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The Royal Wedding from Hell

Relive the Royal Wedding of Kate and Wills, but this time, with demons, swordfights and car chases. All of the romance, all of the pageantry, all of the flesh hungry beasts of the abyss. Join Kate, Wills, Harry and Pippa as they take on ancient forces of darkness, hordes of monsters and a plethora of possessed celebrities. It's the Royal Wedding from Hell!The greatest show of British pageantry is about to take place. Wills and Kate are getting married, and two billion people will be celebrating.And an ancient evil is rising...It is 2011. The world is in the grip of the worst global economic meltdown since the 1930s. Millions have lost their jobs and struggle to make ends meet.Goddamnit, the world needs a party.And as luck would have it, there’s a big one coming.On Friday, April 29th, Prince William, eldest son of Prince Charles and Princess Diana and second in line to the British throne, will get married to his long-standing girlfriend, Kate Middleton.Two million people will line the streets of London to celebrate.3900 guests including heads of state, celebrities and charity workers, will pack Westminster Abbey for the service.An estimated two billion people will watch the wedding worldwide.A security operation, costing 10 million pounds, will be in place because nothing, repeat nothing, is going to go wrong.But the forces of evil plan to turn the wedding into a bloodbath of untold carnage.And only Harry and Pippa, and Wills and Kate can stand in it's way.All the pageantry, all the romance, all the flesh-hungry beasts of the abyss.It's The Royal Wedding from Hell.
Views: 316

Once Upon Another World

Once upon a time in a very ordinary place, there was an ordinary man with an ordinary life. At least that is what Mr. Sinclair wanted to believe to be true, until a little bit of the extraordinary touches his life and it will shatter his view of reality. When the destiny he knew nothing about catches up with him, nothing will ever be the same again. The question is, will he be able to survive it.~* Book One of the Salak'patan Series *~'Truth is stranger than fiction', these words are an axiom on which a great many things may pivot. For Raven Sinclair these words have long since become a credo, a principle philosophy by which he has lived much of his life. As a creator of fiction, it might seem to some that these words would fade when faced with the realities he creates in his novels. But the Truth of his own reality is in fact stranger than the fiction he creates. Gifted with more than five senses, an outcast by choice, and someone compelled by a driving force he does not understand, Raven's truth is about to become a great deal more like the fiction he has created.A single decision leads to events he could never have predicted and shoves him into motion down a path that he has unknowingly been following even before he was born. And it leads him to the last thing he could have expected, the long awaited love of his life. He finds her in the very last place he might have thought to look, as part of a government conspiracy to capture and control people just like him. All too soon he must confront a government that wants nothing more than to make him a toy soldier, a past he knew nothing about, a reality far bigger than he could ever imagine, and forces that will alter him and the way he looks at the world around him forever.And even though for a time his changed life becomes quiet once more the forces of destiny are still guiding him along a path that leads right into the darkness. An ancient evil has been stirred up from the forgotten worlds and cosmic dust to strike at the very heart of his world, and it is not in his destined path to run from it.
Views: 316


Martine Carter has the perfect life. She is a Junior Professor in the Foreign Language Dept. of a community college. She has a loving husband and two daughters who are a handful but the loves of her life, but Martine has a secret. A secret from her past has come looking for her and she now has to figure out how to make him a part of her life.Olivia’s best friend is not imaginary. He’s not a ghost, either. And she’s pretty sure he’s not a hallucination. He’s just Mason. He is, however, invisible. When Olivia spotted the crying little boy on her front porch at five years old, she had no idea she was the only one who could see him. Twelve years later when new-girl Robin bumps into the both of them and introduces herself to Mason, they are both stunned. Mason couldn’t be more pleased that someone else can see him. Olivia, on the other hand, isn’t jumping at the chance to welcome Robin into their circle. Jealousy may have something to do with that, but honest fear that Robin’s presence will put Mason in danger is soon validated when a strange black car shows up outside Olivia’s house. The race to find out what Robin knows in time to protect Mason from whatever threats are coming becomes Olivia’s only focus.
Views: 316

The Last Daishen

In a distant future where the Deepest Wards have failed and the Ancient Enemy returned to rain destruction on the world, the last champion of the Wards continues to fight.Kali Daishen is only sixteen years old...950 words. When a young girl gets transported to the future, she becomes single-handly responsible for a plague that could wipe out Earth's population.Written by Stephanie Flint (formerly published under her maiden name, Stephanie Bibb).
Views: 316

