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Inchbracken: The Story of a Fama Clamosa

This collection of literature attempts to compile many of the classic works that have stood the test of time and offer them at a reduced, affordable price, in an attractive volume so that everyone can enjoy them.
Views: 296

The Affair at the Semiramis Hotel

BOOK 2 IN THE INSPECTOR HANAUD SERIES, in which we again join Ricardo and Hanaud, this time in an ambiguous situation. A young, wealthy vagabond English man, Calladine, whom Ricardo knew before, hastily comes to Ricardo\'s London home in the morning, while Hanaud happens to be visiting. Calladine, very agitated, still dressed formally as for an evening ball, tells his disturbing story-- He had gone to a costume party that night in a hotel ballroom, met a beautiful young woman, Joan Carew, with whom he danced, dined, and talked. "She was young, fair, rather tall, slim, and very pretty; her hair was drawn back from her face with a ribbon, and rippled down her shoulders in heavy curls; and she was dressed in a satin coat and knee-breeches of pale green and gold, with a white waistcoat and silk stockings and scarlet heels to her satin shoes. She was as straight-limbed as a boy, and exquisite like a figure in Dresden china." While dancing, Joan\'s eyes fixed upon a stout costumed lady, obviously wealthy. Calladine was puzzled, but didn\'t ask why the fascination with that woman. Joan and Calladine leave the party and Joan runs off at 1:30am. A few hours later, Joan appears at Calladine\'s apartment door, very distressed. He lets her in. She tells her story about being obsessed with the pearls the lady wore; about finding the lady\'s dropped key to her hotel suite; about sneaking into the room at night to steal the pearls but being surprised by other thieves already in the dark room, who grabbed her and tied her as she fell unconscious; about awakening in the early morning and finding herself untied, on the couch, with the wealthy lady motionless in bed, apparently dead; then fleeing, seeking Calladine\'s help. Ricardo and Hanaud accompany Calladine to his home. While Calladine showers, Hanaud finds hidden beans of mescal, a hallucinogenic plant. On the mantle, there is a porcelain figurine of a woman looking exactly as Calladine described Joan. Hanaud\'s astute mind wonders, was Calladine\'s story truth or a fantasy imagined in a vivid mescaline dream? He and Ricardo then endeavor to solve this mystery.
Views: 296

Real Ponies Don't Go Oink!

Bestsellers by America's favorite humorist:A Fine And Pleasant MiseryThey Shoot Canoes, Don't They?Never Sniff A Gift FishThe Grasshopper TrapRubber Legs And White Tail-hairsThe Night The Bear Ate GoombawWhatchagot Stew (with Patricia "The Troll" McManus Gass)Real Ponies Don't Go Oink!The Good Samaritan Strikes AgainHow I Got This WayThese titles are available from Henry Holt and Company.
Views: 295

Gift of Green Fire and Other Strange Encounters

Earth has been ravaged by some catastrophe. But strange happenings and communities are emerging in these three tales - Gift of Green Fire, The Water Watchers and The Sun Steps of Shunai. People have fled, been overwhelmed or are reappearing bizarrely transformed. What future will unfold? These are ventures into fantasy, but also food for thought.Gift of Green Fire and Other Strange Encounters are futuristic fantasies after some cataclysm on Earth has caused chaos.In Gift of Green Fire, inspired by a notion of the late astronomer Carl Sagan, scientists settle on Khaeros, a comet with a city built in the ice and the seeds of extraordinary trees, engineered on earth planted in the snow!Simultaneously, on Khaeros, there is a megalomaniac scientist breeding a subservient yet telepathic race of beings who will help him dominate the comet and beyond. And there is another perverted scientist on Earth with similar aims and the idea of combining the qualities of man with those of trees!Meanwhile, how will Hal, the son of one of the scientists on Khaeros, who was accidentally left behind on Earth, survive?The trees on Khaeros, unable to control their roots through lack of gravity, run riot, while others, whose seeds escaped on Earth, prove more promising. With the rogue scientists overcome, can man's relationship with nature be restored?In The Water Watchers, Earth is magically transformed after some disaster affects the elements of water, fire, air and earth. The narrator is a bewildered survivor who wanders through the new world meeting the beings who have emerged from the upheaval and uncannily absorbed aspects of each element.The theme of the story is fear, from within and without. Why, for instance, are the people afraid to look at water? And there are refugees from earth attempting to live on another planet, who directly affect what happens on Earth. How can equilibrium be established?In The Sun Steps of Shunai, another world emerges from catastrophe - possibly a nuclear explosion. The people have uncanny intimations of what happened but wear masks for fear of what they will see in each other's eyes. They suffer the outlandishness of Shunai, an ardent worshipper of the sun as it reappears from within a pall of cloud. Balancing his delusions of grandeur is the newly sprung tree of regeneration, which some venerate and sense holds the key to survival. And there are centaurs!Man and beast are destined to merge. Will the tyranny of Shunai be averted?
Views: 295

The Great Airship: A Tale of Adventure.

