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It is 2040, and in the Solomon Islands a programme to breed GM dolphins with near-human brains is underway. Their strange mental powers enable them to cross over into a parallel universe, where they encounter both benign and malign forces. During the ensuing conflict, a romantic attachment develops between the leader of the dolphin community and one of the humans caught up in the battle.The year is 2040, and in the Solomon Islands a programme to breed genetically-modified dolphins with near-human brains is underway. Dawn, a girl from England on a visit to the Solomons, suffers strange hallucinations when she encounters the dolphins, in which she is transported by means of a spirit journey into a parallel universe. It transpires that she too has been genetically modified, not by humans but by benign aliens from this parallel universe, so that her brain, as it reaches maturity, becomes like theirs. An unintended consequence of the dolphins’ neural modifications is that they are telepathic and are able to journey into this parallel universe. The intention of the aliens is that Dawn should play a key role in the development of dolphin culture. However, other malign aliens from the parallel universe have made contact with a sinister religious cult bent on world domination. The battle that ensues between Dawn’s dolphins and these malign forces takes place in both this and the parallel universe. Set against this backdrop is the romantic attachment that grows between the leader of the dolphin community and one of the humans caught up in the conflict.
Views: 792

Wind Warrior

When a man is miraculously saved from being hit by a bus, Xander’s life turns in to the living embodiment of the tornadoes he can suddenly create with a flick of his wrist. Whether he wants this gift or not, Xander must learn to use his new ‘super power’ quickly if he wants to survive.Take a deep breath before you start the now complete World Aflame Series. This action adventure series filled with cinematic science fiction action, end of the world apocalyptic events, and heart pounding thrills will leave you enthralled from beginning to end. Fans of The Maze Runner by James Dasher and I Am Number Four by Pittacus Lore will love this teen fiction series. With over 400 five-star series reviews on Goodreads, this is definitely the series you should read next! Wind Warrior is the READERS FAVORITE book award winner. When a man is miraculously saved from being hit by a bus, Xander’s life turns in to the living embodiment of the tornadoes he can suddenly create with a flick of his wrist. Whether he wants this gift or not, Xander must learn to use his new ‘super power’ quickly if he wants to survive.THE EARTH GIVES WAY TO THE SEA,THE SEA BOWS BEFORE THE WIND,THE WIND FEEDS THE FLAME,THE FLAME BURNS THE WORLD OF MAN DOWN TO THE EARTH.The sleepy town of White Halls harbors a dangerous secret. On a picturesque street, two houses down from a lovely little park, in a quaint little home with a wraparound porch, lives a family that seems rather normal. Sure, their twenty-year-old son, Xander, still lives at home, but he’s going to college and dating the leader of the school’s top sorority. It’s all very… normal. However, when a man is miraculously saved from being hit by a bus, Xander’s life turns in to the living embodiment of the tornadoes he can suddenly create with a flick of his wrist. Whether he wants this gift or not, Xander must learn to use his new ‘super power’ quickly if he wants to survive. For his kind is a dying race, and when this sleepy town has a sudden influx of new, blonde, fire wielders, no one is safe, especially Xander. It doesn’t help that one of these blondes happens to be the most beautiful girl he has ever seen. Xander can’t deny the instant connection he feels to her so, when she tries to kill him, it certainly makes things complicated. Wind Warrior is the first book in the World Aflame series by Jon Messenger. This series is complete and ready for binge reading. 
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Destiny's Path