The Dragon's Egg

When the Paisley Dragon lays an egg, everyone is surprised.2nd October, 2019 is the target date for making India open defecation free (ODF). All the stakeholders are taking all necessary steps to achieve this particular goal without any dilution. I also whole heartedly involved myself in this noble cause and as a part of my duties, I have to go to different places to know about the ground reality of the progress in the direction of declaring entire country ODF. Without saying, it is the greatest success story of modern India. But always there is a funny side of any serious story. Here I want to tell you some of imaginary stories, not necessarily related with the implementation of the present scheme. The characters described in the stories are fictitious and are not real. If any resemblance of any character is observed, it is mere coincidence only.
Views: 316

The Tell-Tale House of Usher

Madeleine and Roderick Usher escaped the mind of Edgar Allan Poe only to die by his pen before their true natures could be known. The memoir of their childhood friend Edmund Highgate at last spills their secrets and once spilt, they will seep into the darkest cavities of your brain, into the bloodiest ventricles of your heart.The Tell-Tale House of Usher takes Edgar Allan Poe's characters Roderick and Madeleine Usher and roots them firmly in a place, Boston and a time, the 1840's, when violence and radical social and religious movements were expanding the borders of the United States both physically and meta-physically. This was the age of the great American meta-physicists: Poe, Thoreau, Emerson, Melville – none of these could rival the Ushers with their insights into the deep unknown and their uncanny abilities that defied human understanding. Condemned by familial curse, they were preyed upon by every manifestation of evil; by otherworldly beings who regard human kind as nothing but open wounds that facilitate passage from one world to another.The Ushers were a triumvirate – brother, sister and Usher House itself, a sentient heap of construction whose fabric was the same as any other building but it was animate. It was made of brick but the brick was mortared with malevolence. It was framed with wood whose fibers had sipped poison from stagnant pools. Iron held its doors and windows but the strap-work clung to them like smothering vines that bore fruits of corrosion and the dead weight of the manor’s stones mingled with the rotted corpses of Usher ancestors forming the foundation and the crypt one in the other, running like roots deep into the brimstone of Hell.In these tales, through their adventures and tribulations, the Ushers come into contact with every character and situation that issued forth from the mind of Poe and they share byways with the man himself. The role of narrator is taken by their childhood friend, Edmund Highgate, a master of architectural memory and practice, of spaces without and within the mind. And when Roderick and Madeleine die, and die they must as preordained by their creator, are they truly dead? Or has Edmund unwittingly imprisoned them in his mind among the warehouses and palaces of his memories?This volume of the series contains an introduction to the Usher world and a recounting of the strange story of an Egyptian after-life that looks nothing like the hopeful scenes one might find on the walls of a tomb. Hatotep, a character as sensational as any to be found in a penny dreadful, was a gentleman of the Middle Kingdom who, after three thousand years, could still enjoy life's small, sensual pleasures. He had a taste for beer and a dry wit but tragedy had marked him; in his own words he provides a sounding of the depths of his soul when he relates a tale of brutal slaughter and the horrible revenge he wreaks on the murderers.
Views: 316

As In Love As Never Before

Not every one in this world gets loved back by the same person they love. What if the one whom we are loving doesn't reciprocate the love? Shall we leave the life or stuck to drugs in order to forget their saturated thoughts...Anyway I couldn't do that because when I started Loving her, I started Loving my life too...In the middle of everyone's tale of life contains a page, which is already written by some. After reading that page few lucky ones gets the same person to write the left out pages. Few completes their tale with some other, while others leaves their tale unfinished. I never guess how she happened to me?...Though i never touched her, kissed her cheeks and held her arms, I felt has as my beloved. In my college I met another loving soul who loves his girl deeply. But as like every story, fate plays a major role my tale too got twisted...At last what happened in our own tale..."AS IN LOVE AS NEVER BEFORE" Not every one in this world gets loved back by the same person they love. What if the one whom we are loving doesn't reciprocate the love? Shall we leave the life or stuck to drugs in order to forget their saturated thoughts...Anyway I couldn't do that because when I started Loving her, I started Loving my life too...
Views: 316

Cyber Kittens and Cowboys

Crime drama...Cyber kitten, 20 year old Pamela is newest Retreiver for FBI Cyber Crimes unit in Birmingham, Alabama. When her boss orders her to hack the CIA website, Pamela obeys, then flees for her very life as Cyber cowboy, 25 year old Preston tracks her down worried about his girlfriend's safety and intention.
Views: 316

