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Ms Holmes

All John Watson wanted to do was hit the streets of Manchester and celebrate his birthday. What he didn't count on was his friend, SH, crashing back into his life after a three year absence.In a whirlwind 24 hours, John is thrown into a grotesque mystery and learns that SH has more than a few secrets in her knapsack.Who is Michael?What's in the mysterious package left on a Wythenshawe doorstep?And why exactly can't Jurassic Park happen?A modern interpretation of Sherlock Holmes, fans will appreciate the many nods and tributes to the world's most famous consulting detective!
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Two Texas Hearts

Kora Adams doesn't believe in curses, but she has known nothing but bad luck all of her life. Until the night a handsome stranger knocks on her front door. Winter McQuillen has inherited a sprawling Texas ranch-but the only way he can claim it is to have a wife-this very night. Now, Kora has to make a choice-turn Winter out of her home or take a chance on the possibility of love.
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It is a summer that will change everything....NaTasha has a wonderful life in affluent Park Adams. She fits in, she has friends, and she's a member of the all-white ballet troupe. Being nearly the only African American in her school doesn't bother NaTasha. But it bothers Tilly, NaTasha's spitfire grandmother from Harlem, who decides NaTasha needs to get back to her roots or her granddaughter is in danger of losing herself completely. Tilly whisks NaTasha away to a world where all of a sudden nothing in NaTasha's life makes any sense: Harlem and Comfort Zone in the Bronx, a crisis center where (cont'd)
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Legends from the End of Time: Elric at the End of Time lfteot-5

Цикл о Крае Времени весьма необычен. Это не фэнтези, это не научная фантастика в обычном смысле этого термина, это - нечто иное. Край Времени - это когда "дни вселенной были сочтены". Герои этого цикла - люди, хотя человеческого в них не сильно много. Они всемогущи, а если их настигает смерть, то они легко могут возродиться, а главное - они не живут, они скорее играют в жизнь. Играют в любовь, в страдания, играют во что угодно, лишь бы занять время. Беспрерывные развлечения - вот смысл их жизни. Цикл полон языковых изысков, необычных способов построения речи и сюжета, странных имен героев, но при этом читается просто отлично. Повесть Эльрик на Краю Времени , как по замыслу, так и по содержанию, представляется ответом читателям, которые в то время закидывали Муркока письмами с просьбами написать еще что-нибудь про Эльрика. Это не героика, как большая часть книг об Эльрике, это - фарс. Сюжетная фабула понятна из названия, но дело не в сюжете - дело в том издевательстве, через которое проходит Эльрик в течении всей повести, начиная от его встречи с Вертером и до разговора с Джеггедом - Ариохом. И этот разговор - очередная самопародия на общение с Ариохом. В общем, повесть получилась весьма своеобразной. "Танелорн: Всё о Майкле Муркоке" http://www.moorcock.narod.ru/
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A Spy's Life

