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After the Fact (Bookworms and Booya #2)

Who says life after confessing an attraction gets easy? So when shy librarian Sally Regal finally confesses her crush to Instructor Zell Dincht, how exactly will that affect her life? And who will change more?*(this is a work of fan-fiction, events take place after those of Final Fantasy 8)Who says life after confessing an attraction gets easy? The level of difficulty and challenge only changes, along with the playing field. So, when shy librarian Sally Regal finally confesses that she likes Instructor Zell Dincht as more than friends, how exactly will that affect her life?Zell has always been the class clown, or the compulsively-honest freshly-out-of-Garden graduate doing his best to keep up with the rest. Now he's found a girl that looks at him differently than any other person he's known. Will it change who he is?And who will change more?*(this is a work of fan-fiction, events take place after those of Final Fantasy 8)
Views: 655

Last Chance for Justice

Welcome to Bloomfield, where life is simple, love is real, and stories are shared.Lynn Myers is still reeling from losing her husband of thirty-five years when word comes that her only sibling, an older brother, has also died. With no one else to settle the estate, she must return to her small hometown of Bloomfield, however briefly, to settle his affairs.Lynn's daughter, Rachel, has just graduated from Bible college and with no other commitments comes along to sort through her uncle's huge old home, right next to the local cemetery.It isn't long before Rachel has two men — a handsome CPA and the youth pastor — seriously vying for her attention. At the same time, Lynn's attention is drawn to a set of journals her brother has left behind detailing a long-standing Bloomfield mystery.As they pursue solving this mystery, Rachel must make some personal decisions about her future, while Lynn is forced to face unexpected issues from her own past.
Views: 655

Walk a Mile

Sometimes a kiss is more than a kiss.When Ronnie Clark gets out of her father's broken down pickup truck, Mike Parker thinks it's his lucky night. Soon enough he realizes that Ronnie Clark isn't who she seems to be. All Mike ever wanted was for the prettiest girl in town to notice him, but now that she has, nothing will ever be the same for Mike, not his home, not his job, not even Mike himself.The girl of his dreams was out of sight. Then he discovered she was out of this world. Mike Parker has always had it bad for Ronnie Clark, the prettiest girl in town, but she's never given him a second look. Not until tonight anyway.When Ronnie climbs out of her father's broken down pick-up looking for help, Mike thinks he's in the right place at the right time.But he's about to find out that Ronnie Clark isn't what she seems. He's about to get to know her much, much better, and he's about to find out how far out of the world she is.
Views: 655


Franck, il s'appelle Franck parce que sa mère et sa grand-mère adoraient Frank Alamo (Biche, oh ma biche, Da doo ron ron, Allô Maillot 38-37 et tout ça) (si, si, ça existe...) et moi, je m'appelle Billie parce que ma mère était jolie de Michael Jackson (Billie Jean is not my lover / She's just a girl etc.). Autant dire qu'on ne partait pas avec les mêmes marraines dans la vie et qu'on n'était pas programmés pour se fréquenter un jour... Non seulement Franck et Billie n'étaient pas programmés pour fredonner les mêmes refrains, mais en plus, ils avaient tout ce qu'il faut en magasin pour se farcir une bonne grosse vie de merde bien ficelée dans la misère - misère physique, misère morale et misère intellectuelle. Vraiment tout. Et puis voilà qu'un beau jour (leur premier), ils se rencontrent. Ils se rencontrent grâce à la pièce On ne badine pas avec l'amour d'Alfred de Musset. Billie a été tirée au sort pour jouer Camille et Franck, Perdican. A un moment, dans cette scène qu'ils doivent apprendre par coeur et déclamer devant les autres élèves de leur classe, Camille lance à Franck : Lève la tête, Perdican ! et à un autre, un peu plus loin, Perdican finit par avouer à Billie : Que tu es belle, Camille, lorsque tes yeux s'animent ! eh bien voilà, tout est là et tout est dit : ce livre ne raconte rien d'autre qu'une immense histoire d'amour entre deux vilains petits canards, lesquels, à force de s'obliger mutuellement à lever la tête et à se rappeler l'un l'autre qu'ils sont beaux, finissent par devenir de grands cygnes majestueux. En fait, on dirait du Cyrulnik, mais en moins raffiné. Là où Boris aurait employé les mots «gouffre» ou «résilience», Billie, quand elle est heureuse, lâche en ricanant : Et tac. Encore niquêe, la vie. Bah... À chacun, ses maux et sa façon de les écrire... A. G. "Billie, ma Billie, cette petite princesse à l’enfance fracassée qui se fraye un chemin dans la vie avec un fusil de chasse dans une main et On ne badine pas avec l’amour dans l’autre est la plus jolie chose qui me soit arrivée depuis que j’écris".
Views: 654

