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Cat's Milk

Something isn't right with the women in Aaron's family.It's a passion. It's an obsession. It's a fetish of pure dementia.A short tale of one young man's struggle to cope with his mother's most unholy and insane fascinations.Jenny was so excited that Mike asked her to be his girlfriend. She was a cheerleader and Mike was the star quarterback at their high school. They were so in love, and ready to get more serious, and one day get married, and start a family of their own, but that dream would never come to light because of what was about to unfold that night.Mike picked Jenny up around seven that night, and they headed out in the night with the anticipation of sharing their first kiss together.As their car was traveling down the country road, and their hearts beating out of their chests, it began to thunder, and lightning. Jenny said, "I sure hope it doesn't start raining and spoil our special moment together.""I don't think it's going to do anything," replied Mike."I hope you're right," exclaimed Jenny.The two love birds hands touched and their eyes met, and just made their hearts beat even faster.,Jenny chimed in and said, "Can we just skip the movie, and find a secluded place to park, and make out?""You must have read my mind," said Mike excitedly.After about fifteen minutes Mike finally came upon a place that looked secluded enough to be alone with his girlfriend and not be bothered. Mike and Jenny's hands tightened as they drove into the secluded area for a night of what was supposed to be a night of passion, but instead a night of terror.Mike parked the car, and unfastened their seatbelts, and embraced, then kissed.After about ten minutes of nonstop kissing Mike said, "Why don't we celebrate our first date together with some beer?"Jenny replied," That sounds good to me."Mike opened his car door, and opened his trunk, and pulled out a six-pack of beer then got back in his car, and passed Jenny a beer. They popped the tops of the beer cans and gulped down beer after beer until the six-pack was gone. They started kissing in a drunken state. After another ten or fifteen minutes Mike unlocked his lips from hers and said, "Jenny, I need to go pee."Jenny replied," Please hurry back!"Mike said, "Don't worry, I'll hurry." Mike got out of his car and headed a little deeper in the woods to pee.As Mike was finishing up he heard a noise and said, "Who's out there?"Then all of a sudden as the thunder and lightning got more intense a man appeared, and said, "Son, you are on private property, and I don't appreciate you relieving yourself on my property."Mike started becoming sober and said, "I'm sorry sir I'll leave immediately and never come back."The man answered back in a mean voice, and said "its’ a little too late for sorry’."
Views: 676

Beyond The Gate

A collection of twelve Sci-Fi and Fantasy short stories by Gabe Sluis.Refering back to the Chaos Gate in the short novel Other Worlds Than These, Beyond the Gate is a collection of a dozen Sci-Fi and Fantasy short stories that give further views of the worlds beyond our own.A Story for Enchu- A young Amazon child is told a story about the days proceeding his birth.And the Scroll Read... - Old scrolls always say interesting things!Statues in the Southern Marsh- A young magician living in a swampland meets a friend of his late father.Chapter 20- The Lost Chapter- The missing chapter from the book Saving John.Hill 136- An airship crew pick up an unexpected passenger on a secluded hilltop.The Treasure Map- On a summer morning, three youths have the adventure of their young lives.The Bronze Coin- A gas station attendant flips a special coin, sending him places he never thought he could be.The Supervisor- The final part of The Treasure Map trilogy finds Aros and Vega confronted by a tourist with the upper hand.Seven Forty Seven- An EMT on a transfer ambulance has a patient he will never forget.Blackheart- Across a shallow sea on a clouded world, a nameless traveler walks toward a great mountain and his fate.A Deep Dive- A group of four divers go for a dive in the morning and come back with a fifth late in the evening.Vega's Lullaby- "They had just made it out of one war and found themselves thrust into another..."
Views: 675

Drama Geek

I want to be a completely different kind of teenager. Unfortunately, I'm not sure how to make that happen. When my bubbly, outgoing best friend suggests a Junior Year Wish List of goals, bookish me reluctantly agrees. Now I have barely ten months to meet all five goals that will transform me from a bookworm to a butterfly.Most seventeen year olds don't have bucket lists, but me, Katie O'Connell does--a Wish List actually. Because I long to be someone new, the kind of girl you take notice of and remember. Someone who isn't just a part of the background. Unfortunately, I have no idea how to make that happen, but my outspoken best friend does: a Junior Year Wish List of goals, starting with earning a role in the senior play, and my bookish self reluctantly agrees. Now I have barely ten months to meet all five goals that will transform me from a bookworm to a butterfly. Wish List in hand, I’m going to need to pull my motley crew of dramatic friends closer for support to launch my Junior Year with a fresh (somewhat anxious) attitude. That is, until the boy who was my first childhood friend, the boy who disappeared right before my tenth birthday, shows up on the first day of school throwing my quiet life into an emotional tailspin. His surprise reappearance will start my junior year with more questions than answers. Why did he leave? Where has he been all this time? Can friendships last after a seven-year break? Is achieving my Wish List even possible now? Most importantly, will he be the one to make Wish Number Five a reality?
Views: 675


