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How to Score

HER LIFE COACH Museum curator Sammi Matthews isn't just in a dating slump, she's putting men on the injured list. After giving one date a black eye and cracking another's rib, Sammi decides she needs professional help. Enter life coach Luke Jones, who advises Sammi on how to overcome her klutziness. And their phone sessions work! Sammi soon meets a sexy FBI agent who seems to know just what she needs. IS CHANGING HER LIFE When his brother Luke goes into federal protection, FBI Special Agent Chase Jones agrees to cover for him. Then Sammi's hot voice sizzles down the line, and the usual "phone only" rule is out. With "Luke" coaching her by day, and Chase dating her by night, Sammi's confidence soars, along with her appeal. Chase falls hard, but how will Sammi feel if and when he comes clean? Chase would rather she break all his bones than risk breaking her heart.
Views: 63

Boy Scouts on Belgian Battlefields

CHAPTER I. ANTWERP, ON THE SCHELDT. "Oh! how glad I am that part of the trip is over, now we\'ve crossed from England to Antwerp without being wrecked!" "You certainly did seem to have a bad time of it, Tubby, in the wash of the Channel!" "Bad time did you say, Rob? It was a great deal worse than anything we struck on the voyage between New York and Liverpool, let me tell you." "But now we want to forget all our troubles of the past, Tubby." "I know what you mean by that, Merritt; it\'s just the same as telling me the worst is yet to come." "Well, I\'m a little afraid myself that\'s going to turn out a fact. Here we are, just landed in a strange country that is being overrun by an army of German invaders; and all of us are bound to push deeper and deeper into the mire." "Hey, Merritt, you give me a shiver when you say that, don\'t you know?" "I guess you must mean a quiver, Tubby; because whenever you laugh or tremble you make me think of a bowl full of jelly!" "Now you\'re making sport of me because I\'m so pudgy and fat. Just as if I could help that; can I, Rob?" "To be sure you couldn\'t, Tubby; and we wouldn\'t want you to be anything but what you are—the best natured scout in the whole Eagle Patrol, and I\'m safe in saying you\'re the only fellow in the Long Island town of Hampton who hasn\'t an enemy. Everybody takes a fancy to a jolly rolypoly like you, Tubby." "What would we do without you?" Merritt added, with real feeling in his voice. "Well, but it strikes me you tried mighty hard to induce me not to join you two on this wonderful trip abroad," complained the fat boy reproachfully. "There was a good reason for that, Tubby," defended Merritt quickly. "I could see that with all these Old World countries in a scrap, my job of finding that man who is wanted so badly by my grandfather might take me into the fighting zone. Now Rob, as the leader of the Eagle Patrol, volunteered to stand by me, and I gladly accepted his assistance. When you asked to go along I was afraid the hardships of the trip might be too much for one of your peculiar build. That\'s all, I give you my word for it, Tubby." "My \'peculiar build,\' as you call it, Merritt," chuckled the other, considerably mollified by the explanation offered, "has gotten me into a peck of trouble, I admit. But you never saw me show the white feather, did you?" "Never, Tubby!" admitted the boy addressed, who was a rather thoughtful looking young chap, of athletic build, though possibly not quite the equal of Rob Blake, the leader of the scout patrol to which all of them belonged. "It was mighty good of you two to back me up when I\'d decided to take the risk alone. But unless that precious paper can be recovered, my grandfather, you know, stands to lose what he says is an enormous amount of money." "He\'s got plenty in reserve, I understand, Merritt," observed Blake. "What a grand thing that turned out for your folks when Grandfather Merritt, who had cut your dad out of his will many years ago after he married against his wishes, repented of his cruelty, and paid you an unexpected visit to get acquainted. Little did you think, when you stood up for that old fellow who was being snowballed so unmercifully by a bunch of village boys, that it was your own grandfather." "Yes," added Tubby, "you know they say a good action is never thrown away. That\'s why I\'m always watching for my opportunities. Some day I hope to win the admiration of a crank millionaire who should, of course, make me his heir." "Well, here we are landed in Antwerp, and with a lot of sights to gather in before we set out in the direction of Brussels to find your man....
Views: 63