The Proposition 2: The Ferro Family

Blackmail. Sex. Ferro. There's no doubt in my mind that Bryan Ferro is serious—if I don't sleep with him, he'll destroy me. Everything I've earned will be blown away like dust, and my life will no longer be my own. His demand for just one night rolls into days. He doesn't want me for a one-time fling, it's more than that. But as I stand there, ready to tell him off, I hear it. The familiar sound, the hesitation, the slight hitch in his voice, and that's what forces me to my knees. It's not Neil, Maggie, or even the money—it's Bryan.
Views: 654

Jake Undone

Nina Kennedy was alive…but not living…until she met him. Planes, trains, heights…you name it, Nina was afraid of it and led a sheltered life ruled by irrational fears and phobias. When she moves to Brooklyn for nursing school, that life is turned upside down, as she develops an intense but unwanted attraction to her gorgeous roommate, who’s pierced, tattooed and just happens to be the smartest person she’s ever met. Behind Jake Green’s rough exterior and devilish smile, lies a heart of gold. He makes it his mission to change Nina’s outlook on life. When he agrees to tutor her, they forge a bet and the stakes are high as Jake forces Nina to face her demons. He just wasn’t expecting to fall hard for her in the process. What Nina doesn’t realize, is that Jake has been living his own private hell. Once he drops a bombshell, will their love survive it? Told in two parts from both Nina and Jake’s points of view, Jake Undone is a standalone story and a companion to the novel, Gemini.
Views: 654

World of Glass

In a total surveillance society where every moment of every life is publicly recorded, three newly graduated Scientists make a youthful pact to change things for the better. Under the most powerful tool of oppression ever built, work is life, and speaking out means unemployment and starvation - but someone has found a way to communicate in secret, and the implications will be explosive.In a total surveillance society where every moment of every life is publicly recorded, three newly graduated Scientists make a youthful pact to change things for the better. Their naïve promise will shape the future in ways subtle and vast, perhaps offering a sliver of hope against the coming darkness, for this world of glass has reached a breaking point. Under the most powerful tool of oppression ever built, work is life, and speaking out means unemployment and starvation - but someone has found a way to communicate in secret, and the implications will be explosive beyond measure.Read this tale of survival and awakening in an industrial dystopian surveillance society disturbingly not too far from our own - World of Glass, Book One of the Final Cycle.The Final CycleHumanity has blazed a legacy of destruction and rebirth across an endless history of violence, but Time and Earth have finally run out. There is nowhere left to begin again. A hopeful promise between three friends; the meeting of two very different civilizations; one last struggle to master the human spirit - whether harmony or extinction triumphs, there will be no more chances. This is the Final Cycle.
Views: 654

Brankin Huoh

The magical world of Quanna Eresse had been part of Tagan's life since birth. It was his reality and he didn't know any other way. But not everybody could delve into Quanna Eresse and the oppressive rulers of Brankin Huoh want to keep it that way. If not dealt with properly, Tagan's ability will shatter the myths of real power and re-ignite a war that began when the world was still young.While still a young boy Tagan confesses to his parents that he can see into the beautiful world of Quanna Eresse. Their over the top reaction convinces Tagan that something is wrong with him and he tries to suppress his ability. Forget about it altogether. But Tagan comes to learn that those in Quanna Eresse have been waiting for this moment to end a conflict with the Draepkos that started long ago in the pages of history lost to time.The Draepkos are also aware of Tagan’s ability and are terrified that he learn the truth of things and open the eyes of those they have enslaved for it will spell the end of the tyrannical, oppressed world they worked so hard to create. There is no way they are about to let that happen. The Draepkos decide to keep Tagan under wraps and induct him into the service of Lozan and the Citadel he commands in the hopes that kept away from the citizenry of Brankin Huoh they can control Tagan. Tagan is freed from the clutches of the Citadel by Braulor, a half-brother he didn’t know he had and together they flee the pursuit of the Citadel guards and attempt to join Braulor’s clan far from the clutches of the Citadel. On their escape from the Citadel Tagan is almost killed and while unconscious he is visited by Meyu Kwi a mysterious ambassador who imparts to Tagan the real history of Quanna Eresse and Brankin Huoh and why they are two separate worlds now. How it is that Tagan can see into Quanna Eresse while others cannot. More importantly he tells Tagan that all of mankind should be a part of the peaceful splendor that is Quanna Eresse and how Tagan can fix the fractured worlds of the Draepkos’ creation.The fear of change extends beyond the low level enforcers however and the scent of freedom wafts up the chain of command, extending to those that hide in the shadows; to the real power brokers that keep humanity under their boot and the thought of losing control makes them quake and they pull out all the stops to find him.With the promise of change in the air there are many who wish to make a grab at the reins of control and like the vegetables in a boiling pot of stew, one by one they come from the shadows to join in the hunt for Tagan. Each of them driven by their own agenda and their own vision of a future of their creation. They all want the same thing and they know Tagan has the been told where to find it. They all want to learn the Prophecy of the Amber Eye.
Views: 654


