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The Professor's Heart (Her Perfect Man Contemporary Romance) Page 7
The Professor's Heart (Her Perfect Man Contemporary Romance) Read online
Page 7
“With Randy…?” I’m trying to place the name to a face, because she surely can’t mean… “Your boss Randy?”
She puts her hands over her face. “Uh-huh.”
I flinch as if I’ve been hit in the face with a bag of rocks. “But… what?”
Gina’s still covering her face, but now she’s shaking her head.
“Well, was there alcohol involved?” I ask.
“No…” she whimpers.
“Well then, what the hell was it?”
“I think it was stress.”
I sigh and reach across the table to take her hands off of her face, laughing. “It’s okay. It’s just sex—and at least he looks like Clark Kent. You’ll make the cutest little Supermans with him if it ever comes to that.”
She grunts. “Really? Screw you, Nom.”
We laugh.
“Anyway, enough about my crazy shit. Tell me about yours.”
I catch her up on the last couple of days that I spent with Derek.
“Oh… so you’re on a first-name basis with him now?” she says, cutesy-like, while tucking her chin against her shoulder.
I grin while nodding.
“And you’re telling me that Barbara Lipton knew his wife?”
“They were best friends!”
“Oh. My. God.” She shakes her head. “There’s something fishy going on in Denmark!”
I frown. “Denmark?”
“It’s just a saying.”
“I know that but—”
“Think about it. Out of all the chicks who are horny for Valentine, she’s the worst. I’ve even seen her rub her tits up against his back—more than once!”
I snort cynically. “No way! When?”
Gina sits up in her seat like she’s going to erupt. “Okay… like, one class, she walked behind him and pretended like she didn’t have enough space to pass between Valentine and the chalkboard and bam!”—she throws her hands up—“tits on his back.”
She’s so animated that I laugh my head off.
Gina holds up two fingers. “The second time…”
I wave. “Forget it. Once is enough, but you’re right—she’s pretty fishy.”
“Damn right it is, but enough about her. What about you? Have you and the sexy professor fucked yet?”
I look around, hoping no one heard her. I lean across the table. “No,” I say, keeping my voice down.
She shakes her finger at me. “Uh-oh. You’re not opposed to it, are you?”
“Yes,” I say way too fast to sound honest.
Gina laughs. “Hot damn, Nom, you’re about to land the most eligible bachelor in the state of Minnesota.”
I frown. A number of thoughts and feelings surge through me, but the biggest one is hope. Because I hope she’s right.
When I get home, I strip out of my clothes, lie on my bed, and stare at the ceiling. My phone buzzes. It must be Gina, checking to see that I got home safely. I grab my phone off the nightstand. The message is from Derek. I sit up against the headboard.
“Call you soon to schedule your first day of work. Hope you had a nice day.”
I read the message again and again and again, smiling the entire time.
Finally, I tap: “Looking forward to it. I had a nice day. Good night.”
I hold the phone and count the seconds. It takes twenty-seven of them before he replies with: “Glad to hear it. Good night.”
“Oh my God!” I sing as I kick my legs against the mattress.
I’m actually texting with Derek Valentine. What sort of turn has my life taken? If Elena were here, she would be ecstatic. But if she were here, then this probably would’ve never happened. My smile fades. Could I be capitalizing off one of the worst things that has ever happened to me—her death?
I turn out the light. I take a couple of deep breaths and try to push the thoughts out of my mind. I stare into the dark until my eyelids become heavy. Before long, I fall asleep.
The next day, Thursday, I have two classes and a paper to finish and turn in to Dr. Cannon’s office by six o’clock. I make it to the drop box outside her office ten minutes before deadline, then I drive home to study some more.
I get to my computer, and there’s an instant message on my screen—from Elena.
My heart swells. I know exactly what it is. At the start of each semester, she and I went through each other’s syllabuses and set up reminders on the other’s calendar so we wouldn’t miss the deadlines on important assignments. I’m reluctant to open the message. I’ve been so wrapped up in being tutored by Derek that I forgot how much I miss Elena. Suddenly, I feel bad about not feeling the same sadness that I felt before I started spending time with my sexy tutor.
