Chloe and Gil are lifelong friends, but when a notice of their engagement mysteriously appears in the London papers they are outraged - and determined to escape the trap. Unfortunately, breaking their trumped-up betrothal proves trickier than either of them had bargained for. ...charming and sweet... I heartily recommend FALLING FOR CHLOE. - All About Romance Views: 48
Walter Davis is young, handsome, intelligent, dynamic and personable. The product of a bi-racial marriage but abandoned by his father as a young child, he prides himself on three things: his drive to succeed, his fine clothes and never having been late for anything in his life. Walter is also homeless. The medical expenses that came with his mother's brief and unsuccessful battle against cancer have left him destitute. Still, ever the optimist, Walter believes that if he lives in his car for a few months, he will have the time he needs to find a good job in the business world and turn his life around. His situation gets more complicated when he finds himself attracted to a girl he meets at the mailing center where he keeps a post box. But trying to impress a girl when you have no fixed address proves difficult, and when he's caught in a lie, she shuns his company. Walter's struggles grow when his car is impounded and he can't afford to pay the fine. Only resilience, ingenuity... Views: 48
The first author-approved edition from one of the most beloved fantasy writers of all time. Diana n'Athena is an Amazon working for the Terran empire on the medieval planet of Aggar. Her mission: rescue a downed pilot and spy from Aggar's badlands. But Aggar is not part of the Terran empire and before Aggar's Council will allow the journey, Diana must be bonded to a Shadowmate. That's when things get interesting. Shadows are exceptional guides, field companions and fighters. However, Elana is also something more - she is gifted with the magic of the Blue Sight, a sixth sense that allows her to read and manipulate intentions through the shifting colors of a person's amarin. She has also been gifted with dreams. Dreams of a certain Amazon. Aided by friends and flying eitteh, haunted by Changelings, madmen and laser guns, Diana and Elana cross the vast and varied lands that are Aggar. In their race against time to prevent an all-out intergalactic war, the two women become erotically entangled. But all too soon they discover that when the stakes are this high, nothing is ever easy and choices are never simple. Views: 48
t's the end of term and Jess is excited about all the new faces due to arrive at Number 1, Porchester Park for the holidays. Outside the apartment block, the usual paparazzi lie in wait hoping for a story or photo. Jess knows she should avoid them, and when new resident Riko arrives, they enjoy dodgin the cameras together. But is Riko all she appears to be - or is this million dollar mate a fake?Distracted by two boys: handsome A-lister, JJ, and school babe-magnet, Tom - neither of whom are making their intentions totally clear - Jess is finding it really hard to know who to trust right now.And getting it wrong could prove to be a costly mistake... Views: 48
Donalyn Miller says she has yet to meet a child she couldn't turn into a reader. No matter how far behind Miller's students might be when they reach her 6th grade classroom, they end up reading an average of 40 to 50 books a year. Miller's unconventional approach dispenses with drills and worksheets that make reading a chore. Instead, she helps students navigate the world of literature and gives them time to read books they pick out themselves. Her love of books and teaching is both infectious and inspiring. The book includes a dynamite list of recommended "kid lit" that helps parents and teachers find the books that students really like to read. Views: 48
True love’s path never did run smooth. Granite Lake Wolves, Book 3 After seven years of total denial, Maggie Raynor’s body—and her inner wolf—are in full revolt. Weak and shaky, she literally falls into the very large and capable arms of the Granite Lake Beta, Erik Costanov. The last thing she wants is a mate, particularly when just looking at another wolf scares her to death. And one as big and sexy as Erik? Really bad idea, no matter what her libido says. Erik expected to meet Maggie in Whitehorse to escort her to the home of her sister, his pack’s Omega. Sheer chance puts him in the right place at the right time to catch her, but the realization that hits him with the force of a full body shot is no accident. She’s his mate. An even bigger shock? She wants no part of him—not until she resolves her issues. She’ll have to work fast, because they’re both selected to represent the pack during the premier sporting event for wolves in the north. Not only will she have to work as a team with Erik, she’ll have to face down her fear of wolves. Let the Games begin. Warning: Contains uber-sexy werewolves of Russian descent, reluctant mates and exotic travels through the Yukon wilderness. Includes sarcasm and hot nookie under the Midnight Sun. Views: 48
Evan Delaney returns in the new thriller from Meg Gardiner. For Evan,
China Lake was a tough place to grow up. But she didn't realise just how
tough until, returning to the desert military base for her high school
reunion, she discovers that a disturbing number of her classmates have
died young. The morning after the reunion another is found, savagely
butchered. She is just the first. Someone in China Lake has a major axe
to grind with the class of '91. And that includes Evan... Views: 48
“Where’s Eric?” Lance said from behind the cover of a struck bass string. Views: 48
Eleven years after his own thoughtlessness sent his only son, Paul, away from home, Nebraska businessman James Herold calls upon Nero Wolfe to track down the young man so that he can make amends. Views: 48
The characters from Susan Musgrave's Cargo of Orchids are back in this brilliantly engaging novel. Rainy, the Mexican-American woman, and Frenchy, the African-American, along with Musgrave's narrator X have returned and convincingly insist their story is not done. Once inmates on death row, now reunited and hanging out at an old house in a BC outport, they create a grand new afterlife adventure. As we are shuttled along an energetic storyline in an old hearse, through gated communities in Vancouver, to BC's First Nations island outposts, we witness the transformation of lives on the slopes of purgatory. The passageways are rife with wild rides, social satire, and visually hilarious encounters. Musgrave's trademark undercurrents of lurking peril and unexpected havoc play out against murder, drug encounters, and sexual tension but Given is a novel with its own rules of engagement. Musgrave's comic gifts and ability to transcend this earthly plane create a ghost story that... Views: 47