The Separatists have abducted Taslin from the heart of the Gift-Givers' fortress. Pevan is sceptical of Rel's rash plan to get her back, but she only has Chag to back her up. And Chag confesses to a whole new crime: giving the Separatists the ability to read the future. Pevan will have to choose whether to give the thief a second chance, or write off Taslin for dead.15 year-old Axel lives happily with his mother until he is kidnapped and taken to places unknown and he must find his way back home. Views: 724
Join young Joshua Manders and his friends on another IPMA (Institute for the Preservation of Magical Artifacts) adventure. Belschnikel, aka: Santa Claus, has had it with his Yeti contract labor and the North Pole is overrun. Can the IPMA with the aide of a few misfits save the day on time for Christmas?This story was originally begun under the National Novel Writing Month Organization ( for 2013. Now enjoy the completed story.Join the IPMA agents on another Institute for the Preservation of Magical Artifacts adventure, this time at the North Pole during Christmas 2013 to help quash a hostile takeover. The Yeti clan of North America have decided to take Santa's workshop for their own and will use magic, their ferocity, and their sheer numbers to make it happen. Who among the IPMA agents can stop them?Something fishy was up, Joshua knew it. What were the little fuzzy white hair balls that could seemingly use magic to grow to fifteen feet tall in the blink of an eye doing? Were they migrating north for the Holidays? And who were these men in black suits at his doorstep when after he tried to report what he'd seen on the internet.Will he be the key to preventing a hostile take over of Santa's workshop by the Yeti? Will the agents of the IPMA trust him to unlock the secrets of defending the North Pole if he is?As a follow up to "The Old Silk Hat", "Seeing Devils" and "Troll Brother" see what happens in a magic vs. technology battle to save Christmas Morning. Views: 724
After destroying a Japanese fishing village in a possessed state, veteran martial artist Ryu Hoshi struggles to comprehend why the simple presence of an actress ignites the dark arts within him. Finding himself in a sea of confusion and doubt, Ryu must re-open his past to uncover the truth.Since killing his eternal foe in the heat of battle, Japanese martial artist Ryu Hoshi vowed to never fight again. Seven years later, Ryu continues to live his life in isolation, pursuing the way of the warrior with constant fear that the evil dormant power within him will awaken. One harrowing night, Ryu suddenly feels his animalistic self being unleashed upon a quiet Japanese fishing village, destroying everything in sight. Strangely, it is only in the presence of a young American actress that he feels such malevolence open up to the world. Her body is scarred with Ryu’s name, and her aura mimics that of the demonic rival he destroyed so long ago. Finding himself in a sea of doubt and confusion, Ryu must re-open old wounds to discover his destiny. Views: 724
In this retelling of a Greek myth, the author explores and comments on the human character and condition through the story of how the Titan Prometheus so loved the creatures he had created that he stole fire from the gods and gave it to them to further their intellectual and technological development and the development of civilization. But was there a price to pay, for Prometheus and us?After exploring the human character and condition through the retelling a number of Polynesian myths and legends in Under the Hala Tree: Twice Told Polynesian Myths and Legends, the author found himself returning to the Greek myths, legends and fables that inspired his childhood and so much of Western literature. In this retelling of a Greek myth, he explores and comments on the human character and condition through the story of how the Titan Prometheus so loved the creatures he had created that he stole fire from the gods and gave it to them to further their intellectual and technological development and the development of civilization. But was there a price to pay, for Prometheus and us? Views: 724
1421. In England's remote Welsh Borderlands, a future queen of Scotland would learn the true meaning of sacrifice and the feared name of Owain Glyndwr, the Welsh warrior-prince, would be whispered abroad one last time; all for the saving of the children of Clun.Now that Carmen has almost recovered from her injuries caused by a car accident, Carmen and Ulrike can begin and enjoy their relationship in earnest. On the occasion of Carmen’s mother’s birthday, Ulrike is about to meet Carmen’s family for the first time, including Carmen’s brother José, whose reckless driving, in Ulrike’s opinion, landed Carmen in hospital. Both women are rather apprehensive about this meeting, however, the afternoon with the family yields some unexpected results for both of them.Taxi - Trials is the second book in the Taxi series. Views: 723
Shortly after his arrival up at the family cottage on Lake Superior, Stan Goobash watches in horror as a mammoth sinkhole opens in the middle of the lake. Moments later, the greatest of all the Great Lakes is nothing more than a memory. Stan vows to get to the bottom of this mystery.Shortly after his arrival up at the family cottage on Lake Superior, Stan Goobash watches in horror as a mammoth sinkhole opens in the middle of the lake. Moments later, the greatest of all the Great Lakes is nothing more than a memory. Like others, Stan is drawn across the dry lakebed to the circular chasm that has swallowed one tenth of the world's supply of surface freshwater. An avid skydiver, Stan quickly formulates a plan to get to the bottom of this mystery, or die trying. At the edge of the great sinkhole, Stan is joined by two others. They jump, but will soon learn that Lake Superior doesn't like to give up her dead. Views: 723
