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The Sky Phantom

Nancy attends Excello Flying School in the Midwest to take lessons while Bess and George perfect their horseback riding. As an amateur sleuth, Nancy becomes busy investigating a mystery involving a hijacked plane and a missing pilot as well as an elusive sky phantom and horse thief and clues involving a strange magnetic cloud. This book is the original text. A revised text does not exist.
Views: 164

The Sycamore Song

Victoria was supposed to be supervising her late father's excavations in Egypt. But nobody there would take a woman seriously, and the problems began to grow. The mysterious Tariq suggested a solution; but it seemed a rather drastic one.
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Death Beneath Jerusalem

Philip Garve, a journalist on secondment in Jerusalem for a British newspaper, is more than familiar with the perils of the ancient city and the skirmishes between its people, so when he discovers a secret weapons stash by a roadside he begins to sense that an Arab uprising may be imminent. Complicating matters further are the charming Esther Willoughby, daughter of a famous author residing in the city, who has captivated Garve with her charms, and the cool and collected Anthony Hayson, an archaeologist working in the city's underground tunnels, who also has his sights set on Esther. As his journalist's instinct to chase a good story becomes hopelessly entangled with more personal reasons for keeping himself - and Esther - out of danger, Garve finds his own safety compromised in the secret tunnels on more than one occasion. And, as tensions mount and the pieces of the political puzzle come together, Garve begins to realise that his enemies may be a lot closer to...
Views: 163

Hearing Secret Harmonies

A Dance to the Music of Time – his brilliant 12-novel sequence, which chronicles the lives of over three hundred characters, is a unique evocation of life in twentieth-century England. The novels follow Nicholas Jenkins, Kenneth Widmerpool and others, as they negotiate the intellectual, cultural and social hurdles that stand between them and the “Acceptance World.”
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Survival in Auschwitz

Durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, Primo Levi, vingt-quatre ans, juif, lutte auxcotes des maquisards antifascistes du Piemont. Capture en 1943, il se retrouvepeu apres a Auschwitz, ou il demeurera plus d'un an avant d'etre libere par l'armeerusse en janvier 1945.Au camp, il observe tout. Il se souviendra de tout, racontera tout: la promiscuitedes blocks-dortoirs, les camarades qu'on y decouvre a l'aube, morts de froid et defaim; les humiliations et le travail quotidiens, sous les coups de trique des kapos;les selections periodiques ou l'on separe les malades des bien-portants pourles envoyer a la mort; les pendaisons pour l'exemple; les trains, bourres de juifset de tziganes, qu'on dirige des leur arrivee vers les crematoires...Et pourtant, dans ce recit, la dignite la plus impressionnante; aucune haine, aucunexces, aucune exploitation des souffrances personnelles, mais une reflexionmorale sur la douleur, sublimee en une vision de la vie. Paru en 1946, Si c'est un homme est considere comme un des livres les plusimportants du XXe siecle. Parce qu'il est familier des grands textes philosophiques, Raphael Enthoven resout avec une talentueuse sobriete la difficile equation que pose le texte de Primo Levi: comment nommer l'innommable ? Remerciements a Benoit Peeters, ecrivain, pour sa lecture de l'interview de Primo Levi par Philippe Roth. Avec le soutien de la Fondation pour la Memoire de la Shoah
Views: 162

Wanted: Dead Men

A Milo March mystery**
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Endowed with rank, wealth and elegance, Sylvester, Duke of Salford, posts into Wiltshire to discover if the Honorable Phoebe Marlow will meet his exacting requirements for a bride. If he does not expect to meet a tongue-tied stripling wanting both manners and conduct, then he is intrigued indeed when his visit causes Phoebe to flee her home. They meet again on the road to London, where her carriage has come to grief in the snow. Yet Phoebe, already caught in one imbroglio, now knows she soon could be well deep in another... A typically wonderful historical novel, Sylvester shows once more why Georgette Heyer is the undisputed queen of the genre she created – the Regency romance.
Views: 161

The Friendly Young Ladies: A Novel

A wry romp through 1930s mores, social and sexual Progressive for its time as well as ours, The Friendly Young Ladies is a deftly witty comedy set in England between the wars. At eighteen, Elsie has had enough of life at her bickering parents’ Cornwall home. She decides to join up with her bohemian older sister, Leo, in the city. Leo’s life is full of surprises—not least her significant other, Helen, a beautiful nurse. As Elsie gets acquainted with Leo’s world, new characters—including a novelist and a doctor deluded enough to chase all three women at once—come into play. With acid humor and a supremely light touch, The Friendly Young Ladies colors in an unseen dimension of the 1930s.
Views: 161

A Masque of Reason

A Masque of Reason purports to be the chapter 43 of the book of Job, which only has 42 chapters. Thus, Frost has written a concluding chapter in the form of this piece. Robert Frost, like John Milton in Paradise Lost, wants to justify God's ways to man.
Views: 161

The Infernal Machine and Other Plays

Four full-length plays by one of the greatest dramatists Europe has produced.Among the great figures who pioneered the modern movement in world literature, none showed himself more versatile than France's Jean Cocteau. Poet, novelist, critic, artist, actor, film-maker, Cocteau was also one of the greatest dramatists Europe has produced, with over a dozen plays which are frequently revived, not only in France, but in translation in many other countries. For this collection, fine translations of four full-length plays, one short play, and the "Speaker's Text" for the Cocteau-Stravinsky opera Oedipus Rex have been selected. The longer plays (The Infernal Machine, Orpheus, Bacchus, Knights of the Round Table) are re-creations of classic myth and legend—poetic and highly original interpretations of certain timeless themes which have inspired great drama through the ages. The Eiffel Tower Wedding Party is, by contrast, merely a "curtain-raiser," but remarkable as un jeu...
Views: 161

Time No Longer

The Third Reich tightened its grip on the German people- and Karl Erlich watched with horror and disbelief as his beloved twin brother Kurt grasped Hitler's madness and made it his own. Time No Longer follows the strange fate of the Erlich brothers- their wives, their family, their country- in the nightmare days of the Nazi's rise to power.
Views: 161

So Bright The Vision

EPUB (reformatted cover and toc)A short story collectionContentsTHE GOLDEN BUGSLEG. FORST.SO BRIGHT THE VISIONGALACTIC CHEST
Views: 160