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Triple Zero

Following the eruption of the bloody Clone Wars at the battle of Geonosis, both sides remain deadlocked in a stalemate that can be broken only by elite warrior teams like Omega Squad, clone commandos with terrifying combat skills and a lethal arsenal…. For Omega Squad, deployed deep behind enemy lines, it's the same old special ops grind: sabotage, espionage, ambush, and assassination. But when Omega Squad is rushed to Coruscant, the war's most dangerous new hotspot, the commandos discover they're not the only ones penetrating the heart of the enemy. A surge in Separatist attacks has been traced to a network of Sep terror cells in the Republic's capital, masterminded by a mole in Command Headquarters. To identify and destroy a Separatist spy and terror network in a city full of civilians will require special talents and skills. Not even the leadership of Jedi generals, along with the assistance of Delta squad and a certain notorious ARC trooper, can even the odds against the Republic Commandos. And while success may not bring victory in the Clone Wars, failure means certain defeat.
Views: 86

The Big Blueberry Barf-Off!

Bernie Bridges Rules the School!He convinced the cafeteria lady that a Milky Way bar is a vegetable.He got the coach to make giving wedgies an offical school sport.Bernie always has a plan.But how will he get spoiled rich kid Sherman Oaks to give him his watch—the one that tells time, plays DVDs, and pops popcorn?Hint: It involves a contest, 25 blueberry pies, and a gallon of barf!Warning! Don't read this book after lunch!
Views: 85

Midnight's Mask

**This is the final title in a new trilogy featuring the most popular character from the Sembia series. ** The author of *Resurrection* concludes the tale of the **Forgotten Realms** most enigmatic hero, Erevis Cale. Drawn deeper and deeper into the service of Mask, Cale may find himself so lost in the shadows that he can never return.
Views: 85

Stir the Soup

Mr. Putter and Tabby's plans to cook a pot of homemade soup goes to the dogs—thanks to Mrs. Teaberry's pet, Zeke.
Views: 85

An All Night Man

Brenda Jackson: "The Hunter"Mallory Standish and Hunter Sloan share a steamy one night stand. But, the next morning, Mallory learns that the P. in P.I. doesn't stand for "private." In Hunter's case, it stands for "playa."Joylynn Jossel: "Just Wanna Love Ya"Jai is out for a night on the town. She certainly isn't looking for love. But, after a night of passion with Sloane, she realizes that she's found more than an all night man. She's found an all night, all day, every day man. Kayla Perrin: "Never Satisfied"Rachel is sick of set-ups, bad dates, and boring one night stands. Then, a mysterious man from her past shows up and reminds Rachel that relationships should be anything but boring. Tamara Sneed: "Fantasy Man"Olivia, a high powered PR executive, is supposed to entertain Clark, one of Hollywood's cutest bad boys. Olivia, who is usually no-nonsense, thinks that they will have dinner, talk business, and call it a night. Clark,...
Views: 84

Bishop's Shadow

I. T. Thurston wrote this popular book that continues to be widely read today despite its age.
Views: 84

The Promise in a Kiss

What would you do if you were kissed by the most handsome stranger you'd ever seen? And what if that man was a Cynster?Every girl--even convent-educated ones--dreams of forbidden kisses. So when a man literally falls at Helena's feet as she's walking through the courtyard one moonlit Christmas Eve, the pretty, young comtesse d'Lisle knows he's up to no good. He's clearly a bit dangerous... and obviously caught in the middle of a clandestine rendezvous. Why else would he have risked his neck and jumped out of a window into the snow?It's wrong, it's outlandish . . . and it's the most utterly romantic gesture she's ever seen. So when the good sisters rush up, demanding to know ifshe has seen a man on the grounds, Helena ignores the years of strict upbringing that insist she reveal his presence.To lie would be a sin, but 'no one can be good all the time.As a reward for her silence, the stranger takes...
Views: 84

Let's Get This Party Haunted!