The Norman knight Schelin (from whom the village of Shilling Okeford or Shillingstone takes its name) was awarded the manor of Okeford for his service to King William at the Battle of Hastings. Schelin holds the richest agricultural land in Dorset, but he still has a problem. His daughter would rather get herself to a nunnery than marry well. A Saxon wise woman’s potions are called for. (c.1085)This is a collection of over 250 poems that altogether seeks to reflect man as both the poet and the actor who handles the helm of his own affairs, on a timed cruise, down his very own banked personal river. Using his abilities to compose and steer his poetic story, faring only as suitably as his capabilities and fate enables him.The essence of poetry is in its use of eloquent apt words to convey the poet’s exact thoughts, as they are felt or experienced by him. Like it is the actor’s ability to apply specific skills to portray a scripted character reveals a story, it is likewise the poet's grant to create the content and set the beauty of the words.If the soul is scripted, if the mind can think, if the heart does feel and the body is specific; then every individual distinctively roams on a course throughout their lives that can be manipulated to fit their own different experience, but not actually change it. For the poet mans the helm, and the cruise is his composed poem. Views: 723
Five free seasonal horror tales selected from collections I have available at Two are vampire tales, two feature the grim reaper and the last tale is a ghost tale.There are as many Gods in this universe as there are beings. And the game we play is called “Touch.” It’s a form of spiritual hugging. Easy to begin, pretty much impossible to bring to a close.How it came about: Before the beginning of the universe, before there even was a universe, we all held hands—well, figuratively speaking. We touched, I guess would describe it (hence the name of the game), and touching we synchronized, and synchronized we decided (on three, everyone: 1-2-3) to BE. So now we all WERE. Simplicity itself.Then we decided to decide (on three, everyone) for the universe to BE. And so it WAS and still IS. Very much so. And, yes, I’m talking about this physical, Capital-U Universe, the one with galaxies, stars, planets, black holes, oceans, parking tickets, crazy politicians, and inane commercials. Yes, this one.The rules of “Touch” are few and simple.Rule number One says that once we’ve made the Big One—which is basically somewhere to play this game—anyone of us can, if synchronized with (i.e., touching) anyone else—either one or many as the case may be—decide on a new smaller (I guess that would be lower-case-u) universe, within the Big One. “Sub-universe” would be as good a word as any. And from then on they, those who co-decided, would share this thing, this co-created sub-universe, and it will remain real as anything, going forward.Nazi Germany was/is a pretty blatant example of this, if deadly and in very bad taste. Rome was/is another. Soccer huddles, too.Your marriage is probably one. Trysts often are. Most romances, for sure.Now, according to rule number Two, to end one of these sub-universes (for they can all be brought to a close, i.e., ceased), all you have to do is re-synchronize and non-decide the thing. Non-decide might also be a word for it. You know, like dis-appear. First it appears then it disappears—first you decide then you non-decide. But non-decide is closer to the truth, so we’ll stick with that.So, first you decide, then you non-decide. Really, it’s as easy as 1-2-3. Could not be simpler. And to end the Big One altogether (and this is rule number Three), all we have to do is re-synchronize and non-decide IT. I ask you, what could be simpler?On paper.For, oh yeah, there is a rule number Four (and why we agreed on this one I shall never know, but it’s on the books, I’m afraid, and still very much in force): In order to end the Big One, in order to un-BE (non-decide) the entire universe, each and every sub-universe, large and small, must first be non-decided. That’s right, before we can all touch and un-BE the lot, i.e., the Big One, we must clear out all the sub-ones.I guess we decided this into the “Touch” rules to protect the Big One, to make it hard to vanish, i.e., make it last. And that has worked (and still works) like a charm for the Big One, as you know, is still very much in play.Needless to say, this all happened a few unforeseen complications ago, for by last count there were 8,444,547,856,334 first generation sub-universes on this planet alone, and each of these have since sprouted many, many, many generations of subs who in turn, well you get the point.And to make matters a little more harrowing (from the standpoint of climbing back out of this sizeable hole by ending the Big One), by now most of us have not only forgotten the name of the game, but that this is all, in fact, a game.And, sad to say, the handful who do remember are mostly locked up (for their own protection, or so the story goes). Views: 723
NEW YORK TIMES & USATODAY Bestselling Series
There’s optimistic. And there’s Jesse Walker.