The paper is already turned in, so I don’t need her reminder. I delete the message, sigh gravely, and open my book to study.
The next morning is brisk, so I throw on my jacket and zip off to class. First off is Valentine’s class, then I have a meeting with a group for a project.
One thing’s for sure—I’m looking forward to seeing Derek. I don’t want to be too eager, or at least, I don’t want to appear that way. I remind myself of the same thing that I’ve said all along—he was just being nice when he offered to tutor me. However, I can’t help but feel that we have the potential for something more.
Everyone is already seated when Derek comes through the door. He catches my eye while taking some material out of his briefcase. I can’t stop myself from looking away, embarrassed. Coincidentally, I see Barbara paying an unusual amount of attention to my behavior. The safe thing to do is to not look at anyone, only at the blank screen of my laptop.
Soon the lecture starts. I follow it as easily as I followed the last one. Every now and then, I meet Derek’s gaze, but I instantly look back at my computer screen. It’s so hard to figure out what’s going on between us. It’s like we’re stuck in limbo.
When class is over, I get up and make my way out with the rest of the students. Amongst the chatter, I listen to Derek’s voice. I shuffle along, prepared to cut out of the small herd of students at a moment’s notice and rush up to the front to talk to him if he calls me. But today, too many people are gathered around him, asking him about the assignment he gave us. He doesn’t even look my way, and for a moment, my heart drops because of it.
But I can’t dwell on it. My project group meeting starts in fifteen minutes, and I have to rush to the fifth floor of the law library. I hate being late for anything.
Five whopping hours later, I’m in my room, putting on my black midi-dress with the Peter Pan collar. There were two words that dad used which inform the way I choose to dress tonight—announcement and guests. I think he’s having a few business colleagues over for dinner, and he wants me to be the daughter that complements a man of his stature.
Dinner usually starts at six thirty; however, group ran two hours late. I’m trying not to speed but still make it by at least seven. After taking a series of familiar twists and turns, I finally make it to my dad’s house. I park in the driveway as usual, grab my purse, and run to the door. It’s a little nippier here than in town because my dad lives near the lake.
I ring the doorbell three times to signal that it’s me and use my key to unlock the door. I look at the floor. Nope, I wasn’t dreaming the last time I was here. My dad actually got rid of his precious Carrara marble tile.
The sound of voices mingling carries from the dining room down the hallway to meet my ears. I identify one voice besides Dick’s and Alice’s. They all seem to be in good spirits.
I brace myself as I walk down the hallway. My father always has a way of scolding me when I’m late. He’ll probably apologize for my tardiness and assure his colleagues that I’m much more responsible and courteous than this. Well tonight, if he does that, which I’m positive he will, I’ll turn around and leave.
I’m almost at the end of the corridor when I finally notice the mirrors tacked to the walls on each side of me. They extend from one side of the hallway to the other, a
nd they’re new. I’m confused about how to react to them when I walk into the dining room.
“There she is!” my father says. He seems genuinely happy to see me.
“Whoa,” I say as I pull back. The dining room set is new. The table is made of thick glass, and the chairs are white leather with high backs.
Alice pops up out of her seat. “Well, hello, Naomi.”
I study her. She’s wearing red satin pants and a black turtleneck sweater. She gives me a kiss on the cheek, and I reciprocate, surprised. That’s the first time she’s ever done that.
“Hi, Alice.” I walk over and give Dick a kiss on the forehead. “Hi, Dad.”
My dad pats me on the back then wraps his arm around my waist. “Jerry, this is my daughter, Naomi. Naomi, Jerry.”
I raise a hand awkwardly. “Hi, Jerry.”
He’s an odd-looking dinner guest as far as my father’s tastes are concerned. With white hair and a sparkling aqua dinner jacket, Jerry looks like a stripped-down version of Liberace.
“He’s Alice’s business partner.”
“Oh,” I say.