It’s October, and you know what that means . . . well, sure, Halloween, but it’s also Max’s birthday! Now that a bunch of ghosts have entered Max’s life, no birthday celebration will ever be the same! All Max wants for his birthday is a great party–but will he live to see another new year?From the Hardcover edition.About the AuthorR. L. Stine began his writing career when he was nine years old, and today he has achieved the position of the bestselling children’s author in history. In the early 1990s, Stine was catapulted to fame when he wrote the unprecedented bestselling Goosebumps® series, which sold more than 250 million copies and became a worldwide media phenomenon.R.L. Stine has received numerous awards of recognition. He lives in New York, NY. Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.11At dinner that night, Mom was very upset. She told Dad the whole story. “The principal called me this afternoon. Max told a teacher to shut up. And he tossed clay all over the art room.”Dad’s face turned even redder than usual. Steam started to pour from his ears. He gripped his fork and knife in his big, meaty fists. “In trouble again? Why did you do that, Max?”“Hard to explain,” I muttered.The dragon tattoo on Dad’s right bicep appeared to lower its fiery head and stare at me. “Why can’t you be more like Colin?” Dad growled. “Is that asking too much? Colin is perfect. Why can’t you be perfect?”“I don’t know,” I whispered, head down.Colin kicked me hard under the table. Then, grinning, he pulled out a sheet of paper. “Here is my new honor roll certificate,” he told Dad. “Would you like to get it framed like all the others?”I was grounded for a week. I didn’t see Nicky or Tara the whole time. I knew they were angry at me. Angry because I’d told them to stay away from my birthday party.But I didn’t expect them to totally disappear.A week after the pottery room incident, Quentin came over to practice magic tricks. My party was only a few days away. I wanted to rehearse and rehearse until our act was perfect.After all, Traci Wayne was coming. I wasn’t allowed to get near her. But this was my big chance to impress her.“Let me show you a hat trick that everyone loves,” Quentin said. “Do you have a real hat I could use?”I rubbed my chin, thinking hard. “No. I only have baseball caps,” I said. “Oh, wait. My dad has a really good hat he uses for weddings and funerals and things.”“Go get it,” Quentin said. “You’ll like this trick.”I hesitated. “But it’s my dad’s only hat, and it’s very expensive. You have to be very careful.”“No problem,” Quentin said. “The trick is perfectly safe. I’ve done it a thousand times.”I went down to my parents’ bedroom closet to borrow Dad’s hat. He and Mom were in the den, watching wrestling on TV. They were both shouting at the screen: “Kill him! Kill! Kill! Break him in two!”They both love wrestling. But sometimes they get carried away. Last week after a big match, Mom jumped on Dad and started slapping his bald head with both hands. He had to pick her up and carry her into the shower to snap her out of it.I pulled Dad’s hat down from the top shelf. And I also borrowed one of his neckties. He only has three, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen him wear one. I had learned a nifty new necktie trick that I knew Quentin would love.“Kill! Kill! Ruin him!” My parents’ shouts rang out from the den.Back in my room, I handed Quentin the hat.“What’s the trick?” I asked. “Will it be good for the party?”He nodded. He pulled a few things from his magic kit. He held up two eggs. “I crack these two eggs into the hat,” he said. “Then I pour in this jar of honey. Then I turn the hat right side up, and it’s perfectly dry.”I gulped. “Are you sure about this?”“Of course I’m sure,” Quentin said. “It’s an easy trick. Watch.”He pushed his blond hair off his forehead. Then he cracked the two eggs and let them run into the hat. Then he opened the honey jar and turned it upside down, and the honey slowly oozed into the hat with the egg yolks.“Say the magic words!” Quentin cried. “Hat be good!” He turned the hat over–and honey and yellow egg yolk came dripping out.“You–you ruined my dad’s hat!” I wailed.Quentin squinted at the sticky mess inside the hat. “I don’t get it. That trick always works.”My heart started leaping in my chest. I shoved the hat under my bed. Later I’d have to figure out a good hiding place for it.“What’s up with the necktie?” Quentin asked, picking up the tie and pulling it through his fingers.“Here’s a good trick for the party,” I said. “And this one is totally safe.”I took the tie from him and picked up a pair of scissors. “See? I make it look like I cut the tie into four pieces. But I don’t really cut it. I cut this piece of cloth instead.”I pulled the cloth from my magic kit and tucked it under the tie. “Now watch,” I said. “It looks like I’ve cut the tie up. But when I tug on it, it’s all together again.” “Cool,” Quentin muttered.“Ladies and gentlemen,” I boomed, holding the tie in front of me. “The Amazing Indestructible Necktie!”I snipped it into four pieces. I balled the pieces up in my hand. And then I gave a hard tug. “Back together again!” I exclaimed.Wrong.I’d sliced my dad’s tie into four pieces.“Oh, wow.” I stared at the pieces of tie in my hand.Then I pictured my dad, as big as a truck, a bellowing bull when he was angry. When he saw what I’d done to his hat and tie, he’d . . . he’d . . .I couldn’t even think about it.Trembling, I shoved the pieces of necktie under my bed next to the hat.Quentin tried a few easy card tricks. The cards fell from his hands and scattered over the floor.He tried the trick where he waves his magic wand and it turns into a bouquet of flowers. It didn’t work. The wand broke in two.He shook his head. “Max, everything is messed up tonight. I can’t figure out why.”I could.I knew what was happening. Nicky and Tara were messing up our tricks.I gritted my teeth and balled my hands into fists. I felt so angry, I wanted to scream.But no way could I tell Quentin about them.Nicky and Tara were angry because they couldn’t come to my party. So they were doing their best to mess up our magic act.We tried a few more easy tricks, and they were ruined too. “It just isn’t our night,” Quentin said. “Maybe we should try again tomorrow night.”He left, shaking his head, very confused.As soon as he was out the door, my two ghost friends appeared. “How’s it going, Max?” Tara asked, grinning at me.“You know how it’s going,” I snapped.“Did you have a bad night?” Nicky asked, acting innocent.I realized I was grinding my teeth. I’d never been so angry at them. “You have no right to do that,” I shouted. “You have no right to ruin all our tricks.”“I’ll bet your tricks will go a lot better if you invite us to your party,” Tara said.“For sure,” Nicky chimed in. “Invite us to your birthday party, and we’ll be your best friends again.”“No way!” I cried. “You’re not my best friends. And stop begging me. No way are you coming to my party!”They both put on these really hurt faces. Tara pulled off her hat, tossed it on the floor, and started stomping on it.I turned away from them and walked to the window. I took deep breaths, trying to calm down. I didn’t like being angry at them. They were two poor young ghosts, after all. They probably wouldn’t have any more birthdays–because they were dead.But messing up our magic tricks like that was just plain mean.I gazed out the window, pressing my forehead against the cool glass. A few stars twinkled dimly in the night sky. I lowered my eyes–and gasped when I saw the boy in black staring up at me. He stood at the side of my yard, leaning against a tree trunk.I pulled up the window, stuck my head out, and shouted down at him. “Go away! I’m warning you! Go away!”He took a few steps closer to the house. Light from the kitchen downstairs washed over him, and I saw his face. An old man’s face, lined and wrinkled and sagging.He cupped his hands around his mouth and called up to me. “Be careful!”Gripping the windowsill, I stared down at his ancient face, at his pale, sunken eyes. “What do you want?” I screamed. “Why are you doing this?”“Be careful,” he repeated in a breathy rasp of a voice. “They are going to kill you. The ghosts are going to kill you!”A chill ran down my back. I stepped away from the window. Shivering, I turned to Nicky and Tara.“What did he mean?” I asked. “Why did he say that? Why did he say you are going to kill me?”I saw the shock on Nicky’s and Tara’s faces.And then they disappeared.
Views: 84