Seventeen year old Talitha has just learned she is derived from a race that came from another galaxy. This race is graced with super-human abilities which only emerge as the person reaches maturity which Talitha is now doing. She also learns that her father, whom she has never met, is actually alive and held captive somewhere.Seventeen year old Talitha has just learned she is derived from a race that came from another galaxy. This race is graced with super-human abilities which only emerge as the person reaches maturity which Talitha is now doing. She develops most all of the abilities known to her race, which is unusual. Most of them only develop one or two abilities. The reason for her unusual talents can only be attributed to the inter-racial relationship of her parents. Her father was also a product of an inter-racial relationship and therefor possesses extra abilities, too. As her new abilities emerge, she learns that her father, whom she has never met, is actually alive and held captive somewhere. The people who kidnapped her dad would like to grab her too. They want to create a race with their abilities. Along her journey of self-discovery and searching for her father, she is aided by her new abilities and the gorgeous Cruz DaMonico. Although she had been betrothed to him at birth as per custom of her race, she is resistant to the union simply because she doesn't believe in destiny or arranged unions and she already has a boyfriend. Although she finds herself mystically drawn to Cruz, she must choose; should she follow her heart or be true to her high school boyfriend?
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In Your Words

A short story (3100 words)Amelia is an author who writes about love but has lost her belief in it. She is participating in a book signing week in yet another stop on what seems like an endless tour. When she escapes to a quiet corner of the bookstore Amelia meets the woman who she knows can restore her faith in love, but will she have a chance to find out?A short story (3100 words)Amelia is an author who writes about love but has lost her belief in it. She is participating in a book signing week in yet another stop on what seems like an endless tour. When she escapes to a quiet corner of the bookstore Amelia meets the woman who she knows can restore her faith in love, but will she have a chance to find out?Also included with this short story are extracts from R J Samuel’s novels FALLING COLOURS (the first in the Vision Painter series) and HEART STOPPER (a medical thriller).
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A Tribute - September 2013

Team Incnpaper is proud to Present a Monthly Spectrum of Latest development in the Field of Science , Technology and Innovation in India . Launching our FIRST EDITION , A Spectrum of Events in the month of September 2013we start this monthly magazine as a tribute to the wonderful contribution made by our scientists over the generations to the field of Science and Technology, we are nation who performed the first cataract operation and it’s said that the word atom was also first coined as a Tejomatra by one of the great saints of India who were scientists of the bygone era, we are also a land where astrology and astronomy originated.India in the modern age has produced remarkable scientists like Ramanujan, Prafulla Chandra Ray, Sir C.V.Raman, Homi Jehangir Bhabha, Satyendra Nath Bose, Jagadish Chandra Bose and many more such eminent personalities, Team Incnpaper through this monthly magazine would like to motivate and keep the current generation of young Indians and Scientists informed about the wonderful work done by Indian Research Institutes and Scientists.
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10 Poems About the Human Experience

Robert Lucas is a up and coming poet new to the scene, but wow do his words speak truth! In this compilation Robert Lucas takes on many themes of the human experience including love, death and perseverance.Robert Lucas is a up and coming poet new to the scene, but wow do his words speak truth! In this compilation Robert Lucas takes on many themes of the human experience including love, death and perseverance. Buy now to see more from him in the future!
Views: 791

Wonka again and Baba too

Wonka is back! and so is his new pal Baba, now on the inside of the good back door. Owner continues her struggles with Wonka always ready to spur on. Not one to tolerate failure, he recommends squaring up to each new and ghastly situation with fortitude! yes a cat for all seasons, so read on and relax with Wonka.Wonka again and Baba too will bring you further along with the adventures of their Owner, soldiering on with a poor year of it. Only Wonka knows what's best and encouraged by him to face up to it all, surely she can cope? The philosophers as usual hover in the background with their sage advice, even Nietzsche finds a voice. But it is Wonka who heads up the support network, with Baba as a rather simple reserve.This is the fourth in the series and Wonka as ever, reigns supreme, scoffing at those who give in and give up. Just get on with it!
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Every Never After

It's happening again! Despite their vow to each other at the end of Once Every Never, best friends Clare and Allie once more find themselves in trouble—and travelling in time. Indulging in a low-key vacation at Glastonbury Tor, taking part in an archaeological dig while soaking up the sights of summertime England, the girls have promised each other: no time travel shenanigans; no involvement with dangerous Druids or villainous museum thieves; and definitely no weirdness about the fact that Clare is now seriously dating Milo, Allie's super-genius hottie cousin! But when Allie makes an unexpected discovery at the dig site—a skull—the grisly artifact sends her spiralling back in time to a Roman encampment besieged by rampaging Celts. Caught between the Legions and the war band, Allie is rescued from certain death by Marcus, a young Roman soldier with a secret. As she struggles to survive in the past, Clare and Milo race desperately against time in the present to bring Allie home...before she loses her head OR her heart.
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A Treasured Memory

