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7: Bolt Saga, Book 7

Thunder is just the announcement of the storm... After going to hell and back together, Reece Richards and Emmalina Crist are even more committed to their love—but their promise must remain a secret from the rest of the world...even if the Consortium seems to have gone underground along with their leader, the cold-blooded Faline. But secrets are easy to keep—until family gets involved. When Los Angeles names Reece as the honoree at their next gala, it's reunion time for all the members of the Richards dynasty. The night drips with glamour but is tainted by old wounds and new dangers. Reece doesn't know who to trust after he learns his abduction might not have been the Consortium's first contact with the Richards empire. Does the storm that started so long ago continue today? And if so, will he be able to shield Emma from the surge?
Views: 61

The Bombay Boomerang

More information to be announced soon on this forthcoming title from Penguin USA
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Untamed Italian, Blackmailed Innocent

SUMMARY: No woman has ever shunned wicked Italian tycoon Zac Delucca! But sweet, studious Sally is in a world of her own, looking after her sick mother. Little does she realize her unfocused disinterest is driving Zac's fury! Especially as her father is responsible for embezzling millions from his company.There's a debt to be paid. Zac will offer Sally an ultimatum—become his mistress on demand or risk ruin! He's confident she'll make the right choice….
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Granny's Wonderful Chair (Yesterday's Classics)

Seven fairy tales, set in an interesting framework which relates the adventures of the little girl Snowflower and her magical chair at the court of King Winwealth. When Snow-flower, from her nook in the kitchen, said, "Chair of my grandmother, take me to the highest banquet hall," "instantly the chair marched in a grave and courtly fashion out of the kitchen, up the grand staircase, and into the highest hall." There it told the following stories to the king and queen, the fair lords and ladies, the many fairies, and notable people from other lands: The Christmas Cuckoo, The Lords of the White and Gray Castles, The Greedy Shepherd, The Story of Fairyfoot, The Story of Childe Charity, Sour and Civil, and The Story of Merrymind. Numerous black and white illustrations by noted artist Katharine Pyle complement the text. Suitable for ages 7 and up.
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The Sparks Fly Upward

Few of those Philippa loves in London return her affection. Not the love of her life, who has a new bride. Not even her widowed mother, Makepeace Burke. So Philippa decides on a marriage of convenience to a prudish, if kind, man. Across the Channel in France, the Reign of Terror is causing the beheading of thousands from the French nobility. Among those in danger is Philippa's friend, the Marquis de Condorcet. Not only has Philippa the means of rescuing him from the guillotine, she's got the courage. And as fate would have it, Philippa will find love where she least expects it-while staring death in the face.
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Business of Love

The Business of Love by Cheris F. Hodges
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Summer Morning, Summer Night

FB2Library.Elements.CiteItem GREEN TOWN, Illinois stands at the very heart of Ray Bradbury Country. A lovingly re-imagined version of the author’s native Waukegan, it has served as the setting for such modern classics as Dandelion Wine , Something Wicked This Way Comes , and Farewell Summer . In Summer Morning, Summer Night , Bradbury returns to this signature locale with a generous new collection of twenty-seven stories and vignettes, seventeen of which have never been published before. Together, they illuminate some of Green Town’s previously hidden corners, and reaffirm Bradbury’s position as the undisputed master of a unique fictional universe. In the course of this volume, readers will encounter a gallery of characters brought vividly to life by that indefinable Bradbury magic. Included among them are a pair of elderly sisters whose love potion carries an unexpected consequence; a lonely teacher who discovers love on Green Town’s nocturnal streets; a ten-year-old girl who literally unearths the intended victim of a vicious crime; and an aging man who recreates his past with the aid of a loaf of pumpernickel bread. Each of these stories is engaging, evocative, and deeply felt. Each reflects the characteristic virtues that have always marked the best of Bradbury’s fiction: optimism, unabashed nostalgia, openness to experience, and, most centrally, an abiding generosity of spirit. Summer Morning, Summer Night is both an unexpected gift and a treasure trove of Story. Its people, places, images, and events will linger in the reader’s mind for many years to come.
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Son of Ereubus

Product Description Since time immemorial, man has lived in fear of losing his soul to the darkness of Saint Ereubus. For generations, the Ereubinians have wielded that power and ruled like gods. Three thousand years ago, Man irresolutely placed his faith in a mythical world. That world, Adoria, now holds Man's final hope. As the last stronghold of Man is threatened, the fates of three strangers become forever intertwined and everything they once believed will be irrevocably changed as they discover that their time has run out. About the Author J. S. Chancellor, whose personal motto is, “woe is the writer who mounts their merit on the masses,” started writing stories when she was still in grade school, and finished her first fantasy novella at the age of fourteen. She drafted chapter one of the Guardians of Legend trilogy when she was a freshman in high school, sitting on a stool in front of a piano bench, in her parents’ den. It wasn’t until she was twenty-five when a resident at the apartment complex where she worked lovingly made a casual remark about her procrastination that her passion for fantasy fiction took center stage. Since then she’s focused all of her efforts on writing, including leaving her full-time job in September 2009 and actively maintaining a blog dedicated to the art of crafting fiction.
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