Final Scream

When There's No Escape From A Cold-Blooded Killer. . .As white-hot flames sear the dark night, a killer waits in the trees, watching the mill burn, listening for the screams—the only proof that justice has finally begun for the sins of long-ago.Scream. . .Scream As Loud As You Can. . .For journalist Cassidy Buchanan, this inferno is a living nightmare: a reminder of the horrible, mysterious fire that destroyed her wealthy family seventeen years ago—and of Brig McKenzie, the handsome hellraiser accused of setting the blaze. That tragic crime has never been solved, and already the whispers have begun in Prosperity, Oregon: Another fire, more deaths, and one common denominator—Cassidy herself.Or It May Be The Last Sound You Ever Make. . .Cassidy came home to Prosperity to put the past behind her, but it seems the past isn't finished with Cassidy. Someone doesn't want her to uncover the chilling truth. . .someone who has killed....
Views: 84

Country Mouse

Owen may be a bit of a country mouse, but he's loving his vacation in London. After a long day playing tourist, he's on the hunt for some cheap beer and a good burger. Instead he finds a man hunting him, an arrogant prick with only one thing on the brain: the kind of meat that doesn't come on a bun.Eighty-hour weeks at a trading desk don't leave Malcolm Kavanagh much time for meaningful relationships. Besides, in his world, everything's a competition—even sex. When his newest one-night-sub fails to show, Malcolm sets his sights on the pretty young Yank on the bar stool beside him.Owen's all for an adventure with a native, but he's not the pushover Malcolm thinks he is, and Malcolm's not as shallow as he tries to be. They both soon learn that nothing's too intimate to share with a stranger, and the strangest things happen when two people share the most important pieces of their hearts.
Views: 83