Roger Hill and the Vexars are charged with stopping Blackmail, the leader of the Mob, from destroyer national monuments.Blackmail, an old rival of Roger Hill's sends her Mob to attack the Vexar's newly built Power Hall headquarters. Views: 273
This book was converted from its physical edition to the digital format by a community of volunteers. You may find it for free on the web. Purchase of the Kindle edition includes wireless delivery. Views: 273
Clara Vaughan, a Novel in Three Volumes; Volumes 1-3 by R. D. Blackmore 1864 Volume 1; Book 1; Chapter 1.I do not mean to describe myself. Already I feel that the personal pronoun will appear too often in these pages. Knowing the faults of my character almost as well as my best friends know them, I shall attempt to hide them no more than would those beloved ones. Enough of this: the story I have to tell is strange, and short as my own its preamble.The day when I was ten years old began my serious life. It was the 30th of December, 1842; and proud was the kiss my loving father gave me for spelling, writing, and pronouncing the date in English, French, and Italian. No very wonderful feat, it is true, for a clever child well-taught; but I was by no means a clever child; and no one except my father could teach me a single letter. When, after several years of wedlock, my parents found new joy in me, their bliss was soon overhung with care. They feared, but durst not own the fear, lest the wilful, passionate, loving creature, on whom their hearts were wholly set, should be torn from their love to a distance greater than the void of death; in a word, should prove insane. At length they could no longer hide this terror from each other. One look told it all; and I vaguely remember my hazy wonder at the scene that followed. Like a thief, I came from the corner behind the curtain-loops, and trembled at my father’s knee, for him to say something to me. Then frightened at his silence--a thing unknown to me--I pulled his hands from before his eyes, and found hot tears upon them. I coaxed him then, and petted him, and felt his sorrows through me; then made believe to scold him for being so naughty as to cry. But I could not get his trouble from him, and he seemed to watch me through his kisses.Before I had ceased to ponder dreamily over this great wonder, a vast event (for a child of seven) diverted me. Father, mother, and Tooty--for so I then was called--were drawn a long way by horses with yellow men upon them: from enlarged experience I infer that we must have posted to London. Here, among many marvels, I remember especially a long and mysterious interview with a kind, white-haired old gentleman, who wore most remarkable shoes. He took me upon his lap, which seemed to me rather a liberty; then he smoothed down my hair, and felt my head so much that I asked if he wanted to comb it, having made up my mind to kick if he dared to try such a thing. Then he put all sorts of baby questions to me which I was disposed to resent, having long discarded Cock Robin and Little Red-riding-hood. Unconsciously too, I was moved by Nature’s strong hate of examination. (Continued...) Views: 273
GOOD FRIDAY, 1612. Pendle Hill, Lancashire.
A mysterious gathering of thirteen people is interrupted by local magistrate, Roger Nowell. Is this a witches' Sabbat?
Two notorious Lancashire witches are already in Lancaster Castle waiting trial. Why is the beautiful and wealthy Alice Nutter defending them? And why is she among the group of thirteen on Pendle Hill?
Elsewhere, a starved, abused child lurks. And a Jesuit priest and former Gunpowder plotter, recently returned from France, is widely rumoured to be heading for Lancashire. But who will offer him sanctuary? And how quickly can he be caught?