Just as Toby thinks his summer is in his hands, his father invents a new virtual reality technology: Dream Rift. Capable of breaking the very boundaries between reality and fantasy, Dream Rift is a concept that holds the world in wonder. But is Toby ready to accept the consequences that come with it?For Vivian Caine, becoming the world’s most fearsome airship pirate comes with its share of obstacles. The largest is her family, helmed by notorious outlaw and misguided patriarch Benedict Caine, whose name alone is enough to strike terror into the hearts of millions. Vivian’s mother and three siblings are anything but interested in pursuing the family business, so things take a sour turn when they cross paths with fresh-faced idealist Captain Jonathan Thorpe, a recent graduate of the Sky Marshal Academy tasked with enforcing order and justice across the skies.As Thorpe and the Caine family engage in a wild cat-and-mouse game rife with incredible capers and narrow getaways, Vivian must weigh her swashbuckling life of crime against the unwelcome feelings she finds herself developing for the young captain.
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If it Causes You to Sin (A Short Story)

The voices have accused him of unrepentant sin. He is ready to take desperate measures to absolve himself of guilt from his past and to stop the relentless torment. Prepare yourself for a descent into madness and pray it's not too late.The first thing Mixer knew with certainty was that he was hungry. The feeling grew more intense each day until it became unbearable and Mixer began to lash out. Quietly, steadily he ate away at his enemy and, in a few weeks, where there had been two, now there was only one.History had been erased. The land had been eroded and the global population had crashed. Into this new world came an evolutionary change, a genetic mutation that could make humans perform in ways they'd never done before. Those who survived learned to fear the abilities of those who carried the gene and banished any who displayed the slightest difference. As time went on, the gene appeared to die out. But it wasn't entirely gone. In a world still largely ignorant and illiterate, nine children struggle to survive, sometimes even against their own.
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The Rich King's Poor Dementia

Ever wondered what Shakespeare wondered when he wrote about his wonderful characters wondering beyond the realms of 'Wonderland?' This book details how the greatest writer painstakingly scrutinized the psychological mindsets of people during his age, and personified his characters with aspects of one prominent condition - dementia. Modern physiologists are seeing Shakespeare to be like a doctor!Ever wondered what Shakespeare wondered when he wrote about his wonderful characters wondering beyond the realms of 'Wonderland?' This book details how the greatest writer painstakingly scrutinized the psychological mindsets of people during his age, and personified his characters with aspects of one prominent condition - dementia. Modern physiologists are seeing Shakespeare to be like a doctor! This extremely short essay shows how Shakespeare may have been more than a writer, boasting the prize for best neurologist of his time. His early study of Dementia was portrayed through his characters' seemingly innocent Alzheimer's Diseases. King Lear is a prime example of this. Shakespeare. Writer? Or Neurologist/Psychologist/Humanist/Realist?
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"Charli" is a concept draft of the first in a series of thrilling short stories. Charli follows a chilling account of murder, infidelity, and thrilling suspense as a man attempts to solve the brutal murder of his less than faithful fiance, guided only by a mysterious voice on the phone.Bendigo Joules, raised on a small farm in east Texas in the 40's and 50's, scratched out a life filled with the joys, surprises, trials and love that only an adventurous and giving spirit could produce. His life ended tragically in his sister's company at the age of eighteen, and Abbie Joules is determined that his memory not vanish forever. Fortunately 'words work' is her specialty, and she has sculpted an image of a bygone era in which her brother stars in riveting tales filled with humor, adventure, and the full warmth and foibles that humanity has to offer. You will not soon forget the life of Bendigo or his loving sister, Abbie, nor the many characters she paints with both sensitivity and vivid colors: Price and Pleasure Walker, Booptriska Kazmierski, Ziggy Pugh, Cat-Fish and Fish-Cat, and many others. It is a book for readers of any age who want their day to feel warm, bright and friendly."I figured I was a goner," Corrinth said. "That car was going over the edge of the dump, right down into that filth and--BLEWY! I was going to cook, right along with the rats. Can you imagine? On my first date with Ben?" (from The Rat Stomp)Dirk Palowski snatched up Ziggy and chucked him under his arm like a wiener pig, then ran around the track like a tramp hauling a stolen ham, with all the boys in hot pursuit. For the first time in his life, Ziggy was in demand. (from Five Seconds For A Winner)
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Fiction Vortex - September 2013