If he wasn’t so charming, his sunny disposition and incessant grin would get old. Fast.
Falling in love with the broken girl who had at first seemed immune to anything resembling love was the best thing to happen to Jesse since the Walkers adopted him when he was five.
As Jesse’s life continues at the ranch and Rowen begins making her mark in the Seattle art community, they wonder where the middle ground is. Or if there even is one.
As push comes to shove, they’re forced to make choices neither are eager to make, and Jesse and Rowen have to face what their lives might look like without the other.
Can two people with such tragic pasts and different presents expect a promising future together? Whatever the answer, they’ll need a lot more than love to make it.
Recommended for mature readers due to moderate content and language. Views: 723
a collection of short fiction by Corey Mesler: more information can be found at www.kuboapress.wordpress.comMelinda and Rob MacCreadie have been married for nearly thirty years, but she is the worst wife for a hard-working Montana rancher and she knows it.With their five children grown and finding love, Melinda is daunted by the idea of accepting newcomers into the family. She and Rob still hold a secret that dates from before the birth of their triplets all those years ago.Rob is such a fine man, strong and good-looking and endlessly patient. He’s wise, too, but is he right to insist that it’s time to tell people what happened? Does he really understand how she feels? Views: 723
In small town Iowa, where a family's reputation is hard to shake, Katelyn has a choice to make--Follow her sisters' lead, lose herself to love, take the drug that's offered, or pick herself up after getting knocked down. This young adult novel travels to the troubling truth of life outside high school hallways where not every family or teenager is innocent.Pick-me-up, a young adult problem novel, tells a heroic story of Katelyn fighting back against the dysfunctions of her family and her friends. While she tries to live in the right, Katelyn falls into her own problems when she hooks up with a boy full of trouble and his own addictions. This rural-Iowa teenager keeps making decisions that would lead her to the same fate of her two high school dropout sisters. Katelyn fails classes, skips school, and at one point ends up with reserved seating in the Principal's office. Katelyn’s friends back away as she begins to live up to the troubled legacy left by her family. Home life proves no better. Katelyn’s dad disappears and ends up in jail, again. The fragile relationship she has with her mother nearly breaks as Katelyn is dumped with the responsibility of caring for all her older sister’s abandoned children. Katelyn gets her own pick-me-up in the form of a charming older boy with a criminal history. Her friends and scene change as she follows him back into his bad habits. Just as she keeps faith in her family, she keeps giving Tim another chance. Only after she suffers because of her misguided love does she start to take care of herself. She's able to salvage her dignity and rebound to break the dropout streak in her family. Views: 722
K is a fourth level Paladin and a servant of Purity—the holy nothingness she has been taught to revere and aspire to from childhood. Born on a sexless world from an artificial womb, K was fitted with a black mesh skinsuit at the tender age of nine. The suit nourishes and defends her from enemies and serves as her main weapon in the holy war her people have declared on the rest of the universe. It also eradicates even the slightest traces of emotion. Leading her purge squad in a never-ending mission to rid the universe of the Impure, K is accustomed to killing or enslaving everyone she meets.
