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A Phantom Affair

Ellen Dunbar (who first appeared in The Smithfield Bargain) visits Wolfe Abbey, the home of Corey Wolfe, Marquess Wulfric (who first appeared in The Wolfe Wager), to watch a fireworks show. She finds Lord Wulfric fun and enjoys the fireworks until something goes terribly wrong. Fireworks explode, knocking her from her feet and fatally wounding the marquess. She is shattered at his death, but her despair becomes astonishment when, that night, Corey reappears . . . as a ghost! He vows to find her the perfect husband before the chrysanthemums bloom at summer's end. The problem is, as Corey match-makes for Ellen (who is the only one who can see and hear him), he begins to fall in love with her himself. So what's a ghost to do when he's made a vow and he can't even touch the woman he loves?
Views: 70

Bodie and Brand 2

When Brand and Bodie arrive in San Francisco, searching for a kidnapped girl, The City By the Bay doesn't exactly welcome them with open arms. But danger has never stopped these two before – not even when it comes in the form of a deadly Chinese Tong determined to extend its opium empire as far as the east coast.The Tong might be ready and willing to stop anyone getting in its way, but Brand and Bodie have an ally in the shape of a friend from Brand's past – Captain Richard Hunt, a British agent from Jamaica, who sided with Brand on a previous assignment.Now all they have to do is bring the Tong, and its murderous criminal contact Milo Traeger, down.It's a tall order, but one thing is certain – San Francisco won't forget the day Brand and Bodie brought their Two Guns West.
Views: 70

First Mates

A cruise around the Caribbean offered just what Rainy Jackson needed to get over her faithless ex-fiancé—sun, swimming and solitude. As the heat sank into her bones, she began to feel interest in the world again...and in handsome fellow passenger Winston Michaels.Winston had also hoped for time alone to reflect. But finding a friend in faith in the lovely Rainy helped him deal with his twin sister's death without relying on unhealthy means of deadening the pain. And Winston's outlook brightened further when dates back home in Miami brought him and Rainy even closer. Would Rainy be the one to share Winston's life voyage?
Views: 70

Atonement for Iwo

During World War II, Keith Masters, an infantry officer, engages four Japanese in a cave on Iwo Jima, killing three outright. The fourth, a sergeant, is mortally wounded, but is finished off by one of Masters' men. Twenty years later, Masters, a bitter failure with work and family, suffers a heart attack, and develops the fixation that his misfortunes are due to being responsible for what he concludes is the murder of the Japanese sergeant. He goes to Japan to seek the family of the dead man, to help in some small way to overcome their loss. There, he becomes involved with the sergeant's wife, Kimiko, a former prostitute, who, to his surprise, has become one of the wealthiest women in the country. Her beautiful, modern minded daughter, Hiroko, offers herself to keep Masters away from her mother. Worst of all, Kimiko's son, Ichiro, is awaiting execution for the assassination of a politician. Now Masters has an opportunity to atone for his sin.
Views: 70

Married to a Stranger

A psychologist in an adolescent crisis center, Emma Hollis loves her work; she also loves charming journalist David Webster, who swept her off her feet at a dinner party six months ago. Now she's carrying David's child and half expecting him to flee -- but David surprises and delights her further by proposing marriage. After an impromptu wedding, the couple retreat to a rustic cabin in New Jersey's secluded Pine Barrens. But while David is out gathering firewood, a masked attacker assaults Emma with an axe, intending to kill. In the shock and pain that follows, Emma refuses to believe the police are calling David their prime suspect. But her life may depend on looking at her husband in a new and suspicious light.... 
Views: 70

Justification For Killing

The next chapter in the adventures of the Scarburg family... What if it is November 22, 1963 once again, but this time JFK survives his assassination rendezvous with Lee Harvey Oswald? In this exciting, time-traveling, sci-fi adventure the Scarburg family time-travels to Dallas, TX in an attempt to change Earth's destiny. This time President John F. Kennedy must die!!
Views: 70

The Police Doctor’s Secret

A light plane has crashed near isolated Dolphin Cove. The pilot's dead, and passengers are missing. But when Dr. Alistair Benn asks for help, they send Dr. Sarah Rose. Alistair held Sarah responsible for a tragedy in his past. He has never forgiven her… or forgotten her.
Views: 70

Peter O'Toole

Peter O'Toole was supremely talented, a unique leading man and one of the most charismatic and unpredictable actors of his generation. Described by Richard Burton as 'the most original actor to come out of Britain since the war', O'Toole regularly seemed to veer towards self-destruction.With the help of exclusive interviews with colleagues and close friends, Robert Sellers paints the first complete picture of this much loved man and reveals what drove him to extremes, why he drank to excess and hated authority. But it also describes a man who was fiercely intelligent, with a great sense of humour and huge energy. Always insightful, at times funny, at times deeply moving, this is a fitting tribute to an iconic actor who made a monumental contribution to theatre and cinema.
Views: 70

Answering Machine Knew

Wedgewood, Minnesota Police Detective Renee Brown and Rookie Jeff Briceson are called to a farm house to investigate the death of a woman. At first, what looks like a suicide turns into out to be a killing with plenty of suspects. The information was provided by a nosy neighbor who saw cars come and go the night of the murder. Now it's up to Renee to match suspects to the cars.
Views: 70