Things won't be the same in the peaceful town of Poolington when its most cowardly resident, twelve-year-old Aaron Purn, has his fear hypnotized away. But will fearlessness be enough to take on the villains that begin threatening the town?Hey there, potential fanboy/fangirl! If you're here looking for a story with exciting butt-kicking, hilarious dialogue, and mind-blowing special effects, let me assure you that you haven't strayed too far. Stay a while and see what I have to offer? It's free! So what is -Superkid- about anyway? Is it a paranormal romance about an undead hot guy who has a thing for a sulky and homely teenage girl? Nope. Is it about a teen wizard whose destiny is to vanquish an evil sorcerer with a scary name? Wrong again. Is it a book about a young boy with superpowers who fights an oddball assortment of villains, written by a geek who has nothing better to do with his life? Well, if you're going to put it that way! Meet Aaron Purn, AKA Superkid, the fearless kid. Join him as he takes on Doctor Red, a mad scientist; the Black Belt, a master martial artist; the Vampire, a woman with a deadly touch; and the giant spider, a, uh... giant spider... in a battle for truth, justice, and all things laugh out loud. So move over, Batman! Look out, Spiderman! And put some pants on, Captain Underpants! There's a new hero in town!
Views: 675

The Persian Helmet

Preview of incomplete, unedited ms.Status updating…Time and Space breached…Data leak detected…The archives of The Numbered Entity Project have opened in this membrane of existence for the very first time. Inside the, at once both infinitesimal and infinity-spanning, data stores wait the tale of rogues, outcasts and 'others.' Those whose time was numbered but refused to 'know their place.' Those who tried, for better or worse, to change their respective worlds of swords and magic, steam and musket, or nanotechnology. The Project records all, in tribute to Time and Space.Jaime has waited his whole life for the chance to change the world. Armed with a discrete bio-weapon, he prepares to assassinate the Great Sir of the Seven Systems and free millions from industrial serfdom. But Jaime is on a one way trip, a journey that will force him to sever his ties to the one he loves most. His ideals will be tested to breaking when brought to bear against that love, a love which could tear Seven Systems apart.
Views: 675

The Runway

As two high school sweethearts and lovers are reunited after an eight-year absence, two tragedies are occurring. Pamela, at the age of twenty-six, is dying of cancer. Dwight, also twenty-six years old, is dying in a subtler way. Dwight has allowed financial success and prestige to erase his life’s passion. Fate brings these two long-lost partners together on a quest for transcendence.As two high school sweethearts and lovers are reunited after an eight-year absence, two tragedies are occurring. Pamela, at the age of twenty-six, is dying of cancer. Dwight, also twenty-six years old, is dying in a subtler way. Dwight has allowed financial success and prestige to erase his life’s passion. When fate brings these two long-lost romantic partners together during the last days of Pamela’s tortured life, everything that takes place after that is intended to allow you to meditate about difficulties and decisions that you will almost certainly have to face. Is all of your physical and psychological pain meant to simply be endured? Or is it your right to decide what limits you wish to place upon your own suffering? Finally, is it possible that a supremely patient and loving spiritual presence carefully knits together what might seem to be accidental or trivial events, so that even the darkest and most tragic of all of our lives disasters lead toward an ultimate state of ecstasy and transcendence?? Because these subjects are so crucial in all of our lives, I am offering “The Runway” to you as a free download. If this story assists you in any way, that will make my work worthwhile.My best wishes to you,Michael Naugle.
Views: 675

Trail of the Black Wyrm

The Battle of the Run is over, but for Barreth Forlo victory is bitter.With only a dragon’s scale to aid them, Barreth and his friends must find his missing wife before it’s too late. A strange evil is stirring and a foul ritual has begun.And Forlo’s unborn child lies at the heart of it. Explore the legendary continent of Taladas, where barbarian chiefs struggle for survival against power-mad sorcerers in the uneasy aftermath of the War of Souls
Views: 675