“But, Dick, Alice said your daughter was beautiful, but I didn’t know she was this gorgeous,” Jerry says lavishly.
My dad and I smile awkwardly.
“Sit right over there, darling, next to your father,” Alice says, pointing at an empty seat in front of a place setting.
My father is seated at the head of the table. I take the seat to his left, next to Jerry, who’s still smiling at me from ear to ear.
He leans toward me. “Lovely dress.”
“Thanks,” I say with a genuine smile.
I’m actually happy that Jerry’s our dinner guest, rather than some stuffy lawyer from New York who’s trying to impress my dad and gawk at me when he knows my dad isn’t paying attention. But there’s another place setting next to Alice.
“Is someone else joining us?” I ask, kind of relieved that someone is going to be showing up later than me.
“My brother is also joining us. He stepped out to take a call,” Alice says.
“I’m back.”
That voice makes my heart jump. The tone is familiar. I quickly turn my head to catch sight of the man as he passes.
My eyes expand as I breathe in sharply. “Derek?”
“Good evening, Naomi,” he says.
Oh my gosh, my eyes are not deceiving me. I’m actually looking at Derek Valentine at my dad’s Friday night dinner. What are the odds?
First of all, I’m confused about what to do next. The fact that he’s my professor and he’s been tutoring me and we’ve been getting closer makes seeing him here feel like we’re sharing some sort of salacious secret.
Derek calmly takes his seat beside Alice. “Naomi, nice to see you.”
I study him for a moment. I can’t see it on his face, but I’m positive he’s freaking out on the inside like I am.
“Hi, Professor Valentine,” I say, pretty proud of the pleasant smile I conjure.
“I figured you might know each other from the college,” Alice says.
My dad’s watching us with his famous scowl. “So you’re Derek’s student?” he says.
I take a quick breath and look at him confidently. “Yes.”
The food is set up family style. To avoid my dad’s probing glare, I use the tongs to serve myself spinach salad since it’s the closest to me.
“Here you go, darling,” Jerry says, handing me the platter of steaks.
I take it. “Thanks.”
Derek clears his throat. “Yeah, she’s actually going to work for me starting next week.”
“Work? I thought your course load was too heavy to concentrate on anything but school this semester. At least that’s what you told me,” Dick says.
I look at him as if I’m standing in the middle of the road, watching an out-of-control Mack truck barreling toward me. Alice touches his arm, and remarkably, that one act makes my dad sit back and take a breath.
“Since the gang’s all here, I think it’s time for our announcement,” she says.
I sigh with relief, thankful for the deliberate change in topic. My job with my dad’s girlfriend’s brother is no longer on the table. For sure I’ll have to talk to my father about it sometime, but now isn’t it.
Derek and I look at each other for a second, but it’s as if he can’t look me in the face. His arms are crossed, and he’s sitting back in his seat, frowning.
“Come on, Dick, stand,” Alice says as she pats my dad’s shoulder.
My dad stands.
I blink in disbelief. I’ve never seen him take direction like that from anyone, not even my mother.
Alice links arms with my dad. “We just wanted to invite you all here tonight, being that you are the ones nearest and dearest to our hearts. My brother…” She smiles at Derek, but he’s maintaining that miserable look on his face.
I think he’s already guessed what the announcement is all about. I’ve gone down that route myself, only I can’t picture my dad ever asking another woman to marry him. Once, my uncle Dale, his younger brother, came to him for legal advice on marrying Cecily, a woman Dale had been dating for six years. Well, my dad told him to keep her as a girlfriend but not marry her if he wanted to protect his assets. He said that even a satisfactory lawyer could tear a pre-nuptial agreement to shreds. Then Dad went on about how marriage is a legal way to tie two people together for the sake of taxes and assets. So I never saw my dad as the marrying kind. But of course he had his lawyer hat on when he was giving that advice.
Alice looks at Jerry. “My business partner”—she looks at me—“and last but not least, Richard’s beautiful daughter, who happens to be the sort of independent woman I admire and who I can’t wait to get to know better.”