We always try to have a variety of genres represented on our site, but this month represents the best collection yet of epic fantasy with a personal touch, far-reaching science fiction with a practical bent, truly haunting psychological horror, and a few more speculative stories that don't fit well into a certain category.Fiction Vortex, let’s see …A fiction vortex is a tornado of stories that pick you up and hurl you through a barn to find enlightenment on the other side. It’s a whirlpool of fascinating tales so compelling that they suck you in, drag you down to the bottom of your mind, and drown you with incessant waves of glorious imagery and believable characters.Nope.A fiction vortex is an online speculative fiction magazine focused on publishing great science fiction and fantasy, and is run by incredibly attractive and intelligent people with great taste in literature and formidable writing prowess.Not that either. But we’re getting closer.Founded in the 277th year of the Takolatchni Dynasty, Fiction Vortex set out to encourage people to write and publish great speculative fiction. It sprang fully formed from the elbow of TWOS, retaining none of TWOS’s form but most of its spirit. And the patron god of writers, the insecure, the depressed, and the mentally ill regarded Fiction Vortex in his magic mirror of self-loathing and declared it good, insofar as something that gives writer’s undue hope can be declared good. Thereafter, he charged the Rear Admiral of the Galactic 5th Fleet to defend Fiction Vortex down to the last robot warrior.Now we’re talking.Take your pick. We don’t care how you characterize us or the site.Fiction Vortex focuses on publishing speculative fiction. That means science fiction and fantasy (with a light smattering of horror and a few other subgenres), be it light, heavy, deep, flighty, spaceflighty, cerebral, visceral, epic, or mundane. But mundane in a my-local-gas-station-has-elf-mechanics-but-it’s-not-really-a-big-deal-around-here kind of way. Got it?Basically, we want imaginative stories that are well written, but not full of supercilious floridity.There’s a long-standing belief that science fiction and fantasy stories aren’t as good as purely literary fare. We want you to prove that mindset wrong (not just wrong, but a steaming pile of griffin dung wrong) with every story we publish. It’s almost like we’re saying, “I do not bite my thumb at you, literary snobs, but I do bite my thumb,” but in a completely polite and non-confrontational way.We've got more great stories online, with a new story twice a week. Visit our website FictionVortex.com, follow us on Twitter: @FictionVortex, and like us on Facebook: FictionVortex.
Views: 790

The Kidnapping of Paul McCartney

Paul McCartney is walking down the street with his daughter Stella and her friend, Anna, when they are approached by a woman and her butler, who is armed with a gun. They kidnap them and the woman conscripts Paul into writing a rock opera. Gwen and Roger June are aristocratic friends of theirs, who have reason to carry guns, and they don't like their friends being kidnapped. The hunt is on.Paul McCartney is walking down the street with his daughter Stella and her friend, Anna, when they are approached by a woman dressed in a thousand dollar suit, and her butler, who is armed with a gun. They kidnap Paul, Stella, and Anna and lock them in a massive World War II era concrete bunker, where the butler serves them coffee and the woman conscripts Paul into writing a rock opera. Gwen and Roger June are aristocratic friends of Paul and Anna, who have reason to carry guns, and they don't like their friends being kidnapped, even when the kidnappers are benevolent and the ransom demand is to produce the greatest collection of pop songs ever written. The hunt is on.
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