Tragedy strikes top-rated TV show "Symphonic Idol" when one of the musical judges is found dead onstage, and everyone's a suspect in this classical twist on the detective story...It all begins in a contemporary setting, a political retreat on the remote Cumberland Island in southeast Georgia. The president and the presidential candidate, find themselves lost and alone together, during a year when the planets are aligned in a rare 'Cosmic Singularity'...within the newly relabeled Bermuda Quadrangle. Like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, the two are whisked away unharmed by a tornado, to another place, to another dimension, to another existence where primitive cultures live. BamaOay is recognized by one faction of primitives as their leader. His mission: to unite and defeat the demons he calls "The Tea Baggers."Warning: This novel will be too provocative for most overly sensitive, PC-embracing readers. If you happen to be part of a PC police squad for your neighborhood, I would suggest you stop here, and move on... Views: 383
Let the Spirit live inside you!Are you hungry for an encounter with Jesus? Do you want to make an impact on the world?In this power-packed book, Bill Johnson discusses how you can be a person who hosts the Presence of God. Though all believers obviously have the Spirit of God within them, there is more that enables you to be so full that you overflow His Spirit into your world. Take a journey and meet many great prophets and kings from the Old Testament who were known as people of the Presence—people who, in Johnson’s words, “God wanted to be with.” In this succinct and powerful book, Johnson encourages you toward a pursuit of the Presence of God above all else.In this book, you will discover:How to pay attention to the Holy Spirit and respond to Him.How the Holy Spirit manifests Himself.Biblical figures who were hungry for more of God’s Spirit and learned to host Him.Stories of Presence-filled revivalists and personal encounters with the Presence!Bill Johnson writes: “We are enabled to partner with the Kingdom of Heaven and see it released here on earth! The Presence of God within us will bring reformation to the world around us—encountering a loving God!”Host more of Him today!** Views: 383
Life doesn't stop being complicated just because you're dead.In the old days, vampires were sexy, ruthless, and evil. They could, and would, compel the living to do whatever they wanted. They owned the night. Unfortunately, being undead in modern times has unexpected and disturbing challenges.Now nine authors take an amused, and sometimes grim look at the problems some vampires face in the twenty-first century. In Thin White Duke in Sneakers, a newly turned environmental activist and confirmed vegan has some serious issues with his politically incorrect vampire diet. Family life is disrupted in Uncle Dmitri when the police suddenly want to know what kindly Uncle Dmitri might be doing at night besides driving a cab. A young artist in Take My Breath Away desperately seeks a real vampire to turn her into an immortal only to discover she will still need to get a job to pay her rent. In The Face on the Coin, unlife is complicated... Views: 382
In this short story, an archaeologist finds the greatest violin ever built - then she crosses paths with the greatest violinist of all time. Will she give her soul to him in exchange for his talent?Charlotte is brilliant for her teenage years but her intellect doesn't serve her well. She's too smart for her own good and strikes out to live alone in a large metropolitan area. Success is fleeting and life isn't what she anticipates when she ends up homeless and living in the streets. Winter is coming and she struggles with forming trustworthy relationships. She does her best to do more than just survive, although her pride prevents her from doing little else. Views: 382
In English eBook now for the first time – the 47-volume series The Legend of the Ice People has already captivated 29 million readers across Europe.Summer 1586: Silje, the courageous sixteen-year-old peasant girl orphaned by the Trondheim plague in the opening Ice People Novel, Spellbound, has just come of age in this sequel Witch-hunt. Having fled for her life with her adored 'wolf-man' Tengel and two children she rescued from the plague, she is struggling at 21 to come to terms with the harchness of life among witches and warlocks in the high mountain valley of the mysterious Ice People.Silje has bravely borne Tengel their first child, a daughter Liv. But their life of austere poverty is shattered when savage, witch-hunting troops invade the remote valley to slaughter all its feared inhabitants. Warned in time, Silje, Tengel and the three children flee from the carnage to the lowlands ... But are they unknowingly carrying with them to the rest of Europe... Views: 382
Meet the woman who works with the U.S. Army by day and strikes out at night on her own as the vigilante "Souverain"! In this short story, Souverain is based in Baghdad in 2009, dealing with a young Iraqi teen with a serious case of hero worship - and a new wave of suicide bombers!Originally appeared in "Souverain" #1 from Earthbound Comics.A burned out drunk on the verge of death is saved by an alien scientist who wishes to use him as a host to study the human race. He is given a new body with enhancements with such features as telescopic, microscopic, infrared, and x-ray vision. His new improved brain allows him to invent new products and write computer programs which make him very wealthy. The alien helps him transform his body and assume a new identity and live out his dream of being a singer and attracting females to his private fan club,His new life doesn't not go unnoticed. A female journalist investigates rumors that he is using his fan club as sex slaves. Also, a detective comes to investigate his possible involvement in the murder of his former self. The detective brings a black cocaine whore to keep him company while he does his investigation.Once he has learned to use his new enhancements, the alien adds a Time/Transport Bubble to his body. To familiarize himself with the abilities of this amazing device, he does a few test trips in current time and in the not too distant past. For example, he travels to North Korea to steal the virginity of the dictator's new bride and wreck his new weapon of mass destruction. He also uses his abilities to save a famous woman who was unfairly accused of being a spy during World War 1. These are only two of the many adventures the new time traveler experiences. Views: 382