BONUS: This edition contains an excerpt from Rory Clements's Revenger.A young woman is found murdered, her body marked with profane symbols. Even more shocking, she's one of Queen Elizabeth's aristocratic cousins. Is there a connection between this tragedy and a plot to assassinate Sir Francis Drake--a plot that, if successful, could leave England defenseless in the face of a Spanish invasion?Enter John Shakespeare, Tudor England's most remarkable investigator. With the Queen's brilliant reign in jeopardy, Shakespeare travels through London's seedy underworld of spies, sorcerers, prostitutes, and theater people, among whom is his own younger brother, the struggling playwright Will.Shadowed by his relentless rival, the Queen's chief torturer, John Shakespeare must unmask the shocking identity of a killer before the woman he desires becomes the next martyr in a conspiracy almost too horrific to contemplate--a conspiracy whose consequences might...
Views: 63

His She Wolf Warrior

Eli vowed he would never tie himself to one woman. But when he sees a lone werewolf female at Wulf's Den with six large male werewolves at her back, he finds himself instantly attracted to her. Saskia and her brothers-in-arms have come to Wulf's Den in search of the foretold one, the one they have trained most of their long lives to protect. What she didn't expect was to have one of her visions while there. Or to see that she and the male mortal who looks at her with hunger in his eyes will eventually end up in bed together. As Eli and Saskia try to sort through the feelings of an unexpected mating, a new enemy rises to threaten Roxie in her position as the foretold one. An enemy that could end their mating prematurely.
Views: 63

Dead Heat

Georgia Parish never regretted leaving northern Queensland, Australia, to pursue her career. But after surviving a plane crash she finds herself back there, struggling to comprehend a sinister fact - the plane she was on was sabotaged. Was it someone hoping to kill the man who never arrived to take the flight? Or did it have something to do with the two other strange passengers? Georgia's search for the truth plunges her into a harsh and unforgiving landscape, across oceans and into crocodile-infested swamps. There, unable to trust anyone, she discovers more than just her own life is at stake.
Views: 63

Julian Comstock: A Story of 22-nd Century America

From the Hugo-winning author of Spin , an exuberant adventure in a post-climate-change America. In the reign of President Deklan Comstock, a reborn United States is struggling back to prosperity. Over a century after the Efflorescence of Oil, after the Fall of the Cities, after the Plague of Infertility, after the False Tribulation, after the days of the Pious Presidents, the sixty stars and thirteen stripes wave from the plains of Athabaska to the national capital in New York City. In Colorado Springs, the Dominion sees to the nation’s spiritual needs. In Labrador, the Army wages war on the Dutch. America, unified, is rising once again. Then out of Labrador come tales of a new Ajax—Captain Commongold, the Youthful Hero of the Saguenay. The ordinary people follow his adventures in the popular press. The Army adores him. The President is troubled. Especially when the dashing Captain turns out to be his nephew Julian, son of the falsely accused and executed Bryce. Treachery and intrigue dog Julian’s footsteps. Hairsbreadth escapes and daring rescues fill his days. Stern resolve and tender sentiment dice for Julian’s soul, while his admiration for the works of the Secular Ancients, and his adherence to the evolutionary doctrines of the heretical Darwin, set him at fatal odds with the hierarchy of the Dominion. Plague and fire swirl around the Presidential palace when at last he arrives with the acclamation of the mob. As told by Julian’s best friend and faithful companion, a rustic yet observant lad from the west, this tale of the 22nd Century asks—and answers—the age-old question: “Do you want to tell the truth, or do you want to tell a story?” Nominated for the Hugo Award for Best Novel in 2010.
Views: 63

Bounty Hunter

Bounty Hunter John Tone was good at his job. Some would say ruthless. But when a nefarious criminal from the Barbary Coast makes him an offer he can't refuse, Tone himself becomes the hunted one. As the bounty hunter steels himself for a showdown, he may be loading the six chambers of his Colt for the last time ]
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