Fiction Vortex - May 2013

This inaugural issue of the Fiction Vortex magazine is stuffed with incredible stories, tales that will take you through the verdant valley of coming-of-age-fantasy, over the jagged summit of hard science fiction, into the dark cavern of cerebral horror, and back out into the sunlit meadows of humorous satire. All stories and reviews were published on FictionVortex.com in May 2013This inaugural issue of the Fiction Vortex magazine is stuffed with incredible stories, tales that will take you through the verdant valley of coming-of-age-fantasy, over the jagged summit of hard science fiction, into the dark cavern of cerebral horror, and back out into the sunlit meadows of humorous satire. All stories and reviews were published on FictionVortex.com in May 2013.Fiction Vortex focuses on publishing speculative fiction. That means science fiction and fantasy (with a light smattering of horror and a few other subgenres), be it light, heavy, deep, flighty, spaceflighty, cerebral, visceral, epic, or mundane. But mundane in a my-local-gas-station-has-elf-mechanics-but-it’s-not-really-a-big-deal-around-here kind of way. Got it?Basically, we want imaginative stories that are well written, but not full of supercilious floridity.There’s a long-standing belief that science fiction and fantasy stories aren’t as good as purely literary fare. We want you to prove that mindset wrong (not just wrong, but a steaming pile of griffin dung wrong) with every story we publish. It’s almost like we’re saying, “I do not bite my thumb at you, literary snobs, but I do bite my thumb,” but in a completely polite and non-confrontational way.
Views: 675

Letters of Note

In Letters of Note: Art, Shaun Usher celebrates extraordinary correspondence about art, from missives on the agony of being overlooked, the ecstasy of producing work that excites, to surprising sources of inspiration and rousing manifestos. Includes letters by: Michelangelo, Salvador Dali, Frida Kahlo, Artemisia Gentileschi, Oscar Howe, Martin Scorsese, Henri Matisse, Mick Jagger, Augusta Savage, Vincent van Gogh & many more
Views: 675

Becca's Book

Some loves don't end with the relationship but burrow deep into the heart, live there hidden and silent for years, then one day for no clear reason emerge with a voice--a story to tell, a moment in time to recall and honor.Men's literary short fiction by Hosho McCreeshIn “Taco Fairy” we wonder what will $2 get you at a nearby tacqueria? Answer: A world of stupid trouble.“Say, What Ever Happened To Vidal Sassoon?" explores the sexual politics of business trips, and free hotel shampoo.*Mentioned in TORO Magazine (Canada)
Views: 675

The Seed

Can Matt Sinclair forgive his daughter’s killer? What difference will it make if he does? Is there any hope for the soul of someone who has murdered a fourteen-year-old girl? Will the murderer end up on death row? This is a story of crime, prison and redemption set in South Carolina. This is a Christian novella with approximately 20,000 words.Can Matt Sinclair forgive his daughter’s killer? What difference will it make if he does? Is there any hope for the soul of someone who has murdered a fourteen-year-old girl? Will the murderer end up on death row? This is a story of crime, prison and redemption set in South Carolina. This is a Christian novella with approximately 20,000 words. It is the intent of the authors that this story will illustrate the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to change lives no matter how broken.
Views: 675


Twenty-four-year-old Olivia Taylor Jones has the perfect life. The only daughter of a wealthy, prominent Chicago family, she has an Ivy League education, pursues volunteerism and philanthropy, and is engaged to a handsome young tech firm CEO with political ambitions. But Olivia’s world is shattered when she learns that she’s adopted. Her real parents? Todd and Pamela Larsen, notorious serial killers serving a life sentence. When the news brings a maelstrom of unwanted publicity to her adopted family and fiancé, Olivia decides to find out the truth about the Larsens. Olivia ends up in the small town of Cainsville, Illinois, an old and cloistered community that takes a particular interest in both Olivia and her efforts to uncover her birth parents’ past. Aided by her mother’s former lawyer, Gabriel Walsh, Olivia focuses on the Larsens’ last crime, the one her birth mother swears will prove their innocence. But as she and Gabriel start investigating the case, Olivia finds herself drawing on abilities that have remained hidden since her childhood, gifts that make her both a valuable addition to Cainsville and deeply vulnerable to unknown enemies. Because there are darker secrets behind her new home and powers lurking in the shadows that have their own plans for her.
Views: 675