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Days of Infamy doi-1

Days of Infamy is a re-imagining of the Pacific War. The major difference being that the Empire of Japan not only attacks Pearl Harbor, but follows it up with the landing and occupation of Hawaii. The logic of how the battle could have developed in Oahu, including the destruction of Halsey's fleet, is presented in detail. As is usual in Turtledove novels the action occurs from several points of view. Besides historical figures these include a corporal in the Japanese Army, a surfer (who invents the sailboard so he can fish once Honolulu is occupied), Nisei children caught between the warring cultures, prisoners of war, and others. The way that control of the islands allows Japan to dominate much of the southern Pacific Ocean is explored, and the capure of a modern (for the time) radar system in noted. There is also a reverse Battle of Midway where an invading American force is defeated. Eventually, as was common in their other occupied territories, the Japanese create a puppet government, ruling through a member of the Hawaiian Royal Family who lives in the Iolani Palace.
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Five Hundred years ago Vlad Dracula ruled the Carpathians. He had a thirst for conquering worlds and fought off the invading Turks with determined ferocity. When his wife died he lost interest in destroying armies and disappeared, half a century after the death of his wife the land surrounding his once home is terrorized by sporadic unexplained murders. Isabella is born into this uncertain and dangerous land. Her mother dies in childbirth and with her mothers death dies any chance of happiness. She grows up in a household that despises her existence and in this place she is taught to hate by her father, her stepmother and especially her sister Natasha. There are three good influences on Isabella’s life, the man who is to become her husband, Nicolae, her grandfather Alexei and her good friend and confidant Katya. As the years pass by and Isabella becomes what she is destined to become, a vampire the memories of these three people are responsible for any goodness that still lies buried in her rotting soul.
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Her Millionaire Master

When graduate student Bella James agrees to house sit for her wealthy neighbor, Kane Calhoun, he makes it clear that he expects her to respect his privacy. After curiosity gets the better of her, however, she manages to spill the darkly handsome millionaire’s twelve-thousand-dollar bottle of scotch all over his desk while snooping around his office. Even worse, he returns home just in time to catch her watching videos on his computer… videos of him spanking a woman.Kane is a man who knows how to get what he wants, and upon finding his beautiful neighbor in his office against his explicit instructions, what he wants is to bare her bottom and spank her soundly. When Bella offers to accept his stern discipline in lieu of reimbursing him for the damage she has caused, he makes her a deal. She will submit to a series of painful, embarrassing punishments, and that will be the end of the matter.Though Bella quickly discovers that Kane’s plans for her include quite a bit more than just his firm hand applied to her bare bottom, she cannot deny that the intense, humiliating chastisements leave her more aroused than she has ever been before. She soon finds herself aching for Kane to claim her as hard and thoroughly as he has punished her, but can she really dare to hope that the dominant millionaire will put aside his own demons and truly make himself her master?Publisher’s Note: Her Millionaire Master is an erotic romance novel that contains spankings, sexual scenes, elements of BDSM, and more. If such material offends you, please don’t buy this book.
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A terrorist with a conscience turns against his radical cadre in a desperate attempt to prevent a nuclear nightmare Julian Despard has devoted his life to the New Revolution. As cell leader for the notorious international terrorist organization Magma, he works tirelessly in the shadows for the downfall of established governments. But in the aftermath of the successful theft of a large arms shipment in the Mediterranean—a criminal operation that he masterminded—Despard suddenly finds himself questioning his radical ideals. Magma's recent victory has brought Despard and his cohorts nuclear materials to be deployed against one of the world's most populous cities: London. Despard's conscience will not allow him to take part in the horrific slaughter of many thousands—perhaps millions—of innocents, but attempting to prevent the organization from going through with its plan will turn his former compatriots into lethal, unforgiving...
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Killer Swell

San Diego P.I. Noah Braddock has a six-pack in the fridge, a solid beach view, and a killer past that's come knocking. The snobby mother of Kate, his old high school girlfriend, claims that her daughter is missing, and mom thinks Noah can find her for old time's sake. But what Noah discovers about Kate is hardly the stuff of bittersweet reunions. In fact, it's murder.
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The Water's Lovely (v5)

The award-winning author of The Babes in the Wood and The Rottweiler brings us another terrifically paced, richly drawn novel of suspense and psychological intrigue. Weeks went by when Ismay never thought of it at all. Then something would bring it back or it would return in a dream. The dream always began in the same way. She and her mother would be climbing the stairs, following Heather's lead through the bedroom to what was on the other side, not a bathroom in the dream but a chamber floored and walled in marble. In the middle of it was a glassy lake. The white thing in the water floated towards her, its face submerged, and her mother said, absurdly, “Don't look!”The dead man was Ismay's stepfather, Guy. Now, nine years on, she and her sister, Heather, still live in the same house in Clapham. But it has been divided into two self-contained flats. Their mother had lived upstairs with her sister, Pamela. And the bathroom, where Guy had drowned, had disappeared. Ismay worked in public relations, and Heather in catering. They got on well. They always had. They never discussed the changes to the house, still less what had happened that August day. . . But even lives as private as these, where secrets hang in the air like dust, intertwine with other worlds and other individuals. And, with painful inevitability, the truth will emerge.
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Zara and Ella were both two weeks late for the start of the school year. Ever since then they've been best friends. They're always fooling around finding out the star signs of boys they fancy, reading out their horoscopes and playing games to discover the initial of the boy they're going to marry - just things to pass the time and take their minds off exams and tests. Ella's never really taken it all very seriously, but then Zara starts to act a bit differently - dressing like a Goth and experimenting with her new-found spiritual side and psychic powers in order to get them noticed by the popular crowd in their class and earn them both a bit of kudos. But little does Ella know how far Zara is really prepared to go - even betraying their friendship - to get the attention she clearly seeks.Mary Hooper writes with haunting accuracy about the manipulative mind games and power struggles that go on within groups of friends at school. Zara is a brilliantly observed account...
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Loose Connections

Jake's dad is away and his pregnant mum is in hospital, so his granny is looking after Jake - or so they think. But Gran has changed. She tends to be dazed or confused, fills Jake's sandwiches with strange combinations of food, leaves the cooker on, and wanders down the road in her nightie in the middle of the night. Jake doesn't want to worry his parents, so he tries to look after Gran himself. But help comes from a mysterious quarter, in the form of a strange, ghostly girl called Verity.Birth, death, and the rites of passage in family life that connect them are beautifully portrayed through the eyes of a young teenage boy.
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Director's Cut

Success can bring more than fame and fortune. For Mayor Maddy Glenn and her starlet cousin, it might bring death.
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Just Like You Said It Would Be

Did you ever want something so much that it felt like a kind of sickness, one you didn't want to be cured of? On New Year's Eve the feeling compels seventeen-year-old Amira to text the Irish ex-boyfriend she's been missing desperately since they broke up at the end of summer, when she returned to Canada.They agreed they wouldn't be friends, that it would never be enough. But that was then— back when Amira's separated parents had shipped her off to relatives in Dublin for the summer so they could test-drive the idea of getting back together on a long haul cruise. Back when Amira was torn away from a friend in need in Toronto only to fall in love with a Dublin screenwriting class and take a step closer to her dream career. And only to fall for cousin Zoey's bandmate, Darragh, the guy who is first her friend, then her enemy and later something much more complicated—the guy she can say anything to, the guy who makes every inch of her feel wide awake in a way she hadn't known was...
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