The Fame of the Zeppelin THERE are exceptions, we suppose, to almost every rule, and this particular Friday towards the end of June was such an exception. It was fine. Not a cloud flecked the sun-lit sky. A glorious blue expanse hung over a sea almost as blue, but crisscrossed in all directions by the curling white tops of tiny wavelets, all that remained to remind one of the atrocious weather which had prevailed. For theN orthS ea, Europe, Great Britain, everywhere in fact, had been treated to a succession of violent gales, to a continuous deluge of rain, to bitter hail, and squalls of snow in some parts. And here and now, off the mouth of the river Elbe the sun shone, the sky was a delight, a balmy breeze fanned the cheeks of the passengers crowding the decks of the HamburgA merika liner. What a change! I began to wonder whether there was such a season as summer.(Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don\'t occur in the book.)About the Publisher Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology.Forgotten Books\' Classic Reprint Series utilizes the latest technology to regenerate facsimiles of historically important writings. Careful attention has been made to accurately preserve the original format of each page whilst digitally enhancing the aged text. Read books online for free at www.forgottenbooks.org
Views: 295


A short, inspirational story, of Peruvian Condors and a young man's journey towards maturity and happiness.Jackson never thought buying a yacht could be so dangerous. A deadly attack at sea leaves Jackson wet and bewildered, fighting for his life.
Views: 295

Vessels of Existence

A woman wakes up in a concrete cell with no recollection of how she got there. She has a bed and a toilet. The man in the cell next to her has been there for three months and his time is running out. Will she be able to remember her past? Will she be able to escape? Or will her time run out first?A gripping and tense short story that will keep you glued to the story until the very last word.While handling my laptop and computer every day, I have grown accustomed to sitting in front of it with a cup of strong coffee, as I wait for it to start up, then to load up applications and finally load the internet. The situation did not get any better, as I have to regularly download stuff from internet and already wasted a lot of money paying so called computer professionals who have been giving me false promises. Sometime or the other, even you must have come across something similar.I have made a list of the most easily performing tasks to remove the problem of slowness from my computer. And with this ebook, you can also say goodbye to the slow computer problem once and for all… Not just blunt instructions: I have combined it with proper guidance so that the most computer illiterate person can handle the daily issues with their computer. With a dedicated section for Windows 7 users and a list of the most efficient freeware available in the market, you can also become like me… self-dependant: "Computeristically"!
Views: 295

Lord Montagu's Page: An Historical Romance

G.P.R. James was a 19th century British novelist who wrote a number of popular works in his time. Some of his works, particularly romances, are still read today.
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Gothic Angel

A young man is summoned to a remote location for a midnight rendezvous with his lover, but is not certain if she will come.A young man is summoned to a remote location by his lover for a midnight rendezvous, but he harbors doubt that she will meet him and soothe his tortured and embattled heart. As the hours of darkness draws on, he loses faith and turns to drinking, only to have a surprise by the close of the night.
Views: 295

Finding The Fiddle Family's Feline--or--The Case of Forgotten Freddy

Jubilee Kincaid age 10,owns her "All Things Kid Detective Agency." She will go anywhere to help rescue kids' best friends--their pets. Now she is off to Alaska, to find a potentially frostbitten feline named Freddy who is famished and forlorn. Follow Jubilee as she flies to Elfin Cove in a float plane and meets fascinating characters who are fakers, fiends and friends.Using current day electronic "tech support" Jubilee is undeterred in her mission to rescue kids' pets. As the only child of a hard working mother, she is quite aware that although uncomfortable in not being totally honest with her mother ("it's never good to tell a lie--you just end up telling more lies"), she also doesn't want to worry her mother, and so she manages her business without her mother's awareness. Jubilee's ability to fly to far away places on a long weekend overnight (at least that's what she tells her mother), allows her to rescue pets far from her home. Jubilee Kincaid mysteries are written using alliteration, meaning that the same letter is used in a string of words. This is a playful device to engage the struggling reader, or to help increase vocabulary, or to just plain make words an addictive process that we all enjoy. Jubilee also gives the reader a greater understanding of geography and cultures. Watch for Jubilee's next story as she reports on a Pesky, Partying Parrot in Perth.
Views: 295

Let the Buds Bloom

Children should be given an opportunity to bloom to their fullest without the worms of hatred and distrust eating away the petals of happiness in the little buds. Unfortunately, ADHD, ADD, dyslexia and dyscalculia were unheard of many years back. Such kids were considered lazy and beaten up by parents and teachers alike. An extreme reaction to this situation—the suicide pact— burns their souls.Back home after an eventful day, I watched my thirteen year old daughter’s face as she read the newspaper. Her anguish said the news was about something that tugged at her heart. She motioned her brother to read the news with her. His face too reflected the same distress. She exclaimed with pain in her voice, “Why can’t they just let the kids live? They will somehow grow up.”I immediately understood what they were reading—the suicide pact—the bane of our society!Each child is unique. Children see the world through their own innocent eyes. Nothing is more precious than their innocence. They should be given an opportunity to bloom to their fullest without the worms of hatred and distrust eating away the petals of happiness in the little buds. Unfortunately, ADHD, ADD, dyslexia and dyscalculia were unheard of many years back. Such kids were considered lazy and beaten up by parents and teachers alike. Unfortunately, in India parents consider education as the only way to excel in life. This is especially so if the parent is a teacher. The sadness in their lives is doubled as they are unable to accept the fact that their children are different. This kind of a situation has an adverse impact on these child and also their siblings. An extreme reaction to this situation—the suicide pact— burns the souls of hapless children even if they survive it…
Views: 295