This is the reign of James I, a Protestant King with an obsession: to rid his realm of twin evils, witchcraft and Catholicism, at any price... Views: 273
Leopold Classic Library is delighted to publish this classic book as part of our extensive collection. As part of our on-going commitment to delivering value to the reader, we have also provided you with a link to a website, where you may download a digital version of this work for free. Many of the books in our collection have been out of print for decades, and therefore have not been accessible to the general public. Whilst the books in this collection have not been hand curated, an aim of our publishing program is to facilitate rapid access to this vast reservoir of literature. As a result of this book being first published many decades ago, it may have occasional imperfections. These imperfections may include poor picture quality, blurred or missing text. While some of these imperfections may have appeared in the original work, others may have resulted from the scanning process that has been applied. However, our view is that this is a significant literary work, which deserves to be brought back into print after many decades. While some publishers have applied optical character recognition (OCR), this approach has its own drawbacks, which include formatting errors, misspelt words, or the presence of inappropriate characters. Our philosophy has been guided by a desire to provide the reader with an experience that is as close as possible to ownership of the original work. We hope that you will enjoy this wonderful classic book, and that the occasional imperfection that it might contain will not detract from the experience. Views: 273
“Say, girls, isn’t this the best thing ever?” Cora Kimball, the girl whose hand was on the wheel of the motor car as it sped swiftly along a sun-flecked country road, put the words in the form of a question, but they were really an exclamation drawn from her by sheer delight in living. She was gloriously indifferent as to an answer, but the answer came just the same from the two pretty girls who occupied the seat behind her. “It’s perfectly grand!” cried Belle Robinson, the more slender of the two, as she snuggled down still more luxuriously in the soft cushions of the automobile. “It seems to me yet as though it must be a dream,” declared her twin sister Bess, who was considerably larger than either of her companions. “Pinch me, somebody, so that I can be sure it’s real.” Views: 273
My name is Kelsey and I'm the last person in Kentsburg to know what happened before The Shock. They say everyone in this town has their own reasons for not wanting to leave. Mostly, it's just too scary to think about.Even if we could get back to civilization, none of us imagine it to be pretty. As for me, I don't have to imagine. I was in the city when it happened. I know we're going to die...My name is Kelsey and I'm the last person in Kentsburg to know anything about what happened before The Shock. On April 23rd, my cousin Janelle had picked me up for a weekend in Jackson, begging me to get out of that stupid hick town. I can't say I complained. We had gotten high up to our eyeballs that night. Everything was going as planned up until it happened...the thing we vowed never to talk about.No one anticipated how the world was going to change. I can't remember all the events leading up to it and in some ways, that's not important. But the fact remains. I know far more than I should, and I can't tell anyone. Either way, it wouldn't matter. Fire or ice? It seems the only one who can save us has chosen fire. I just don't have the heart to tell my friends, but I know the truth. I know we're all going to die out here, and there's no stopping it... Views: 273
Could it have been a strange coincidence or a magical matter of fate that allowed the final draft of Driftfeather on the Alaska Seas to be finished during the full solar eclipse of May 2012? For Mara Benson, interspersed among all the losses have been moments of brilliant awareness, yet until now, she has been comfortable—perhaps even secure—drifting in the wake of life's journey. Now, in the third book of the Feather series, Mara Benson will finally reach the ultimate future of her past. You've come to know her well. Destiny will now allow her to know herself. Join her in this modern day mystery as she expands her horizons, makes new liaisons, is tempered by fresh challenges, and emerges from the shadows of darkness into the nurturing warmth of the sun—all in this place named Alaska that they call the last frontier. Views: 272
There has only been three people in Jaxxon Carter's life who truly mattered to her. Her mum, who committed suicide. Her sister, who she hasn’t seen since her teens. And Connor McKenzie, who disappeared from her life the same day he left their foster home. The hardest part of that was that he never completely left her life because she was forever seeing him on T.V. or in magazines as a Formula One Driver. But Jaxxon refuses to live a ‘woe is me’ life, even in spite of living alone in her one-roomed flat and being expected to survive on a ridiculously low income. Then one night she is offered a modelling job and before she knows it she has been catapulted to the peak of success, gaining fame, fortune and security. Oh and a stalker.
Connor McKenzie is busy trying to shake off his crazy ex-girlfriend – another woman who thought she could get around his no marriage rule – when he sees Jaxxon on the cover of a magazine. Remembering how close they had once been, he’s shocked when she doesn’t respond to his attempts to contact her and then acts indifferently to him when they meet. But Connor can’t let it go. The only reason he had kept his hands off her ten years ago was that she had been younger than him. Now that they’re adults, he isn’t prepared to allow anything – not even Jaxxon – to stop him from having her.
Warning: This novel contains a bitchy female who curses like a sailor, a persistent alpha male who doesn’t understand the word ‘no’, and explicit hot sex in some very public places. Views: 272
The final book in The Ghost and the Goth Trilogy!
The Ghost
I’ve been trapped in the body of Lily “Ally” Turner for a month now. Talk about a fashion crisis on an epic scale. What worries me more, though, is sometimes I catch Will looking at me like he thinks I’m Lily...or that he wishes I were. Without the good looks of my former self, I don’t know who I am, or if who that is is good enough. I need out of this mess. Now.
Will and I have been looking for a solution, one that would separate me from Lily without killing her. But it’s not going well. Then, when it seems like things couldn’t get any worse, we run into Misty, my former best friend and boyfriend-stealer extraordinaire, who claims she’s being me. Seriously?