Rel's actions on arrival in Vessit landed him in prison. Dora must deal with the fallout from his arrest while suffering the uncontrollable, chaotic effects of her Second Gift.When one of Vessit's Gifted becomes stranded in the Second Realm, Dora takes the opportunity to leave her problems behind and help with the rescue. But nothing is ever so simple in the Second Realm.Eric Peterson lost his father 2 years ago.Everyone said it had been a freak lightning storm, but Eric wasn't sure, as he was still being haunted by the nightmares.He could clearly see the hooded figures, the syringe, the bright blue liquid being forced into his fathers neck.With the help of his best friend, Tom, he is determined to find the truth.Yet it will cost him more than he could have ever bargained. Views: 382
These stories are fiction. I do have a granddaughter named Emily who inspired them and if there were a young girl with super powers, it would be Emily. Just the name exudes power.You don’t have to be eight-years-old to enjoy a book about an eight-year-old. Parents, aunts, uncles, everyone, dig in and enjoy these adventures. If you and your Emily enjoy them at the same time so much the better.The following stories are fiction. I do have a grand daughter named Emily who inspired these stories while visiting one summer. But, there is no real Emily with super powers except in the minds of Grandparents everywhere.If there were a young girl with super powers, it would be Emily. Just the name exudes power.I invite you to sit back, suspend reality for a few moments and enter the life of an eight-year-old super hero:Super Emily.You don’t have to be eight-years-old to take pleasure in a book about an eight-year-old. Parents, aunts, uncles, everyone, dig in and enjoy these adventures. If you and your Emily enjoy them at the same time—you reading to her, her reading to you—so much the better.Start reading. Views: 382
The new vegetable-loving sheriff of Broken Jaw Junction outwits outlaws, bank robbers and cattle rustlers--using just a few carrot sticks and celery! But one day, he meets an unexpected and unbeatable foe ...In the year 1885, the sleepy little Nevada town of Broken Jaw Junction is a quiet place--until Old Jake finds gold!Suddenly the town is overrun by outlaws, galoots and trouble makers of all kinds, and there doesn't seem to be a sheriff in the old west who can stop them.That is, until vegetable-loving 'Itchy Mitch' Gardener arrives. He looks like a harmless West Virginia farm boy who would rather just plant tomatoes and hoe weeds than fight outlaws. But somehow he manages to stop quick draws, bank robbers, cattle thieves, claim jumpers and bullies. And he does it all with just a few carrot sticks and celery!It looks like Sheriff Mitch is unstoppable and that law and order and vegetable salad have come to Broken Jaw Junction to stay. But even Itchy Mitch isn't invincible, and one day he meets his match in a most unexpected foe ... Views: 382
When two brothers go partying while on their spring break, alcohol and a smug attitude lands one of them in jail. After a comical night filled with hilarious predicaments, the jailed brother must face his greatest fear: a confrontation with his father.Reza finds the afterlife isn’t all he thought it was supposed to be. As he watches the world continue on without him, he discovers his longtime girlfriend had been cheating on him. Unfortunately he’s dead. Then an odd ally tells him there is a secret way back to the world of the living. Now Reza can get his revenge, that is, if he can pass three unusual tests.It's the third story I released to the public back in November of 2011. If you enjoy this story, check out my others. If you really loved it, look into my first novel, Void Star. Thank you so much for reading and supporting indie authors!-J.P. Views: 382
A moving story that redefines the meaning of family, friendship, and success among a group of first-generation Indian immigrants.When Vikram invites three of his college friends to his son's graduation from MIT, they accept out of obligation and curiosity, viewing the party as a twenty-fifth reunion of sorts. Village genius Vikram, now the founder of a lucrative computer company, is having the party against his son's wishes. Frances and Jay regret accepting: Frances, a real estate agent, hasn't sold a house in a year; Jay's middle management job isn't brag worthy; and their daughter is failing the eleventh grade. Lali plans to hide the fact that her once-happy marriage is crumbling because her American husband is discovering his Jewish roots. Each had left UCLA expecting to be successful and have even more successful children. At Vikram's Newport Beach mansion, the showmanship they anticipate dissolves as each is forced to deal with his or her own problems. The follow-up to... Views: 382
Unraveling Trauma in the Body, Brain and Mind--a Revolution in TreatmentIn this culmination of his life's work, Peter A. Levine draws on his broad experience as a clinician, a student of comparative brain research, a stress scientist and a keen observer of the naturalistic animal world to explain the nature and transformation of trauma in the body, brain and psyche. In an Unspoken Voice is based on the idea that trauma is neither a disease nor a disorder, but rather an injury caused by fright, helplessness and loss that can be healed by engaging our innate capacity to self-regulate high states of arousal and intense emotions. Enriched with a coherent theoretical framework and compelling case examples, the book elegantly blends the latest findings in biology, neuroscience and body-oriented psychotherapy to show that when we bring together animal instinct and reason, we can become more whole human beings. Views: 382