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Why Not Tonight?

If there hadn't been a 24-hour blackout… Mallory never would have had the nerve to seduce her photographer, and first love, Adam. Sure, she knew she was on the rebound, but it was for only one night. And for Mallory, that was going to have to be enough… Adam never would have believed he'd end up in Mallory's bed-just days after taking her boudoir photos for another man! But he was definitely enjoying their sensual reminiscing… Unfortunately, the timing was all wrong-he was leaving the country next week. Still, he couldn't say no to her tonight… They never would have experienced the best sex of their lives! But then again, chemistry had never been their problem. After all, there was more to life than just good sex. Wasn't there?
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Au pays des ombres

SUMMARY: Pour se sortir du pays des ombres, Vincent Brémont surmontera-t-il toutes les épreuves, pour affronter la vérité en pleine lumière ?
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The Hittite

Lukka, a Hittite warrior, returns to the Hittite capital city to find it engulfed in civil war, his father murdered, and his wife and two young sons taken away by slavers. Along with a small cadre of soldiers under his command, Lukka launches an epic search for his family, which leads him to the gates of Troy as it is beseiged by the army of Agamemnon. Bova then proceeds to an original retelling of the final stages of the legendary Trojan War. In this account, Lukka serves as a literary mirror, revealing the personalities of some well-known characters, with a few surprising results. Odysseus, predictably, is practical, crafty, and a natural survivor in treacherous waters. Achilles is a born killer, but he is shown as short and ugly, and his death is decidedly unheroic. Helen is, of course, the babe of all babes, but she is also petty and whiny.
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In Defence of Dogs

A dog is not for Christmas. This is.John Bradshaw, one of the world's leading dog experts, brings us a compelling insight into what dogs would ask us for, if only they knew how.The dog has been mankind's faithful companion for tens of thousands of years, yet today finds itself in crisis throughout the western world. Until just over a hundred years ago, most dogs worked for their living, and each of the many breeds had become well suited, over countless generations, to the task for which they were bred. Now, in their purely domestic roles we fail to understand their needs. And it is time that someone stood up for dogdom: not the caricature of the wolf in a dog suit, ready to dominate its unsuspecting owner at the first sign of weakness, not the trophy animal that collects rosettes and kudos for its breeder, but the real dog, the pet that just wants to be one of the family and enjoy life. Biologists now know far more about what really makes dogs tick than they did twenty...
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Follow the Elephant

What thirteen-year-old boy wants to travel on a hopeless quest to India with his grandmother? Not Ben Leeson, whose anger about his father's recent death has led him to escape into the isolated world of computer games. India is the last place Ben ever thought of visiting and his grandmother is the last person he'd ever dreamed of travelling with, but the ticket is already bought and Ben finds himself in India on a search for Gran's long lost pen pal, Shanti.In the midst of insufferable heat, strange food and the constant haggling of street beggars, Ben and Gran meet magicians and snake charmers and see bodies burning on funeral pyres. As they search for clues across the huge continent, Ben finds himself strangely compelled to follow the magnificent elephants and the elephant boy-god Ganesh. The challenges of the journey teach Ben that real life can be more exciting than any computer game and that by accepting the dark mysteries of India, he can come to terms with his...
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Saving The Last Grizzlies As this action-packed sequel to Bearstone opens, Cloyd Atcitty and his rancher friend Walter Landis are heading back into the mountains, this time chasing the old man's dream of finding a lost Spanish gold mine. But when Cloyd hears that a mother grizzly and her cubs have been sighted nearby, he immediately hopes it might be the mate of the bear he had tried to save from a hunter the previous summer. When the mother bear dies in a tragic accident, Cloyd realizes that if her cubs don't survive, grizzlies will disappear from Colorado forever. He refuses to leave the cubs, determined to stay with them until they can den. But with winter deepening in the mountains, can Cloyd himself survive?
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