I’m determined to get to the bottom of who’s pretending to be the spirit of Alona Dare (while I’m pretending to be someone else) and then get the heck out of this body. Or die trying...
The Goth
I’ll admit it. It’s really weird to look at Alona but see Lily. I do know the difference, though, contrary to what Alona might be saying. And Alona is more than a pretty face to me, not that she would believe that.
Our one lead for some help in this messed up situation might be a page torn from the yellow pages-—the “Psychics” section-—I found in my dad’s stuff. One of the “fakes” seems a bit more real-—and odd-—than the others. Before I can investigate further, though, Alona is off and chasing a ghost that’s probably nothing more than a figment of Misty’s guilty imagination. Now Lily’s family is freaking out because she didn’t come home, my mom is ordering me to stay out of it, and something is definitely wrong with the person formerly known as Lily “Ally” Turner... Views: 272
twenty-five experimental poetryin broken English.Because every day,every hour that I scan your face,I feel the same act of life,the same imperceptible avalanche of emotions,that keeps the instantbefore the wave touches the sand.WITHOUT THE CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED two American federal government cabinet ministers join a secretive world-class alliance to create a global surveillance and online tracking system of sweeping control. But when a ubiquitous flash drive with shocking content falls into the hands of an intrepid journalist, a new threat emerges to release the story to an unwary world. When global cyber security is the prize in the race for our online future, can the defiance of two master operators backed by a clandestine global team outpace the vaunted skill of America's free press and an underground cyber defense team with their own agenda?Welcome to Washington, D.C., a city where life is a deal and secrecy is holding the cards. The Origin Point is a future tech cyber novella taking you into the untold plan to create the most intrusive global surveillance and online data system ever envisioned. This is the first prequel novella to the Life Online book series. Secretary of State Julia Davenport the electric diplomat with a global network made of unbendable steel, and Marco Manuel, the director of the almost unknown Federal Security Commission join Global Cyber Security to construct an international cyber operation uniting all surveillance, satellite images and everyone's online data into one controllable space. Taking full advantage of dysfunction in D.C. politics and a billionaire class awash with cash, they manipulate federal government departments, big business and global law enforcement into implementing their project. But a mysterious underground technologist named Apex has insight into their operations and her own plan for stopping the project designed to control everyone's identity. Using sophisticated tech skill, she launches a targeted investigation into the security operation, and sets up a galvanized global team set to risk their lives in a counter cyber attack. As GCS battles to accelerate its implementation timeline, and independent technologists mobilize to stop them, those caught in the middle debate the most decisive issues of our times: Do you want individual privacy or do you want global security? What is the responsibility of business to protect consumer data? What is the role of government in managing progress? Can we prevent the technology from taking control? From the law-making halls of D.C. to the free-wheeling tech economy in San Francisco, the forces making these decisions are already in the game and your life is in play. Learn who is bracing to advance and who is in retreat as the brightest minds lay the foundation for a future that may have already arrived. Start the Life Online book series with this novella about how today's national security operations become tomorrow's total control over you and everything you do. Meet the machine in the middle whose intelligence is all human beings can program at this moment, but not all the programming to come. The Life Online books are speculative science fiction thrillers for thinking people imagining the unintended consequences of our dependence on technology. Views: 272
A year ago, Donna lost a special man. Now his daughter, Kristen, needs her help. Kristen is getting married, but upsetting information casts doubt on her intended groom. Donna arrives in Flagstaff to find a fiasco of missing money and messy books. As if that weren’t complicated enough, she finds herself attracted to the groom’s uncle. Can she save the wedding with her own heart intact?A year ago, Donna lost a special man. Now his daughter, Kristen, needs her help. Kristen is getting married, but upsetting information casts doubt on her intended groom. She hires Donna to investigate.Donna arrives in Flagstaff to find a fiasco of missing money and messy books. As if that weren’t complicated enough, she finds herself attracted to the groom’s uncle. Throw in a sweet old dog and a pushy wedding planner, and Donna has her hands full. Can she clear Kristen’s fiancé and save the wedding with her own heart intact? Views: 272
On discovering her father has lied to her, a princess decides she will use her royal education to take charge of her own life.‘My father paid dearly for my education. He will pay yet more…’Some might say that a princess always has an easy life. But what value is an easy life if the price is freedom? Princess Zahrah takes the weapons she has - her intelligence, her education and her beauty - to embrace her own destiny. Views: 272