My smile is timid as I shift in my seat. This can’t be going where I think it’s going.
“We are family, and Dick and I are going to make it official. Tell them, honey,” Alice says, while gently nudging my dad’s shoulder. She smiles at him with stars in her eyes.
I, on the other hand, am having an out-of-body experience. My dad has abandoned the scowl that hit him when he heard I was going to work for Derek. Now he’s grinning from ear to ear.
Dick looks me in the eyes as if he’s preparing me for what he’s going to say next. “Yes, we’re getting married.”
Jerry claps. “Well, congratulations!”
My jaw drops, but I picture what I must look like, so I close my mouth. Derek is staring at my dad and Alice as if he’s caught in a state of confusion and disappointment. The happiness in the room is so sparse that I decide to join Jerry by clapping.
At least fifteen minutes have passed since the announcement, and we’re halfway through dinner. Alice has been chatting about how they plan to have the wedding in Aspen in only two months. It’s kind of quick, but Dick Sutters doesn’t mess around after he makes a decision, so I guess I’m not surprised. I’ve hardly looked at Derek, but I can tell he’s still rattled by the news. I wonder why. Alice seems like a sweet lady, and my dad really seems to make her happy.
“I’m sorry, but how did you meet again?” Derek asks abruptly as his index finger shifts from Alice to Dick.
Alice massages my dad’s shoulder as she leans in my direction. Her eyes are wide with delight. “Well, Dick was doing depositions in Seattle, and I was one of the deposed. I guess there was something about me that he found irresistible.”
My dad’s smile confirms her claim.
“So...” She throws her hands up as if she’s about to tell the story of the century. “We get into the deposition. Dick starts in with the questions, going at me as if I was wanted for murder in at least fifteen states or something.”
Jerry and I snicker. I glance at my dad. He’s looking down while nodding, and surprisingly, he’s smiling too.
“Well anyway, I told him, ‘If you keep treating me like I’m a murderer, then I’m walking out of here right now,’” Ali
ce says, gesturing for impact. “I wasn’t there because I had been subpoenaed. I was there to help others.”
“Really?” I ask. “So what did you have to lend to Dad’s case?” I must admit that I’m on the edge of my seat. Alice does an excellent job at telling a story.
She leans toward me as if she has the juiciest gossip to tell. “I overheard—”
My dad puts his hand on her shoulder. “Honey,” he says in a warning tone, while shaking his head.
She shrugs. “Sorry, darling, I can’t say.”
My dad nods. “But you didn’t say you were there to help others. You said you were there out of ‘the kindness of your heart’—those were your exact words.”
“Thank you, sweetie.” Alice leans toward my dad, and they kiss.
I feel my eyes expand. I can hardly believe what I’m seeing. The hard lines on Dick’s face have softened, and my heart warms from seeing him this happy. It’s been a long time.
Then something changes. My dad’s eyebrows ruffle, and he glares at me. “So let’s get back to you working at Derek’s firm?” He frowns at Derek. “I assume it’s new because I’ve never heard of it.”
Derek nods calmly. “Yes, it’s new.”
My dad grunts and waits for my response.
“Um, I… um…” I take a deep breath. Damn, what am I supposed to say? I look to Derek for help.
His mouth opens, but he too appears lost for words.
“Naomi, sweetheart?”
It’s like the voice of a rescuing angel. I turn toward Alice. “Yes.”
She’s rubbing my dad’s arm. “There’s champagne chilling in the refrigerator. Why don’t you go get it for us?”
I nearly jump out of my seat at the chance to escape. “Sure. Right. Yes. I’d love to.”
I hold my breath as I walk to the kitchen, hoping to make a clean getaway. Once I’m there, I lean against the island and let myself breathe again.
What am I so afraid of? That’s exactly what Elena used to ask me. She would say, “Tell your father that it’s your life. Dick is reasonable. He’ll understand.”
Her advice sounded so easy, but it was so hard to achieve. However, the time has come for him and me to talk about my future. Tonight isn’t the night though.