both to herself and the people he loves. Views: 632
Four short stories set in the same universe which are the beginnings of a larger tapestry of interwoven stories.Four short stories set in the same universe which are the beginnings of a larger tapestry of interwoven stories.Terosan Prime is a planet-spanning city that sits at the heart of the Terosan Galactic Republic. A democratic power that spans numerous star systems with majority control of their galaxy. Their power is only rivaled by the large consortium of corporate planest who are collectively known as Kyopix. The latter were once wealthy Terosan merchants but broke away to form their own “civilization” with a set of rules that's less restrictive. Trade between the two is prosperous and the hostility is mostly confined to heated negotiations.The gaps between these two powers is full of independent star systems; they are the unconquered, the resistive, the destroyed, or the unknown. Living free but sandwiched between two super-powers does not make for easy living.This is a universe of empires, computer hackers, gamblers, merchants, nomads, killers and faster-than-light travel.Stories in this volume: "Deck 20", "Fallen Gods of Cheam", "The Pirate Queen", "Gnir's Raid". Views: 632
To be impaled by any antelope was a nasty business and all Tree Dwellers believed that Manchild was here to make the hunting easier for them. If only he would learn to be less clumsy and understood the bond between the hunter and the huntedBefore white man set foot on southern African shores, there lived a people, known as the Tree Dwellers. As the name suggests, they preferred to live in the trees. To see a Tree Dweller was a rare sight for they rarely left the safety of their abode. They were people of myth and their stories were that of legend. The men and women were all small, rarely taller than a hickly bush. They're arms were slightly longer than the average person and their feet, well; they were adapted to skillfully wrap around a branch or a tree trunk. A Tree Dweller would never leave the trees, except to hunt. Hunting only took place once a year and this was always to mark the beginning of plenty. The time when nature starts to wake up from its cold, dead slumber and life returns to the barren lands. The animals return and so too the great floods. Views: 632