Nephilim Wars

Fifth book in series of five: A novel about planet earth years after the rapture during the 1,000 year reign of peace. This is a fascinating look how two light nephilims, Day and Star, try to stop a great dark nephilim plot. this plot is an attempt to kill Jesus in Jerusalem and set Apollyon and his dark angels free from the abyss of the Fernandilian volcano.Fifth book in series of five: A novel about planet earth years after the rapture during the 1,000 year reign of peace. This is a fascinating look how two light nephilims, Day and Star, try to stop a great dark nephilim plot. this plot is an attempt to kill Jesus in Jerusalem and set Apollyon and his dark angels free from the abyss of the Fernandilian volcano. it is a story how day and star uncover their newly discovered supernatural abilities and use them to outwit the dark forces with the help of the angels, especially Caleb, their own angelic father. Sometimes referred to as Christian fantasy.
Views: 316

The Sucker

One damn girl after another... Girls of every size, shape, and style - these were Slade Harper’s stock in trade. Like Cleo, still a child, whose bed and body he had won in a crap game. And glamorous Ruth Talley, with whom he conspired by day and perspired by night. And Marie, of the crippled thighs - twisted Doris Barker, the pseudo-Lesbian - lovely Beth, the professional, whose money went into Slade’s pocket... Girls - lovely girls - each victimized by Slade because of what a woman had once done to him. He treated them as flesh to be enjoyed, beaten, exploited... he used and abused them for a pack of fools. Yet freakish fate, and his own desires, at last gave them a chance to teach him that the real sucker was Slade Harper himself!**
Views: 316

With and Without Class

Short stories blending science fiction, fantasy and satire. Fourteen stories that refuse to be pigeon-holed. From the edges of the known universe, to the microscopic limits of a petri dish, to a yuppie's post-apocalyptic bachelor pad, be prepared to imagine new worlds and new ideas.Perfect for the zombie-clown-loving, giant albino spider and deranged-junkie enthusiast!Short stories blending science fiction, fantasy and satire. Fourteen stories that refuse to be pigeon-holed. From the edges of the known universe, to the microscopic limits of a petri dish, to a yuppie's post-apocalyptic bachelor pad, be prepared to imagine new worlds and new ideas.S H O R T S T O R I E SH o r r o rAn Anniversary Concession* White Daddies | Zombie Clown WesternS c i e n c e F i c t i o nFast Amnesia | Talent Police | EmbarkmentPerfection of the Mind** | Electric Comedian | Daughter ThievesThe Heat | A Blind Date for BonkersF a n t a s yThe Natural Celebrity | Soulmate DivorceThe Magic-Fiver*first published in Out of the Gutter: The Hard Times Issue**first published in Escape Velocity: The Anthology
Views: 315


Only beloved author Christina Dodd could bring you the explosive paranormal excitement of the Chosen Ones combined with Aleksandr Wilder's story ... and redemption... As a young man, Aleksandr Wilder abandoned his duty--and for that lapse, he was tortured, tormented ... and transformed. Now he prowls the tunnels beneath the city, fighting on the frontline against the forces of hell, never daring to dream that he can live as a man again. After seven years fighting the world's ultimate evil, Chosen One Charisma Fangorn has become a tough, strong warrior without illusions or joy...even her gift of hearing the earthsong has faded. Deaf to her own instincts, she never suspects that a monster lurks in the dark underneath the streets. When Aleksandr finds Charisma under attack, he rescues and cares for her, and hope stirs once more in his heart...and in the world. But in the secret recesses of his soul, he knows the truth. A woman so exceptional could never love a beast...could she?
Views: 315

Leslie and the Lion

When Leslie and her friends encounter a mountain lion during a trail ride on their horses, they run for their lives. Unfortunately, they soon find themselves hopelessly lost--and getting more lost with every turn. Can they find their way out of the woods and back to Green Meadow before it gets dark or the mountain lion comes back?Billy and Susan loved to hear their father read stories to them every night at bedtime. Susan told her brother Billy that the stories were for little kids. Susan said, "Billy I love dad, but I wish he would read scary stories to us instead of stories like Peter Pan and Alice and Wonderland. They were ok when we were younger, but we are so much older now." "I feel the same way. I like it when mother and father go out to dinner at night so we can watch scary movies together, "replied Billy."Next time we spend the night with grandma, maybe we can sneak out of bed and see if she has any old creepy books in her attic. If she does we can give them to our father to read to us instead of those boring stories he's been reading over and over for the past several years!" exclaimed Susan. "Tonight we'll ask him if he'll let us spend the night at grandma's house this weekend. I'm sure he'll say yes," said Billy.Night finally arrived. Billy and Susan asked their father if they could spend the night with their grandma tomorrow. Their father said, "I don't see why that would be a problem because your mother and I were planning a weekend trip." Billy and Susan would find their scary book they had been hoping for, but this book should have been left in the attic where it belongs untouched in the trunk where they found it.
Views: 315