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A Little Change of Face

I need to change my life. On the surface, it doesn't look too bad. Great body, check. Pretty face, check. Job, check. Chicken pox. Check.Stuck in her Danbury, Connecticut, condo in self-imposed exile until she's contagion-free, Scarlett Jane Stein keeps circling around to a passing comment her friend Pam made: how everything (read: men) comes to Scarlett just because she's attractive.Is it true? All her life she's thought that she was fun to be around, that people liked her. Was it only because she was pretty (say it--because she's got incredible breasts)? Or is Pam, tired of playing second fiddle, now playing her? All Scarlett knows is that she's never found the man she believes is out there, her One True Love. So maybe Scarlett needs to change things up.So it's goodbye, Scarlett and hello, dowdier, schlumpier Lettie Shaw. And with her new look, new name, new home and new job, is there a chance that Lettie-née-Scarlett will find someone...
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Dawn of a Thousand Nights

Take a journey with Dan Fletcher and Libby Conner, both U.S. pilots fighting in WWII's Pacific Theater. Fletcher is captured by the Japanese and is forced to endure the horror of the Bataan Death March in the Philippines. Libby Conner is a WASP (Women Air Force Service Pilot), who ferries military planes between Hawaii and the South Pacific. Readers will be captivated by this tale of dignity and honor.
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The Aethers of Mars

Welcome to Mars...circa 1900. Cecil Rhodes rules Mars and is on his way to transforming the British Empire into his vision of a powerful force, managed by the "right" type of people.But what of Savinkov...presumably on board the British aethership Agincourt, traveling from Earth to Mars? Savinkov is a legendary revolutionary and assassin and, with Russian secret agents hot on his heels, is reputedly planning something truly dramatic and Mars-shattering.This is the sixth book in the Stellar Guild line.
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The King's Secret Matter

The fourth of Jean Plaidy's Tudor novels in which Henry VIII secretly plots his divorce from Katherine of Aragon. After twelve years of marriage, the once fortuitous union of Henry VIII and Katherine of Aragon has declined into a loveless stalemate.Their only child, Mary, is disregarded as a suitable heir, and Henry's need for a legitimate son to protect the Tudor throne has turned him into a callous and greatly feared ruler. When the young and intriguing Anne Boleyn arrives from the French court, Henry is easily captivated by her dark beauty and bold spirit.But his desire to possess the wily girl leads to a deadly struggle of power that promises to tear apart the lives of Katharine and Mary, and forever change England's faith...
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A killer is loose in New York City, meting out justice to the guilty. Nicknamed the Vigilante, the executioner uses television anchor Olivia Larrson to communicate with the public, making her a target of those who don't want their sins revealed.Ever since their passion-filled encounter months ago, COBRA Securities Agent Alex Mylonas can't erase Olivia Larrson from his thoughts. When a killer gets too close to her, Alex will stop at nothing to protect her, even putting his own life in danger.
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Saving Alice

A Novel of Second Choices, Second ChancesEmotion-Packed Fiction From a Bestselling AuthorStephen Whittaker had determined never to be like his dad, someone he considered a loser in every way. Stephen had distanced himself from those early years in Aberdeen, South Dakota, and it was working--an Ivy League education, a great job offer with a New York law firm, and an engagement ring and the proposal all worked out for lovely, talented Alice...Losing Alice meant that everything changed for Stephen. Back in Aberdeen, he tried to pick up the pieces of his life again. He married his best friend and had a precocious, charming daughter. He went into business and was making big money. It looked like he had things back in hand.The gradual downward spiral came so slowly he didn't see the signs--and then it was too late... Or was it? If only he could turn the clock back...
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In this legal thriller for the evangelical Christian market, former trial lawyer- turned-novelist Bell imagines what would happen if a prochoice, atheistic Supreme Court Justice suddenly became a born-again believer. A near brush with death and the sudden loss of her mother leaves 52-year-old liberal Justice Millicent "Millie" Hollander pondering eternity and considering faith. When she becomes chief justice, Millie discovers that the belief she has embraced excites a firestorm of confusion and anger from her former supporters. A case involving a separation of religion and state opens up a huge rift in the Court, and the media soon turns the whole affair into a three-ring circus. Alarmed about Millie's potentially conservative positions, the president and stereotypically hard-drinking, womanizing Sen. Sam Levering plot her impeachment and possibly her death. A weak subplot concerns a teen's abortion and subsequent lawsuit against the clinic where it was performed, which rather unconvincingly intersects with Millie's story toward the close of the novel. Portions of the plot aren't completely fresh Angela Elwell Hunt's recent The Justice ably tackled the same general topic for the same audience. But Bell's take on the idea of a Supreme Court justice making a religious about-face offers some unique spins, including a curveball plot development that will blindside most readers. Laudably, most characters are multidimensional, and even the senator's evil troubleshooter, Anne Deveraux, becomes worthy of pity. Evangelical prolife fiction aficionados should appreciate this addition to the CBA thriller genre.
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The Torch Bearers: The Nicholas Everard World War II Saga Book 5

Nick Everard, aboard the destroyer Harbinger, escorts a slow convoy through dangerous seas—the haunt of the ferocious U-boat packs, and the convoy is too vulnerable to pass up—at least that’s what the Allies hope, for Everard and his ships are bait designed to distract the Germans from the real “Torch” invasion forces.
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One Last Time

When it comes to love, time is all they need...Averie is terrified of anything remotely scary, but when she finds herself short of cash, she has no choice but to work on the catering staff at the creepy historic Faulkner mansion. The Faulkner Plantation was the site of a bloody massacre in the 1800s, and the event is an attempt to change its reputation. There's just one catch: the host has more in store than dinner. Soon Avery, along with a handsome guest named Quillan, is transported--back in time...It's one month before the massacre and Averie and Quillan must find the courage to do more than survive. Together, they must uncover the truth about the Faulkner family and try and stop the murders. But as Averie and Quillan grow closer, the stakes are higher than they expected. Will they be able to put their feelings aside to change the past--and find life, and love, in the place Averie fears the most?60.000 Words
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Loving Jack jh-1

LOVING JACK: Somehow her own fictional brooding hero had turned up in person right under her own roof, and now all romance writer Jackie MacNamara had to do was convince stubborn Nathan Powell that happily-ever-after began at home - and in her arms ...
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Summa Risus: Collected Non-Fiction

"The king was in his counting-house. He was counting to see whether there was enough gold to maintain the golden age that had already begun, in wobbly fashion, and almost unnoticed. And he was amazed by the amount of gold that he found."  — Notes From The Golden Age, R.A. LaffertyThere is a lot of gold left to Lafferty even after the tales have been talled. After the overwhelming positive response to our collection of R.A. Lafferty's short fiction, we decided a companion volume was needed, one which gathered together the core of his non-fiction in one convenient place for his fans, both past and future.This e-book contains: It's Slippery Down The Cellar StairsTrue BelieversCranky Old Man From TulsaThe Fall of RomeAfterwords and Memoir commentaries on the author's own storiesLetters and essays from other venuesThe typographical corrections, rigorous proof-reading, and active Table of Contents every good e-book needs to be worth your time
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