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Wingnuts: How the Lunatic Fringe Is Hijacking America

EDITORIAL REVIEW: **What’s a Wingnut?** It’s someone on the far-right wing or far-left wing of the political spectrum - the professional partisans and the unhinged activists, the hardcore haters and the paranoid conspiracy theorists. They’re the people who always try to divide us instead of unite us. *Wingnuts* looks at the outbreak of extremism in the opening years of the Obama administration – from the unprecedented government spending that spurred the Tea-Party protests to the onset of Obama Derangement Syndrome. John Avlon explains how hate-fueled rumors take hold (one section is called “How Obama Became Hitler, a Communist and the Antichrist”), looks at the ‘hunt for heretics’ that is taking place inside both parties and details the rise of hyper-partisan media. Avlon profiles preachers who are praying for the president’s death, goes inside the growing “Hatriot” movement and parallels the “Birthers” and the “9/11 Truthers.” The book compares current merchants of political paranoia with past fear-mongers and finds that divisive demagogues have sold this snake oil before. But the two parties’ increased polarization and the echo-chamber of the internet are helping the fringe blur with the base, making the Wingnuts more powerful than ever before. **We are allowing paranoids, hysterics and hyper-partisans to hijack our politics – but it doesn’t have to be this way.** Avlon asserts that centrists need to stand up to the extremes on both sides and declare their independence. The book ends on a hopeful note – the conclusion is “How to Take America Back from the Lunatic Fringe.”
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The Dark Knight Must Choose: Justice or Vengeance Watchman by day, vigilante by night, Shadowbane's world is turned upside down when he runs across a powerful wizard--in the form of a confused, hunted girl who finds herself at the heart of a fell plot. When his friends start dying and the girl is kidnapped, Shadowbane must choose between the darkness and the light in his heart: to avenge the deaths of his friends, or to let the villain live to face--and possibly escape--justice. Downshadow is thrilling tale of vigilante justice set in the classic City of Splendors and presented by Forgotten Realms(R) campaign setting creator and celebrated author Ed Greenwood. You don't want to miss out on this exciting glimpse into what the latest edition of the Realms has to offer.From the Paperback edition.
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Farriers' Lane

BONUS: This edition contains excerpts from Anne Perry's Treason at Lisson Grove and Execution Dock.When the distinguished Mr. Justice Stafford dies of opium poisoning, his shocking demise resurrects one of the most sensational cases ever to inflame England: the murder five years before of Kingsley Blaine, whose body was found crucified in Farriers' Lane. Amid the public hysteria for revenge, the police had arrested a Jewish actor who was soon condemned to hang. Police Inspector Thomas Pitt, investigating Stafford's death, is drawn into the Farriers' Lane murder as well, for it appears that Stafford may have been about to reopen the case. Pitt receives curiously little help from his colleagues on the force, but his wife, Charlotte, gleans from her social engagements startling insights into both cases. And slowly both Thomas and Charlotte begin to reach for the same sinister and deeply dangerous truth.
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Hunter's Woman

WHATEVER HUNTER WANTED... HUNTER GOT And the long, lean military man wanted his woman back from the moment he set his piercing gaze on her again. 'Cause Ty Hunter might have let Dr. Catt Alborak walk away once, but not even a passionate Texas hellion like her could escape him a second time. For despite the protest on her soft lips when he pulled her into his strong arms, Ty was on a mission to give the stubborn beauty everything he'd foolishly denied her once: his heart, his soul -- and most of all, his child.
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The Gong of Doom (dr. alan twist)

We’ve just received word that the British journal Book and Magazine Collector has selected Paul Halter’s story “The Night of the Wolf,” first published in English in EQMM (see our May 2006 issue), for its list of the 50 Top Locked Room Stories of All Time! As regular EQMM readers know by now, Frenchman Paul Halter (who hails from Alsace-Lorraine) most often writes about an English detective, Dr. Alan Twist. Here Twist is again with another superb locked-room puzzle.
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Clouds of Tyranny

Can the righteous rebels bring down the evil corruption of their nation's leaders? A medieval fantasy/science fiction adventure follows Lock, Tara, Ruthie, Alex, and others in a battle for peace and justice for the people of a post-apocalyptic Europe.
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