(Berklee Press). This book has a very specific purpose: to help songwriters find better rhymes and use them more effectively. Rhyme is one of the most crucial areas of lyrics writing, and this guide will provide all of the technical information necessary to develop your skills completely. The exercises and worksheets help experienced writers take a fresh look at their techniques, and prevent novices from developing bad habits. Use this book to start writing better than ever before!
Views: 654

The Keep

JUST BECAUSE YOU WORK FOR THE DEAD DOESN’T MEAN YOU WANT TO JOIN THEM. Drew has just started her second year on the Isle of Night, and the weather isn’t the only thing changing drastically. She has ascended to the rank of Initiate. She’s also found an intimate love in the handsome vampire, Carden. But most of all, she no longer dreams of escape. She dreams of vengeance. Her friend, Emma, was brutally wounded by the savage vampire Alcántara, and may have been taken to the dreaded castle, from which none of the living return. But there are so many different stories from so many people with so many of their own deceits and machinations, Drew can’t be sure of anything—except that she must find a way into the castle to discover the truth and take down Alcántara once and for all. But Drew isn’t the only one out for revenge. Someone very dangerous on the island is also out for blood… Hers…
Views: 654


Passions and tempers flare in this classic story from #1 New York Times bestselling author Nora Roberts. AVAILABLE DIGITALLY FOR THE FIRST TIME A lifetime of dedication to dance has left ballet teacher Lindsay Dunne with little time for romance. That is until she meets Seth Bannion, the guardian of a talented young dancer in her class. Lindsay finds herself attracted to, and distracted by, the brooding architect. And when they clash over their hopes for the girl's future, Lindsay winds up on the receiving end of a lesson in the art of love. Includes a preview of Nora Roberts' latest hardcover.
Views: 654

Nicholas – The Beginning

There comes a time when the last Great War is almost forgotten: a time when people grow and make what they need for the simple lives they live. It is also a time of oppression; when overlords are suspicious of the people, for now is the time foretold. "In the end devastation will be faced. Men will weep. Women will perish. Families will be orphaned. Ruin will reign.There comes a time when the last Great War is almost forgotten: a time when people grow and make what they need for the simple lives they live. It is also a time of oppression; when overlords are suspicious of the people, for now is the time foretold. "In the end devastation will be faced. Men will weep. Women will perish. Families will be orphaned. Ruin will reign. Hope will be gone. Death will give forth life. Out of the sun good will face evil in the unwinnable, final battle. Evil will be ripped apart. Good will be cast into pieces. The prophecy will come to pass…"The Legends of Quone-Loc-Sie are a serialised rework of the Prophecy novel, which as the serial progresses will continue on after the Prophecy ended.
Views: 654

Nightmare City

Tom Harding only wants the truth. But the truth is becoming more dangerous with every passing minute. As a reporter for his high school newspaper, Tom Harding was tracking the best story of his life—when, suddenly, his life turned very, very weird. He woke up one morning to find his house empty . . . his street empty . . . his whole town empty . . . empty except for an eerie, creeping fog—and whatever creatures were slowly moving toward him through the fog. Now Tom’s once-ordinary world has become something out of a horror movie. How did it happen? Is it real? Is he dreaming? Has there been a zombie apocalypse? Has he died and gone to hell? Tom is a good reporter—he knows how to look for answers—but no one has ever covered a story like this before. With the fog closing in and the hungry creatures of the fog surrounding him, he has only a few hours to find out how he lost the world he knew. In this bizarre universe nothing is what it seems and everything—including Tom’s life—hangs in the balance.
Views: 654

The Power Plant

A young man’s coming of age story. Innocent and sweet with menacing undertones. In the Power Plant our protagonist works in his University’s boiler and chiller facility typing reports and running errands. He’s nineteen and trying to deal with his attraction to men while feeling he should be in love with women.Available as this Short Single or as part of the collection Odd Voices in LoveA young man’s coming of age story. Innocent and sweet with menacing undertones. In the Power Plant our protagonist works in his University’s boiler and chiller facility typing reports and running errands. He’s nineteen and trying to deal with his attraction to men while feeling he should be in love with women.Harvey's work has appeared in Story Magazine, The James White Review, Shade, Soulfires and other fine anthologies. A great story is kept, shared, and read again for your enjoyment.An Excerpt:Bells ring in my head. It’s my Mother phoning the Power Plant late into the night, to inquire why haven’t I come home. I know what time the night Operator is supposed to make his rounds to read the meters. But he will sleep half the night under the narcotic hum of the big chillers and fudge the numbers on the meter sheets. He’ll eat his lunch in the control room up front by the big gaping door of the plant. He’ll piss through the grate rather than come toward the tool room to go to the toilet. There’s a side door that’s always unlocked because the lock’s broken. It’s a good way for someone to get into the power plant unnoticed and into the tool room if they have a key, like Hawkins has a key. I know Hawkins knows these things too. Because now he’s looking at me and the ropes and pulleys hanging from the ceiling. He breathes hard and his hand digs deeper between his legs. He moves the door back and forth.
Views: 654