Moments after a mysterious air crash at La Guardia Airport, a cell phone rings out from the wreckage in the East River. Stunned and half dead from cold and drowning, the lone survivor, Robert Harland, wades to the remains of an airline seat where his old friend from the CIA lies dead. He snatches the phone from the body, knowing that it is his only hope of being rescued from the rising tide. This is the first act in a journey of survival for the former British spy who, in the twelve years since he was tortured during the Velvet Revolution, has made a new life for himself. The crash of the UN plane wrenches him back to his past. Was it sabotage, and if so, was Harland the target or someone else?From Publishers WeeklyThe mysterious crash of a private UN plane at New York's La Guardia airport gets this second spy novel by British author Porter (Remembrance Day) off to a rousing start. The only survivor is former British spy Robert Harland, who wakes up to find himself floating in the freezing East River. Harland, once an MI6 rising star, is now a water specialist for the United Nations, doing good and honorable work for a change. After he survives the crash of the U.N. plane, he is suddenly the target of harassment, threats, assault; then somebody tries to kill him. When a nervous young man named Tomas Rath shows up, claiming to be Harland's son, the ex-spy finds himself caught up in a multigovernment dragnet intended to plug intelligence leaks, a grisly expos‚ of a brutal Bosnian war criminal and a confrontation with a painful piece of his past he would prefer to forget. While being hounded by Walter Vigo, a ruthless British spymaster, Harland tries to unravel the mystery of his son, his former Czech lover and the elusive Lipnik, a Serb mass murderer thought to be dead, but actually very much alive and under the odd protection of several Western powers. This is a spy yarn full of suspense, action, unexpected plot twists and the fascinating detail of covert spy operations where everyone is a liar, even the good guys. Porter has the deft touch of a spy handler, manipulating the plot with skill and never letting up on the risk, tension and uncertainty that come with intelligence activity and danger. Agent, Georgina Capel. (Mar.)Forecast: Porter, the British editor of Vanity Fair, writes frequently for numerous publications in the U.K. Similar exposure in the U.S. (he lives part-time in New York) would help him build his rep here, but spy novel aficionados should find their way to his work regardless. Copyright 2002 Cahners Business Information, Inc. From Library JournalRobert Harland, a water inspector for the United Nations, is the sole survivor of an airplane crash at New York's La Guardia Airport. His seatmate, Alan Griswald, had been investigating Bosnian atrocities for the War Crimes Tribunal in the Hague, and the UN secretary-general asks Harland to continue Griswald's investigation. Before he gets far, a young man shows up, claiming to be his son, and Griswald's former boss in British intelligence tracks him down. Harland's shadowy past as a spy begins to intersect with his search for a war criminal, who has ties to the intelligence agencies of Western powers. Harland must unravel the mysterious jet crash, fight accusations of treason, find out what his son is involved in, and locate a former lover, all while avoiding murder plots and struggling with the haunting memories of his own Cold War experiences. This entertaining second novel by Porter (Remembrance Day) never flags despite a labyrinthine plot whose action extends from the United States to England and on to Eastern Europe. Recommended for all public libraries. Ronnie H. Terpening, Univ. of Arizona, Tucson Copyright 2002 Cahners Business Information, Inc.
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Spitfire Girls

Top-class pilots were crucial to the survival of Great Britain during the dark days of the Blitz, and playing a vital role in fending off the German attack were the women's section of the Air Transport Auxiliary, a close and dedicated circle of female pilots. In the midst of events that would shape history, these women risked their lives to ferry aircraft day and night from factory to the arena of war, and lasting friendships were born. Together, Edith Allam and her fellow pilots faced Nazi terror, class prejudice, and the forbidden romances of wartime -- yet their remarkable strength carried them through.Spitfire Girls evokes all of the drama of this extraordinary period of history, and is a tribute to the heroism of these brave women, without whom the Battle of Britain might never have been won. Truly inspirational, it is the tale of adventure, courage and the relationships that shape all of our lives.
Views: 53

Sing To Me: A Glory Days Production

As a child, I’d dreamed of singing, but a tragic attack left me without a voice. Currently, I take pictures of those in the spotlight. My time up front has passed. I’m happy with what I do. But when my BFF wants to take me to meet her brother’s band, I find out that I want that spotlight more and more since meeting the band.
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Bride of Glass

Same hunt, different bride, a whole new story. And, of course, more of those Abominable, bride-snatching Lo denaii vying for mates.Rosalinda was all geared up for a winter wonderland vacation, her car loaded up with supplies, a cozy cabin set back in the woods, just her, mother nature, and piles of that fluffy white stuff tumbling all around her as far as the eye could see, it didn't get better than that. Or so she'd thought.Nothing seems to want to work, no phone, no internet, a cabin that needs more than a bit of TLC and a harsh storm looks to be blowing in, in no time she'll be snowed in, forced to wait out the storm before she can escape. Rosa wonders if things could get any worse.And then they do.The portal has opened, and it's time. The Lo denaii males are more than eager to join the hunt. Many have waited years for this opportunity, only so many are allowed to engage in the hunt.Tall, snarling, and fluffy furred, a...
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Northern Storm ac-2

The Aldabreshin Archipelago has been ravaged by war, its fragile alliances sundered by new enemies, enemies wielding forbidden elemental magic and spreading terror throughout the scattered southern realm. Warlord Daish Kheda has vowed to reclaim his people's land but in the process loses his own kingdom, is exiled from his family and is forced to journey north to seek answers. The wizard Dev has pledged to assist Daish, hungry to discover the secrets of this powerful dark magic. This causes turmoil among Dev's northern countrymen, leading to a political battle where strength in magic is key to the highest rank of all.
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