That is, until she meets Boone.
Boone is a doctor and geneticist from Colossus—a heavy G world which has rendered the people who inhabited it larger and stronger than regular humans. He’s more than happy to stay on his own planet and do research—until his little sister is taken by Purists and delivered to the pshalite mines. Frantic to rescue her, he hatches a desperate plot—capture a Paladin and use the enemy pawn to gain access to where his sister is being held. K falls into his net—but not without a fight. When she is wounded in the battle, Boone is forced to cut off her skinsuit in order to save her life.
Now, removed from her comforting routine and separated from the parasitic suit, K is beginning to change. Her body is blossoming and her mind is opening. For the first time in her life she can feel…whether she wants to or not. In order to survive in her new environment she has to cooperate with Boone.
However, she soon finds that it isn’t just her body he holds prisoner…
but also her heart. Views: 722
A rogue ruined...
He is the Killer Duke, accused of murdering Mara Lowe on the eve of her wedding. With no memory of that fateful night, Temple has reigned over the darkest of London’s corners for twelve years, wealthy and powerful, but beyond redemption. Until one night, Mara resurfaces, offering the one thing he’s dreamed of... absolution.
A lady returned...
Mara planned never to return to the world from which she’d run, but when her brother falls deep into debt at Temple’s exclusive casino, she has no choice but to offer Temple a trade that ends in her returning to society and proving to the world what only she knows... that he is no killer.
A scandal revealed...
It’s a fine trade, until Temple realizes that the lady—and her past—are more than they seem. It will take every bit of his strength to resist the pull of this mysterious, maddening woman who seems willing to risk everything for honor... and to keep from putting himself on the line for love. Views: 722
Mosaic Two. This collection- of radical poetry, gripping vignettes, enlightening articles, enchanting essays, powerful manifestos, and bizarre short stories- is designed to provide grim entertainment either at a glance or all night long. These are the literary works of Zero Roze; incomparable, unmatched, inimitable, unrivaled- peerless and perfect. Perspectives in high definition.Three hearts beat as one, for one.Six years after losing their wife, the McLendon brothers are focused on running their family ranch, Falcon Ridge, and raising their rambunctious twin boys. They’ve never believed they could find another woman with which to share their hearts and family.When Matt and his twin, Mason, meet their sons’ classy new teacher, hope and love aren’t the only things that spring back to life. Matt is convinced she was Heaven sent to heal their family. Mason hopes he’s right, but knows they have a bigger problem than convincing Claira to take a chance on their unconventional family; a much bigger, surly, older brother kind of problem. After their wife died, Grey McLendon planned to live the rest of his life comfortably numb from the neck down, even if it killed him...and it just might if he can’t reconcile his guilt and desire for Claira before her treacherous past catches up with her.The McLendon Family Saga Reading OrderThe Heart of Falcon RidgeA McLendon ChristmasRock Star Cowboys (Pre-Order January 2016)Rock Star Honeymoon (January 2016)Author Note: Absolutely no action between brothers because that would just be awkward. Previously published as Second Chances and remastered for The McLendon Family Saga series. Views: 722
Welcome back to the lovely town of Cottontail Pines, where there is always a friend around the next corner. In this story, Goober the rabbit is visited by his very rambunctious cousin, Waffle. But when Waffle becomes more than he can handle, will the compulsively neat Goober have a break down? Find out in “Goober’s Cousin” by T.K. Wade.“Adventures in Cottontail Pines” is a new series of children’s stories by T.K. Wade. In this third adventure, “Goober’s Cousin,” Goober finds out that he will be visited by his Aunt Maple and his very young cousin, Waffle. At first, Goober is very excited about meeting his cousin. The only problem is that Waffle is very hyperactive and hard to control, and Goober has a very important homework assignment to finish. Will Goober be able to handle both his school work and a cute, rambunctious tyke all at once? Read this fun new adventure and find out! Views: 722